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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20442775 No.20442775 [Reply] [Original]

How much chainlink do you own and what price did you buy at?

>> No.20442795

20k avg buy of 70cents. Started buying at 40cents

>> No.20442819

3k, average buy at around 2.50$

>> No.20442856
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Bought at 8.5$

>> No.20442860

11K at average $3.90.

>> No.20442869

30k. Dont know the average but its close to 50c. Cheapest i bought was under 20c

>> No.20442903
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In at 25cent

>> No.20442904

i unironically bought chainlink around 11 cents but only hold 1,200

>> No.20442907

I have 6 suicide stacks bought under $1.80

>> No.20442921

youre all a bunch of newfags, why dont you also post your adress, name and age?

>> No.20442937

1k bought around $5.25

>> No.20443042

I bought 3.5k at $0.27. I was also buying VET at the time and got fucking burned by it and got scared off from buying crypto for awhile. Ended up buying more LINK at $1.50 and $3 but my biggest regret is not getting to at least 10k.

>> No.20443126

Hello retard.

>> No.20443172


>> No.20443174

I bought 80k at 7.97

>> No.20443233
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Thank you very much, Frank with 3k links.

>> No.20443349

I posted my penis on /b/ and /soc/ before, why would I give a shit if anons know that my link stack is even bigger

>> No.20443719

When's the next dip so I can become a linkchad?

>> No.20444474

403 haha

>> No.20444488


>> No.20444648

My massive stack of 300 link was bought at $3.50. fuck with me

>> No.20444683

Only 35 for 3$, but I live in East Europe so it's almost like month's payment for me now. Will I make it if I'm holding on for years?

>> No.20445591
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93k link in the bag at 75¢ avg buy, started at 39¢ in 2018 after the crash. It's been a long +2yrs but it is paying off big time. When we hit $13 I'll have made my first $1M at which point I'll likley pull out 10% to cover initial investment, pay off all debt, and buy some property. Thinking about what I'm going to do with the rest has surprisingly been challenging... First world NEET problems I guess. Big wealth is a new world that I'll have to navigate with time.

>> No.20445666
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>poorfag linklet here
bought 21 linkies at 4 dollars a few months ago. feels good anons

>> No.20445722

Average buy in $0.22
Wonder if I'm the only one who bought so early and so little

>> No.20446048
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>those digits
>that gif

>> No.20446075

bought a 10K stack at $1 but turned it into a 6K stack by swinging and NEETing

>> No.20446085

30k avg buy $1.05

>> No.20446255

1k LINK at 8 bucks, have I really fucked up anons?

>> No.20446292

I'm about to do 1.7k couple of weeks from now when I get paid. Thankfully I don't have the money right now because either if it plummets or shoots up I didn't have the option to buy at this moment

>> No.20446352

4K $1.88 avg

>> No.20446428

bought at all prices between 15c and $6. Average is 60c.

At one point in early 2018 I had 200k LINK. Held it for about a month. Then I got itchy watching ICX, VEN, ZRX go on their megamoons and started chasing shitcoins over spring and summer 2018. I wrote a bot to try to get in early on Teeka's monthly picks but I fucked it up and it bought the top of the pump and I lost 30% of my net worth in 5 minutes.

Now I only have 50k LINK. Got smart and went all in after the chain.link debut in summer 2018 and actually held this time. t's really a testament to some sort of cosmic benevolence that I could fuck up so hard but still end up making it in the end by just wising up and buying and holding LINK for the long term. It really is like Jesus in that sense. No matter how low you've fallen, all you have to do is believe and you'll be saved.

>> No.20447321

How much do you own fag

>> No.20447596

I bough 10,000 chainlink at $3 and sold it at $2....can someone pray for me?

>> No.20447629

San Bernardino

>> No.20447657

>dude you know you can do it too
nooooom i donated all that to blm and barnie!!!!!
also muh communism!

>> No.20447659

Bought 100 @ 2.90
Another 1000 @ 5.39

>> No.20447682

oops didnt mean to reply to the post

>> No.20447707


>> No.20447791
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875 average buy 350

feels so bad because i used to have a bunch in 18, and sold it for RLC. RIP.

>> No.20448080

Eh, you were never going to make it anyways. If you didn’t sell at $2.00 you would of sold at $4 or $5. Weak hands. Let this be a lesson.

>> No.20448674
File: 24 KB, 432x316, 56418081-8958-477A-9C18-110E4FEC7CE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought at about 10k @ 17c
Had nervous breakdown, half my family died, and my relationship was ruined from shilling link here so sold it all because I associated it with her and bad times.
At least I helped others get rich even if it cost me my sanity and relationships :)
Semi proof, had I think 5k in here https://etherscan.io/address/0x59A492D5Af6C992229647b55d024e3b1D93dFeab
Also, pic related (and fitting because he would have sold too).
Shit happens! Genuinely happy I came back and saw you all rich (inb4 meme crying under mask, nah, genuinely happy and I’m already a neet... I just wish I had a nice truck and didn’t have to rent).

>> No.20448727
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10k average buy .17 Nov 2017

>> No.20448983

Average buy was 1.20 and I bought 100. I just bought it for the memes. I will hold this till zero or 1000 and stake for more because $120 is nothing to me.

>> No.20449176
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no, Mina, 27

>> No.20449575

20k @ .44

>> No.20449587

60k 50 cent

>> No.20449614

10k half at 16cents half at 21cents

>> No.20449972
File: 2.67 MB, 5185x5004, 1581749236447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

29k @ 1.27 dca

I swung my stack only once, and even though I came out on top it was the most terrifying experience of my life.
I will hold from now own.

>> No.20450012

10k, 15-20 cents

>> No.20450043

1k official Suicide Stack™ at a mere 41 cents

>> No.20450060

650. I bought about half of it at $2.60. The rest at $4, $6 and $7.

>> No.20450070

By posting that you are telling the hackers that you have a large stack, so big you're not willing to say how big it is, which means hackers AS WE SPEAK are l33t hacking into your PC RIGHT NOW, and all your linkies will be gone forever.
rip in pieces anon.

>> No.20450095

brother, we're almost there.