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File: 133 KB, 1212x1546, 523A87FD-206E-4739-ADBC-77A7852102AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20440733 No.20440733 [Reply] [Original]

I know 5% of the oldfags who are still around actually take the time to do some research and then understand the real value proposition here. Newfags who spout scam are just braindead reddlt transplants who literally know nothing about crypto. They hold dag/one and feel threatened. In the end their opinions are irrelevant. Anyone with some market experience sees that Fantom is massively undervalued and just needs a bit of time to play itself out. Zoomers are pathetic coomer brains with 0 patience. Imagine not doing your own research. Ngmi

>> No.20441206

this is going to be a big one fantom bros

>> No.20441741

idk i think fantom already had its max ATH

>> No.20441941
File: 46 KB, 744x251, Annotation 2020-02-24 202759 FN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Newfags who spout scam are just braindead reddlt transplants
I don't know any oldfag touching this obvious peace of shit. Back to plebbit boomer, pic related.

>> No.20442039

there's plenty of us staking fantom
comfiest hold after link

>> No.20442080

Take your meds schizo

>> No.20442213

Stumbling into crypto summer 2017 does not make you an oldfag.

>> No.20442233

2004 you?

>> No.20442276

You, idiots, are calling anyone "schizo", rarely do you hit the mark, so the true schizos are you fantom scammers.

>> No.20442314

Obvious fucking pakistani schizo I could recognize your ESL writing anywhere. Fuck off and die.

>> No.20442346

You have been here since 2004? And you invest in this obvious scam and bitcoin? Don't make me laugh. Besides, there was no biz in 2004.

>> No.20442381
File: 21 KB, 250x226, D6B4C7DE-CBC8-4E8F-ADDD-4A5B8F8CC1EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20442398

If American is your native language, then you write and talk like a 12-year-old retard.

>> No.20442455

I didn't
Just research fantom and draw your own conclusions

>> No.20442494
File: 41 KB, 667x487, 1560146030161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual oldfag here
noone gives shit about ftm,one and dag you all are like pajeets figtning over bag of rupies

>> No.20442564

/b/ in 2004
/g/ 2005-09
/biz/ 2011-2020
Was here for btc, eth, bitbean, antshares, raiblocks. Literally KYS you don’t know shit about crypto. Fantom is exactly like one of those projects. Its a moonshot L1.

So now for you. You’re a fucking telegram pajeet faggot newfag dag shill who is still completely obsessed with fantom for whatever reason. I could buy your whole family and rape them in front of you faggot. Kill yourself, get a remote job or something. You’re fucking pathetic. FAG

>> No.20442672

Tell me how biz reacted when ETH was introduced to the board.