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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2042911 No.2042911 [Reply] [Original]

Within the next few years my boyfriend and I are planning to make big moves.

I'm in my mid 20s working a full time job with benefits, making in the lower $20k's. He's in his early 30s, working part time and freelancing in his field, making about the same. I have a bachelors, he has an associates. We currently live apart with our own parents. He's thinking of joining the National Guard within a year to help pay off his college debts and further his training and education. Plus he has to join soon because the age cut off is 35. I like my job and benefits, but it pays low, although I have my student loans and car paid off with a $15k nest egg (down payment?) given to me when my grandpa passed.

We're thinking of getting married in early 2018 or early 2019 so we can adjust our taxes right at the beginning of the year to make sure we're claiming enough jointly. Does it make a big difference if you're married before one joins the military? Is getting married after okay? I know nothing about marriage and military service.

Lastly, a house. We want a small starter house with a few acres of land. I've been studying the market around here and a house like that runs anywhere from $40-$100k. It's not a buyer's market, as houses go pretty quickly. Realistically we can afford the lower end, and we both know a bit of carpentry, so a little fixer upper in not off the table. I have great credit with $15k for a down payment. He has crappy credit with nothing set aside, but potentially can apply for a VA Loan. If we were to get a house, and considering the huge gap in credit scores between us, which would be more beneficial? Should I have the house in my name only, and add him to the mortgage later? Should we get married before or after trying to buy a house? If we get married, does his bad credit score count against us even though mine is good? Should we stay single because of our credit scores and have me buy a house first, then get married after? ANY HELP IS APPRECIATED!

>> No.2042921

how did this loser get a gf but i have 2000 btc and virgino

>> No.2042925

>getting married
>not buying ripples

stay poor

>> No.2042939

Who /poor/ here

>> No.2042973

Buy cryptocurrencies

>> No.2042979

>implying OP isn't a faggot

>> No.2043003
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>$50k combined salary
How do you eat? Food stamps? Do you think you'll ever be able to retire?

It seriously boggles my mind when I see people that make less than what I put away towards retirement every year.

Honestly, thanks, I suddenly feel a lot better about my financial worries.

>> No.2043024
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In joint ventures the rule is equal partnership- that is everyone invests the same amount of capital, for the same amount of ownership.

In real life though in a relationship one has a greater talent/capital than the other. In which case that would be you. In a JP, this would mean a proportional stake. So if you are providing 90% of the capital, you should control 90% ofthe asset, 90% of the decision making, etc.

If you can, just argue to take the decision out of his hands, since you are the one with the capital. It really works out better this way. For example, I have the same situation as you except less defined, I guess. I have money. She has ideas on how the money should be spent, so I discount her ideas by 90%

Shes reasonable though, and willing to acknowlede that like all things people bring differential strengths to a relationship. The wrong thing would be to give economic decision making to the less-able half of the equation thinking some BS about fairness or equanimity.

>> No.2043034

>le starter house

nice meme.

>> No.2043055

Get the fuck outta here normie. I bet you voted Clinton huh? Globalist fucktard. You have degrees and yet you're still too retarded to make it. If you have a Facebook while making theses post, kys.

>> No.2043065

That's the average American income you frappucino drinking consumerist cuck.

>> No.2043085

>that's the average American income
Then the average American is fucked

>> No.2043090

OP posting from a different computer.

How do we eat? Just fine. We love to garden and for most of the year we grow most of what we eat, minus meat and dairy. Sustainability is key.

Thanks for posting. Yeah he knows I have a bit more money and leverage and doesn't care if I were to get a mortgage in my name. We don't play by PC 'equality' rules. To each their own. I'm guessing marriage would fuck up my credit score, so it's best for me to buy the house single, yeah?

>> No.2043091

I'm raging typing this having to deal while still having to deal with soul-sucking people called family & friends who bitch about the same shit you go through and still waste money on Netflix like a cum guzzling faggot. KILL YOURSELF ALL THE WAY. PLEASE.

>> No.2043092

Ugh...Yeah like totally, I like, literally spend more that that a year on lattes and shoes.

How can anyone live on less than $200k a year, I mean like, seriously? Eww.

>> No.2043167

>not being poverty-tier means wasting all your money on frivolous shit
I mean, shit, maybe I do. I make $85k (pre-tax) and only live on $30k (post-tax). I don't live on much more than OP, but I'm not including the money I save for retirement. If OP can save a reasonable amount towards retirement at that income level, more power to them. But I just don't see how that's possible.

>> No.2043212


I really don't know much about buying a house. In my area, prices are a total bubble in my opinion and I'd like to stay liquid in anticipation of a crash. So far though that doesn't look like its on the horizon.

But I think a relationship works best if people acknowledge strengths and delegate to those strengths. Sounds like you have a good one.

>> No.2043247

I'm in the midwest so prices and earnings are lower than the natl average. Housing prices are beginning to rise in most areas, and nicer homes don't last all that long on the market. Its why I'd like to get a foot in sooner than later.

>> No.2043307
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>marry him
>divorce him
>easy money
>marry another guy
>divorce him
>more easy money
>repeat until 30s
>get rich

Being a woman is easy

>> No.2043348
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>Being a woman is easy

More men are making the switch every day anon, y not u?

>> No.2043355

>Housing prices are beginning to rise in most areas,

I see no reason not to go for it. Good plan just don't get a lemon. Crawl underneath with a flashlight, and look for bedbugs!!!

>> No.2043373
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Remember a house is technically considered an investment. This means it is really no different from bonds or mutual funds. Historically housing has been fairly stable however, the past does not dictate the future. Realistically this means that you should diversify the risk and a house should not exceed 10% of your net worth. Since this unrealistic for most Americans a more realistic number is 25%.

>> No.2043378

shoo /r9k/ shoo

>> No.2043416
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Oh forgot to mention that property in most of the US is overvalued (astronomically overvalued in Canada). I would suggest being patient and picking up a deal when housing inevitably corrects. I also suggest buying wholesale property instead of retail(ie off the courthouse steps)

>> No.2043425

lol, btc dont happiness i see. it feels great getting my dick sucked by a girl that loves me. feels good being a poorfag

>> No.2043435


> be me
> be in mid 20s
> not using my vagina

What am I doing wrong /biz/?

Come on, feminisim has allowed you to use your vagina for financial gain - well use it.

You're all whores at this point anyways.

>> No.2043442

Buy Bitcoin

>> No.2043462
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>Does it make a big difference if you're married before one joins the military? Is getting married after okay?
No. You can always be added to benefits as a spouse later. Life insurance can be assigned to anyone. The only benefit to being married afterward is logistics in case he has to do any kind of traing.

>Should I have the house in my name only, and add him to the mortgage later?
Sorry, but your income is too low alone. Even if he has crappy credit, he still has additional income for the bank to consider in paying off loan. You need to compare the rate and costs for the VA loan to the bank loan when you get to that point.

>Should we get married before or after trying to buy a house?
If the marriage doesn't happen for whatever reason then you have some major problems with joint equity. You don't have to be married to buy a house together, but there are joint equity laws that may prevent you from selling if the other person is not on board. Divorice courts have a system in place to divide equity.

>If we get married, does his bad credit score count against us even though mine is good?
It's the income that matters more. If you lose your job for whatever reason, those mortgage payments don't stop.

>Should we stay single because of our credit scores and have me buy a house first, then get married after?
In my opinion, the only 2 reasons people should get married are:
1. Really religious. (not just hitting the holidays)
2. You plan to own joint property.
I will answer number 2. You two don't seem to have an emergency fund set up yet. It should be around 10k. You are also going to need 20 percent down. So even on the cheapest house that is going to be another 8k which does not even include all the fees, closing cost, and stuff you are going to need for the house.

tldr: You don't have enough money.

>> No.2043485

>Does it make a big difference if you're married before one joins the military? Is getting married after okay?

Oh OP is def working that vag.

"Ye, go into the military so I can get that MAXIMUM ALIMONY"

>> No.2043796

This is a crypto board, not a, "I married a faggot loser who doesn't even make 50k a year and I want to blog about my entire life."

Nobody cares about your situation, it's not unique and I don't you're even that hot.

>> No.2043826

thanks for filling the thread with your "low-key" bragging but no one cares
fuck off

>> No.2043838

home equity makes up the majority of the net worth for most Americans with a positive net worth

>> No.2043847

fuck off faggot not everyone is rich

>> No.2043961


Was all this text necessary?

>> No.2044084

>Oh, we're just going to be poor together!
>Go join the military! At least it's a steady paycheck!
>Oh no, I'm totally not whoring it up while you're off in some sandpit!
>Let's get a divorce, I just can't handle your job; it's too stressful for me

>> No.2044133

You came to biz telling everyone about your relationship......you're an idiot. You didn't need to tell us half of what you did. Gtfo.

>> No.2044139

>ional Guard within a year to help pay off his college debts and further his training and education. Plus he has to join soon because the age cut off is 35. I like my job and benefits, but it pays low, although I have my student loans and car paid off with a $15k nest egg (down payment?) given to me when my grandpa passed.
i would go to reddit for these type of things

>> No.2044148
File: 51 KB, 628x600, 1479445857969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how you know OP is truly female.

>> No.2044607
