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File: 2 KB, 225x225, pamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20428553 No.20428553 [Reply] [Original]

Binance recognized top 5 crypto influencer Moonwalker will be doing an AMA next Tuesday with Pamp Network in Moonwalker's telegram group.

New top 100 exchange listing early next week for Pamp Network and Chainlink integration next month.

450k mcap and tiny supply.
PAMP is designed to punish sellers and reward buyers and sellers based on their staking/reward Mechanism. This will truly go Parabolic.

PAMP is the worlds first price- reactive cryptocurrency on Ethereum, designed to encourage buyers and reward holders while penalizing sellers.

When the token price appreciates, token holders receive staking rewards based on several factors including the percentage price increase, how long they have been holding for and how many tokens they hold. Rewards are distributed on a daily basis.

Holders are strongly incentized to buy tokens and HODL for as long as possible, and are penalized for not doing so.

Additionally, being semi-deflationary, the Pamp Network embodies a similar value structure to Bitcoin and Ethereum 2.0 – the system has incentive structures built in that promote holding the token, thereby acting as a proper hedge against inflationary fiat currency.
Token Utility:
It's a price-reactive token, so token holders receive rewards when the price increases. When the price decreases, no tokens are rewarded. When you sell on Uniswap or transfer you pay an 8% fee that is burned (no fee on buys). We also have a liquidity staking program like AMPL where you receive PAMP tokens for staking Uniswap liquidity.


>> No.20428580
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>> No.20428651

Don't sleep on PAMP easy 5X from here look at the team and market cap. This baby is gonna moon

>> No.20428677

Moonwalker ama moons these small caps like crazy.

>> No.20428761
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>> No.20428777

53.7 k followers!!!!!

>> No.20428827

Bought some more today, these fucking rewards are crazy, good to see more people waking up

>> No.20428864

Smart people are staking and accumulating like crazy.

>> No.20428928

19 days staked now

When we hit 60 days pamp could be 2-3 dollars

And I’ll be claiming 500-1000 in rewards every day we go up

>> No.20428972

Yeah man, I've gotten like 40% of my initial investment amount more from staking, and the rewards just keep pouring in

>> No.20429007

Pamp and a Moonwalker ama Wow this baby is gonna explode 5X easy

>> No.20429140

Volume should start going through the roof in a few hours.

>> No.20429411

Moving nicely now. Wait until Moonwalker tweets his official announcement.

>> No.20429676

PAMP just keeps delivering!

>> No.20429903

Anons will only buy when this hits 1-5 million mcap (which will happen in one or two weeks max). They underestimate the forces driving this project.

>> No.20430618

FYI, moonwalker(53k twitter followers and top 5 binance shiller will announce PAMP Network ama), he already made meridian network do 80% today. Marketcap on Pamp Network is $400,000 and circulating supply 1.5 million. Total supply 2.7 million. Once he announces it tomorrow, officially, moon time guaranteed

>> No.20430620

I'm hard as a rock.

>> No.20431043
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>> No.20431413

Told you plebs this would moon hard.

>> No.20431433

Fucking get in before $1

>> No.20431452

Nice.. I've been staking for 5 days now. Why aren't people excited about this, it's literally free money every day kek

>> No.20431465

Now is the time to buy PAMP $1.00 tomorrow. Big news incoming also Moonwalker AMA

>> No.20431495

New staking dashboard/website
New exchange next week
Whitepaper tomorrow
Mobile app coming out in the next week or two
Chainlink integration in the future


>> No.20431501

Let's PAMP it... Bros

>> No.20431537

Once all the people staking HEX realize the rewards a far much greater with PAMP this is going through the roof I'm calling it now.

>> No.20431539


$2 by Ama. I'm calling it now.

>> No.20431575

Upcomming NEWS soon..!!
1. New Staking Dashboard
2. New Website
3. Chainlink Oracle Integration next month
4. Mobile/Staking Wallet in next 2 weeks
5. New exchange listing in next couple of days/week...!!

>> No.20431606

The fucking pump tho

>> No.20431629

Chainlink integration within a month bizlets. This is like Meridian on steroids.

>> No.20431700

2$ EAZY !

>> No.20431770

Checked & confirmed

>> No.20431772

Cool project. Interesting tokenomics. Could be the next parabolic because the way it's designed.

>> No.20431945


>> No.20432102



>> No.20432121

27MM Marketcap yeah we can triple that before the end of the year.

>> No.20432149

goddamn! it really is pamping!

>> No.20432215



>> No.20432291

Looks like it pamped today, nice. $1 soon sirs

>> No.20432339

This Gem is one of my top holds, this is simply beautiful!
All the haters gonna be mad they passed on Pamp for sure! Im loading up more before we go straight parabolic even more

>> No.20432381

Pamp is legit do not miss out on this Gem! It´s one of my top hodls and for good reason.
!0x from here is happening!

>> No.20432409

Moonwalker is a gayfag

>> No.20432443


A gay fag who pumps the shit out of lowcaps with his amas. Did you see Meridian?

>> No.20432474
File: 30 KB, 724x244, 1_q-SGzJzaNmEG4Lgyjj5QSg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a shit ton on BUIDL and sold off some for a nice profit. Looking for the next 100x shitcoin.

Just bought a shit ton of pamp too

Shill me on your next x100 uniswap gem biz

>> No.20432519

If it goes to $10 I'm 200k richer

>> No.20432680


Very easily achievable.

>> No.20432723

it's happening anon, strap in

>> No.20432730

I just realized that neither reddit nor twitter know about the moonwalker ama, was this leaked?

>> No.20432756
File: 125 KB, 895x856, 81AA212C-81B8-474B-9E88-E98BF81EC14E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one, he’ll be doing one with MRDN on the 22nd. Was just published last night. I hold both btw

>> No.20432813

Fucking scam from the people that run RAPIDS and denny the scammer

>> No.20432825

We should have a PAMP x MRDN partnership

>> No.20433005

How much of that will get burned. 10k? Ouch

>> No.20433024

Nice stack. Currently have 7k PAMP am I going to make it?

>> No.20433124

I think $5 is achievable, that's less than $10m cap. So it's not a make it stack but still definitely a nice stack of cash to spend on booze and strippers when corona is over

>> No.20433208

Pajeet here mad he didn't listen when we shilled PAMP to biz at 5 cents

>> No.20433420

i have managed to almost double my stack in a month and this is all thanks to the pajeets who sold snd burned 8%. Damn

>> No.20433436

Sold at 10 cents did ya ?

>> No.20433600

PAMP just announced new exchange listing on Bartertrade this coin is gonna explode $1.00 tomorrow

>> No.20433607

It's actually crazy, I'm sitting here collecting fat juicy rewards every day and pajeets are selling at a loss AND removing 8% of their stack from the total supply. Pajeets absolutely btfo

>> No.20433611
File: 146 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_20200717-011246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pamp going all out beast mode now biz.

>> No.20433652

Pamp going PARABOLIC!!!!!

67 cents!!!

>> No.20433667

Uh, hello, whale department? Yes, I'd like to report a serious case of WHALES ACCUMULATING

>> No.20433707


Something has some big inside info on this. Wtf.

>> No.20433728

you guys need to get redpilled, this shit aint going anywhere, no fundamentals just cheap marketing

>> No.20433752

People scared to enter below $1

Watch what happens when it goes to $10

>> No.20433753


>> No.20433783

ama and new exchange not even announced yet, kek

>> No.20433813


Who to listen to....whales with shit tonne of ethereum or broke little bizlet fudder?

>> No.20433921
File: 332 KB, 1002x851, pamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Memes pump the hardest sir

>> No.20434042

You want to make some money or not faggot?

>> No.20434176


>> No.20434212

you sirs are all over in euphoria, 1million is a fucking ceiling for this shit. It cant be more expensive just because of fancy tokenomics

>> No.20434707
File: 181 KB, 591x1280, AC44E595-8453-4A8A-9E15-C3BD2A9DA59A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uniswap Official Page support 19k followers

>> No.20434992

You can say that again pal, the charts don't lie

>> No.20435023

With the AMA alone I see $2 easily

>> No.20435156


Yes easily. Will happen fast.

>> No.20435220
File: 105 KB, 1680x1120, Screenshot 2020-07-17 00.12.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20435334

bros why can't I convert my PAMP on uniswap?

>> No.20435371

Set the slippage to10%
There's an 8% burn fee when you sell.

>> No.20435432

thanks :) I'm going to hold for the time being just needed to know in case

>> No.20435508

Good move. Hold and collect staking rewards!
It's also a good idea to make a separate staking wallet if you plan to hold an amount. You build up rewards by not changing the balance.

>> No.20435522

this shit will retrace to 18cents 100%

>> No.20435525

yeah its absolute must to set slippage to 10 percent.. i got stuck holding this for 2 weeks before I figured it out

>> No.20435718

>Two wallets
So one for staking and the other one for?

>> No.20435887

Keep a fixed balance in one wallet that you keep connected to the network for rewards. Use the other wallet for trading/taking profits and for doing liquidity staking. I use 3 wallets for PAMP.

>> No.20435989

We're going $1 and there's nothing stopping us at this point.