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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20425351 No.20425351 [Reply] [Original]

The amount of posts I see on /biz/ telling people with LINK to cash out now because crypto can drop 90% at any moment is ridiculous.

This isn't 2017 anymore. This bull run is due to actual legitimate use.
We all knew this day would come. They will try SO hard to get you to sell. It will seem like it's obviously the safest financial decision.
Do you really want to work the next 40 years of your life and spend your little $100k profits in crypto on a car or a downpayment on a nice house?
Or do you want to wait, and have the opportunity at becoming a multi-millionaire.

I don't even care anymore, fuck sell if you want. Fuck all of you.
I'm never selling.

>> No.20425366

My last words will be never selling

>> No.20425367

Who has actually utilized LINK or any other coin?

>> No.20425371

Based. YOU will make it.

>> No.20425383

I can accept at this point that all of my crypto will go to my kids, not me. I'm OK with HODL'ing

>> No.20425385


It's literally jealous newfags that don't want to see half of biz become multi millionaires.

>> No.20425423

Imagine showing up on biz a total nufag and trying to make sense of the memes and falling for pajeet scams

>> No.20425426
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my kids wont even get it. my 50k link is staying out of circulation until the heat death of the universe

>> No.20425427
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Also there are WAY too many newfags and latefags. If you don't understand why Chainlink can, and will go to $1000, and why this isn't come completely insane pipe dream, you need to do more research.

That's all I have to say.
Fuck you concern posters.
Fuck you newfags
Fuck you latefags
Fuck you stockfags

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

>> No.20425437

Most of them are from reddit. They hear about this place being full of racist frogs and think they can stir shit up.

>> No.20425452

Dude they’re fucking nolinkers or swingies trying to get in.

I got almost $100K in LINK. i can cash out but that money is like fucking nothing. That two years of saving up maybe a few bonuses, but the point of LINK was to let me skip the damn rat race and retire earlier than most people. It either does that or it goes to fucking zero.

Like losing that amount of money won’t break me. I’m holding on till $10K shit could drop to 50c or sub ico levels and I still won’t sell.

>> No.20425465

My strong hands will only tremble when we reach 2017 peak marketcap. 2020 crypto has four times the monetary volume of 2017. Only WallStreet and God can take us down now.

>> No.20425511

Meanwhile a shitty cartoon company stock went up 3000% in one month.

>> No.20425512

based selfish CHAD

>> No.20426446
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>The amount of posts I see on /biz/ telling people with LINK to cash out now because crypto can drop 90% at any moment is ridiculous.

>> No.20426504
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I will NEVER sell my linkies

>> No.20426507

BSN China, dickwad

>> No.20426583

based. hey OP im the 25yo anon that started that thread. they can't get me to sell, especially before the network is even mature. we're all gonna make it, I'm not settling.

>> No.20426584

Loving yr work, Marine

>> No.20426593

Just sell

>> No.20426603

Think about that for a second.

>> No.20426616

So true, also longing link on Phemex with 20x leverage though

>> No.20426648

I’m not selling. I’m hoping a massive crash happens so I can market buy 1 million link

>> No.20426650

>This bull run is due to actual legitimate use.

>> No.20426665

I accepted that I'm too late to LINK but I'm plenty early enough for XSN

>> No.20426675
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Yep, your thread is what prompted me to post this. Glad to hear it, fuck those faggots.

>> No.20426691
File: 11 KB, 220x192, 47257BA2-07A0-4364-91FE-FD2387FF8743_4_5005_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual legitimate use.

>> No.20426719
File: 19 KB, 678x585, 9010CA1A-7514-4588-A195-95E62EF0AA1A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check’d and based

>> No.20426745

honestly I'm in the same boat and im so comfy with my 4 masternodes :)

>> No.20426751

Corona Great Depression starts immediately after the election. Link will tank sub $1 like everything else

>> No.20426756

this post is a sell signal, glad I don't own any LINK right now, but if I did, I would sell it

>> No.20426803

I'm not a complete Xenophobe like you.
I'm not racist.
I'm not homophobic.
I believe most people are cool.
Only assholes like you fud all over the place to try and get us to sell.
Listen to this:
I'll hold for as long as it takes me to get 3% back in staking.
Then I'll still not sell.
Go away, fudder. This is my future.

>> No.20426822

damn are you single? i really find u sexy. stakenet makes me wet...node me daddy ;)

>> No.20426836

I am getting so sleepy it's time to sell my Chainlink and go to bed.

>> No.20426878

Xi thanks you for your donation to the party.

>> No.20426976

Bait so good i almost fell for it