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20420347 No.20420347 [Reply] [Original]

Why is VIDT mooning again bros? What do they know?

>> No.20420826

Rumor has it that Binance is close.
The mother of all VIDT pumps is yet to happen.

>> No.20420884

ready for the next leg up. Going to pass ATH now

>> No.20421207

I was told it’s pump was done...I literally sold everything at 2700 am I fucked?

>> No.20421249
File: 156 KB, 1024x538, VID2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He listened to the pajeet acronis fudder

not going to make it

>> No.20421316

Lmao I bought 10k a year ago and forgot about it, up 50% now

>> No.20421344

rumored where?

>> No.20421363

I knew that guy was talking nonsense but I don’t get it, if this token is so amazing why isn’t it a $1 yet? I sold because I felt 3400 was the top...now it looks like it’ll be surpassing that and I can’t even buy my original stack back...wtf do I do

>> No.20421910

Same but 6k. What exchanges is this even on now I can dump as an Amerifat?

>> No.20422506

I'm up +450%
49k vidt

>> No.20422636

Its still on idex right? If you hold long enough they might get on binance eventually tho

>> No.20422803
File: 2.63 MB, 3939x2822, 1561489165626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels comfy, no?

>> No.20422846

Should I buy LTO too?
They seem like VIDT bros

>> No.20422876
File: 43 KB, 720x549, 1591984887831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting on a comfy 2k stack

>> No.20422892

and kucoin, but dont mistake vidt with vid

>> No.20423067

VIDT is the company with the logo that looks like the pizzagate pedo swirly thing. Thought I would mention this because it's something that should not be ignored. Buyer Beware!!