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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20410954 No.20410954 [Reply] [Original]

Corona cases has been rising fast and people are exiting markets. How long untill we will see a dump like in march? Id say less than a month.

>> No.20411026

In march it was uncertainty and media fud. Wont work again. Not with '''''corona''''' anyways.

>> No.20411071

Before people didn’t know what to expect. Now nobody gives a shit. Shops are already geared up for it, people already working from home.

>> No.20411194

I'm still waiting for the first wave

>> No.20411200

dude its a hoax lmao

>> No.20411242

USA benefits of 600$ a week are ending in march. It's brrrrr money that keeps this market a float. Second big crash will come in august

>> No.20411254

I hope the economy crashes and the fed prints us into massive inflation. The sooner that happens the sooner boomer and normie money floods into crypto

>> No.20411274

Yes everyone that get sick is pretending and the people at my hospital are just pretending to die right

>> No.20411294
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>> No.20411298

euh i meant july instead of march

>> No.20411339

The March risk off event was built up over YEARS of bull. the next risk off event wont be so big. UNLESS bankruptcies happen

>> No.20411444

it will be different, fren. March was a prime example of fear due to an uncertain threat. V-shape thing mostly

>> No.20411578
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>3% death rate
>1% of population infected

>> No.20411619
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>> No.20411672
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Also people that work in hospitals are bootlicking faggots

>> No.20411690
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you're not wrong

>> No.20411783

>3% death rate is alot and you are retared if you dont think so
>1% population is infected
yes and its rising
>wear the mask
never have and never will. Already had corona and it was only a little cold for me. But for alot of older people its much worse.

>> No.20411807

Yes being a neet living at your parents place is really based.

>> No.20411867

Next big crash October with mini volatility in August

>> No.20412279

>3% death rate


>> No.20412422
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I don't think its that serious but have to wear a mask in shops and public transport by law.

>mfw we only have 1 in 100,000 cases now and it's still near impossible to find free seat in a pub


>t. Scotland

>> No.20412704

>Not with '''''corona''''' anyways

>> No.20412785

Have a pint at home you normie cunt. Get one of those draught machines and a 5l mini keg they're fucking minted lad

>> No.20412831

why is it impossible?

>> No.20412859

But he wants the social experience of other idiots talking too loud and vomiting. Just put on a mask and go outside incel

>> No.20412877

yes , everyone that get sick , , in my hospital ,, they are die , !

>> No.20413214

>implying i havent been drinking more than ever since lockdown.

I would get that but live at parents for time being, can't wait to move out.

every other cunt in scotland has the same idea, weeks waiting list for a table.

>> No.20413807
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>> No.20413984

"cases" are only spiking because testing has increased exponentially. morbidity/mortality rates continue to be on the decline. The whole second wave narrative is completely manufactured. If politicians and the media were honest about this, they would be rejoicing right now about how the data shows how not-deadly the virus is.

>> No.20414012

>mortality rates continue to be on the decline
>mortality rate is still 4%, which is what they said it was 3 months ago
what did he mean by this?