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File: 439 KB, 1280x958, Hsuan Tung Dollar with Dragon and Clouds 1592346371664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20399805 No.20399805 [Reply] [Original]

>Bullion dealers

>Constitutional/"junk" silver info



>Bullion tax info by state:


Nitric Acid

https://www.youtube.com/user/silverguru David Morgan

Additional /pmg/ resources and info--

previous >>20379655

>> No.20399856

FWTDHWAHQUD status-- {drinking mojitos}

>> No.20399879

Who's doin a bank run? Is it happening?

>> No.20399880

When copypasting the OP, please remember to remove the "[embed]" otherwise they stack up.

>> No.20399890

reported for antisemitism

>> No.20399903


>> No.20399963


>> No.20399967

Try to withdraw in coins if they even let you at this point, my bank only allows business accounts now.

>> No.20399975
File: 630 KB, 1828x960, prospector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to our resident prospector

>> No.20400064

thank you mate saving this. I am going to ask my dad if he remembered what happened to old Pete. bringing back good memories wandering the wilderness with my dad and granddad.

>> No.20400072

the bank run is a sympton guys. dont get distracted. china's 3 gorges dam is breaking and 100 million will be dead this time next year.
keep stacking, oh and pick up some non perishables while you're at it, food prices are going to go up

>> No.20400080

I've literally only been keeping just enough in there to pay my bills for auto payments, everything else is staying in cash or metal. Have been doin this since COVID quarantines started back in March

>> No.20400083
File: 457 KB, 1200x1277, Laughing Buddha 2019 1oz Silver Antiqued Coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry anon, his ID says "Zig" not "ZOG"

>> No.20400092

Kek bullion is a shit coin fuck off shilling that trash here old man

>> No.20400200

Shoulda been "STINKY PETE THE PAN MAN" desu

>> No.20400224
File: 1.05 MB, 1786x2848, ULTIMATE SILVER SHILL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


youre not gonna make it

>> No.20400279
File: 43 KB, 600x336, RBG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me the posters on /biz/ that think XRP or some other scamcoin is going to be used to tokenize PM exchanges? I can accept the idea that maybe somebody makes real money again, and uses digital ledgers like we have now to keep track of small fractions of PM moving between accounts (like what Schiff sells with his vaulting service), but why the fuck would the powers that be use a crypto project they didn't invent and keep walled off?

>> No.20400358
File: 74 KB, 588x552, 1594856041747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There will be no rapture. God has his faithful face persecution and passion just as Chrisf did.

Become catholic Anon.
The Lord is my refuge above all else.
His safety of His law, mercy, justice, and love is satisfying- for I shall now want.
I've always felt this, but it is now the manifestation of both mind and spirit united in these words that have come upon me.

>> No.20400394

Catholicism is neat, but steeped in way too much nasty history and mysticism for me. I wanna do something new and exciting, not just retread the same ground over and over again.

>> No.20400458
File: 2.65 MB, 4032x3024, 20200715_192908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frens, a package arrive today. But what is?

>> No.20400462


Smoke DMT

>> No.20400494

>Saint Michael the arch angel defend us in battle be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May god rebuke him we humbly pray; and do though oh prince of the heavenly host by the power of God thrust into hell satan and all evil spirits who prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.

>> No.20400511


goddamn silver is going to $25 by August


DAMN! this silver smells so GOOD!

>> No.20400521
File: 122 KB, 959x630, Russian orthodox clergy or mage lords.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steeped in way too much nasty history and mysticism for me
Anon, the world is mystical. Everyone up until the 'enlightenment' implicitly understood this.

> I wanna do something new and exciting, not just retread the same ground over and over again
Nihil novi sub soli. History is just humans killing and stealing with better, more efficient tools.

>> No.20400538


>> No.20400563
File: 3.30 MB, 4032x3024, 20200715_193134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: is tube of... something. But what is?

>> No.20400564

I only stacked 30 oz of silver. Should I even bother?

>> No.20400579

i wanna be a wizard!!!

>> No.20400587


that is a sunshine mint 20 oz silver tube

congrats fren

>> No.20400594

trips and I post my silver bag


yes. buy more too.

>> No.20400628

Buddy, I'm well aware of the underlying facts of the universe, but basically just this >>20400579
Fuck all that old garbage
Let's just all be wizards and shit
But you do you, it takes all kinds. WAGMI!

>> No.20400635

>complete faggot speak
>in a a thread about money as old civilization but somehow thinks that he can find something new that isn’t a bunch of satanic pegan BS wrapped up differently.

Don’t fall for that gay meme anon. Catholicism is literally Christs church. If you deny Christ you will die if you accept him you will live. I’d rather Build my house on a stone foundation than one of sand. Think about it and ask Christ to guide you.

>> No.20400685

Did you get paid to say that or did you actually believe someone who was paid to say that?

>> No.20400689

Breh, christ isn't the only way to get what you're describing, and you're only holding yourself back by believing that it is. Free yourself!

>> No.20400704

Aesthetic Japanese Silver Bullion

>> No.20400728
File: 3.16 MB, 4032x3024, 20200715_193350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20400745

Hey I've got 20 of those en route myself. Very nice

>> No.20400746


post it pussy

>> No.20400768

>suck dick anon and stick things in your ass.
>it’s so great and new.

Anon stop being 17 and realize that Christ is the truth and the way. Also if you follow Gods laws and deny your passions society runs perfectly. The solution to the problem is the 10 commandments and denying yourself. Trust me, if you follow the lords laws your life will be better and people will look up to you.

>> No.20400771


>> No.20400785



>> No.20400790


trips or next thread

>> No.20400795

Me as well just bought. Although I fugged up my email so I only have the order number. Have to call JM tomorrow.

>> No.20400812

I'm getting ready to surpass $10,000 spent on precious metals in two months. Do I have a problem?

>> No.20400849


you will have a problem when its worth 10 million

>> No.20400853

You do realize how warped by human hands the bible is, right? Jesus might have been a real person and existed at one point, but he is meant as a metaphor. You'll shit yourself once you discover what he really was, though.

>> No.20400868


>> No.20400930

an ascended master?

>> No.20400945
File: 2.09 MB, 2736x3648, IMG_20200715_225345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You've earned the picture of the bag

Trips or exact weight guess and I post contents

>> No.20400968

neither? disregard my statements at your own risk

>> No.20401017

Close enough. The real trick is the source of that ascension and why it happened. I'm not going to tell you why because the old bastard likes being mysterious about his games.

>> No.20401040

he was/is an "alien"?

>> No.20401048

>You'll shit yourself once you discover what he really was, though
You mean God.

I don’t know if you realize this but it is a fact Christ existed and the event of his resurrection happened. It’s not like governments didn’t exist at the time or writing to articulate and note what was occurring.

Stop watching David wilcock and read the New Testament Duay Rheims version

>> No.20401054


drop a bread crumb anon im interested in this rabbit hole

>> No.20401087

Safe recommendations on where to buy Canadian gold coins without the risk of getting scammed with fake gold? Also i live in the usa.

>> No.20401118


Silver Gold Bull is what I use anon

>> No.20401137

Reported for Semitism.

>> No.20401182

P much. Ironically, Hunter S. Thompson was closer to Jesus than almost anyone else. There's usually a few of them floating around at any given time, but good luck picking them out of the general population.
Blah blah I got better things to do than listen to your dogmatic bullshit. Technically we're all just god sitting around lying to itself that it's us, numbnuts.

>> No.20401194
File: 50 KB, 719x879, Ramses charging his N blaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I understand the universe and the human condition
>WHAT?! I don't want to be part of the only religion that ever exposed the cycle of memetic violence and the false victim mechanism for what it was, that's old and stupid.
>What do you mean that Satan DOES drive out Satan? Do you mean to tell me that in whipping themselves into a covetous war of all against all, humans always select a scapegoat to destroy, then in the ensuing harmony believe that they were right to kill their victim and then elevate him to spiritual significance?
>Do you expect me to believe that the Gospel accounts are illustrating this exact process, but from outside of the mystification of the myths (IE the prince of darkness), and are therefore able to become representations of just how false and futile the single victim method is at resolving human conflict?
>I bet next you'll tell me that the plight of victims of collective violence is always ignored in all other myths, because of the implicit assumption of the righteousness of the prosecutors of the violence.

>> No.20401233

>I don’t know if you realize this but it is a fact Christ existed and the event of his resurrection happened.
people love making things more complicated than it needs to be though. it seems too easy to just admit you're a sinner, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and accept his mercy. Everyone wants some big secret that only they know.

>> No.20401235

Too long didn't read

>> No.20401268

I don't doubt it, your previous posts suggest you've not read anything longer than an ad for a yoga class in a while.

>> No.20401283


>> No.20401287

Imagine being this close-minded

>> No.20401318
File: 672 KB, 3000x2000, 251f26a46b4f68e8bb51e1ba756c34a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Proverbs 8:10 -12
>[10] Receive my instruction, and not money: choose knowledge rather than gold.[11] For wisdom is better than all the most precious things: and whatsoever may be desired cannot be compared to it.

Men are corrupt the mystic bride of Christ is pure and eternal.
Also of course men will seek & fly to power. You think that means anything though anon? Would you flee the garden of edon if you knew there was a snake?Would you leave the arc in the flood if a lion escaped? Would you crawl from the belly of the fish knowing you're in the deep reaches of the sea? Would you then flee Jesus at his passion on the cross too?

No anon.
Stay in the arc.
Come to the fold.of the one and only true Faith & only true Christianity.
St. Michael, Pray for us.

>> No.20401321

Digits of truth

>> No.20401329

10 million? how does 10 billion sound?

>> No.20401335
File: 1.36 MB, 2157x2096, 20200512_011238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres the correct link sorry

>> No.20401345 [DELETED] 

Okay then, I'll bite. What are the last 5 books you've read on the subject of the way the world works and what's really going on under the hood? You've been replying pretty quickly so if it takes more than 1 minute, we'll know you're frantically googling around.

>> No.20401359

will 200 toz gain my residence to the citadel

>> No.20401363


my mouth is frothing

>> No.20401386
File: 54 KB, 998x722, Holdings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20401407
File: 96 KB, 745x745, E5E0A931-38D8-4515-AC39-DE1BB03A6EF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20401416
File: 3.59 MB, 3840x3040, coinstacker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

20$ FV junk silver

>> No.20401415


what is this anon? dont tell me you hold PAPER assets?

>> No.20401419

considering 1 oz will be 1000 dollars NO

>> No.20401429
File: 3.01 MB, 3072x4096, Reportan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rent freezes occur
>landlords can't pay their mortgage
>defaulting starts happening en masse
>it's 2008 all over again except now the fed is already stretched to the breaking with all the money printing and there won't be a bailout to save us

This is going to be a long, long, long, long fall. If we survive the rest of our natural lives without succumbing to some raider faggots we won't see the end of this crash.

Hope ya'll have a lot of ammo.

>> No.20401441 [DELETED] 

Imagine believing that an iron age book is the only truth. You're closing yourself off to unimaginable love and power. It's okay though. Eternity loves you anyway!
The Kybalion
Conversations with god awaken the species
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The Dancing Wu Li Masters


>> No.20401452

oops, meant to >>20399121

>> No.20401453

Link the place where I can make a chart such as this

>> No.20401458

Thx lads. Like their coins designs so want to be safe since its cross border.

>> No.20401469

4 minutes. You googled them didn't you.

>> No.20401472

can we get a picture of the slave queen today? I want to know how long we've got

>> No.20401498
File: 362 KB, 1875x918, PRAISEBEUNTOHIM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indeed we are all sinners
anon... you are being very close minded, if you put Hunter thompson that high up...I mean did you even read rum diaries? Even hunter admits he was missing out, the mans writing is always him searching for something he never quite finds.

Youth is surprisingly good at closing the mind

>> No.20401508

Nah, it just took me a bit to remember the best ones. You're convinced anyway, though, because it's such an eclectic list and you're intrigued despite yourself.

>> No.20401510

APMEX.com allows you to enter your physical assets and get a cool pie chart

>> No.20401522

Should I buy silver or should I buy gold? I think silver has more use in technology but gold has always been the number 1.

>> No.20401523

What is the most secure ownership of gold?

Can someone explain the tradeoffs?

I transferred my networth into SPDR GLD. There may be a number of reasons that they won't honor my request to liquidate it if there's a complete collapse of the financial system.

Do I really have to bury bullions in the backyard?

>> No.20401526

just take like 10g cubes and youll find out what these assholes are trying to write about

>> No.20401531

lemme go check

>> No.20401560

I haven't read The Rum Diaries yet, now have I? Those were the ones I've personally read.

>> No.20401570
File: 2.63 MB, 4608x2592, stack in a box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AKSHULLY HST's best writing is The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved. This kids a rising freshman with a Boondocks Saints poster in his room, who is SO DEEP MAN.

>> No.20401582
File: 597 KB, 1654x1607, 20200424_210145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silver moons more in US recessions
the safest place to store gold is in your anus. after that a 300 dollar safe would do just fine

>> No.20401588




>> No.20401619
File: 54 KB, 503x592, dog-meditation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw trying not to fomo into more silver
its gonna go back down right?

>> No.20401632

>why the fuck would the powers that be use a crypto project they didn't invent and keep walled off?

The same reason they use a private bank owned by a tiny fraction of elites (The Fed) to issue the current fiat system: to keep those in power in power.

>> No.20401641
File: 1004 KB, 2560x1440, 1593054761286_stash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yeah, but so are you so it's k. I'll post my stack again though for posterity!

>> No.20401642

The question is will my mining stinks print?

>> No.20401653

Peter Kreft Fundementals of the Faith.
Anything by Padre Pio.
History of Heresies & Their Refutation – St Alphonsus

>> No.20401662
File: 3.04 MB, 1500x9002, Gnosticism as 4chan Would Tell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gnosticism is for you.

>> No.20401667

I dont like that you have to sign up for this, cool tool otherwise though

>> No.20401692
File: 1.68 MB, 2413x2335, 20200512_011225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep just in time for pence's inauguration in 2025..

>> No.20401698
File: 410 KB, 810x2220, 20200516_002559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20401720

Well, if you order from them then you're already signed up

>> No.20401729

Anyone have a pic of that post with all the replies?

>> No.20401747


>> No.20401753

I think it works like this:

The most secure is buried in your backyard.
The next most secure is a fully allocated holding trust that is not publicly traded and will deliver physical on demand.
The next most secure is a fully allocated holding trust / ETF that is publicly traded and will deliver physical on demand.
The next most secure is a partially unallocated holding trust / ETF that says they will deliver physical on demand.
The next most secure is a fully allocated holding trust / ETF that will not deliver physical on demand.
The next most secure is a partially unalllocated holding trust / ETF that will not delivery physical on demand.

Within those categories you also have to consider where the gold is being held, by whom, and how provable the holdings are (auditing). Some trusts/funds have been in hot water for not actually holding as much gold/silver as they claim. Some are holding gold/silver in places that you might not want it (like vaults in the US). Some are held or audited by companies that have a history of corruption (HSBC, JPM).

Because of the potential risks involved with "paper metal", if you do decide to go that route it is probably wise to diversify your holdings between companies / countries in case one turns out to be fraudulent when shit hits the fan, or the holdings are in a country that seizes the gold (like the US did back in the day).

>> No.20401786

Lamo I'm blind thx

>> No.20401795
File: 731 KB, 757x1972, Screenshot_20200508-015536_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have them all anon.

>> No.20401813
File: 3.12 MB, 4304x2040, coinsslavequeen7-15-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, bottom by the rib-cage def looks to have progressed

>> No.20401825
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>> No.20401846
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>> No.20401850
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>> No.20401864

Stop posting other people stacks. We already told you to delete your trip and stop posting, so why are you doing another character?

>> No.20401880
File: 8 KB, 300x168, crawler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20401888
File: 875 KB, 763x2353, Screenshot_20200508-015709_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4/6 (again)

>> No.20401899

>he lives in your head rent free
Fucking amazing, you're exactly as retarded as I thought you were.

>> No.20401926

I was hoping we were making more progress on the collapse, she definately looks more corroded though

>> No.20401927
File: 810 KB, 774x2350, Screenshot_20200508-015737_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ is King.
I was the one in the 777 post.

>> No.20401950
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>> No.20401957
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>> No.20401971
File: 69 KB, 498x768, 1C59E8EA-47BF-4621-9517-03CE7B95D925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise Christ

>> No.20402002
File: 760 KB, 3121x1425, coinzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would not call it his best work, it is certainly typical HST style, and quite readable, but far from his best work.


Nothing wrong with being young and liking boondock saints, fuck I still like that movie even if it is a bit cheesey and they made a lame sequel. But word to the wise, the absolute best things I ever did were based on the advice of men older and wiser then myself.

>> No.20402031

Absolutely correct. But it's a constant process. Nothing is ever stagnant. We must always continue to improve! There is nothing stopping you from realizing your full potential but you!

>> No.20402054

The pic of her with my chest is less then a week old anon...

>> No.20402073

$10,000 dollars? Not a problem
10,000 ozs.....maybe

>> No.20402131

Thanks so much! Damn precious metal is complicated, I guess that's why human civilization engineered banks for this long.

Do you have thoughts on CEF and PHYS? I think that's what you are describing as publicly traded and will deliver physical on demand (third best). Or what is the most secure paper metal in your opinion?

>> No.20402166

Silver jumped above a dollar since last Thursday.
I'm not able to buy in until later this weekend at least.

Given China's supposed bank withdrawal crisis I no longer forsee any price drob with panic sellers come October.

I'm thinking we will see price jump to $21 by Tuesday next week if not sooner. I dont for see a drop soon.

Tell me I'm wrong stackers.

>> No.20402184

Dang, okay, ill check back in another week

>> No.20402202
File: 2.71 MB, 4608x2592, stackstamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting on your stack, O learned one.

>> No.20402203

You are 100% correct

>> No.20402214
File: 2.79 MB, 3826x3959, coinzzzzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potential is merely what may or may not be in the future, it is a ghost always chased, never captured.

Reality is what is here and now, and is made up of all the realities of the past, it is the ground we never escape.

nihil novi sub sole

>> No.20402231


>> No.20402245

we could see a small drop when the flu picks up in a couple weeks. but i don't think it'll be large enough to wait for...

>> No.20402273

not wrong, I too, am hoping for a good dip around the US election.

I am very uncertain if it will ever come, not FOMO'ing, but added 42 OZ as soon as I was able to get 29$ an oz when everything else was 31$ an oz, or sold the fuck out...

Never seen this many LCS and websites sold out of so much stock... I got the last two 10oz bars and 20 of the last 60 rounds....

>> No.20402302

Your reality is what you make of it. The cosmological machine accepts input and returns it to you sevenfold!

>> No.20402313

Nice time stamp, Buddha.

>> No.20402350

Aw, thanks! I'm not that good yet, but I'm trying to be!

>> No.20402361
File: 208 KB, 367x450, 1589323492903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T. 100oz silver poorfag

Think I should dump more into silver bros? Should I wait on the ratio, or grab some gold?

>> No.20402387
File: 17 KB, 480x360, cokacola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to stop reading "law of attraction" or whatever remake of it is going around now.

Also when you copy others stacks, take note of what they named the picture, or it is patently obvious that you just D/L the picture and you wont be able to fool/troll people

This post is brought to you by coka cola

"Ill have a coke"

>> No.20402419

Us poor fags just need to keep getting silver, gold is not for is unfortunately.

>> No.20402456
File: 29 KB, 957x751, 1506778452963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is easier to store? Gold or silver? I don't want to take out coins five years later and see them all corroded

>> No.20402460
File: 1.63 MB, 3024x1606, 54645645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting, not updated, i since have bought a bit more. yes my silver is all in capsules. no im not going to stop, its like an extra quarter.

>> No.20402503
File: 2.58 MB, 1746x2328, rsz_girard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting reaction your getting

>> No.20402515

I dont want to drop the cash on this when I'm still saving for a home & have monthly bills to pay in case of the worst senero.

I've got like over $2000 coming in 2 weeks from my day job though. Its just going to be too long to wait for that though. I think dropping $600 is all im comfortable with right now.

>> No.20402520

They wouldn't even let me deposit cash today kek

>> No.20402525 [DELETED] 

Try to get 1oz of gold before getting anymore silver

>> No.20402571

Tok gang rise up

>> No.20402576
File: 221 KB, 2058x850, thefutureisbright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kek bullion is a shit coin fuck off shilling that trash here old man
*cough* pic_related *cough

>> No.20402608

How is that book? going to have a forced 14 day isolation soon where I cannot leave the room so that I can do some... government work.

>> No.20402646
File: 41 KB, 373x330, Where do you see yourself in 5 years3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wanna be a mystical man!
Okay, you should consider finding a monk or priest to act as a spiritual father, and discuss the sort of devotions you want to take on. Maybe consider fasting a couple times a week?
>That sucks! I just want to make money and fuck and do whatever I want and be Harry Potter!

Many such cases

>> No.20402650

gold is easier to hide, but both should be kept in a dark dry location preferably in plastic or some such to keep oxygen off of them.
but i'm under the impression sun light and oxygen are bad for just about everything lol
dude, you got to ask yourself, do i have enough money to buy when the housing market drops due to foreclosures. and if you can get 70-80k in cash within a year i think you could get a good deal.
otherwise just stick it in silver wait 3 or 4 years, cash out and buy your home

>> No.20402667

Probably the most secure "paper metal" is a service through a bullion dealer that will basically sell you metal by setting aside some of their bullion in a vault with your name on it. These companies often have vaults in Singapore or the like which are considered "safe" for gold storage. I know there are a number of dealers who offer such services, but I haven't looked at them all enough to recommend one or the other, or what the costs/premiums would be compared to other holding options.

Among other things, I hold shares in OUNZ, SGOL, and PHYS. There are risks to them, but for the moment the risk is acceptable to me. The closer the economy/world gets to chaos the less desirable these types of holdings will become. I think PHYS is arguably the safest of those three, but it also has a very high minimum redemption amount - if you want to actually recieve physical you have to redeem a shitload of shares.

>> No.20402679

Don't listen to this guy

>> No.20402746
File: 2.84 MB, 2944x4528, oldcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

corrosion wont affect the value outside of collector pieces. A decently sealed box with some desiccant in it will be fine even if you do some clinking. Wear gloves if its some special round. Pic related is almost 2k years old and its been stored much worse in its lifetime then what I do.

>> No.20402756

Difficult read, It was honestly over my head in a lot of the religious parts. Outlines his concepts of mimetic theory very well, which is a pretty interesting idea.

>> No.20402848

>do i have enough money to buy when the housing market drops due to foreclosures. and if you can get 70-80k in cash
If I keep up a $2K pay check like this than yes, but I doubt it.

I can drop over $1500 tomorrow.
Thats my security fund though.

I'm open to it.
But im just in need of another push from you guys. A little bit of anxiety from this.

>> No.20402869

Why is fasting spiritually significant? You see it across many different cultures..

>> No.20402983

Fasting alters your brain chemistry. It's also an exercise of power of the will over the body.

>> No.20402997
File: 1.48 MB, 3576x1952, oldbrotheltoken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

memes and religion are intertwined in ways I think many are only starting to rediscover. Ill give it a go once I finish re reading starship troopers and chuck palahniuk


FWTDHWAHDOQA status: (doing, but not well)

>> No.20403004
File: 123 KB, 749x799, In Hoc Signo Vinces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knows? The Orthodox Christian idea would be that food is a material good, and it is right and proper that we enjoy it in its proper place. By exercising the will, and denying yourself something that isn't inherently destructive, you condition yourself to be able to better resist things you know to be spiritually harmful. There is also the more Roman Catholic idea that the discomfort induced can be made spiritually useful. That all misery is objectively meaningless, but by offering up ones suffering through pain as a sacrifice, one very slightly unites their suffering with that of the passion. Not that their pain is inherently magical, but by lifting it up, they become like a little kid with a toy hammer trying to copy their dad building a deck; its the thought of the imitation that counts.

There are also the purely physical effects of being in a fasted state that some people tout, a clear headed feeling, being more lucid, etc... This is probably a left-over mechanism in our brains to make us more focused when its time to kill something and eat it.

>> No.20403017

Nice commander, I'm building sen triplets rn.

>> No.20403020

Fasting for the wrong reason is usless and is limiting in most cases to mastering ones will.

Within Catholicism fasting is repentance for God's sake. To be empty of one's desires even the most basic of survival helps one be dependent on God for all things in faith. To be empty of one's own will by, again, denial of ones will within the context of the base desire of taste & food - all so that God may increase in you. This unites one to the Will of God which is recognizing ones smallness yet loving that place we were stationed.

Many saints have survived on the Eucharist alone.

All of this is not to say that fasting in other cultures does not develop the virtue of temperance & prudence which then helps aid other virtues within natural law scripted on all of man's heart.

>> No.20403046
File: 1.22 MB, 634x1438, 1528474189181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

altered consciousness.

It is a significant trend in most religions to aspire to heightened levels of consciousness. Meditation, fasting, philosophy, prayer, and battle are the best of these outside of rare paradigm shifting phenomenal moments outside of an individuals control.

>> No.20403069

I have 5 of those from the same place coming. Neat anon

>> No.20403076
File: 243 KB, 700x350, perth_Homer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gold is easier to hide, but both should be kept in a dark dry location preferably in plastic or some such to keep oxygen off of them.
>but i'm under the impression sun light and oxygen are bad for just about everything lol
You could leave your gold in a cup of brine out in the sun and it wouldn't do anything EXCEPT to the 0.01%-0.1% (or 9% if you"re a burger!) of it that is not gold.
sauce: https://sdbullion.com/blog/does-gold-rust-tarnish-corrode

>> No.20403146
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, gtl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sunlight is bad for everything

>> No.20403243

Gold is completely inert... many buildings/coins are exposed to the elements for millennia and that gold is shiny as the day it was assayed.

>> No.20403311

why are these houndstooth pokerchips so fun?

>> No.20403329

yea people dont get this. Gold is eternal, a gold coin minted 1000 years ago will look the same when pulled out of the ground today as it did when it fell into the earth. Gold when I pull it out of the ground usually has a bit of a reddish oxide or copper colored layer on top but given a once over in a pan, it shines like the sun it was made in.

>> No.20403391


Maybe after this we'll go back to the gold standard by necessity, and we will just be trading sound money.

>> No.20403475

>Things hidden since the foundation of the world

What is this book about? Seems interesting

>> No.20403476

Its pretty crazy to think about the process behind it...
You seem to know geology pretty well, my understanding was that the earth has a molten iron core at one level, would there possibly be a gold core much deeper then that?

>> No.20403597
File: 406 KB, 1330x1262, 20200709_033208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know, i mean sure it doesn't rust and what not. but if its pure. dust, pollen whatever can still get on it, and 99.99% is soft enough that when you wipe it down you'll lose tiny bits
and if its 90% then that 10% will definitely tarnish. but maybe i'm just picky and like hiding my shiny rocks

>> No.20403598

Makes one wonder if the earths crust is hallow yet thin enough to have a molten core internally acting like a sun...

>> No.20403661

basically all the gold on earth went to the core of the planet during the period where the planet solidified after being smashed back open by our sister world Theia. The gold in the earths crust arrived later, during the second bombardment faze. This gold / silver / other heavy metals have stayed in the crust and outer mantel ever since, because the earths layers have become more plastic than fluid through the billions of years between these events. I have no idea where in the earths layers the rest of the gold went to, though, I dont think scientists have figured this out either.

Where gold is actually made though is a bit more tricky, we used to think it was neutron stars blowing up that created the super heavy elements but now many scientists think its more likely from the collision of two neutron stars instead.

>> No.20403669

>dust, pollen whatever can still get on it, and 99.99% is soft enough that when you wipe it down you'll lose tiny bits
An acetone dip will take care of that.

>> No.20403753

Mimetic (as in mimic) theory is the general idea, this article will explain the outline of it better than I can. A large portion of the book is explaining religion and the story of jesus through that viewpoint.

>> No.20403808

interesting stuff mr man thank you

>> No.20403809

>scottsdale has their own bars listed as secondary market

Anyone have any pics of what a secondary market scottsdale bar looks like when bought directly from them? They are cheaper but not by much and I would rather not buy 10 oz bars for $5 cheaper each just to get sent a nasty looking thing

>> No.20403812


the inner core is actually solid, despite being over 10,000 degrees F, so i don't know if the metals would've had a chance to separate themselves based on weight. maybe this is the case with the outer core, which is molten.

but there's a huge amount of gold in the core, apparently enough to cover the entire surface of the earth in a foot thick layer of it. there's even more platinum there, about 6x more. it's still a very small percentage of the total material there, and of course it's impossible to get to.

>> No.20403933

>Where gold is actually made though is a bit more tricky, we used to think it was neutron stars blowing up that created the super heavy elements but now many scientists think its more likely from the collision of two neutron stars instead.

It came from Anunaki home worlds, but they blew it up in a big mega civil war when their star was weaponized. And the gold scattered throughout space and they left to collect it.

Its why when they found earth with proto-humans they decided to fuck with our evolution so they could advance us just enough to create a slave race of people to dig it up and mine our gold for them.

The gold is used for their health and atmosphere.

At least according to some /x/ poster on /pol/ a while ago ranting about it

>> No.20403952

>not buying guns and ammo

>> No.20403964
File: 261 KB, 800x858, eg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's amazing, and both unsurprising and hard to comprehend how all of human civilisation from all continents and cultures through time came to the realisation that gold itself should be deemed something valuable, despite it's limited practical uses. I don't like Schiff's argument that gold holds inherent value due to it's practicality and usefulness. In that aspect I think it's highly limited. I do believe in Gold's inherent value due to man's unquestionable love for the metal, for one reason or another, all throughout time. Just something about it. The egyptians thought it was godly metal, representing the Sun God Ra. I can see why.

fascinating, I need to learn more about the true origins of gold.

>> No.20404058

Anon what are those on top of your silver bullets? Its been bugging me since yiu first posted t hem like 2 weeks ago.

>> No.20404100

Anon, probably 9/10 PMGtards have guns already, and the odd one out just knows better than to post pictures of them on the internet. I am the other exception; I have never seen a gun, and would have gone on a canoe trip with them if I even knew what they were.

>> No.20404109

Limited practice use for the current civilization & the past, but pre-load the stuff was used for some kind 9f technology.

>> No.20404219

There’s an eerie calm in the precious metals market right now like we’re in a suspended state of animation in a moment in time. I don’t like what I’m feeling right now. Something is probably brewing and it ain’t good.

>> No.20404292

my favorite ancient stories about gold have to be the Raft culture of South America, who would bring offerings of great amounts of gold to a lake and toss it in exchange for good harvests from their gods. The Spanish chroniclers witnessed this and thought it was insane.
Also the whole story about the golden fleece in Greek myth is based on ancient mining practices. Ancient miners would lay fleeces in creeks and rivers with wood planks flanking them, creating a form of sluice box. Gold dust would gather in the fleeces and would be pulled out to dry in trees. Hence the golden fleece.

>> No.20404366
File: 33 KB, 360x360, 1594529191983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>golden fleece based on ancient greek mining practices
Based. Is it still raining over there? Can we all just cuddle around a campfire and listen to old prospector's tales?

>> No.20404423

it hasnt stopped.... i got about 6 hours in yesterday to dig than boom in came the lightning storms again. A heavy down jacket under your rain gear is a must here, the wind steals what ever warmth you have without a fire.
I know a great many stories of the miners fraternity, not all of them I can authenticate, but many I know to be true. Where to start?

>> No.20404506

Tell us about the biggest lost treasure hordes both above and below ground that you believe in.

>> No.20404549


Why is it going back down?

>> No.20404580

Gotta keep the price down for the whole system to work

>> No.20404596

Is Gaia/Theia just a theory? Albeit quite plausible one considering moon trajectory.

>> No.20404688

Hmm good choice. I believe that the lost Slumach mine / treasure site still exists and hasnt been mined yet. Somewhere near the headwaters of the Stave River or in that general area, hundreds of millions of dollars in river gold likely still sits undisturbed since W Jackson rediscovered it. Jackson was following in the footsteps of Slumach, a native shaman and wilderness guide who would return to New Westminster every fall with jars of course gold. People followed him, and he finally snapped, shooting a young native kid who harassed him. He fled, was caught by his own people, brought to trial and hung, before his death, the old native called out "when I die the mine dies with me!". Many tried and died looking for the gold, until Jackson found it and wrote a letter on his own death bed to an associate about it. Many tried with this info to find the mine again, many froze or vanished. Legends like Volcanic Brown are thought to have found it, but none have lived to speak for it.

>> No.20404767

I believe theirs evidence that the moon is the remade remnants of that impact event. It matches material that would be created from a newly formed planets core. I am not an astrophysicist so I dont know all the details though.

>> No.20404981
File: 35 KB, 596x491, 1594470352802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting.... now I want to go looking around where I live for lost mineral riches. Of course, there are a shitload of retards like me where I live so it would be a crapshoot at best and lethal at worst...

>> No.20405056

whats your region? I have hundreds of old stories and notes written down, most of them sitting on my laptop now so I have them while I am out here.

>> No.20405114

You gonna post your stack with timestramp yet, tripfag?

>> No.20405123
File: 251 KB, 510x510, 1594666299678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now we're fucking talking baby
Alaska. Pretty sure I'm straight boned. There's so much bullshit interspersed with real history that it's almost impossible to find hard data. Add to that the sheer size and remoteness of this stupid state, and it's a fool's errand.

>> No.20405185

I got $1600 left to spend on assets, should I go all in on more silver? Anyone see any good deals on govt rounds floating atm? I’m being lazy.

>> No.20405192

yea your right, Alaska is a hard place to try for gold in general. Closest I ve gotten is a little camp called Elsa near Keno City in the Yukon, worked at a drill camp there for two years. Hard wilderness that is. Hell just around that little camp I wrote down at least 20 legit lost mine stories from the old days, not counting the hundreds of bullshit ones.

>> No.20405231

Are you still on this? You do remember that Jesus' whole platform was forgiveness, right? I've already forgiven you for being a dumbass dogmatist, even if I do enjoy ribbing you for it. Besides, I'm not digging up my shit just to soothe your autism. You're just going to have to take my word that that's my stack.

>> No.20405289
File: 43 KB, 610x392, 308 is a CQB cartridge in Brazil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one else on this board makes as many posts as you do, because everyone else is smart enough to reply several times in one post. You don't have a stack, you're not in here in good faith, all you want to do is fling shit, cause problems, and lower the discourse of the board (which is impressive since its /biz/). All this I could understand as trolling, but you get legitimately mad that people want you to fuck off. You act like a faggot and dare people to notice you and then sperg out that other people don't like you. But hey, I could be wrong, so why don't you make me look a fool and post a time stamped picture of your stack?

No wonder you have more domestic violence charges than zeros in your bank account.

Stop replying to him, its that same 'the devil' tripfag from the last few weeks shitting up the thread again.

>> No.20405324

>(or 9% if you"re a burger!)
The American Gold Buffalo coins are 0.9999 fine. We Americans have a choice in our gold coins: Pure, 0.9999 fine gold buffaloes or 22 karat eagles for added hardness.

>> No.20405330
File: 249 KB, 1066x802, Mint of Poland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: Mint of Poland produces many high premium coins for Niue.

>> No.20405356
File: 226 KB, 1068x1284, 3oz au.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20405461

That looks nice, but something tells me that it's disappointingly small in person.

>> No.20405481

I stand corrected: 3 oz, and 17mm cubed!

>> No.20405516
File: 125 KB, 917x1017, 654265713246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahahahahahaha he's living rent free in your head fucknuts
Here's a merc. Now blow me.

>> No.20405534

>Closing of the release or further navigation of the site signifies your consent and no blocking of cookies.

>> No.20405545

>buying novelty bullshit instead of raw bars

>> No.20405920

19.20 new floor???

>> No.20405927
File: 217 KB, 1439x1080, 54 gram nugget northern California.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyway night all, I ll post you some gold shots tomorrow if I get back to that fantastic quartz vein! rain or shine I am getting back there!

>> No.20405997
File: 153 KB, 722x525, prancing lala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you think you're fooling man? You do the same 3 replies anytime anybody calls you out. Its fucking obvious, its you, because no one else in these threads is this much of a faggot. I don't know why you decided to put on a character today, particularly one that you don't know how to play. Trying to sell yourself as a well learned guru makes you easy to catch because you're not smart enough to even begin to pass. Its clear after the 2nd post you're out of your depth. I'd say next time pick something unassuming, but your ego won't let you. You're the retard trying to steal VA benefits by pretending to be a SEAL instead of a cook.

And if you're going to keep posting pictures that aren't yours, and don't have time stamps, you should probably make sure they aren't ones that have been posted to death here already. Another person in this thread already called you out for being too stupid to keep the names of the images consistent, so I'm not sure why you made that same mistake again.

>> No.20406035



Far and away the best deals I've seen atm.

>> No.20406255
File: 196 KB, 2071x1211, I can type anything I want in this space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20406285

absolutely autistic.

>> No.20406295

Thank you!

>> No.20406325 [DELETED] 

You want to at least give a reason why? I'm actually curious why it is a bad idea to stack gold on the side

>> No.20406604

well imo you start stacking gold when you run out of room for silver, because gold just won't have the gains this recession

>> No.20406655

Are you guys seeing stores not taking coins or having signs about how they are short on coins and to use exact change or that they are not taking cash because of coin shortages?

Theory on /pol/ is that the last time this happened was when the government in WW2 stopped making coins to use much of the metals for ammunition and other war related manufacturing purposes.

>> No.20406747 [DELETED] 

Fair enough. Does it make much difference if you are stacking rounds or bars? I was thinking about getting either 1kg or 100oz silver bar but it may be more difficult to sell compared to something like a tube of 1oz rounds

>> No.20406785

theres always online dealers to sell to. but if you got a local coin shop who offers reasonable prices, i would suggest stacking things in demand that way you save some money on shipping and insurance

>> No.20406821

Hey you mind posting a pic of those Scottsdale 10ozt next to a different 10ozt bar?
Preferably another similar modern looking one

>> No.20406843
File: 1.67 MB, 1280x1791, 1593686146110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5.5oz Gold
>240oz Silver (10oz of which are batbois)
Am I gonna make it? High/Low estimates?

>> No.20406847

how much silver do you have? nice stack fren

>> No.20406860

>5.5oz Gold
That is already worth more than most peoples silver stacks dude. You will make it.

>> No.20406927

Yeah, I went to walgreens for foot powder and they had one of those "please use electronic payment due to nationwide coin shortage" signs on the plastic barrier.

>> No.20406934

Part of me is wondering when coins were no longer used in countries experiencing hyperinflation like Venezuela or Wiemar Germany?

>> No.20406968
File: 49 KB, 163x181, Screen Shot 2020-07-16 at 12.57.04 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gentle reminder

>> No.20407033

That implies a gold silver ratio of 10 to 1

>> No.20407085

8 to 1

>> No.20407105

I just did 30 divided by 3, didnt notice it was almost 4,000

Man if the ratio actually hits that low..I will be very pleased.

>> No.20407109

Just like God intended.

>> No.20407141 [DELETED] 

Here is Australia the excuse is that money spreads coronavirus, so places are doing card only

>> No.20407502
File: 871 KB, 3290x1312, 1594888128835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. War with China, looking at recent news Trump boned China hard with his executive orders and interview. Hes pissed. Australia is too. The whole world is. UK just dumped Chinese 5G companies.

Also news said USA Aus JP SK Taiwan and UK will be doing Naval exercises in South China Sea soon.


>> No.20407544 [DELETED] 

>Australia is too
No they are not. Universities, real estate agents and politicians are begging to ship over more chinks to buy property and overpriced education. Melbourne University even said it was racist to close our boarders due to corna

>> No.20407559

Just saying what I heard and comparing it to the anon post.

>> No.20407734
File: 2.05 MB, 2982x2640, 20200502_230617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a video worth watching if you guys get bored

>> No.20407776

hopefully japan can have an proper army soon

>> No.20407810

i heard a rumor theres proof the ship fire was caused by china, i would fully expect stuff to escalate, but not war... well hopefully not war

>> No.20407893
File: 501 KB, 500x500, bielik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

while we're on the subject of Mint of Poland, I'd really like to have one of their 'Orzel Bielik' coins. Giving me those medieval slav feels. Ridiculous premium though from what I've seen, and only available in Poland with very limited mintage

>> No.20407916
File: 425 KB, 500x500, bielik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20408133

i feel like i could use those to buy food from the asian street vendor in Bladerunner

>> No.20408187
File: 641 KB, 1242x1672, 1593353181832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zehr gut

>> No.20408224

nooooo you cant just hack the heckin matrixerinos!

>> No.20408268

U can tho

>> No.20408470
File: 779 KB, 2016x1512, Resized_20200711_080208_3866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Breakfast in America

>> No.20408491
File: 667 KB, 1545x1790, 20200630_221844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very american of you anon, much better then those sprout sammichs

>> No.20408496

more pls

>> No.20408529
File: 932 KB, 800x1280, 1421533850830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you will never actually get into pm's because paying £10 premium on a £15 piece of silver just feels like too much

>> No.20408565

its not to late anon, silver should still triple in as many years. might be worth ordering that 1000oz bar online lol

>> No.20408611

Even if the dam doesn't break some much of agriculture this year is busted. Just look up the potato mountains in the US. Videos of Chinese Farmers harvesting corn in canoes from 6 ft of water.

>> No.20408614
File: 1.01 MB, 2016x1512, Resized_20200710_190923_6686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly the pistol for a *Bull* market

>> No.20408696

Why not buy on eBay? Some of the sellers are well established and clearly not scammers. You can get a roll of 20 Kennedy half-dollars for a reasonable price easily.

>> No.20408708

Now I want some.... I want cyberpunk coins.

>> No.20408865

why do half of queen coins come with milk spots on her face

>> No.20408936

Too bad we couldn't magically nust remove thd Chinese govt but preserve the rest of the country

>> No.20408949
File: 35 KB, 225x534, wheel of fortune.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just average down or up no need to sweat just buy that first oz join the fold anon

>> No.20408975

i want to eat asian food while huddled at the counter at nite, under the umbrella while the cybercity rain pours down around me

>> No.20408982


>> No.20409001
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>> No.20409025
File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, 1510927771822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gotchu senpai. My roll hopefully arrives by the end of the week

>> No.20409032
File: 339 KB, 399x433, vw4xd5fjega51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best(or even lesser known gems) Canadian mining stocks?

I have 1k to spend.

>> No.20409110
File: 231 KB, 646x550, 1594418272641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic
so basically, we arleady have zimbabwe dollars

>> No.20409144

You already have Zimbabwe gold. Get ready for the bust when it drops back to 1980-2005 levels and sits there for another thirty years.

>> No.20409176
File: 163 KB, 720x747, 1594703367201 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chyea. Gorona chan really gives this plot a twist at this point whether it's a thing or not.

So far it's a low intensity bill grab...wut next?

>> No.20409212
File: 99 KB, 600x506, 1593349060128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not following ya fren.
can you explain that to a simple minded fool?

>> No.20409260

Why would we have a sustained dip? Are you not worried about the gov's response to the Kungflu? Why are you even in this general?

>> No.20409353
File: 856 KB, 2016x1512, 1594897388577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed it for you lol

>> No.20409393

What's my recourse if buying PM is illegal here?

>> No.20409404

almost unpleasant

>> No.20409417

just store the gold in your anus and travel abroad to purchase it

>> No.20409433

Security and stability are coming, fren. Then gold will drop back to it's real production value.

Or everything will collapse and you'll be able to trade an ounce for a can of beans, maybe. So there are better things to put your wealth into.

>> No.20409442

what kind of shithole do you live in

>> No.20409459

Buy something else instead.

>> No.20409486
File: 1.73 MB, 1855x4032, 20200515_011741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this some JP Morgan troll?
go away banker, or show shiny rocks

>> No.20409511

>you'll be able to trade an ounce for a can of beans, maybe.
lol i'd sell dry canned rice and beans for thousands of oz in that case

>> No.20409543

In Ancient Egypt there was a long period where silver was valued higher than gold

>> No.20409588

Well at least you have something that might prove to be a worthwhile investment in that picture.

>> No.20409609

My guy, coins have been slowly getting phased out over the past decade. Canada stopped minting the penny in 2012, and the US already announced we're stopping the penny in 2022. Cash transactions are just more of hassle to most people and pocket change is pretty much useless apart from quarters, so not exactly surprising that stores prefer card only (especially with rona concerns). What is certain is that the US government doesn't need to confiscate your nickels to melt down into fucking war supplies like its 1940 or something.

>> No.20409697

what gun is that anon?

>> No.20409739

i hate that thedevil tripfag so much. you did a good job with this post. maybe he'll fuck somewhere else now.

>> No.20409747
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ok todays breakfast and coffee
as you can see, im not much on variety.
mainly because laziness i suppose

>> No.20409883

they need the copper and zinc to make barss casings and shit, we used to get out copper and zinc from china, produced by cheap cheap labor and stockpile our own as a backup and to keep the doors open at the mining companies. Now we have a shortage of cheap metals, that's why all metal prices have to go up

>> No.20409936
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soon,... copper stackers will rule the world with our stockpiled reserves of copper, brass and aliminum bars

>> No.20409975

you should just buy sticks of 1/2" 1/4"and 1" diameter copper pipe, that will hold the spot value as well as the premium and it's useful and even with pex and pvc being so prevalent, it will always be preferred in some applications

>> No.20410050

yeah. i mainly want to have a stockpile for /diy/ stuff. i would love to have a garage full of various plates, bars, rods, sheets and wire, of brass, bronze, copper, nickel, alum, tin, steel, various raw stock metals

>> No.20410091

>not stockpiling flexible copper tubing so that you can shove 30 feet up your intestines to smuggle out of the country during the collapse while still being able to shit


>> No.20410103

The US has some of the largest copper reserves in the world and is usually a net exporter. The large majority of zinc comes from Canada, obviously the US isn't going to primarily source strategic materials from a potential competitor like China.

>> No.20410354
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I don't know that book to well, but if you're talking about memetics and books being over your head,
The Art of Memetics required me to read every page twice and I had to take notes to get it. I still only got a 3rd of the way throught it

>> No.20410360
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>> No.20410411
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Rate my stack boys

>> No.20410459

FloorStacker anon?

>> No.20410499
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The opening quote already broke me.

>> No.20410506


Desk stacker

Not floorgang

I have too much respect for my metals to ever have them touch the ground whence they came ever again

>> No.20410581

Stackers gun is actually a Norinco 213 I believe (sometimes called a star 9mm) which is a just a copy of the TT, the grip area and slide serrations are slightly different.

>> No.20410636

Damn, good eye, anon.
I had a C&R in the early 2000's. May have to apply for another - just wish prices weren't so stupid. For everything. Silver, guns, living ...

>> No.20410674
File: 248 KB, 492x435, FloorStacker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your only fighting Gravity.
Don't spend your whole life fighting the nature of the universe. You can't win this.

Just give in and live in harmony with gravity, you can rest easy down here on the floor

>> No.20410849

Always been interested in C&R, was it much of a hassle to get? People talk about missing the bitcoin boom but I'm mostly bummed about not ordering 10 crates of nuggers back when they were stil 69.95 per rifle.

>> No.20410930

Nope, I did that on my 21st b-day. It's basically the same form as your routine FBI background check for a gun (4473) which you mail in, along with a check for $30.
That gets you guns shipped to your door for 3 years. Nothing more too it. Plus some sites give/gave you dealer discounts.
I had my dealers licence for 3 years and that wasn't much more hassle besides opening a company, getting finger printed, and having an agent come by and read me the rules.

>> No.20410934
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I pray every day to our lord stacker to bless me in my brass and copper stacking efforts.

>> No.20410945


The nature of the human spirit is to defy the natural world.

Fuck Gravity

>> No.20410982
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>> No.20411035

These look like decent steps for the C&R
Only thing is you're not supposed to be buying with the intent to sell, and need to keep a logbook of what you buy and sell. Just a notepad would do.
Honestly, every American itt should apply.

>> No.20411072

I'm not smart enough to break down those sentences, but from what I remember the book suggests that your brain files all information and takes acceptable choices and reactions, choices and reactions that are received positively by outside forces, and stores them in something the book calls your "pre conscious". This is where you make decisions without real consideration.
>you feel discomfort when parting with money
>you are attracted to someones clothes
>you are drawn to a certain product
These things have reason, reasons you can sus out, but to stop you from taking an hour to consider every possible reaction to a situation your brain constantly outputs decisions, recieves feedback form an external source, then decides whether or not it's current "pre concious" set up leads to favorable outcomes.
It doesn't take stories with morals to share information, the act of... acting in anyway is going to constantly reinforce certain information if it's does around someone or something that can provide feedback. "Replicating not through information... in information, but as information"

>> No.20411337

I think I can follow. Taking pre-conceived notions and manipulating or altering them to instill new preconceived notions.

>> No.20411343
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godspeed and bring back some more of these awesome speci's.

>> No.20411355
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The hook of the book is how you pre-conscious can be hijacked by markets and how nothing you think can really be trusted until you dig into it, without how much information out subconscious picks up now a days with all the information.
And a few other things, it's a good book if you're into the self reflective side of the occult, I think it goes into to creating "mastermind" groups, becoming the people to manipulate peoples subconscious but I didn't have friends at the time so i stopped reading at page 100 or so.

>> No.20411400
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metalchads, i just shorted gold in crypto (xaut/usd).

did i fucked up?

>> No.20411421

jews are all over xrp. i stack silver and xrp

>> No.20411493

> without how much information out subconscious
with* how much information our* subconscious

>> No.20411668

> 1 post by this ID
> shilling crypto

how unique

>> No.20411749

> 1 post by this ID
> shilling crypto

how unique

>> No.20411811

fuck you you stupid fuck. i dont have time to spend all day in 1 thread. read about it yourself.

>> No.20411844


there are 140+ threads on biz right now where you retarded shills are shilling crypto. go there

>> No.20411890
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>> No.20411895

ill bake then

>> No.20411925

anyone else think the coin shortage is a way for the banks to pull the last of the sovereign money out of circulation?

>> No.20411928
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>fighting the universe
ngmi kid

>> No.20411969

>shilling crypto
it's literally auxusd, are you retarded?

>> No.20411984

were being prepared for all digital clown world money
im going to go hide in a cave clutching my shiny rocks

>> No.20412048


>> No.20412176

what do you mean on top of my bullets? if you mean on top of the shavings those are bars i smelted

there is an asahi bar in that picture

thanks, im sure im over 500 oz at this poin

mine isint a norico its an eastern block tt-33 from somewhere. says 1957 on the side

>> No.20412500

They're rounding up the coins to get them out of circulation in preparation for nesara.
I had that thought and fomod 70oz last night. If it happens or not it's good to have

>> No.20412734

Bruh. It's already war.
Covid, blm, etc.
We're unironically kicking the shit out of them with the eo's etc. And when the dam breaks... Anyways, we'll decapitate them in a few minutes, and rebuild the sixteen kingdoms of the five warlords after that