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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20402112 No.20402112 [Reply] [Original]

nothing will happen to him.
What if he got hit by a bus?
LINK would go to $0.00.

>> No.20402149

who is Ari Juels

>> No.20402155

Oracles remove the need for buses, people can just trustlessly move from place to place over the blockchain.

>> No.20402174

>LINK would go to $0.00
No, it would not.

>> No.20402187

Right. Meanwhile we have people trying to expose him to even more risk by outing him as Satoshi for a couple of pageviews.

>> No.20402258

you could have said the same thing about Steve Jobs. Didn't stop shit

>> No.20402297

it's a good thing Sergey isn't leaving his house for the next 6 months.

>> No.20402353
File: 432 KB, 1500x1000, 6604894B-1427-4C16-9AAA-231F5FE5A156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing can stop what is coming anon. Not even the big man himself.

>> No.20402461

Apple has gone to shit. It was /comfy/ back when Steve was around.

>> No.20402730

Sergey is an ideology, you cant kill him by physicals means

>> No.20402732

kek look at AAPL after the date of his death

>> No.20402763


>> No.20402807

if jeff bezos died, amazon would go out of business
if elon musk died, tesla would go out of business.

>> No.20402908
File: 3.70 MB, 600x338, 1593201905115.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

word around the grapevine is that Sergey has been constantly getting more and more paranoid ever since the price went above 5$. His team has actually made what he calls a "Breakthrough" but he's becoming paranoid he's going to catch coronavirus. He's taken to wrapping himself up in cellophane wrapping and wearing industrial safety masks around places when he's not on camera. He doesn't even bother to wear clothes when he's in his little Bubble boy outfit, it's bizarre. Ari thinks he's losing it. The other night when they were at his hotel room, he hid inside of the bathroom and would only open it for his McDonalds. What he made the delivery driver(who will not be named) go through I won't put into words, but I can only say that I wouldn't do that for 50 chain-link and an "Autograph". He keeps murmuring "42" and "one kay eeh ohh whyyy" I think he's been possessed by some demon or he's into Nigerian chumbawumba coverbands.

>> No.20402936

Sergey is married to Ghislaine Maxwell

>> No.20402952

rip the bus, nothing can stop the chaintrain

>> No.20402996


>> No.20403403
File: 396 KB, 750x750, AB6CEA04-E109-4B76-A743-0CB50C2870BD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Sergey has clones of himself should he die.
2. The Justice League will personally swoop down from heaven should a single bug be found during the launch.
3. 1000 EOY

>> No.20403411


>> No.20403459

The Spirit of Sergey lives on in these memes, anon. Don't you know we've recreated his soul in meme-form?

>> No.20403491

As if a fat incel that wears the same shirt every day wouldn't document his code for fear of having someone figure out he's clueless and doing a better job.

Get real.

>> No.20403513

Obviously I love big Serg but they're the most stacked team in crypto. In most other projects Thomas would be the CTO. Fuck it, Rory would be a better CEO than half the idiots cluttering up CMC.

>> No.20403563

Ringo was a below average drummer but that worked out alright.