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20397935 No.20397935 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>High school dropout
>Work in oilfields of my local town for about 5-6 years
>Get laid off
>No companies hiring
>Car gets repossessed and forced to move back in with parents in my mid 20's because no job no money
>Decide to join army
>Go see recruiter
>Recruiter tells me I have no HS diploma so they can't take me
>Recruiter tells me to go get GED and check back
>Study for a month and miraculously pass GED. Happy af!
>Go see recruiter
>Tells me requirement have changed
>I now need some community college classes to qualify for enlistment
>Sign up for fin aid and see counselor for classes
>Spend the next 5 years in community college working my way up from lowest remedial math and English classes through all the calculus series, full lower div calc based physics series, large portion of the chemistry series, ordinary differential equations, linear algebra, and completely clean out all lower division gen ed
>pay my way through CC by working part time and tutoring
>Graduate from CC debt free and proceed onto local state uh university
>Banked all my fin aid from CC and using it to graduate from university with just 3k in debt
>Physics major with 3.5 GPA have made it through majority of my upper division with only a few easier ones left before graduation
>In my early 30's
Am I going to make it biz?

>> No.20397947

How much LINK you holding?

>> No.20397980

definitely not as a physics major, especially at your age. Should've just joined the army

>> No.20397998

$LINK required if one is to "make it".

>> No.20398003

None. I am relying on investing in myself through schooling.

>> No.20398015
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>5 years in community college

fucking why

>> No.20398019

No, but f to all the effort you've expended.

>> No.20398026


>> No.20398044

I am thinking about another 3 years in grad school. It is usually free for physics majors because we get fellowships and part time TA jobs.

>> No.20398064

You are going to fucking die

>> No.20398068

Had no choice. I started from remedial and the calc series you have to take in order. One class each semester.

>> No.20398076

Sick effort OP! respect

>> No.20398085

hold link. even now it's like buying btc at $20. it's going to $81k.
go easy, op is a poorfag, probably spent half of his time working to take care of himself and family

>> No.20398088

Thanks anon.

>> No.20398091

Bro there is no reason to be in community college for 5 years lmao. Maybe you should have bought etherum 5 years ago instead

>> No.20398106

I have no kids or gf. That's why I have so much time to commit to school.

>> No.20398108

Why 81k anon? Why so oddly specific?

>> No.20398110


>> No.20398125

I’m proud of you anon.

>> No.20398126

Hold on, didn't you make lots of oil money in the meantime?

>> No.20398144

why would you major in physics.. especially coming from an oil field job.. good luck bro, i mean i guess you could be a teacher if that's what you want to do?

>> No.20398147

I was young and stupid. Spent all of it on a nice car and thots.

>> No.20398185
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Same here OP but I graduated by the time I was 25.
I work in Data Analytics now making brainlet queries for 70k.

>> No.20398194

Yeah I guess it happens. It sounds like you've learned a lot through all this headache. Stay strong fren, you might make it (whatever that means to you) after some time.

>> No.20398202

I thought physics was cool, and that companies would want me because "let's physics major." But I was wrong. Only opportunity in physics is if you have a PhD.

>> No.20398210

Relax anon.
I know people who are in their early thirties and in community college.
Times are hard

>> No.20398226

what a waste, get off my board you pathetic boomer

>> No.20398239

Medical physics is still an option to make it. It starts at 150k annually. Only requires a master's degree.

>> No.20398245

That’s impressive. I’m 25 now and about to go back to school to finish undergrad (I have about 1.5-2 years left), and I plan on applying to medical school afterwards. I’ll be pretty old by the time I finish everything.

I recently bought into the crypto meme because I hope to make enough of a profit to cover some of my college costs and med school costs. Not even hoping to become rich off of it, just hoping to make enough to cover education costs. I hold some Link, PNK, and RSR

>> No.20398273

awww.. how sad, and we had such high hopes for you OP, better luck next life I guess!

>> No.20398295

Kill yourselves, niggers. Money is a fucking sham after a certain point when it comes down to it. The only thing you truly have is yourself and your own experience. More power to OP for wanting to learn instead of pretending some fat Russian will make him rich.

>> No.20398297

ngmi x 2

>> No.20398322

I mean, I still have hope. Although it would be really arduous, I could go into physics PhD program and make it out 5-6 years later. Then I can have almost any job I want.

>> No.20398327

Sounds like the retard blew a years salary on a truck.

He’ll never make it

>> No.20398349

ouch look at the seething nolinker
he's the one who asked if he was going to make it, if he didn't care about money and mean that in a monetary sense he should post this on a board not about making money you fucking bitter nolinking brainlet.

>> No.20398360

New Mustang actually.

>> No.20398356

Not old bro.
A lot of 30 somethings go to med school every year

>> No.20398370

You really should get Link. It really is going to go triple digits and maybe more. Sounds like you are a hard worker - let your money work for you now.

>> No.20398372

I am a linker though. I'm just also putting my own effort into things that are within my control to make myself rich. Fag.

>> No.20398374

Anyone who is smart enough to get a physics degree will be fine in the future that is coming.
But seriously, buy some link faggot.

>> No.20398403

>he's the one who asked if he was going to make it, if he didn't care about money and mean that in a monetary sense he should post this on a board not about making money
>I am a linker though.
and a brainlet

>> No.20398409

I mean, I do care about money. I don't want to be a poor fag forever, but I don't care much about getting rich. I just want a small house of my own. Maybe a wife of i can find non-rostie to have maybe one kid with. That's my idea of making it.

>> No.20398423

>he thinks he can truly be in control of his life in a world ruled by (((them)))
Good goyim good

>> No.20398460
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>Kill yourselves, niggers. Money is a fucking sham after a certain point when it comes down to it. The only thing you truly have is yourself and your own experience. More power to OP for wanting to learn instead of pretending some fat Russian will make him rich.

>> No.20398472

I would rather buy ETH over link because I think it is undervalued. It has a lot of contracts coming online. Link has too many issues trying to solve the oracle problem. iExec looks promising though.

>> No.20398481

or you could of just bought chainlink...

>> No.20398515

>the white man is superior
>fucking jews always keepin me down need mo money fo dem programs

>> No.20398521

holy shit you really are retarded. how will ETH smart contracts get real world data? can you use your ten years of school to figure that out?holy shit...

>> No.20398562

>>Work in oilfields of my local town for about 5-6 years
>>Get laid off
>>No companies hiring
>>Car gets repossessed
No you're not going to make it. You earned a decent living for 5 years and couldn't even pay off a fucking car

>> No.20398571

nice job OP

>> No.20398611

anon, I..

>> No.20398648

Getting a car payment was already ngmi tier

>> No.20398673

Yes, I am aware that ETH blockchain is dependent on an oracle for real world data and that oracle probably link. Still ETH is priming to moon.

>> No.20398731

I have learned from my younger years anon

>> No.20398761


God damn, Anon, nicely done

>> No.20398798


>> No.20398865

This is actually really good. BUT don't forget about retirement. Investments are one way to help with that. Also paying for your family after you're gone and also protecting your savings from inflation. I recommend investing a bit. But you've got it right, dude. Self-improvement will always be worth, one way or another. But yeah, you can leverage your income in a multitude of ways to help yourself even more.

>> No.20398869

i did 3 years community college it was cozy bro
it was the only way i could live at home and not work i didnt really study just went to class sometimes

>> No.20399163
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>> No.20399180


>> No.20399242
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>> No.20399267
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This has to be bait.

>> No.20399841
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Since when do you need college classes to qualify for enlistment?

>> No.20399958

It was during the financial crash and everyone was trying to enlist.

>> No.20400160

Fuck. I'm thinking about enlisting but now I'm worried they're gonna ask for college classes

>> No.20400245

I gave up on enlisting and just focused on college. They only wanted like 2 or 3 classes at the time, easy.

>> No.20400280
File: 36 KB, 620x576, I-Know-That-Feel-Bro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to work in the oil industry bro. I know how that feels bro. Way to go getting through school.

You'll make it if you can endure that. Just don't dump all your money in crypto's like these retards. What's your plan after college?

>> No.20400363

>Am I going to make it biz?
you're good bro. If you have no debt and $100 in your pocket you're already doing better than most people.

>> No.20400395

>Anyone who is smart enough to get a physics degree will be fine
I think OP just proved that getting a physics degree doesn't necessarily mean you're smart.

>> No.20400417
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>> No.20400598

sorry bruh. ngmi

>> No.20400620

Um I don't know my plan after college yet. Save up for a house down payment I guess? Maybe invest in some stonks?

>> No.20400674
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Damn shame

>> No.20400725

All bs aside. Buy some link anyway 100% serious.

>> No.20400743

You’re the 3rd guy I’ve heard say that now. What the fuck does that even mean? “I invest into myself.” We are talking about LINK bitch. LINK. When people talk about themselves after we ask what you’re invested into, it’s insulting us for asking the question.

Post your Blockfolio and what assets you’re investing your money into. This idea of investing into yourself isn’t revolutionary. Everyone does it. A species evolved to survive. That’s all you did was survive. But did you invest?

>> No.20400769

Why type of work do you want to do?

Save for a down payment is a good idea. If you start investing start small. When I first started a long time ago. Most of it went into market managed funds. A small amount went into stock picking. Do not get into this stupid Crypto shit that is 90% of what is on here. You will lose everything and you'll be back where you were with your parents.

>> No.20401518

the fuck can you do with a physics degree? I know what you can do with a 100k stack of LINK, a whole lot more than that PIECE OF SHIT degree.

>> No.20401559

Yes, since you have to determination to do it

>> No.20401655
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NGMI x 6

>> No.20401712
File: 52 KB, 500x500, Elon Musk Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future (Unabridged).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um hello schizo teen; it's the degree Elon Musk has.

>> No.20401785

Musk knew coding, came of age before the internet gold rush, and had wealthy parents. Does Anon have that?

>> No.20401931

>early 30s
>finally getting started i life
you can make it but youre 10 years behind theaverage zoomer who did everything right. dont have any kids for 10 years and its possible.
if you do have a kid its over financially.

>> No.20402767

your life sounds like mine. I did that but majored in math. did the grad thing too. can't find a job worth the trouble. currently working as a GED teacher. easy as job and good hourly pay $45/hour. but damn. doesn't even seem worth it desu.

>> No.20402799

You are unironically ngmi

>> No.20403081

Now that’s the way to go. Nothing more valuable than education.


>> No.20403121

What were they? Like calculus and college level english or what?

>> No.20403237

Nah I think it was just some basic math and English classes. They wanted like 15 units I believe.

>> No.20403297

good on you mate, working on yourself while the rest of these mentally ill neets are sitting around twiddling their thumbs hoping to strike rich by buying shitcoins

>> No.20403299

Kek this.

>> No.20403431

Unironically I've been thinking about getting a philosophy degree in honor of Sergey if I make it from my 10k stack. Just for the hell of it.

>> No.20403506

Philosophy is actually pretty based. You will catch a lot of shit about "burger flipping degree" but you will live a fuller more aware life.

>> No.20403535

>knows coding
>came of age before the fourth industrial revolution
>has wealthy parents
probably not