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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20396687 No.20396687 [Reply] [Original]

The OG Link marines don't want you.
Their coin is stuck behind $9.
RLC is just starting. Has the better partners. The better tokenomics. The better usecase.
Start from the bottom. Join us. We welcome all Linklets to their rightful home as digital oil barons.
They hated you from the start, but now they will fight and fud to keep you.
Grow with us.

>> No.20396715
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Coinbase doesn’t let me buy RLC pls help

>> No.20396743

Buy chainlink on coinbase.
RLC is crap.

>> No.20396749

where the fuck do you buy this stuff

>> No.20396768

Personally I suggest swapping eth for it on uniswap as an American. We havent been listed on Coinbase yet. That's coming.

>> No.20396771

What does rlc actually do frens

>> No.20396793

i think link is about to have a bad time.
a big bad time.

rlc has done what link tried to do, but everyone buy link because of memes and community spam?

it has bad supply problems, that is first red flag.
it hasnt delivered promises.

iexec team did it in 3 years or less, why no one buy iexec?????

iexec has SGX and TEE enabled oracles with staking yet LINK doesn't have anything????????????????????????????

>> No.20396801

Sorry op I’m going with anon on this one fuck rlc

>> No.20396807

feeds the village sirs

>> No.20396810
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connects the cloud giants and little men

>> No.20396844

>a bad time

Good, I hope it plummets so I can at least double my poorfag-tier stack of 200

>> No.20396846

OGs welcome all linklets and dejected bagholders of other shitcoins.
When RLC dumps, like it does after every coordinated shill campaign, we will welcome you to Take the Plaid. Just as we welcomed REC holders and deluded Arkies and countless other shitcoiners before you.

>> No.20396859

Cloud computing, along side Google, Intel, IBM, Microsoft, Nvidia and possibly Amazon.
It links together everyones cloud into one massive cloud on the blockchain and allows for massive computing power for anyone that wants a piece of it. It's a gamechanger and every big tech company already knows it.
Send your Link or ETH to Uniswap and swap it for RLC. We're going to Mars.

>> No.20396861

>start from the bottom
>already in the top 100 with 80mil marketcap


>> No.20396864

make bizlets millionaires

>> No.20396868

>a bad time
no fren. a real bad time. marketcap will get suctioned into RLC. link is centralized and has 0/3 features while RLC is decentralized and has 3/3

>> No.20396872

this threads stench of curry is unreal

>> No.20396881

explain, i don't see how link has supply issues? even though link has partnerships it will probably be 3-5 years for smart contracts to pick up. if rlc doesn't turn out to be vaporware in the next year, i'll get a bag because it would be the next big thing after link.

>> No.20396898

>link is centralized and has 0/3 features while RLC is decentralized and has 3/3
holy fuck ranjesh just stop lmao

>> No.20396917
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>sergey holds 65% of the supply which means its centralized and he can exit scam at any time and actually has been accused of selling before

link partnerships are vaporware
rlc partnerships are tech giants, many of them

just look at the confidential computing consortium

>> No.20396932

It's an oracle with literally nothing to do. Meanwhile, RLC actually has a fucking enterprise grade utility.
It's over Sergay.

>> No.20396933

That's the first good, original rlc meme that isn't just copied from link. Congrats. Still not buying

>> No.20396939

Chainlink has amazon, google, Oracle, docusign backing it.
Oracle has chainlink integrations in q3.

>> No.20396948

link doesn't have SGX / TEE /staking

RLC has all 3

you are stupid. kill yourself. your coin is shit.

>> No.20396980

why is this pumping?

>> No.20397023

Because people are starting to realize it exists.

>> No.20397044
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Lmfao you don’t know fuck all dude. LINK literally OWNS Town Crier.

They’ve cornered the oracle game two years ago. RLC has use as a cloud compute bridge which is why I have a small stack.

If you think LINK is going anywhere besides up you’re delusional, salty, or both.

>> No.20397073

Right but why be in Link where it is now, instead of RLC when it's sub $2 and has the ability to outpace Link?

>> No.20397110

>LINK literally OWNS Town Crier.

>3 years later STILL doesn't have TEE SGX or staking

>RLC has had all 3 since version 3 in 2018

FAce it you are stupid and dont understand technology.

>> No.20397140

$9 is literally fud now. My how far we've come in literally 2 weeks since "this shitcoin will never be $5". This is what it was like when $15 ETH was fud

>> No.20397143
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>> No.20397154

wait rlc has staking how do i get my slice of the pie

>> No.20397180

You earn rewards/stake by running an iExec worker. Dedicating computing power to the iExec cloud. In other words.. The supercomputer.

>> No.20397213
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I never said don’t buy RLC. I own both.

I would still try to get a suicide stack of LINK before working on RLC regardless. At least 50/50.

I shouldn’t need to explain the implications of this image compounded with what will happen to liquidity when staking goes live.

>> No.20397246
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Literal pajeet tier fud. No-one buying your rlc bags ranjesh.

>> No.20397277

Is this the same rlc on Binance

>> No.20397322

do I need good hardware for that, all I've got is a shitty laptop

>> No.20397328

connect to the world supercomputer by setting up a worker and wait for adoption.

or wait for adoption and set up a worker.

i recommen #2

>> No.20397354

>Pajeet tier fud

literally just go look at coinmarketcap
you see how theres only 350m circulating and 1b max? yea cause the team has 650m, THATS A CENTRALIZED SCAM IN MY BOOK

>> No.20397382

if you know what that means, you know how scammy RLC is. if you don't, look it up for yourself.
when does it end with these half-baked shenanigans? this is MARKETING, not development.

>> No.20397389

I swapped 33 of my linkies for RLC

>> No.20397412


They are going to LINK summit though. I think they might be legit on what they actually do which is cloud compute interlink.

>> No.20397419

meanwhile RLC is fully tech developed and more powerful than all of the tech giants combined, LINK is still relying on their town crier scam and don't even have TEE SGX Staking enabled oracles.

iexec has all 3. Deal with it.

>> No.20397420

Honestly not sure, but good news.
"On July 20th, 8am UTC, iExec will run its first Workerdrop. The goal is to guide workers through the process of sharing their computing resources and to test, validate and scale the iExec network on Mainnet."

>> No.20397472

>muh partnerships
Give us some meat if you want us to take it serious. There is no doubt that it has potential to moon as the noobs want to buy in to something since they missed link. That is all this has just hype and fomo.

>> No.20397494
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Is that enough meat for you or do i have to break out the spoon

>> No.20397562
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LMAO nice meme

>> No.20397628

you as well sir.
iexec has potential.


>> No.20397686


>> No.20397725


just watch that and realize this is your last chance

>> No.20397817

i've bought already, but the pajeet shilling seriously concerns me.

>> No.20397880

Barons are a wild bunch. But we love them all.

>> No.20397906
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well it makes sense considering it's digital oil and they look up to oil sheikhs. This is the perfect coin storm for white oil baron men in texas and sheikhs in saudi arabia

>> No.20398086

I bought chainlink for the first half of 2018 instead of RLC. im dealing with it just fine, thanks.
but this time it's different, right?

>> No.20398104


No thanks. I think I'll hold my 1488 Link.

>> No.20398154

Good for you. This thread is for Linklets who want the same opportunity you had.

>> No.20398201

>everything always stays the same
time to get rekt faggot

>> No.20398231

it pumps
then it dumps

>> No.20398255

Rlc is pajeets can. Notice the weak non stop shill attempts. Stay away or get rekted

>> No.20398328
File: 61 KB, 400x350, 1572394549039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the kind of post that made me miss 25 cents LINK.

Got in at 22 cents on RLC and you will be mad in a few mon ths Anon..

>> No.20398337

the same opportunity is still chainlink, ranjeesh. now go back to your call center.

>> No.20398341
File: 841 KB, 885x1054, Polish_20200714_162546462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rlc is the whitest coin in the history of /biz/ retard

>> No.20398361
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try again sweetie

>> No.20398381


>> No.20398427

based and buy jibrel sirs pilled

>> No.20398463
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And you are?

>> No.20398478
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>> No.20398688
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>buying the top

>> No.20398724

>thinking this is the top
do you realize there is only 800k rlc left on binance order book?

price exploration will kill your gains dude

think of it as, right now, everyone is loading into the rocket ship. they are taking the risk.

they are scared, but know the potential.

that is what is happening.

potential is being realized EOM

>> No.20399067

Nobody cares about your shitcoin dude

>> No.20399494

The iExec team is loaded with PhDs. The main guy has been working on this for 20 years. The tech is already built.

Easy 10x this year, possibly much more

>> No.20399526


>> No.20399571

if you need everyone to tell you what to do then go all in on statera

>> No.20399585

>then go all in on statera
I already did and lost 1k

>> No.20399617

Do it, seriously. Big pump coming.

>> No.20399839

let me ask you

is it okay that the link team holds 65% of the coins?

if so, don't sell.

but what about the fact that they STILL cant implement TEE or SGX or STAKING into their oracles?

iExec oracles have TEE SGX AND STAKING ALRAEDY FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.20400246


>> No.20400391

9k ricelicker here

>> No.20400448

I ran a worker for a time with a shitty surface 3. Got paid 25 rlc at the time. Quite comfy

>> No.20400523

hjol yshit that's 25000$ EOY

>> No.20400536

I just loaded my bag of RLC. Considering there are a Billion Link tokens and only 80 million RLC:

Buying 100 RLC for $100 is like buying over 1000 Link tokens. RLC's chart looks so fucking good too.

>> No.20401464

Stack size?

>> No.20401704


100RLC = 1149LINK

>> No.20402595

1k linklet here. just boarded this train. You guys have been around here just as long as the stinkers, I trust you.