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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20385625 No.20385625 [Reply] [Original]

Read the white paper. Pivvr.com

>> No.20385672

What specific part of the whitepaper?

>> No.20385685

The part that explains how you can make gains with zero risk, the D/S token exchange with a floor of 0.001 ether.

>> No.20385715

OK, I'll check it out. Been seeing this shilled rentlentlessly. Reminds me of how hard chainlink is shilled and we all see what happened there.

>> No.20385836

its a scam only 30% of the sale funds are used to back the stable coin, so its impossible to always be redeemable. Like fractional reserve banking. Its a very nice handwavey scam for people who dont really understand defi.
You can tell its a joke because the entire project centers around making money which is an obvious redflag. No ones building tech here
Where is the github?

>> No.20385899

No that's not how it works. If you read the white paper you would know that. The stable coins are backed 1:1. No fractional reserves. The white paper explains it all.

But since you're a lazy retard I'll give you the short version, eventually the stable coins will run out due to too much demand. Then no one new can get them until v2 is released.

Stop lying and/or being dumb.

>> No.20386133

Obviously you didn't read the whitepaper lol

>> No.20386270


>> No.20386305


>> No.20386335


>> No.20386372


>> No.20386573


>> No.20386611

Bomp pivvr maximalist here

>> No.20386671


>> No.20386820

b o m p

>> No.20386911

Threadly reminder to read the white paper and ignore fud

>> No.20387125

Just do it

>> No.20387133


>> No.20387153


>> No.20387177


>> No.20387181


>> No.20387195


>> No.20387272

This shit is a scam. Your only hope was scamming biz tards. If you advertise anywhere else, they'll look at this and turn away immediately.

>> No.20387450
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Man every single coin shilled here is called a scam. To this very day ChainLink is called a Scam. That has nothing to do with how performs. The idea behind the project is at the very least aceptable as a experiment. Worth to throw some money on it in case it actually 5x (wich is not unlikely).

>> No.20387511

That's what /g/ said about bitcoin and that's why the biz board was created. Because /g/ said bitcoin was a scam and they didn't want to see bitcoin threads anymore. You're an idiot.

>> No.20387568

Dummies will never learn. People like him buy high and sell low. Sad. Many such cases!

>> No.20387752


>> No.20387781


>> No.20387785


>> No.20387936


w-why is the lizard sitting on the car

>> No.20387955

Because it likes to fuckin party, anon.

>> No.20387964


>> No.20387976


>> No.20388001

So it doesn't do anything really tho right? What need does it fill?

>> No.20388126

Pivvr? Pivvr does a lot of stuff anon. It's revolutionary defi. Read the whitepaper and don't be a lazy nigger. That's why biz is getting rich off chainlink now. Because they read the white paper years ago.

>> No.20388326

It fills the need of being able to profit without taking risk. It's the only shitcoin where you can profit without taking risk because it has a floor of 0.001 eth so if you buy one pds for 0.001 eth you can exchange it for one PS and then when PDS does a 5x you can exchange back and dump on the normies without ever exposing yourself to risk.


>> No.20388352
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It's a defi token, just one that's unique in its design to preserve gains against market fluctuation. Coin going down? Swap deflationary token into stable token. Going up? Swap stable token into deflationary token. They're always paired at 1:1 to each other, and the stablecoin is always 0.001 ETH. The deflationary token supply always contracts, so it should appreciate normally, and in down markets, demand for the stablecoin should push its value up too.

And then every month, reserve ETH is flooded into the stablecoin, doubling its real value to 0.002 ETH

>> No.20388397

Finally someone who understands it. I swear biz is full of lazy niggers who can't read.

>> No.20388691
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>> No.20388886

bump for interest

>> No.20388898
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>> No.20389108
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>> No.20389198
File: 260 KB, 1920x1200, GET SMUG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20389274
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based pivvr poster

>> No.20389454
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>> No.20389477

how to get bag?
where to buy?

>> No.20389661

>stablecoin should push its value up too.
>stable coin
>push its value up

>> No.20389718


>> No.20390045


>> No.20390449


>> No.20390541

It's a stable coin paired with a deflationary coin. Read the white paper and stop being a lazy nigger.

>> No.20390983


>> No.20391100

>reading is hard lol!

>The deflationary token supply always contracts, so it should appreciate normally, and in down markets, demand for the stablecoin should push its value up too.

Or, "in down markets, demand for the stablecoin should push up the value of the deflationary token"

>> No.20391459

Exactly, and unlike other coins where you have to sell to reduce exposure and risk, you don't have to do that with PivvrDS. It removes sell pressure by allowing you to freely exchange it for D or S tokens (deflationary and stable).

>> No.20391472


>> No.20391500
