What happens is money is worth less, not more, because consumer prices have soared, so while there is an immediate pullback from shortage of money, long-term the market inflates and leverages even further beyond sanity as the big players realize investing is indeed the only way to preserve even a shadow of actual buying power at time of payment.
Things get worse for everyone, socialists use it as an excuse to shill higher minimum wage driving inflation higher once again on basic goods, and every honest hard-working person who didn't have time to figure all of this out gets fucked, and I, the lazy part-time-job internet faggot college dropout who likes to think a lot will secure my bag's value relative to buying power (minus fucking extra fees and taxes, as always) and still be able to buy my tendies when they're $20/lb
I knew this shit when I was 12, why is Schiff acting like it's news?