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2037135 No.2037135 [Reply] [Original]

Think about it.
> I bought about 60 ETH at $20
> I have only 38 ETH now because trading
> mEth is too expensive now
> Price does discourage me to buy more


> It is better than 0.002% yearly interest from any bank on my fiat
> It is better than a 0.000001% chance of winning the lottery.
> You can only loose your money once, yet you can gain multiple times your investment.
> In the worse case, if you invest well, you can still recover most of you investment, unlike investing on new businesses or gambling.
> you can withdraw your capital if Eth grows, with virtually ZERO risk because you already have the capital.

Prove me wrong. There is litetally no rational reason for not investing on crypto with some safety net like good wallets and stops.

I bought about 5 ETH more recently in the dip for over $500. I hope it grows.

>> No.2037138

At the moment one ether simply does not have $80+ worth of value. The value assigned to it is speculative, and when people realise the price isn't going up anytime soon they will cash out, causing a correction.

Ethereum is not a currency like Bitcoin. It scales literally 100x worse. It is not a store of value like Bitcoin. It's value is speculative and until there are actual uses for it, with completed projects, you're better off waiting for ether to return to it's correct price before investing.

>> No.2037143

At this point any crypto with decent name is free money. This will remain until the normies jump into crypto and everything will crash except ETH/BTC

>> No.2037145

It might just as well go down since at this point the ethereum platform is all speculation right now because there is no successful dapps to reach a broader audience. Also we dont know how much gas it costs to run lets say a banking network on ethereum platform, it might prove to be as cheap as 0.01 eth monthly so the "real" demand for eth wont be high then.

>> No.2037156
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>It might just go down

Let's see what happens in two weeks when they make more partnership announcements.


>> No.2037157

hi FUD

>> No.2037161
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bitcoin is not worth 1600$ either, the only thing that pumps the price up that much is speculation, bitcoins true value is well below 300-400$

your damage control doesnt work, buttcoiner

>> No.2037163

There is a dapp in ethereum that aims to replace twitter. If someone creates a site for normies to use it as they already use twitter, and we shill it as a "decentralized uncensorable twitter", I think it can be nice. Just as LBRY can be the next youtube.

There is a bright futire for blockchain technology. We cannot affort to NOT speculate becaise it is so new. If we are right, we can be rich. If not, still we can earn some money.

>> No.2037177

>there is a dapp in ethereum that aims to replace twitter

Name? Is this an Ethereum asset I can buy into like Golem or Augur?

>> No.2037189
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>he thinks he knows crypto's true value.
Crypto is worth whatever the fuck people think its worth. That is 90$ today.

>> No.2037198

Twitter has never made a profit, don't invest in twitter 2.0

>> No.2037207


That's the point. Typical companies have no incentive to invest on a twitter-like platform, which is a fertile niche to create a DAO that create s a twotter like site where retweets and likes may make micro profits for the users. A distributed incentive system.

>> No.2037210

I don't get it. Is not price relative? Of average people want to pay X for Y, then X is the price for Y. Who establishes the real price then? What authority?

>> No.2037212

Got a link to this ethereum twitter? Would like to see their proposed model

>> No.2037215

He thinks he's the arbiter of value.

I mean, he's entitled to his opinion, I guess. He's wrong, but he's allowed to think what he wants.

>> No.2037216

No, it is very new and it seems the project have been abandoned for a year.

People need advance knowledge of contracts to set and use it.

However, this is a good open source to create a DAO company and a site for normies to usr. We do not have to start from 0.

>> No.2037217
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His ass.

>> No.2037220

>He thinks he's the arbiter of value.

I am a quant at BNP so excuse me if I hold my opinions higher than frog posting autists.

>> No.2037227

>Ethereum is not a currency like Bitcoin. It scales literally 100x worse.

[citation needed]

>> No.2037228

If you don't understand why ethereum scales substantially worse than Bitcoin then you clearly don't understand shit about what you're investing in and should do more research.

I am long ethereum.I think it has great potential. I'm just being honest that it's price is currently inflated.

>> No.2037231


Can you share what quant techniques do you use when evaluation cryptos?

Which cryptos do you think are undervalued right now?

>> No.2037234

Ethereum scaling will be solved with sharding.

>> No.2037239

I don't actively trade cryptos because I don't trust exchanges with any substantial amount of money, all my cryptos are on hardware wallets. At this point it is better for 99% of people on /biz/ to just go long and not bother with trading short term.

I'm just trying to tell newbies to wait before getting on at the moment.The likelihood of another spike is minimal (though it does exist) while the likelihood of a significant correction is much greater.

If you're interested in my holdings atm it's more or less:
30% BTC
40% ETH
15% XRP
10% among smaller alts

>> No.2037245

Sharding does not solve scalability. It introduces significant trade offs that get worse with size (introducing different scalability issues). Read some actual counter points instead of regurgitating circle jerk talking points from ethereum echochambers.

>> No.2037248

>15% XRP
>10% among smaller alts
Do you hold that in paper wallets or hard ware wallet? How do I save XRP and wavess into paperwallet?

>> No.2037278
File: 24 KB, 344x499, XRP_distribution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with you on BTC and ETH.

Could you elaborate why are you holding XRP, knowing that the price is pretty much controlled by the dev holder company?

Also, what do you see in WAVES that is special? Isn't Factom like WAVES, but with actual clients?

Could you tell more about methods you use to analyse the cryptos? I'm really curious in how quants operate when evaluating potential assets.

Thanks for explaining. Knowing that you still hold 40% of ETH, could you tell why?

>> No.2037299

Paper and hardware

XRP investment because I simply think it will see faster mainstream adoption (and hence volume, price increase) than other cryptocurrencies. It's not meant to be used by individuals, but businesses and institutions who are not as easily prevented from using new technology. It also has clearly defined use cases and has more than demonstrated itself to be a working product (something you can't really say of ethereum currently). The premine is a significant issue, but I'm banking on growth out pacing inflation I suppose. Ripple labs have stated they do not intend to crash the price, and the founder is limited by a court order to 0.5% daily trade volume.

Waves for me is more of a hit and miss. Huge potential gains, but it can definitely fall flat. Like ripple, the thing that attracts me to waves is that it's going for mass adoption, while also having clearly defined use cases. They also intend to release smart contracts later this year along with a bunch of other stuff. Good roadmap, well funded, open developer, and working to be overly legally compliant.

Quant techniques aren't really applicable to crypto assets unless you actively trade. At the moment it's really just going through these points:

>Is it innovative?
>Does it actually have advantages over existing (centralised) alternatives
>Is a currency actually needed for this (ie. Is this an ICO scam)
>Are they making progress
>Are devs known (anon devs is a huge red flag)

>Thanks for explaining. Knowing that you still hold 40% of ETH, could you tell why?

Problems like this come with new technology. They will almost certainly be solved and it's no reason to stay away from ETH. Just making the point that ETH will have a much more difficult task ahead of them.

>> No.2037300

Care to share your opinion on LTC?

>> No.2037312
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>> No.2037314
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>Ripple labs have stated they do not intend to crash the price

>> No.2037316

>At this point it is better for 99% of people on /biz/ to just go long and not bother with trading short term.

Only if they're trading them against FIAT. If I'd just held my single BTC instead of trading BTC againsts altcoins I would be holding 1 BTC instead of 20 BTC.

>> No.2037320

You're talking out your ass. Ripple manipulates the price of XRP. I've seen it myself just like many others have. It's no coincidence it started pumping again at the same time as ETH.

>> No.2037684


People have been saying this since it was $30...kek

>> No.2037713

Don't mind him, he's just some LARPing faggot. If he was really holding a bunch of ETH he wouldn't be trash talking it like he is.

>> No.2037860

>t. ass blasted bitcoiner waiting on a transaction from 2 days ago to confirm

>> No.2037880


Lol you're a role playing faggot

>> No.2038087

Andreas....is-is that you senpai?

>> No.2038129
File: 25 KB, 394x458, Manipulator Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes but it will inflate before it crashes

>> No.2038205


The amount of eth shills on this board is insane. I wouldn't be surprised if some of you shills are paid to shill like Hillary had for her (losing) presidential campaign

The eth shills always disappear when eth crashes or corrects though. No one holding this scamcoin is in it for the Long haul. They'll all dump first sign of trouble.

>> No.2038257

t. Poorfag

>> No.2038274

I owned you a week ago when you exposed your utter lack of technical knowledge. you're the same retard that claims to own eth yet didn't know the scaling solutions until I informed you

tell me the tradeoffs that happen when you shard the network

>> No.2038295
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>No one holding this scamcoin is in it for the long haul

How retarded can you be? Kek

>> No.2038314

>we dont know how much gas it costs to run lets say a banking network on ethereum platform, it might prove to be as cheap as 0.01 eth monthly so the "real" demand for eth wont be high then.
I have also wondered about this. You could tell me it costs 0.1 ETH or 1000 ETH per month and I'd believe it

Is there any tangible comparison for how much gas is actually worth? E.g. like a comparison to Kw/H electricity?

>> No.2039193

Trading strategy for accumulating more btc from altcoins? Pick large market cap Alts and wait for value to outpace BTC?