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File: 252 KB, 1242x1879, 3D7AB361-E5EF-448D-9CD0-69464171CFE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20371126 No.20371126 [Reply] [Original]

Trips decides how I should kill myself.

>> No.20371141

oh wow, youre retarded

>> No.20371152

Slow, painful, death of soul as LINK climbs into double and triple digit territory.

>> No.20371163

well look here, buy in now and you can recuperate those losses somewhere in the next two years and make gains

>> No.20371173
File: 620 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20200712-212346_Delta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20371175

Why you sell?

>> No.20371176
File: 3.39 MB, 496x280, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just buy back in lmao, you can still afford a suicide stack

>> No.20371184

god is unfair

>> No.20371198
File: 52 KB, 670x424, 1551759162399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow and I thought I was financially illiterate

>> No.20371202

Go 4 h1sc0r3

>> No.20371205

you literally had months to buy back in why didnt you?

>> No.20371211


>> No.20371213

I can’t. I literally physically can’t bring myself to buy $7 or $8 link knowing that I bought almost 40k of them for $0.6. The thought of buying now just makes me sick to my stomach.

>> No.20371222

Old age

>> No.20371239

ive read this eth pasta
you know how it ends, right?

>> No.20371248 [DELETED] 

Suffocation by deepthroating Sergey with nose plugs

>> No.20371249

Imagine how sick you're going to feel when $100 buys half a link coin. Suddenly $7 isn't so bad.
Don't be stupid. If you believe in this, get back in. You'll be annoyed you're not a millionaire at Link @ 25$ but would you rather be upset you're not AS rich or suicidal because you have nothing?

>> No.20371250


>> No.20371254

Hang yourself watching gay porn.

>> No.20371262

Keelhauled under the megayacht

>> No.20371273

at least get a suicide stack ffs. literally 1k.

and for suicide method, i chose rope

>> No.20371290


>> No.20371306
File: 360 KB, 600x590, 0479 - Xz7HoqP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even worse it's like watching your x girlfriend fuck your friends i wanna be back on the Link Rocket

>> No.20371353

Checked and kekd

>> No.20371463

Colon perforation by horse cock

>> No.20371528

FUCKING REKT>>20371222

>> No.20371550
File: 30 KB, 472x461, 0005 - n8McQ1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Die a poor old fag sorry OP

>> No.20371995
File: 14 KB, 200x285, greed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek wants you to stay alive to witness LINK reach $1000+ since you didn't believe thus you will be tormented until the day your body gives out after decades of being consumed by regret to atone for your sin of greed

>> No.20372035

Biggest stack I've seen on biz. I'm glad I'm not a linkie only linkie hate on other linkies stack.

Congrats bro

>> No.20372114

What part of didn’t read; not selling did you not understand?

>> No.20372782

If I get trips you're not allowed to kill yourself

>> No.20372834

fucking kek you're stuck here with us

>> No.20372909

Take a loan. All in. Fomo. Do that.
Stay alive.

>> No.20372956

Anon don't kill yourself! I don't want you being eternally damned. Read the Holy Bible, I recommend starting from the New Testament. Jesus Christ who is God came to the world to save us from sin, from eternal damnation. He died on the cross, yet 3 days later He rose from the grave claiming victory over sin and death. Believe in Jesus Christ, gain everlasting life. I pray my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ helps thee overcome the darkness that swallows you whole. Don't kill yourself anon.

>> No.20373644


Fuck I said this when ETH hit $30, sold like 1500 ETH thinking I was a god. Watching it break $1k was really heart breaking.

>> No.20373772

Insert a pistol into your anus and shoot it until you die

>> No.20373813


>> No.20373891

Live, anon. Live for more than investment

>> No.20373939

acquire AIDS and don't get treatment

>> No.20374248
