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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 53 KB, 256x256, thinking-face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2036561 No.2036561 [Reply] [Original]

>/pol/ memes about Donald Trump for a year
>He becomes President

>/biz/ memes about Ethereum mooning for a year
>It goes from $7 to $100 in a few months

Have we been toying with meme magic without even realising it?

>> No.2036566

sit down, sir.

>> No.2036567

Your fallacy is: cherry picking

>> No.2036572



>> No.2036578
File: 2.10 MB, 4000x3200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And some people still don't believe in kek

Posw to $5 in month btw

>> No.2036585
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Confirmed, rockets are fueling as we speak.

>> No.2036587
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Meme magic isn't real.

Only children believe in magical thinking, which well describes 99% of Pollacks.

You know I'm right. The average "redpilled" pantshitter literally believes Clinton deserved to lose and Donald Dumbfuck is a better President. This is like a retarded sign language gorilla replacing Einstein and calling it an equal physicist.

Donald Dumbfuckers have no logic.

Dumbfuckers have no soul.

Dumbfuckers are fundamentally broken people without a shred of human empathy. They are fucking monsters.

Cold, selfish, heartless babydicks clap like trained seals when the millionaire cucks in Congress steal their healthcare all to safe a few bucks in taxes.

You ought to know magic doesn't exist, but if it did, it damned sure wouldn't be in the hands of the most reprehensible group on earth.

>> No.2036605
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See you fellas on the moon!

>> No.2036606


(You) tried.


4chan is the strongest entity in the western world right now, including Nihon.

Satoshi's identity being revealed would change world history.

>> No.2036611
File: 198 KB, 1000x710, 0033_-_NyznBSG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not $5


>> No.2036619

pasta? how are you left wing and on /biz/ kys

>> No.2036635


/biz/ has been memeing ETH since it was $1

>> No.2036638
File: 131 KB, 700x457, AlexJonesFoil-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nothing remotely business savvy about being a racist far right piece of shit.

Deny climate change at your own peril, too.

Honestly, big government works and it can be pretty damned profitable when implemted correctly. Remember the great bailouts of 2008-2009? That safety net saved the economy and led directly to the crypto trend promoted every day on this board.

>> No.2036658

For about half of wealthy people the best strategy is to vote for the right (less taxes and regulation) while understanding that the right is a pack of fucking retards.

The other half doesn't vote their wallet but they also know the right is retarded.

money doesn't have politics, and facts lean left. people that make money understand this.

>> No.2036689

Why are you so upset about it? you said nothing of substance, just name calling.

>> No.2036693
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Dumbfuck just gutted America's healthcare. There's no money to be made when half the country is sick or dying.

Also, President Shitgibbon could start a nuclear war at any given moment over a fucking tweet.

What you say about finances makes sense in a world where the right hasn't jumped the Nazi shark. But now it clearly has.

Fiscal agnostics are risking every penny by continuing to support the Trump GOP. Even the worst miser will admit a 50-100% death rate is so much worse than an extra 5% tax hike to give decent people a chance.

They will also clearly and honestly say the four words that distinguishes sane people from raving lunatics in 2017: I wish she'd won.

>> No.2036695

>Yeah! I stand with the whore of Wall St, Saudi Arabia and global tyranny because she will let me and my husband get married although she said in 2005 that "marriage between a man and a woman is the fundamental foundation of America".

>> No.2036707

>There's no money to be made when half the country is sick or dying.
of course there is.

and we didn't see those kinds of death rates before Obamacare, so we won't see them after.

People don't get rich by worrying about the wellbeing of poor peoples.

>> No.2036722

>half the country is sick or dying
>let's subsidize their bad choices
>OP gulps down another liter of Diet Coke
"fuckin' capitalism is makin' me fat, it's a conspiracy"

>> No.2036754

>80% of dem base is niggers, spics and women
>right is retarded
>facts lean left
dont worry, youll turn 14 one day

>> No.2036767

>youll turn 14 one day
I turned 14 in 1984 and I hire kids like you all the time.

don't make the mistake of thinking these facts are meant as an insult or a rebuttal of your opinion. They are simply facts.

>> No.2036780

You stick out like a kike's nose, faggot. New York or California?

>> No.2036781

>half the country dies
>USA is a 54% white nation
>niggers, spics, and poo's disappear
>USA is saved
(De)Fund it.

>> No.2036788

youre aware its a fact that non whites other than jews and east asians are much less intelligent than whites on average, yet whites overwhelmingly vote conservative? really activates my almonds

>> No.2036789

sieg heil!

>> No.2036842

Trump lost the popular vote by a landslide. /pol/ has no power.

>> No.2036862

You stick up like a white boys piggy snout.
Texas or Louisiana?

>> No.2036869

>guerilla marketting works
>put all your money into memecoins
>spam to every reddit, 4chan, random forum you can find that these penny stocks are going to explode in value
>retards buy it
>dump it at its peak
>retards think its going back up again

>> No.2036881
File: 40 KB, 400x314, weap245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day of rope soon, sub-human.

>> No.2036901

Spanish clay

>> No.2036907
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>> No.2036913

You sound a little butthurt buddy

>> No.2036919
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*breathes in*

>> No.2036922

>Remember the great bailouts of 2008-2009? That safety net saved the economy

No, it's exactly opposite. They resolved it short term by printing a shit ton of money. Long term they only added immense amount of pressure on the system and once it explodes it gonna spiral into inflation and world crisis that we've never seen before.

>> No.2036927

praise kek

>> No.2036948
File: 44 KB, 834x556, 1492408352924-pol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American clay since 1810. The race war will happen soon, and there will be no sweeter day than when the inner cities and country sides will be cleansed of the disgusting brown menace. I look forward to that day.

>> No.2036949

I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.2037104

You have mental illness if you believe 4chan Can change anything EVER

>> No.2037108

You must be new here.

>> No.2037124
File: 208 KB, 700x700, pepe_trump_cherry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2037127

There's no such thing as "meme magic", but it's also not cherry picking or a self-fulfilling prophecy, there is a rational explanation. The key is that, collectively, we are just barely smarter than average.

The average IQ of the civilized world as a whole is 100, by definition. Now take the average IQ of users on an anonymous frogposting imageboard that only a special kind of autist would bother going to. What do you think it is? It's gotta be at least 105. That may only 5% better than the average IQ in the western world, but what happens is the stupider users end up parroting the opinions of the slightly smarter users because they are taken in by them, and then those opinions are posted and reposted 100x a day by people with nothing better to do, and our average IQ trends even higher as we educate one another. Of course there is tons of bullshit, but in the end we are just barely smarter than average, maybe 5-10% above average which is small but not insignificant.

This is why /pol/ is always right, and why we're starting to see that other boards are right about things too. Even an average IQ of 101 beats the average IQ of the general public.

>> No.2037128

>only children believe in magical thinking
>tips fedora

>> No.2037129

ETC to 100 is next

>> No.2037139

Certainly higher than 105. Internet IQ in general is higher than average because it weeds out a lot of dumb poorfags. Also if we include the asian chans which inspired and continue to influence the american chans, we certainly reach above 105.

Average IQ aside, I think the real boon to intelligent discussion is the lack of an upvote/like system. Those systems inspire groupthink and PC watered down opinions which appeal to the masses. Furthermore, chan users are actually forced to sift through information for themselves instead of reading the top 2 or 3 comments which makes us a bit more resourceful.

>> No.2037160

Conveniently forgetting that he won the electoral vote by landslide. How do you explain that? Or should the election be determined by who has more strangleholds over population centers?