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File: 244 KB, 1024x1202, 20200714_170533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20365655 No.20365655 [Reply] [Original]

LINK will go through a series of pumps, but we're going to experience something unseen before around the Spring Equinox of 2023.

Pluto, THE generational planet, will enter the sign of Aquarius on
>March 23, 2023,
shortly afterward it will go retrograde and return to the sign of Capricorn on
>June 11, 2023.
During this 11 week period we will see LINK skyrocket to 2017 BTC ATH. MANY of you will sell, and that's fine...

>> No.20365660
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>> No.20365662

CHECKED. See you in 2023

>> No.20365679
File: 211 KB, 973x1124, 20200714_170628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BUT LINK will surpass it's own ATH after Pluto goes direct and re-enters the sign of Aquarius on
>January 20, 2024
when it, AND THE SUN, enter together.

Pluto will remain here for 20 years where it will define that time as the period that preceded the singularity. LINK will be well above $20,000 by this point. Do as you please, just wanted to share this info with you guys.

>> No.20365723
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>> No.20365762
File: 88 KB, 645x900, 1587167325911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you guys there. It won't be a bull run, it will be a BULL STAMPEDE

>> No.20365791


>> No.20365810

80k+ 2026

Check em

>> No.20365825

KEK. Sit down you normie tier IQ FAGGOT

>> No.20365838
File: 39 KB, 850x400, quote-anyone-can-be-a-millionaire-but-to-become-a-billionaire-you-need-an-astrologer-j-p-morgan-291671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically very possible.

>> No.20365840

20k link holder here (gay)

>> No.20365844

Uhh helllo BASED?

>> No.20365869
File: 292 KB, 1037x1072, 1594694463585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do hundreds of millions of dollars sound to you?


>> No.20365881

I believe it. Will continue accumulating until then. Wonder if this will also be the dead cat bounce of the crypto bullrun which is starting this Fall

>> No.20365915

1k EOY.

>> No.20366018

Same, and I can't speak on that with certainty, but for sure I won't ever sell before $10,000

>> No.20366186
File: 493 KB, 589x2244, 1581112152236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impossibly based.
You my good sir are an ABSOLUTE MANIAC and your wisdom shall grant you great boons.

>> No.20366269
File: 163 KB, 593x900, 1594666167150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen up everyone, this anon knows what's up: LINK

>> No.20366397

LINKborne NEET billionaires inbound

>> No.20366519

The NEETs shall inherit the earth

>> No.20366581

what about roko's obelisk? what happen if one are to sell chainlink?

>> No.20366957

People are joking that there will be a movie about Sergey but if any of these predictions will come out, we will be viewed in the same mysterious regard as ancient greek philosophers. Centuries upon centuries, countless books, literature and papers will be written by anthropologists, historians and archeologists on this unprecedented gnostic caste of enlightened racist rejects from a way too decadent society. Every shitpost and meme would be subject of extensive scientific research to grasp the deeper underlaying esoteric message of this movement. Truly interesting.

>> No.20367138
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>> No.20367342


>> No.20367701

OP your calculations are incorrect. I am a Vedic astrologer who studied in India for many years. There will be a HUGE spike in all crypto feb 13th 2021, and continue to go well into the decade. I have read link according to the time and date it was launched, and yes it's confirmed that link will have very strong support in its 5th house which indicates in this case, financial wealth from speculation. Be prepared people. Its coming

>> No.20367723

Post the LINK natal chart please

>> No.20367849
File: 159 KB, 1418x1160, 5jehIz4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sound about right.

>> No.20368136

Post the natal chart. Do you have the exact time when LINK was launched?

>> No.20368176

Checked and mind expanded

>> No.20368184
File: 1.04 MB, 1109x1166, A0E4C0D5-B77F-4A37-8944-7B56673A748D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20368213

>what happen if one are to sell chainlink?
Family cursed for generations, doomed to poverty and mediocrity for eternity

>> No.20368250

I only have 900 LINK. Am I fucked?

>> No.20368268
File: 150 KB, 500x522, 1573323819157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as if anyone is going to listen to a street shitter
Why would we listen to a lying pajeet? You have the audacity to claim my calculations are incorrect. Fuck off curry breath

>> No.20368287

If you sell at $10,000 you'll make it, but might as well hold for a lot more

>> No.20368331
File: 245 KB, 900x1195, D1739718-22F3-4D0F-A769-EE7C4116C721_1_201_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would we listen to a lying pajeet? You have the audacity to claim my calculations are incorrect. Fuck off curry breath

>> No.20368390

>pluto moves to a new sign every 15-20 years
>this is relevant to chainlink

Take your meds

>> No.20368503

Please post a real chart. OP is a faggot who learned about zodiac signs today and thinks he's big brained.

>> No.20368535

How many LINK do I need

>> No.20368570

Heeding the sky clock is how billionaires are made.

>> No.20368585
File: 63 KB, 600x300, d9b3407c09615da4197c24c8012bc39e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You wish, street shitter.

Generational influence that results in the most change on a collective level, dumb fuck.

>unironically using sidereal which is based on shifting constellations
The power of astrology is sourced from the celestial bodies in our solar system, not stars in another galaxy, you fucking retard

>> No.20368600
File: 23 KB, 600x315, 2-Astrology-Quotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Try to get at least a 1k stack

>> No.20368652

Checked. I can get a 1k stack. Will that be enough for me to stop wage slaving in 10 years? I just want to garden and travel and smoke weed and read

>> No.20368686

Pluto entering Capricorn in November 2008 led to a black man becoming President and the start of the recovery from the Great Recession. Pluto entering Aquarius in 2023, if anything, is about the Fed/government collapsing and/or bitcoin thriving. Read a book you worthless incel.

>> No.20368726

You'd have to hold until it hits $10,000. Then sell half your stack and see where it goes from there

>> No.20368740

Good thing Jupiter and Saturn conjunct on December, 21, 2020, sparking the new Golden Age.
Luckily, we won't have to wait until 2024 to be rich.
Aquarius comes somewhere around March of next year, which should mark a new period of "cleansing", which, for the profane about us, means jubilee.

>> No.20368741

the unfortunate part is a loaf of bread will be $100

>> No.20368759

>the start of the recovery
Dumb fuck, the recession STARTED IN 2008. Also, I never stated that Pluto's effect in Aquarius would be limited to Chainlink, you fucking retard, but yes, the collapse of the Federal Reserve is a very real possibility, which is why we need to HOLD until 2023 at least, not sell on 2021 like your street shitter friend suggested

>> No.20368789

I'm using USD purchasing power as a reference for value. When I say LINK will be $10,000, I mean it will have the approximate value that $10,000 USD would have today. With the collapse of centralized banks we wouldn't be using fiat

>> No.20368814
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 32E23D10-CC75-40AF-AAC1-D34D673EAB9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It started in December 2007 and ended June 2009 you zoomer brainlet.


You will never make it. You are a seething retarded incel. Money won't even help you. Cope.

>> No.20368825
File: 296 KB, 1080x1272, 20200626_195548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup. After the election and a second round of pandemic shutdowns its very likely that some major system(s)/institutions(s) will collapse or be crippled. More people will wake up, and even more will be receptive to red pills. Whatever it is, I think a major power shift will occur in our favor

>> No.20368869
File: 124 KB, 600x878, 1567305108051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>December 2007
>basically 2008
Ok, curry breath. Time for you to clean your poo

>> No.20368925
File: 42 KB, 850x400, quote-millionaires-don-t-use-astrology-the-billionaires-do-j-p-morgan-82-24-94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frankly, the next bullrun may not take until the end of next year. Things could easily begin to fly off by the end of this one and just stay in a steady rise until 2024, when things truly blossom.
If only normies understood why things are being allowed to fail...

>> No.20368958

Well it's a good thing I never claimed the next bull run would occur towards the end of this year. 2023 to 2024 will be the true test to see who has the strongest hands. Godspeed anon

>> No.20368961

lurk moar on /x/ retard
only relevant posts on this retard thread

>> No.20369033

>same fagging this hard
Desperate poojeet. Gtfo of this thread. Superpooer by 2021 right?

>> No.20369052

Sure, but the trend so far is laid out like that.
I'm not so sure it will be quite so late. Hell, it already seems like things are starting.

>> No.20369077

>Pluto entering Aquarius in 2023, if anything, is about the Fed/government collapsing and/or bitcoin thriving.

>> No.20369336

why is every board /x/ now god I hate jannies

>> No.20369453

Have sex incel

>> No.20369530

link 1k eoy is fud

>> No.20369590

I'm all for astrology but I don't believe Pluto has any significant effect on humanity.

>> No.20369591

>"Pluto, THE generational planet, will enter the sign of Aquarius on"

pluto isn't even a planet anymore

>> No.20369726

>my autism doesn't allow me to overlook semantics/arbitrary terms
Celestial body. There.

>> No.20369900

It's effect pertains to the subconscious energy of the collective. Less aware brainlets won't realize its effect

>> No.20369937

If Pluto is so important, what about the other dwarf planets?... I feel they are too small and far away to really have the type of influence Mars or Jupiter has.

>> No.20370024

No. The large asterois Ceres, Pallas Athene, Chiron, Vesta and Juno have an effect too, though not as prominent as the other celestial bodies

>> No.20370052

Probably not

>> No.20370055

Dwarf Planet Facts. There are 5 officially recognised dwarf planets in our solar system, they are Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake and Eris. With the exception of Ceres, which is located in the asteroid belt, the other dwarf planets are found in the outer solar system.

>> No.20370092

You guys are really thinking the constellation of the planets is telling you when to sell chainlink?


excuse me, continue please

>> No.20370142
File: 15 KB, 600x300, 1cab45cbee5eb6da6ea4cf6998a9b8a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys you normie IQ tier faggot

>> No.20370151
File: 15 KB, 1040x191, 3o1hy6k4mbn21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please kill yourself

>> No.20370168

Abritrary. Should we suck the dick of (((modern scientists))) in every matter or can we give some credence to our ancestors for once?

>> No.20370196

>thinks his IQ is high because he believes in astrology

You can't make this shit up

>> No.20370266

"But even if he used astrology, J.P. Morgan didn’t owe his success to it. He was born into a wealthy family and became a partner in a successful banking firm by the time he was 35. He went on to make additional fortunes in railroads and steel before the turn of the century. He could have met Evangeline in New York after 1899, when he was already over 60, but by that time he had already been a tremendous financial success for decades. It seems obvious to me that while he was interested in astrology, he never spoke about it publicly.

>> No.20370272

Our ancestors were not even aware of the existence of Pluto, Uranus, or Neptune, let alone fucking asteroids. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Read a book fren.

>> No.20370332

He never stated astrology was required to reach moderate levels of success. The whole point of his quote is: if you want to have increase your capacity for having massive influence on collective energy, then you need to be well-versed in astrology.

>> No.20370385

The whole point of my post was: He never said that. He never spoke publicly about astrology.

And he definetly didn't say a word about the collective energy bullshit you are pulling out of your ass now.

Please take your meds anon

>> No.20370386

No shit. I never claimed that, but you're assuming I was implying anything along those lines. I know that the only visible celestial bodies with the unaided eye are the ones up to Saturn, but you really think our (((history))) hasn't been pozzed? Pyramids, Mayan calendars that are extremely accurate, massive monolithic structures that we wouldn't be able to construct with modern technology, in some cases we wouldn't even be able to move the material they used to construct the structures. You think they weren't aware of the numerous celestial bodies in our solar system? Get your head out of your ass. What are you, like 19?

>> No.20370406

I'm sorry that you're out of tune with nature due to a lack of healthy socialization and environmental health. Hopefully your autism doesn't hold you back forever.

>> No.20370455

Yea sure anon, I am the autist here, not you who is talking with two other shizos about pluto and how it impacts the price of an erc20 token. Lmao

>> No.20370466
File: 90 KB, 600x300, 55804dc7f7b10510008b5632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and that's fine...
so you're saying don't sell?

>> No.20370555
File: 31 KB, 600x300, stjsjjjr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never said it did. It affects the collective population, behavior, events, etc. I'm sorry that your dumb bro

>> No.20370571

Hello sir I am profesional astrologist trader like J.P morgan and OP. I say pluto now is far away so buy link now and in a few weeks when it is near to earth it will be worth 2000$. Also the new comet that is visible atm is a sign that my dog will dump a huge shit soon which always means that chainlink dumps too, because my dog only takes shit when Saturn is on on the same line as the earth, even our ancestors new that as they proofed with maya pyramids

>> No.20370582

>BUT LINK will surpass it's own ATH after Pluto goes direct and re-enters the sign of Aquarius on...(yada yada)

You probably forget already but in fact yes you did anon

>> No.20370602
File: 284 KB, 470x395, 1593774779765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the sort of guy who falls for any thread that tells him to pump some shit cryptocurrency

>> No.20370613

nice samefagging

>> No.20370634


>> No.20370635
File: 62 KB, 537x580, 1594664301238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. That's your autism needing someone to explicitly spell out for you that the celestial bodies influence human behavior, which, when scaled to the collective level, can result in economic influence. Trips of truth confirmed that you're a retard. Sorry anon

>> No.20370638

lol?? no i am not the same fag, i just find it hilarious you've taken this thread seriously, though, i hope for your sake at least that is just the way you want to troll lol

>> No.20370655

Notice how we posted within 12 seconds of each other. There would be nearly a minute delay, dumb fuck

>> No.20370673

lets just hope he's larping as a dumbass, he must be from reddit or something

>> No.20370684

sorry that your planets didn't give your the trips. but it will surely impact the chainlink price thats sure!
i have never taken this thread seriously and thought the only retard defending op would be op itself
those posts i refered to have a 3 min delay, learn to read please, pluto can't teach you that

>> No.20370686

Checked and kek'd. Yeah, don't sell. You know the people who sold ETH at $100? It'll be the same feeling if you sell LINK below $10,000

>> No.20370690

put this in the screen cap, 2030 wageslave

>> No.20370692

hold it to zero, faggot

>> No.20370706

listen to this guy, he asked pluto

>> No.20370719
File: 153 KB, 839x882, 1578157712200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already got the trips, retard. >>20370555

You're probably trolling. Look at the ID's, you fucking retard:
You're claiming we're same fagging but the times are only seconds apart. Kys

>> No.20370735

We already knew this stop spoon feeding newfags obviously if it hits 81k on 2026 then it must surpass 20k along the way...

>> No.20370745
File: 170 KB, 360x346, 1594650913175.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never claimed to be in communication. I'm just observing the astrological transits. Why are you so butt hurt over this thread? Are you unironically an incel?

>> No.20370761

Idk, maybe. Are reddit people really that retarded?

>> No.20370765

not butthurt at all, it is just the dumbest shit i have ever read and I find it hilarious that you even find autist who believe you

>> No.20370775

>floating rocks and balls of gas in a vacuum tell me what the winning lottery numbers are
shut the fuck up and neck yourself while you’re at it

>> No.20370776

If we all hold, we win. Newfags need iron hands too. Let them sell their hundred links at $20,000

>> No.20370781

here we go again, the astrologist trader aka next j.p morgan calling other people retarded. can't make this shit up

>> No.20370789

The basilisk will live no matter who or what sells when it already exists it cannot be undone

>> No.20370809

No they won’t it will be a trivia fact they will continue their path of mindless consumption

>> No.20370880

Nice strawman. Imagine being so out of tune with reality that you think these massive celestial bodies with gravity strong enough to pull on each other have no effect on us. I guess the Moon has no effect on the tides, right? I guess humans AREN'T made up of 65% water? Brainlet

>> No.20370901
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>I triggered his autism
>now its weaponized
Oh sheeeeit

>> No.20370930
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>> No.20371051
File: 24 KB, 865x172, 90D53C6D-A027-4FD0-A00D-DE1590AAC1C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based thread.
Need to keep accumulating link. I don’t care if I can afford one at a time I need more

>> No.20371110

so how do you explain Pluto's significance over other the other dwarf planets

>> No.20371143
File: 623 KB, 1156x688, 1521061522842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wew checked im sweatin now anon. Never ever selling

>> No.20371145

that's a make it stack fren.
never sell

>> No.20371178

Wow you really think so?
Going to buy 1,000$ more tomorrow.
I can’t stand to look at the puny number of link I have knowing others have 20k stacks.
Why didn’t I listen? Why was I so young and dumb 3 years ago

>> No.20371224

The thread that saved /biz/.
I believe you anon.

>> No.20371226
File: 42 KB, 554x277, benjaminfranklin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astrology 101 (for dumb ass version):
1.) The planets hold the power/influence. These are the "gods" from Greek, Norse, Roman, Vedic, etc. mythology. Each planet has its own respective influence.
2.) The sign the planet is in determines how the power/influence is expressed. Like a filter for a photo.
3.) The house the planet is in determines which area of life/what themes of life the planet will deal with/focus on.
4.) Aspects determine how the power/influence of each planet interact with one another.

This is probably going over your dense head. To put things into perspective, you're no different than someone who rejects evolution without having studied/done any research on the matter. Instead you speak from a position of influence and ask ridiculous questions in a pathetic attempt to... idk what exactly. Think about that for a minute.

>> No.20371244

position of ignorance*

>> No.20371258

The closer you get to a 1k stack the better, obviously. Just be prepared to hold for at least a few years. No matter what.

>> No.20371272
File: 58 KB, 512x351, 1594577933095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks frens. We're gonna make it

>> No.20371340

dude, what the fuck. i believe in astrology, i have studied it for years.

you don't need to waste your time explaining things to me i already understand.

again, how do YOU explain Pluto's significance over other dwarf planets??? you fail to answer this question. again, you don't need to fucking teach me or evangelize me on astrology, which i already admire deeply.

>> No.20371348

I wish I was smart enough to fully understand why Link is going to revolutionize the world. I just don’t understand exactly why it’s going to go up past 100$

>> No.20371411

Look at the pic: >>20365869

>> No.20371461

When will we reach $50-100 though? I want to sell some to be comfy until the real moon

>> No.20371462

It's not about "believing" in it. Once you're educated on the matter, you simply understand and acknowledge it as being true. I never claimed Pluto had more "significance" over the major asteroids, Mr. Autismo. I referred to Pluto in my OP because it has the longest orbit, therefore it is the most influential planet on a GENERATIONAL level, having the opportunity to spend the most time in a given sign and compound its effect (over a 20 year average), unlike, say, the Moon, which moves from sign to sign every 2.5 days.

>> No.20371467
File: 21 KB, 352x352, 1524139348253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now if astrology could only tell me, what the fuck I should do with my life now that basic resources are taken care of...

>> No.20371485

LINK hitting over $100 is already a given, so its outside the context of a major astrological event. With that being said it appears as though it will happen within the next 6 to 9 months, maybe sooner.

>> No.20371507

It actually can. Calculate your natal chart on astrotheme.com and figure out which house and sign your North Node and South Node are in.
Side note: I only recommend astrotheme.com for its natal chart calculator as well as its transits and ephemerides calculator. Everything else is pozzed by normie/superficial "astrology", feel free to disregard the rest at your discretion.

>> No.20371520


this has a longer orbit than Pluto, so therefore Sedna must be the most influential planet on a generational level.

so how do you explain that?

>> No.20371521

Unironically read Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.20371642
File: 86 KB, 455x675, 1594275041255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about half the size of Pluto
>with an orbital period of 11,408 years
>11,160 years more than Pluto
Imagine stretching this far and still failing to prove a point. It's nowhere near close enough, nor does it have a gravitational pull strong enough to have any effect worth considering. Are you from Reddit or some shit? Kys

>> No.20371664
File: 60 KB, 625x773, 1569013405974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20371709

eh, ok man. just cause the masses and all the cool astrology apps utilize pluto doesn't necessarily mean it has major importance. these things are worthy of speculation. and my questions have gone unanswered. good luck

>> No.20371730

Learn to sail. Master of the seas is the master of himself.

>> No.20371737
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Linkers who don't make it will have to find work as astrologists in the future. Cap this magic trannies

>> No.20371772

The orbit of pluto (around 250 years) is interestingly about the same length as the Golden Age of every civilization.
250 years is pretty much the length of the best period of every known civilization

>> No.20371779
File: 32 KB, 300x131, 1594619787506.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cool astrology apps
Again, kys. There are no "cool" astrology apps as of the time of this post. They're all "pozzed" normie tear faggotry. You need to return to reddit bitch

>> No.20371792

Don't bother replying to him. He was just leaving to reddit

>> No.20371801

thank you anon for giving me an answer that actually makes sense

>> No.20371818

No, actually, his answer actually made sense unlike any of the garbage you spewed.

>> No.20371873
File: 295 KB, 785x731, 1593412824380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this butt hurt

>> No.20371968

I am literally fuming fren :-)

>> No.20372030
File: 16 KB, 600x315, 1581749159399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically uses literally

>> No.20372089

Got any book recommendations for us?
Very interested in learning more

>> No.20372103

Have sex incel

>> No.20372181

>same fagging phone poster
You won't be safe on the day of the rope.

>> No.20372194

Have sex incel

>> No.20372205
File: 32 KB, 600x300, 9401dbd2e7fe1fe440187630d350dde1--hippocrates-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look into Santos Bonacci aka Mr. Astrotheology on YouTube. He has a reading list on his website universaltruthschool.com
I recommend reading The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P. Hall

>> No.20372241
File: 3.68 MB, 4032x3024, 20190421_182606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brainlet bought the msm propaganda
Seethe and cope. All you're doing is shitting up the thread, but still bumping it to the first page. Go ahead. Reddit is waiting for you, brainlet.

>> No.20372264

Have sex incel

>> No.20372302

I know white girls are supposed to be the top tier but this bitch too fat for me. Gimme a skinny goth mommy.

>> No.20372328

You must have a pencil dick if you think this chick is fat. She was an average framed girl, if anything on the thin side, but she had a thicc ass, for sure

>> No.20372394

cheers fren, great thread thus far!

>> No.20372425

You're welcome fren, and thank you! Feel free to ama before the thread is archived

>> No.20372463

What are we currently in right now in terms of astrology? Idk how to really phrase my question, just want to make sense of what’s going on in the world right now.

>> No.20372537

Kek have you not fucked in over a year?

>> No.20372637

I didn't know it was standard procedure to take photos of every sexual conquest, fucking kike. She was sucking me off in my car, I had my phone, her ass looked/felt good so I told her I'd take some photos. That doesn't mean that was the last time I had any sexual interaction with a woman, fucking brainlet.

>> No.20372670

>feeling the need to prove you're not a virgin on an anime internet forum

this is top tier virginity

>> No.20372681
File: 16 KB, 500x250, 32f63511263aba7a67f0b0c5d22a7eb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few ways I can answer this question. We're finishing up Pluto's transit through Capricorn, which began in 2008 with the recession and will potentially culminate towards the collapse of fiat once it finishes its transit in a few years. Additionally the Age of Pisces is coming to an end. Isaac Newton pegged the beginning of the Age of Aquarius at the year 2060, but imo it will be 2064, because Pluto will enter Aries at that time, the first sign of the zodiac, signifying the a new beginning/cycle.

>> No.20372707

I'm not the one who brought it up, because I get enough of it for it to not be on my mind all the time. Just countering lies with the truth. Simple as that.

>> No.20372807

The bible is just a personification of our astrological history and by knowing the patterns of the past we can predict what is to come, is this somewhat correct?

>> No.20372856

Also, which languages hold the most astrological truths? My Latin is alright but need to brush up on it since school and am Currently learning Hebrew.
Would Ancient Greek make it the perfect trio or is there something else to add to the mix

>> No.20372886
File: 138 KB, 1300x1153, 35459605-medical-symbol-caduceus-with-snakes-and-wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but it's not just that. The Bible incorporates many subjects, including human anatomy. Garden of Eden is the enlightened state of being/body, inhabited by the left brain hemisphere (Adam) and the right brain hemisphere (Eve). That story illustrates the importance for humans to utilize both brain hemispheres, but always lead their lives with logic, order, reasoning i.e. the left brain hemisphere (Adam) as opposed to leading with emotion and unbounded imagination that can lead to delusion and get us in trouble i.e. the right brain hemisphere (Eve). The key is to balance both. Pic related, the caduceus, aka the Staff/Rod of Hermes, represents the cerebrospinal column of a human, with the staff being the spine, the two wings being the brain hemispheres, and the two snakes representing the esoteric masculine and esoteric feminine, which are to be transmuted towards higher/divine purposes that are in alignment with God, as opposed to using those energies for lowly, primal purposes, which will lead us to "hell", a state of being.

>> No.20372914

Latin, Greek, Hebrew and even English itself are arguably the best languages for deciphering words and identifying the most esoteric meanings that underly them. Santos Bonacci explained why (in regard to English), but I don't recall his reasoning. Something to do with modern English having taken so many words and influence from those other languages.

>> No.20373202

Awesome, I have the same understanding of the bible but in a far less educated way, more so just what made sense to me from the last few years of vaguely touching on the subject.
I have a lot of reading to do but that's easy as I am a farmer who doesn't have a television.
Thanks for this tread, it has been one of the better of late!

>> No.20373286

Dang chill out if you’re so smooth with the ladies then why are you such an argumentative and whiny lil bitch

>> No.20373296

I'm happy for you. I hope to have my own land to farm and raise livestock some day. I'm glad I was able to share some insight. Thank you for the compliment and I hope you find greater understanding on your path :)

>> No.20373318

Notice how I have a normal conversation with farmer anon. I'm a mirror. I reflect people back to themselves. If you don't like me, its because you don't like yourself, and you know this to be true.

>> No.20373336

Loasting in epic chain

>> No.20373370

I haven’t read any of your dumb shit. I saw an ass from over a year ago and had a laugh at your expense you sad little man

>> No.20373380

based astrobro

>> No.20373403

Ok incel

>> No.20373496

based af

>> No.20373521

Learn astrology and you will know
>hint: MC, Chart ruler, North Node
Read the bible

>> No.20373594

I honestly wish sidereal made more sense because you'd just need to look at the constellations in the heavens.

>> No.20373773

Pretty sure only Saturn has a decisive influence on link

>> No.20374564
File: 203 KB, 739x911, 8765FA70-F935-4A4F-B808-90D7EA20C06E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone ITT interpret my natal chart for me? My closest aspects are Moon Trine Pluto and Venus Square North Node.

>> No.20374586

That's a nice technical analysis

>> No.20374991
