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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2036483 No.2036483 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone else on /biz/ financially successful, but at the expense of their social life? I'm in my late 20s. This week I landed a 140k/yr gig. I should be ecstatic, but I've neglected friends and family to reach this point. I'm close to coworkers, but as soon as I move to a new job I rarely see them again.

Is /biz/ lonely?

>> No.2036489

>tfw you realize money literally isn't everything

>> No.2036496
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Could be worse. I'm broke and lonely.

>> No.2036500

Do you imagine poor people your age have a better soshial life than you?

I think you can be lonely no matter how much you make or how much you work. In real life adults spend most of their time working. We deal with it. Even if you suddenly find yourself with tons of money and time on your hands, all your friends and family still need to work almost all of the time.

>> No.2036519

Throughout my life I've noticed that the less money I'm making the more social I am and vice versa. Surprisingly, I always feel more fulfilled when I'm making more money versus when I'm having a normal social life.

>> No.2036526

This pretty much if that makes you feel better

>> No.2036529
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I have a lot more fever friends since i had to leave some losers behind, but it feels to good to walk around in shoes which cost as much as the monthly salary of the guy who is walking next to you.

Man up senpai.

>> No.2036536

>Work in finance and make north of 200K
>No friends or family in city
>Basically in my room every weekend working, all weekend
>Trying to find a new job since January but keep failing

Should be happy but I just feel like shit

>> No.2036537
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At least you get on with your colleagues

I despise my coworkers and have to spend 40 hours a week with those fuckers

>> No.2036573
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Yeah I feel lonely. I spent a lot of time building my business and I have bad social skills too. I'm not rich enough to hang out with super rich people, but I also don't have to "work" anymore really.

I can travel anywhere I want, but it's hard to get close to people since I think it's hard for them to identify with someone like me. Most folks in the world have to grind, their lives revolve around shifts, commutes and 9 to 5s, and I'm not in sync with that rhythm.

I'm thinking about devoting myself to some artistic pursuit now, maybe that will help me reintegrate into society somehow.

>> No.2036574

I feel like 4chan has kind of made my life better in many ways but somethings never change.

>6 figure salary
>gonna be engaged soon

Sometimes even if i'm invited out, I'd rather just be home alone after a hard week of working.

It feels somehow fated that i still spend my friday nights the same way i spent them in high school: shit posting on 4chan.

>> No.2036678

dude made $2.5 billion and gave his dev team $200,000 each. dickhead.
then acted like he "tried so hard for his team" okay, then give them a million each.

>> No.2036680

>being a wageslave
>financially successful
Try again buddy

>> No.2036698

I will never understand why people get so hard over being more financially successful than others.

To me the closest thing I get to that in this pursuit of wealth and fortune is the challenge aspect of becoming a millionaire. I just want to surmount the odds.

Most reasons I want this are practical.
The biggest draw for me is financial security and the ability to buy nice things and have wiggle room.

It seems like a lot of you are trying to be this all powerful lollercoaster of a business tycoon. I can just see you putting on your cheap suit and dancing around and speaking like Donald Trump in your childhood bedroom.

I could give two shits if someone else has more or less money than me. The only time I think about other's money is when I'm thinking about how I can get it into my pocket. Lotta tryhards and insecurities around these parts.

>> No.2036738

I tell myself that it'll all be worth it when my future kids don't have to go through the same stuff.
It's not necessarily important to be social, but it is important to maintain a strong bond with any worthwhile family and friends. You don't need to go out to a bar with your buds to be happy, but you should consider calling them when you're doing nothing, like posting feels on /biz/. It'll be more rewarding overall

>> No.2036755

dude, ill be your friend. Ill work for you, just pay me a bearable salary and grant me a work permit and ill be the most motivated worker ever.
I aint got any friends anyway and i cant stand the place im living in.
Im not a moron either, have interests in economy politics philosophy tech and programming but also enjoy having a beer or smoking a joint.

>> No.2036769

someone hire this cunt and when you're done hiring him I hope you hire me

>> No.2037072

it was planned to be this way from the beginning
fuck being social you idiot, it's not pleasant in any way
do you know who's social? crackhead niggers
go do that

>> No.2037095


What does your business do? Did you get your wealth from your business?

>> No.2037162

I may be interested. Send your resume to nickewarner @ gmail.

>> No.2037171


I miss my friends, I love my friend. But I can't be with people who smoke pot all the time and don't believe in Bitcoin.

Rather have a clear mind and gamble on shitcoins and make bank. I'll show them my lambo in 2020. Then when I'm retired I'll smoke with them every now and then.

>> No.2037386

Why dont you frugalcuck now a few years and then retire with that fat income stacked

Then you will have all the time in the world to make friends and spent time with them i dont see the problem

Man some people i wish i had that fucking income so i could work towards retirement but you people who have it are too retarded to make something out of it and sprnt it on houses high rents and cars and other bullshit shit im angry

>> No.2037416

i would prefer it that way as you can live a low key life and no one will think you rich.

>> No.2037418

Money > social life

You can always get into social life, but once you are out of your 20s and 30s making money becomes a lot harder.

>> No.2037421

>I have a lot more fever friends since i had to leave some losers behind, but it feels to good to walk around in shoes which cost as much as the monthly salary of the guy who is walking next to you.

I know that feel. Which shoes are those btw? Mine are John Lobbs.

Cashiers still reject me.

My shoes are like their 2 month salary and they still decide they are better than me, fucking kek

>> No.2037460

Im just turned 18 with a 20k entry desk job at an accounting firm. And my social life suffers as is. I cant imagine what its like higher up the food chain and not at the bottom

>> No.2037719
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>It seems like a lot of you are trying to be this all powerful lollercoaster of a business tycoon. I can just see you putting on your cheap suit and dancing around and speaking like Donald Trump in your childhood bedroom.
>I could give two shits if someone else has more or less money than me. The only time I think about other's money is when I'm thinking about how I can get it into my pocket. Lotta tryhards and insecurities around these parts.

What a cuck.

Now you're going to tell me respect my boss because he has it tougher than me on the job.

>> No.2037734

Do you guys have a hard time making new friends?
All of my friends are from childhood like I didn't make a single new friend since I graduated highschool

>> No.2037811

People are 'too busy'. Just go to social events and don't be ugly/autistic. Everyone will wanna be your friend.

>> No.2037846


Finding a special someone can be incredible and it beats any high that money can buy. But not having money severely limits your options in life. Squeeze in some social activities in your time to open yourself to new experiences. You can't force something to happen, these things usually blindside you. But you need to at least get out there.

>> No.2037871

if he did this, you'd be posting

"dude made $2.5 billion and gave his dev team $1,000,000 each. dickhead... give them 5 million each"

>> No.2037878


Believe it or not you can make some sort of connection with anyone you meet regardless of how rich or poor they are. And you probably will have something to learn from them too because they will have some special interest that you don't, even if it's something dumb like wrestling.
If you have the mentality that people are either too good or not good enough for you, you will never make meaningful connections with anyone. Because no matter how smart or rich you get there is always going to be someone above and below you. You need to start treating everyone the same. Because whether you're talking to a peasant or some big shot CEO they both have things that interest them and most importantly they both have an ego. So try to be genuinely interested in them and their interests rather than trying to get to a place where your money or fame makes people interested in you. That will never happen. People are only interested in themselves and what you can do for them.

>> No.2037888

OP must buy a real sex doll with high tech somewhere in the internet

>> No.2037890

I got a job working in a particular field that necessitates me moving state and ceasing contact with most of my oldest, longest friends.

still have my family and I love them, my partner, and have fun in a big new city.

The money's good, but what makes me more than happy to do it is that it's been my dream - it was my version of "I wanna be an astronaut when I grow up". Plus it's a meaningful job which can make a real, tangible positive change in the world; on a small scale nonetheless.

I enjoy my own company and always have. I have almost no time to go and make new friends in a new city, and it can be awkward asking your partner to go hang out with a bunch of guys and girls who you barely know and they haven't met. Still feel like it's where I'm supposed to be headed in life and the compromises feel more like worthwhile changes than negative side effects.

>> No.2037897
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i know that feel bro

>> No.2037924

Your internal state doesn't matter as long as you perform above the necessary level.
But yeah, I really think that a boss has it harder. I can relate to people not wanting to be boss. The utility vs. effort curve gets really flat quite quickly as you move up the hierarchy.

>> No.2037931
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Im still a newfag to the whole shoe scene, going with Carmina cordovans for a good start, might switch to John Lobbs when im like 35+.

>> No.2038150

It's like you didn't comprehend anything I wrote at all.

>> No.2038282

How much do your shoes cost relative to your own monthly salary?

>> No.2039276

I mean, com'on. he became a multibillionaire and gave his team enough to barely afford a lower-middle class house while he stunts in the $70 million dollar mega mansion. I'd be pretty pissed too if I were on the dev team.
but I probably wouldn't've given them much, either. it's not like they were great friends of his by default. and you wouldn't want to feel like the sucker who just gives away his cash. but I think they deserved more than they got, objectively.


>> No.2039337

social status is hugely powerful, especially in attracting women. see> "socioeconomic status"
despite being "equal," most women rarely see the world much further than as a high school popularity contest and just want to leech the status of a rich guy they attach themselves to.

>> No.2039342

>but once you are out of your 20s and 30s making money becomes a lot harder

nigga wut?

>> No.2039383
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>Be 19
>20k net worth and no debt
>starting a startup whilst also attending uni

>tfw no social life
>tfw no gf

>> No.2040373
File: 311 KB, 1376x522, NEBRASKA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK man, I don't know what tier Rich you think we're dealing with here, because I can tell you that most Rich people do care about your profits first and you as a person second. It's a game to them because playing the game is what put them in that position in the first place. They spend so much of their time doing it. Your advice is overall solid, but it's really too soft when you hit a certain level.

That doesn't justify artificially inflating wages. I would've realized what the fuck I was walking into, considering Notch stole the game from another Dev team (that I thought he was, at some point, a part of).

Have you seen the movie Nebraska? It's a really, really solid film about a son driving his dad to collect a $1million dollar prize his dad thinks he's won, and dealing with old, small-town connections who you see reflect on his father and react to his alleged newfound wealth.

It's very low-key/slice-of-life, but is comfy and hit's all the right notes about this kind of thing.
>pic relatd

>> No.2040402

Maybe if you work in manual labor jobs.

>> No.2040411

who cares faggot in a few years you could stop working and do whatever the fuck you want. kill yourself

>> No.2040430

I have more than that I am a year younger and I am neet with no friends or gf. I havent left my bedroom in months

>> No.2040454
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Ok but, you should really go outside once in a while, even if you don't think you fit in.

18-22 is like DEPRAVITY MODE in development. If you think going to College is anything like what you expected, you get BTFO'D. Socializing gets easier in your late 20s by a lot. People have to learn to actually be self-sustainable and college does provide a nice bubble for people in otherwise cushy lives. I was horrible at going out, back then but I really like my friends now and I only have them because I made an effort to be in the actual world.

You won't be able to run away from people forever, at least, not if being around others would make you actually happy.

>> No.2041473

Yet you'll still feel empty inside and alone, now with even more time to concentrate on it.

>> No.2041511
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I've never been lonely. Only roaches do not enjoy unlimited solitude. The only place I could feel really lonely is among other people

>> No.2041516

Life is lonely get over it. With friends, wife and kids you will still be lonely inside. If you aren't happy with who you are, who you surround yourself makes no difference. Best to take a trip to Thailand and be a perverse degenerate for a week or two.

>> No.2041616

Be 20, 65k in assets (not counting home equity). I'm in the army stay in my room and day trade after work. using my VA loan for the second time soon. I don't know I enjoy being alone. Had a really cute girlfriend ended up dumping her because I got bored. I don't really have an issue with society and making friends.. seems like a waste to me. Thought I was the only one...

>> No.2041745

Find a wife.....no really im being serious.

>> No.2041752


Travel for a bit. Find a wife, try to make sure she isn't a gold digger or isn't degenerate (can be pretty hard if you live in NA or western Europe). There is not point in making so much money if you can't enjoy the life you have now.

>> No.2041767

He didn't have to give them shit. They didn't deserve shit. They were hired, they were paid. That's the extent of their business relationship.

>Blizzard should share their Overwatch shekels with me as I programmed some of the game

>King should give me millions because I helped create Candy Crush

>EA games should pay their artists millions because Fifa is worth billions

But it's fine if it's an "Indie" dev, in your worthless, dogshit opinion

Either create your own company and create value for someone, or suck a dick.

>> No.2041827

What do when most people just care about sports, gambling related to sports, drinking beer (socializing) or having a "new" car? I honestly don't give a fuck about any of those things and can't relate to anyone because of it?

>> No.2041844

I have a degree in information systems but can't land an entry job. Graduated a year ago

>> No.2041880

V. Early twenties and in college. I made 2 friends in the last 4 years and none of them like to hang out after college hours. Every weekend is the same, make money and then spend half on food while watching random shit

>> No.2041999

Bottom line, you can't buy happiness

The greatest minds in history have done a lot of heavy lifting, and all you are getting here is

>Travel for a bit. Find a wife

fucking BULLSHIT...

Go spend some time in a library or a forest, go relate to some people, go help homeless people, plant a tree...

>> No.2042006


I think what you are not realizing is that in this economy you must be an entrepreneur

>> No.2042043

I think it's his fault for giving them extra money in the first place. He should have given them nothing extra, by doing so he opened up the argument himself to re-negotiate their pay. Everyone expects a disney or activision to tell you to fuck off once you get a check, since Notch was an indie game dev legend, he had high expectations heaped on him. He didn't understand how people felt about him.
It wasn't about the money he gave them, its that he tried to redefine what is fair. People are comfortable with getting payed what they are owed, excess generosity was hard to appreciate in this case.
You're talking about them as 'people'. You don't know them, they don't know you, it takes awhile to actually get to know what they care about and if you can enjoy being around them. Doesn't matter how much money they have or their hobbies. It's what they value as a person and if you feel like you can speak to them.
Hobbies-based talks aren't real talks. When you're young you think that, as you get older you understand it's all sharing emotions. In order to get there, you should probably try to find something that appeals to you. It doesn't have to be the furfag or pony shit you're into, just whatever in general that you think you might enjoy, and if you enjoy it with other people, that's how everything starts.

>> No.2042078

>Carmina cordovan
Those shit shoes aren't anybodies monthly wage except for part time teenagers.

>> No.2042083

i work 70-84 hours per week for only ~75k$ per year. i consider this good because im an uneducated felon in my late 20's. i dont even want a social life because other people are usually bad influences and time wasters plus im prone to connecting with bad people. all i need is a nice casual gf to have sex with and give me a boost. i hope to quit this job in 3-4 years to begin living a more happy life while trying to find some kind of business that i actually enjoy.

>> No.2042671

I feel like most young kids here over value friendships and social life. I'm in my late 20's and spent most of my time trying to be out there having fun doing the latest xyz only to realize that NONE of it matters. I don't talk to any of those people anymore. Such a waste of my time. I should have just worked a decent job, saved, moved up, did something! Not waste it all on experiences i've already forgotten.

>> No.2042715

Yeah I'm pretty lonely.
Its been 5 yrs since I finished high school and almost 2 years since I finished college.

All the people I went to school with are now getting married, having kids and starting their new lives w/o me in the picture. I have no idea what my close hs friends are doing. I rarely hang out with my college buddies because they all work long hrs. They just don't have any time for me.

I've never had sex or a gf either, so the loneliness really fucks me up.

>> No.2042728

fuck them man. As long as you're headed towards financial stability go dark for 10 years then start reengaging the world when you're a millionaire and successful

>> No.2042818
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Yeah I know I shouldn't let the loneliness get to me.

I've tried tinder, but no one wants to fuck an insecure manlet with shitty social skills. I've also tried to meet up with people from 4chan, but they all end up bailing at the end.

>> No.2042854
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>My shoes are like their 2 month salary and they still decide they are better than me

if you ask out cashiers that automatically makes pretty much everyone better than you

>> No.2042861

>but no one wants to fuck an insecure manlet with shitty social skills.

Gotta persevere brotha. I want to die every day. I'm a fat guy, but I don't have time to feel sorry for myself especially when I'm ignoring the issue.

If its your goal to be more social then be social, but don't cry on this board about not having friends when you aren't 100% committed to that persuit.

It's time to get over yourself and your excuses. Just work work work save save save and you'll figure it out. Having "friends" is over rated imo.

Don't waste time on thinking of other people when you know damn well no ones doing the same. It's not worth it. Just do your best to be successful in your own right.

>> No.2042868

>Lying on the internet

>> No.2042946

Thanks anon, but the catch is I like boring stuff like history etc and nobody wants to hear a word of anything related to that, even less visit a museum or a castle with me

>> No.2042994

I have lived with some millionaires before and they all had started working again even though they had financial freedom. They were all self made ones, so how I see it is that they were unable to stop working the 60 hour weeks they done to get to that point. Except for their private client credit cards, drug use, occasional vacations and house cleaners, you couldn't really tell they were as rich as they were.

>> No.2043186

I have nothing but nudes

I'd rather have a ton of money like you guys though

>> No.2043232

best question. I'd like to know too.