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File: 250 KB, 652x946, 1594297168989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20365289 No.20365289 [Reply] [Original]

Are you going to miss XSN? Anybody who isn't buying sub $1 is going to commit suicide in a few years.

>> No.20365634

Anyone with a brain knows that LINK hasn't even begun to take off.

>> No.20365653

Lol where are you retards coming from

>> No.20365684

Been here all along. Holding since 2017.

>> No.20365801
File: 103 KB, 835x700, stakenet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah thats great anon but this is an XSN thread

>> No.20365989

A totally decentralised exchange with lightning transaction and the user wont even have to:

Sync With The Network
Register To Anything
Do Any Form Of KYC (Know Your Customer)

We have just entered to the next bull run 50ema>100ema>200ema and this is still available for less than $1? if you want to make it THIS is IT.

>> No.20366006

XSN could break $100 and it hasn't even hit $1 yet.

>> No.20366161
File: 44 KB, 869x361, stakenetwhatmasternodesdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20366323

Passive income from XSN MNs is the golden ticket to neetdom

>> No.20366600

This. 10 nodes here. Already making around $100 a week.

>> No.20367014

Checked. It took me 2 years to get to 10.
>7.5k POSW
>7.5k XSN at 22c
>30k XSN at 14c
>30k XSN at 9c
>75k XSN at 2.8c
When XSN dipped back in March I went to the bank at 3 am and put every penny I had in.

>> No.20367960
File: 309 KB, 628x628, ezxsn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, I had 2 nodes last year, got the others this year because it was so cheap.

>> No.20368436

Something about all the effort and ingenuity involved led me to believe it was criminally undervalued for 2 years and counting.

>> No.20368676


>> No.20368716

New fav obviously wasn't around when in 2017 when ETH and ANS (not ANT kek) pumped. XSN is trash GTFO.

Low IQ weirdos stay poor. Link is unironically bigger than Bitcoin if you actually understand what's going on.

>> No.20369000

Ineeded, the breakout is going to be amazing, can't wait for DEX release then raiden integration.

Cope, anyone who isn't a complete retard knows;
LINK Rank 1
XSN Rank 2

>> No.20369142
File: 51 KB, 452x342, sweetride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and based.

>> No.20369856

XSN is the ETH of this cycle.
That's why it led the massive alt boom.
It has the pump potential of ANS/XRB and the staying power of a top 5.

>> No.20370384

How high do you reckon xsn will go this bullrun?

>> No.20370878

If XSN reaches a $1 billion mcap? $10
$10 billion? $100
$100 billion? $1k
If ETH broke 100 bln mcap with cryptokitties and ideas, why cant XSN if it does all that it does while running code agnostic dapps?

>> No.20370910

Ez. 1 Masternode is enough to make it.

>> No.20370925

Linkshits get out now, this is XSN territory
What will be the LinkMarine of Stakenet?

>> No.20370940

XSN chads


>> No.20371106


This shit is gonna have great memes though. Stake and Bake -or- Wake and Stake, StakeNEETs


>0: Eternal Wageslave
>1 - 1000: Temporary Wageslave
>1000 - 15000: Le Happy Merchantnode
>15000 - 75000: Node-Master
>75000+: Trustless Emperor

>> No.20371123

Based, only selling my rewards stakies.

I think rankings need a rework.
1 masternode is a make it stack
10 is fuck you money.

>> No.20371124

Feel free to make it better btw, i know that might suck ass. We're gonna probably need differnt memes thann stinky linkie

>> No.20371139

It would depend on the name xsn has. LINK marines, the ranks make sense since it's based on that.

>> No.20371166

yeah I agree, see >>20371124

But yeah, probably gonna ride this LINK bull, then take some out + money I make from my job and buy 20 - 30k XSN. This is like getting in on LINK at just above the ground floor, except right before a market-wide golden bull in 2021

>> No.20371171

Is XSN not available on crypto.com because I don’t see it

>> No.20371204

Tell me the following:
Where to buy this shitcoin
How much of this shitcoin I need
wtf is a masternode and why i want one

>> No.20371264

You can only buy on livecoin, or you can use the beta DEX which can buy through livecoin without you need to use livecoin.

>> No.20371282
File: 44 KB, 908x365, masternodedoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only buy on livecoin, or you can use the beta DEX which can buy through livecoin without you need to use livecoin.

15000xsn = 1 masternode, see pic related.

>> No.20371311

Where can you learn about block chain technology and exactly how coins work. It seems no one can explain it.

>> No.20371338

Google is your friend. Each coin is different, if you want technical details about xsn go to stakenet.io and click whitepaper.