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20364056 No.20364056 [Reply] [Original]

Its fucking over. I sold my sucide stack during december 2019. I couldnt withstand that those fucking swingers have easy gains and sold just before pump to the moon. right now i have sucidial thoughts. I will be swinging with other shitcoins and try to put back sucidie stack and i swear if i make 1k links again then i will never make the same mistake. If link will hit 1000$ without me then i will just kill myself. If could choose to be normie who doesn t know about link who will see it moon during GBR 20.. or knowing that i had oportunity to moon, then i would choose first one. The second one is obvious sucide. FML.

>> No.20364140

If you really think it is going to $1000 why not just buy at this price. It’s still cheap now by your own projection. If you buy now and it even “only” goes to $100, are you going to be cursing the profits?

>> No.20364168
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Please be real

>> No.20364193

Some people will just bitch until they are fully priced out.

>> No.20364206
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>> No.20364305

Hey just start DCAing. I’ll be DCAing a little bit every day for the next like 225 days. I have swing link pain too just DCA

>> No.20364363
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3rd world. Sucidie stack was everything i could afford and right now i cant risk more. I dont invest money which i cant loose.

You can laugh as much as you can edgy niggers. You are probably normies who bought after 2$. You will never understand this pain when 2 fucking dumps rape your soul scrapes and then after you think that made good transaction it moons totally. That was the only one moment when i was this weak and this mistake will cost my life probably or i will make to the 1k stack again and never again make the same mistake.

I ve been here whole this time.

>> No.20364385

i think i will as my redeption i can DCA 100$ dollar monthly. is this even make sense?

>> No.20364404

This basically. Just do it. Don’t let your dreams be dreams.

>> No.20364426

I’d just do like $10 every 3 days or something like that

>> No.20364555

Okay, but at least don’t start losing what little money you have on uniswap shitcoins. DCA, buy dips, whatever. Rebuild the Link stack if you think Link will make it. The guys in Bangalore have enough 4chan customers, you won’t get rich off scam coins.

>> No.20364694
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I know about uniswamp. Those coins stinks carry as fuck. Right now i bought BNT 1k stack and will buy CTSI as my second base. I hope this will make me closer to this meanwhile i will DCA as >>20364426 anon said.

But still this hurts as fuck

>> No.20364748

Damn OP I thought I was hurting. I sold 8k down to my suicide stack but I didnt even sell that. RIP

>> No.20364783

We need a sticky thread for Swing linkers and no-linkers so they stop posting their dumbass "I am financially ruined" stories.

>> No.20364813

You have until the EOY for $1000. Just take out a $10,000 loan

>> No.20364857

I'll be DCA'ing 100 LINKs a day until I make 1000 LINKs.

>> No.20364893
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My average buy is .60c never selling kys while I keep laughing

>> No.20365173

Thats cute. You probably heard of chainlink from Timo faggot but still i bought earlier than you.

>> No.20365191

No I was here in 2017 and didn't cash out but consolidated into link 2018

>> No.20365213
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It's not something to brag about beyond being a crumb hunter

>> No.20365299

Good for you. I bought 1y later when it dipped masively but still i couldnt stand 2019 second dump. I hope that i will come back to the 1k stack.

>> No.20365371

I don’t think u deserve to make it just sayin. Lots of anons here have demolished there stack way worse then u. Like pull ur pants up bitch

>> No.20365569
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Calm down. I sold my last 1500 in 2019 too. Hopefully I made others rich, I was the rimmer poster and shilled it every waking hour for 6 months but burnt out and had a few deaths and breakups so stoped using biz and eventually sold. Shit happens bud. https://etherscan.io/address/0x59A492D5Af6C992229647b55d024e3b1D93dFeab

>> No.20365584
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Kind of fitting I used this image on my posts... rimmer would have sold too lol.

>> No.20365617

I know I made my best friend rich. He still has 10k and bought a million rsr with some profits. He’s enjoying my pain, love that guy ;)

>> No.20365636
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that s probably true but still this is game we choose and i will come back or die like a lot of anons here. Still the feeling is unbearable. Thats why i made this blogpost on anonymous mongolian basket waeving forum. Still i will fight to come back and then i will be happy like other linkers who repented themself.

>> No.20365703

At least you’re not a disabled mid 30’s and childless neet Ontop of it like me ;)

>> No.20365790
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You are right. I think i need holidays from /biz/. Fuck this site. It made me gay. i will come back when will have 1k links back. See you then niggers.

>> No.20365850

What happen to crypto juice

>> No.20365870

Damn. Here I was seething I sold down to my suicide stack. Now i see some people sold their suicide stacks. Isn't that the point of a suicide stack?

>> No.20365902

go back.

>> No.20365924

Oh shit, I remember you. I was a newfag then. I have more link than you now. Amazing.
You never truly believed.

>> No.20365927
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The good news is that at the time Chainlink was ICO'ing, people were talking this way about missing the train of BTC and ETH

There's a new BTC/ETH/Chainlink every couple years bros. I'm hoping BUIDL is this year's but who knows

>> No.20366048

Lol I did but life really shit on me, I nearly wanted to kill myself and lost everything. Never mind. Glad you made it :)
Yeah, I’ve got a bit invested still so might catch another one. It’s alright if I don’t, I’m pretty content in life but money would be nice so I don’t have to rent, apart from that I already fish and do what I want most of the time so can’t complain... kind of want a big ass truck too 8^)

>> No.20366082

Pretty sure it is RSR Btw. My friend has loads and I don’t, I’m not selling what I have to buy any either as things moon when I do that so with my luck it is RSR.

>> No.20366157

I wish you the best of luck. I'm sorry you felt like you had to sell. I wouldn't sell a single linky even if they gave me cancer.

>> No.20366190

Why tf you swing with your whole stack you utter retard

>> No.20366225

It’s a long story... I kept other shot pins too but sold link, I think I went crazy desu. Still, a few IRL friends didn’t sell and I’m sure a few on here bought because of me so it’s all good, going insane for a few years is a small price to pay lol. Enjoy your lambs in a few years, get a rimmer bumper sticker lol.

>> No.20366244

Shit coins* lambo

>> No.20366270

Stop being a giant faggot. I missed LINK because I was doing time and only got out end of '19. I had bitcoin I bought during the '13 run and sold in '16 like an idiot. Not to be discouraged, I started buying link only about half a year ago and DCA'ing in. Now I have 5k linkies and I continue to buy whatever I can whenever I can. IF IF IF everything went right for me, I could have had 100k of the fuckers, but it didn't, so I don't, but I'm still going to make it.

>> No.20366612

Same but who cares. I had like 4 link anyway

>> No.20366618

Lol, there was a guy who got sent diwn fir 3 to 5years In 2017 who went all in LINK as a forced HODL before it happened. I can’t wait until they get out and post.

>> No.20366655

She cute

>> No.20366792

I've been holding my 10k linkies since 2018.
These kind of posts make me feel so good.
Fuck you you fucking faggots for selling your golden ticket, you weak little shits.

Its we the true iron hands that are going to make it, not you little weaklings.

>> No.20366828
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1k Link checking in
Am I going to make it? I just want to buy a house and nice car...

>> No.20366888

What is GBR20?


>> No.20366985

I would have got rich off ETH too but I was living in Korea and the slimey gooks wouldn't let foreigners trade crypto.

>> No.20367634
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At least you learned what sounds like an important life lesson that will harden you for the future. Ironically people who held won't have learned what you now know

>> No.20367771

The train hasn't left the station yet.

>> No.20367859

Same. I remember feeling bad when my average went from .40 to .60 from buying high.

>> No.20367989

How does infinity dollars sound?