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File: 2.69 MB, 451x800, escortwho2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20365391 No.20365391 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you need to have saved up to enjoy someone like this every night for say 20 years.

>> No.20365413


>> No.20365437


>> No.20365448

Imagine slapping her face while she's dancing so she makes that surprised/hurt expression haha that would be so awful to do and I never would haha

>> No.20365453

after you nut you'd probably be willing to pay money to get her to leave

t. non virgin

>> No.20365475


>> No.20365482

link and a couple years my negro

>> No.20365499

Silicon Valley guy here. The escort industry is huge here because of the high spending power + socially awkward people. Girls know to charge an absurd amount just for a few hours and sex costs extra.

>> No.20365500

trashy woman right here. not wholesome at all, and it's not because of the way she's dancing. she just screams whore

>> No.20365524
File: 1.91 MB, 610x800, escortgirl4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

h-how much haha asking for a friend lol

>> No.20365531

surpingly escorts cost more in the silicon valley than they do LA. the difference is also in the bay the guys are more likely to take the girls out on the town for a couple hours, while in LA it's just a fuck

>> No.20365555

Are you trying a Hillary Clinton impression here or do you really feel that way?

>> No.20365565

I don't really enjoy her now

so I'm guessing I'd need a lobotomy or something? Those are pretty expensive.

>> No.20365572
File: 849 KB, 550x800, escortgm3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can pay for a wholesome one if you choose if you have enough money tho

>> No.20365578

Fucking cringe

>> No.20365643

about the OPs girl? i definitely feel that one. just because she is white and has blonde hair doesn't mean she'll make for a great wife

>> No.20365650

that'd be something a fresh 18 to 20 yo (i'm guessing that's her age) every night.
escorts charge anywhere from $80 to $300 an hour so I'll just put in $400 accounting for inflation.
that's $2,920,000 over 20 years.

>> No.20365672

Plenty of escorts with a bigger cock than his

>> No.20365689


>> No.20365699

Being attracted to women, y’all gay.

>> No.20366042


Not that much. Half a million if you know how to use it

>> No.20366067

i'm surprised no one here has said this yet,
and i'm sorry i have to be the one to tell you this OP, but....
That's a man.

>> No.20366072

20 years? maybe 2, and not exclusively.

>> No.20366446

That's a man if I ever saw one

>> No.20366484

you seem sexually confused

>> No.20366510
File: 118 KB, 1301x891, Screenshot_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends how ugly you are

>> No.20366544

I mean, she is a whore. I doubt it would surprise her all that much.

>> No.20366842

every night is hard if she’s your wife

>> No.20367606



>> No.20367630

It's so cringe to me when chicks try to act sexy but just aren't. Blech

>> No.20367653

based take

>> No.20367671

This. That butterface isnt half as hot as she thinks she is

>> No.20367736

That's why you pay them...

>> No.20367882

She looks fucking anoying.

>> No.20367922


>> No.20367979


Agreed. Would pump vigorously and then dump.

>> No.20368026

Based haha poster.

>> No.20368158

How much can you keep it hard tho?
If it only 1 hour/1 round, something like that where sex is cheap(eastern yurope, asia) it should be 100-200 euros at most. Multiply with the amount you want/ need

>> No.20368179


Sex workers are not stupid. She would get up and leave, then depending on where you live, you'd get a visit from her security guys. Since you pay up front, you'd also lose your money.

> tee hee imagine hitting her

Go to therapy.

>> No.20368186

If you have enough to afford young women you have enough to not care. Sitting on a fat account knowing you could do whatever you wanted is a better feeling than actually doing anything. There’s nothing quite like basking in the knowledge of your own freedom. You’ll understand someday.

>> No.20368225

You can pay to slap the around a bit.

>> No.20368245

silicon valley guy here too. where are you finding escorts without getting stung?

>> No.20368330

>you'd get a visit from her security guys
good thing I have a grandfathered mp5

>> No.20368776
File: 63 KB, 720x960, brappp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waste of quads
That thing is not wholesome?
You want wholesome? 100k PNK gets you this

>> No.20368902

>tfw no gf

>> No.20368924

You sound like a total faggot