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2036002 No.2036002 [Reply] [Original]

I bought in to the whole idea that PMs are REAL money and that they would keep up with asset price inflation and when the inevitable collapse comes they will find their true value but now I think this is all full of crap. Logic is trumped by power when it comes to the financial system. If TPTB want to prevent price discovery for PMs, they can keep dumping paper contracts on to the market or else they can tax gold and silver into oblivion or confiscate them. Might makes right. Am I wrong?

>> No.2036035
File: 11 KB, 275x183, silver 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. Yes, they are manipulated
2. Yes I'm pissed that I bought my silver at $13 or so and it spiked at $20 and it's been manipulated downward to $15
3. I'll still hang on to it because it will go to the moon eventually, just when (((they))) want it to

Markets crash and markets rise. Keep them and wait, they're a buy-and-hold asset.

>> No.2036049

Lol I'm seriously having a hard time imagining a world where gold is valuable but fiat currency isn't. Why not invest in bullets or weapons instead? I mean technically gold would require less effort, but it's less viable as a currency than items that would be highly prized in a post-Armageddon world.

I just don't understand the logic behind "buy and hold" pmers. I get the flight to safety concept, and I suppose it's less susceptible top inflation, but buy and hold seems just asinine, as that is equity you could have put into something that would have a higher return.

>> No.2036056

>I bought in to the whole idea that PMs are REAL money
This is such a silly idea because nothing makes gold inherently more viable as a medium than exchange than counterfeit-protected banknotes backed by the promise that they are "legal tender for all debts public and private."

It's true that, unlike fiat, gold has inherent value besides its value as a medium of exchange, but it's a plain fact that its inherent value is LOWER than its market value. If society as a whole spontaneously decided that gold was no longer the go-to store of value, the price would fucking plummet.

>> No.2036144

Except that you can't print gold into Oblivion and devalue your medium of exchange to the point where it's uselsss paper. Promises are great until their broken and the government never tells you the truth so good luck on that promise. Gold is gold that's an unbreakable promise. It doesn't matter if people want it cause it's shiny, it's got history and the richest of the rich have tons of it. The founders of the United States specifically forbid states from using anything but gold and silver as money. I consider those men geniuses so regardless of what era we are in I place value in it. Especially silver which is useful outside of being shiny

>> No.2036166


Cut the Mad Max Walking Dead fantasy. PM's are to preserve purchasing power in the face of inflation and to make sure that not everything in your portfolio loses value in a recession or full blown crash.


>nothing makes gold inherently more viable as a medium than exchange than counterfeit-protected banknotes backed by the promise that they are "legal tender for all debts public and private."

Gold's scarcity is a big part of its value. Yeah it has industrial applications, but that's not where the bulk of the value is.

Fiat paper can be produced to the point that it's worthless except for the BTU's it provides when you burn it, or for wiping your ass if the bills are old and soft enough. You can grow trees for paper, you can't grow gold.

> If society as a whole spontaneously decided that gold was no longer the go-to store of value, the price would fucking plummet.

Too bad that's never happened for gold in the history of commerce. It has happened for every fiat which has ever existed, though.

If you want to have a barter economy, go ahead.

>> No.2036242

They certainly could do a lot to fight it, like confiscation. It's happened before. But when that happens you know the writing is on the wall, and it would be a really good time to actually own PMs, but keep them hidden.

>> No.2036246
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Speaking of precious metals. I believe there was a significant drop in December when the fed raised rates.

Think we'll see another rate hike in June?

>> No.2036251

I've been stretching my butthole for just this reason.

>> No.2036272
File: 184 KB, 2022x1021, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at every silver and gold char since 1960s. It's been manipulated by the jews. Paper contracts allow them to literally make silver and gold bars manifested out of nothing.

I held on to gold and it actually lost value, had I put them in crypto I will be a freaking millionare now.

PM are the real jewish tricks.

>> No.2036471

>allow them to literally make silver and gold bars manifested out of nothing
But this defies the laws of physics

>> No.2036478

When anon says "literally" he means "not literally."

It's this cool new thing kids are doing.

>> No.2036517

I bet an ETH you are a redditor.

>> No.2037070

Yes I agree with all of that. I'm just pessimistic bc I think the elites that run the world have come to a point where they really can control everything from here on in thanks to technology and that it won't ever go back to a more fair time. Pessimistic I know but thats truly how I feel.

>> No.2037701
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What he means is that there is more silver and gold "on their papers" than they have available for physical delivery. The ratio of metal they can deliver compared to the metal "on paper" is something like 20 to 1.

This means that if everyone demanded physical delivery in a short span of time, only 1 in 20 would get their physical metal (maybe even less than that) while the rest would get a payout in the form of fiat currency for whatever their paper contract was worth, which defeats the purpose of owning precious metals.


Same here. Their control is entrenched and I don't see how anything short of an unpredictable cataclysmic natural disaster could throw a wrench into their hegemony. Still, I hold my silver and the little gold I have and wait for the inevitable crash.

We're still effectively in the recession of '08 but people don't realize it because the (((Federal Reserve))) and their fuckery has given us a superficial """recovery""". This means the next downturn will probably be a pretty hard crash.

>> No.2038341

>ogic is trumped by power when it comes to the financial system.
congrats you are growing up

>> No.2038348

>The ratio of metal they can deliver compared to the metal "on paper" is something like 20 to 1.
try 300 to 1!

>> No.2038352
File: 27 KB, 825x575, total-gold-reserves-total-gold-production.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except that you can't print gold into Oblivion

>> No.2038359
File: 33 KB, 485x340, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never once thought to look at the US Mints sales numbers increasing year over year since 1986
>Still looks at fiat price
>Still hasn't figured out that crypto was issued to stop the bullion from leaking out like blood dripping from a cut pig

Fiat = debt

How slaved out can you be?

>> No.2038367
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>tfw no monster box of Britannias
It hurts every day.

>> No.2038386

there will come a day when the physical market divorces the moneychangers' so-called market
I wish I'd pulled the trigger on crypto after ATH of Au but hindsight's always a bitch