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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 19 KB, 640x640, B0F1BCEA-E920-4C2D-9C01-9AF186373C98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20352260 No.20352260 [Reply] [Original]

$30k Nanocap. Dyor, but it just launched, locked it's liqudity.

Not even on coingecko yet.

12.3m total supply.


>> No.20352318

Omg very cheap easy 10x bro

>> No.20352336

Legit project

>> No.20352420

Coingecko listed today: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/kawanggawa

>> No.20352458

Oh shit, they are moving quick!

>> No.20352711

Yeah, this is the next one.

>> No.20352826

fuck off scammers

>> No.20352847

It's a legit project.

>> No.20352991
File: 38 KB, 600x586, DDA4155A-CCAA-4A3B-9EBC-078AB7950573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greed PuMUp ID confirms it.

>> No.20353036

No rug dumbass liquidity is locked. No backdoor minting bullshit either you can check etherscan. Did you get burned or what?

>> No.20353045

This is probably the strangest ID I've ever had

>> No.20353091

Why would anyone buy this?

I can rip up a sheet of paper and say it has value, but that doesn't make it so.

>> No.20353123

So scamy. Flip scheme to steal your USD confirmed.

>> No.20353133

Because it's based. Scared money doesn't make money; retards dumped after the presale and the cap is low as hell. It's guaranteed to go up from this point.

>> No.20353160

Again, the coin has to make people want to buy it to have value. What does this scamcoin do?

>> No.20353263

It's a part of a unified donation platform that allows you to see what your donation is going towards, and you have the option of not granting it all at once. If you later figure out that the cause that you donated money to is a scam, or you simply don't believe that they're using the money as they should be, you can refund the rest.

>> No.20353398

Alternatively, you could just use paypal or gofundme or any of the other hundreds of platforms, and only give them a little money at a time. This token is not needed, it is doing something you can already easily do.

>> No.20353409

locked liquidity? will throw an eth at it why not :)

>> No.20353413

You think the people buying SLP are all buying it for it's 'use case'? Are you new here?

>> No.20353440

but this way you can 'donate' your money to scammers in india who copy-pasted an erc-20 token. charity!

>> No.20353542

Stop buying shitcoins from scammers. If everyone stuck to legit projects, more money would stay in crypto instead of going to feed rajeesh's village, and everyone would benefit except for the scammers who would have to learn to trade like the rest of us.

>> No.20353550

This. The fact of the matter is that this is legitimately a micro-cap with legitimate developers behind it.
It's not copy-pasted. They have a public GitHub.

>> No.20353651


So... who scammed you?

>> No.20353803

No one. I just hate lazy fucks who want to steal from other people. This is a high effort scam, but it is still a scam. The "presale" was just the pajeet dev (you) sending money to his 150 other wallets that he will use to dump on anyone who buys in.

>> No.20353844

There was hype behind this project, and it dumped after the presale like literally every other coin right now. Stop FUDing.

>> No.20353917
File: 214 KB, 403x471, o_i_shi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally "who hurt you" tier post

Thanks for outing yourself as a stranger. The mere fact that you thought this would be a funny edit of this garbage to be posted here is enough to tell me whatever you're trying to push here is destined to fail.
I'll stick with 4chan coins. Namely Link, DMG, XSN, AMPL and STA when people will get their money back. You may cope and stay poor.

>> No.20353921

You can even see that the pajeet copy-pasted the amounts to send to all the other wallets:
All repeated over and over lol

>> No.20353966

It was people putting whole number amounts of ETH into the presale. You're not very smart, are you.

>> No.20354061

Sure it is. Please give these guys all of your money.

>> No.20354087
File: 42 KB, 600x600, 1540494520311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm already up

>> No.20354142

Dead on. The people who buy into whatever the fuck this coin is, don't realize that someone has to lose money, for another to make money. There's just so many better fucking coins to buy than this...like wtf is even that name.

>> No.20354205

weak FUD, stay poor

>> No.20354297

How is that different from literally any other coin? Jesus Christ.

>> No.20354347

Other coins have a use and are not meant for the sole purpose of stealing money from people

>> No.20354434

because other coins can last longer than a few months. This thing will be dead in no time. Let me guess, the telegram is full of people saying "MOON" and "PUMP IT" instead of intellectual conversations around the actual product that you "invested" in. This is a pump and dump that probably won't pump. Sorry. Find something better.

>> No.20354475

>Other coins have a use
ETH, Monero... what else? Token not needed legitimately applies 99% of the time. Your "legit projects" are going to dump and die just like they did back in 2017-2018.
Nope. The TG is really large relative to the market cap as well.

>> No.20354478

Exactly. Coins like this is what will hold back crypto in the future. This isn't what its meant for.

>> No.20354526

This is what it was made for. Embrace it.

>> No.20354575

Your scamcoin exists on ETH's blockchain, so I gues ETH IS needed

>> No.20354584

>Your "legit projects" are going to dump and die just like they did back in 2017-2018.
Do you have any idea how dumb that sounds? That's the most black and white analysis i've ever heard. There's plenty that made it out of 2017/2018. No one told you to hold through the dumps. But you clearly have no clue about the future of why crypto is needed and the projects it manifests. You're just hanging on to desperation. SAD.

>> No.20354595

fud like this is a buy signal

>> No.20354623

Sure. Do what you want kek, enjoy desperately trying to get this coin to pump until you move onto your next desperate attempt.

>> No.20354625

I just said that ETH is token needed. Can you fucking read?
You didn't make it out though. Keep "believing" in OMG. I'm sure you'll break even some day..

>> No.20354673

How did you fit so many layers of retardation into two sentences?

>> No.20354708

Ad hominem; actually refute it next time.

>> No.20354710
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>> No.20354790

>actually refute it next time.
ah...You didn't see my point, it literally had too many layers of nonsense retardation to refute. Its better to just end it there.

>> No.20354801

up on this earlier buy nice

>> No.20354820

Can you read? Neither of the things that I said were off-base.

>> No.20354847

why are you so mad

>> No.20354871
File: 810 KB, 750x725, 7A83A1B3-C72A-4FE6-8A73-24F38936C6C8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 500k mcap on this is a 13x. Let that sink in...

>> No.20354903

It's highly likely as well. I have no fucking clue why these guys are so mad. Aren't we supposed to be in this together?

>> No.20354985

Why would it ever reach $50k MC much less $500k?

>> No.20355031

Why wouldn't it?

>> No.20355066

>You didn't make it out though
right.. because you have the slightest clue.
>Keep "believing" in OMG
again.. you're writing fiction about an anon. Not even sure OMG makes sense in that context or why you assume I was invested in that? I couldn't tell you the first thing about that coin.
>I'm sure you'll break even some day..
again, baseless fictional claims that have zero context.

>> No.20355098

It was an example. OMG is an analogue for whatever retarded shit you believe in.

>> No.20355150

because I'm sick of these dumbass coins holding back the future of crypto... like what possible purpose does this coin serve. I haven't seen one thing on what we're being shilled to invest in... like think for once.

>> No.20355200

The redpill is that crypto doesn't have a future.

>> No.20355281

for people like you, yes. That is correct.

>> No.20355378

Because it is a shitcoin that serves no purpose. The only reason to buy it is to dump on people who also bought, and that is only sustainable for a day or two max

>> No.20355445

Again, that goes for literally any other crypto. What does the time scale matter?

>> No.20355533

No, other crypto serves a purpose, including trading, not ONLY trading. People would be better off investing in pokemon cards than this scam.

>> No.20355553

This, by definition, has a purpose. You just don't like the purpose.

>> No.20355562
File: 856 KB, 832x602, shiny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should seriously take that advice. You're going to get dumped on over and over. That definitely does not go for every other crypto. Again, black and white analysis.

>> No.20356145
File: 24 KB, 474x522, 07227E0F-99B3-4537-9025-8A1CEE0202C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying 5+ MM market cap tokens for their use-case

>> No.20356194

Yeah, that's my point, just don't buy them. Period.

>> No.20356566

>$30k Nanocap
Seems like u don't know how to calc mcap, bro.

Total Supply: (12,300,000 KGW) x price ($0.008) = 96k mcap

>> No.20356627

That's not the current price faggot

>> No.20357289

This week 10x

>> No.20357625

>not doing the needful
>not gonna make it

>> No.20358306

Buy back and Burn planned. CEO said it.

Buy back will definitely be fucking above this price.

And low supply already and they're burning more.

Long term hold. Sell when you make profit. Done.