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20352817 No.20352817 [Reply] [Original]

so how long til they extend the NEETbux? it’s almost inevitable that it’ll happen, along with another round of stimulus checks as well

>> No.20353021
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like cmon now they’re dragging their feet hoping for an economic recovery to happen out of nowhere meanwhile the middle/lower class don’t have much to fall back on at this point

>> No.20353085
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Yeah im broke as hell. After this round of bills I only have $300 left. Might have to do something nefarious.

>> No.20353199

honestly dude go for it. it’s fucking absurd that they think that this problem will go away by itself while THEY just sit back with a thumb in their ass doing jack shit while they expect people to pay rent and bills ?????? THIS DOESNT MAKE SENSE FUCK THIS CLOWN COUNTRY

>> No.20353451

I am guessing they will make people sweat a little to provide motivation for going back to work or finding a new job.

>> No.20353631

You mean get sick?

>> No.20353854

most available jobs right now are just entry level wageslave jobs, and even those aren’t going to help anybody through this struggle unless they plan on working 10 hour shifts everyday of the week just to MAYBE get by if they don’t work themselves to death or get sick first. Either way the fix is to think long term rather than focus on what’s happening right now. the US has done a horrible job at managing this crisis and it’s showing

>> No.20354021

>the US has done a horrible job at managing this crisis and it’s showing
Yes, because the liberals want it that way so they can say "hey look what Trump did!"
Same shit they are doing with the riots "look at how bad society has become under Trump, it's all his fault even though we are the one's that caused it"
This shit will go away right after the election

>> No.20354090

UK have been getting 80% of their wages paid by gov throughout lockdown

>> No.20354101

God I fucking hate niggers

>> No.20354120

Thank god we have Trump could you imagine a socialist America right now? They'd be helping renters, the sick and the working poor. It'd be chaos and what would happen to the landlords and buisness owners? They might have to drive last years car or only go on one vacation.

>> No.20354130


>> No.20354182

imagine being this deluded

>> No.20354230

>Liberals burn down a city
>Hey, look what Trump did!!!1!

>> No.20354244

Trump is an incompetent twat who's mismanaged the corona situation from the start.

Libs have egg on their face for reversing stance about social gatherings depending how righteous the cause is (as if the virus cares about that). That doesn't let the trump administration off the hook for being the laughing stock of the world over how we've handled corona.

People spazzed out about Floyd because they had already been cooped up for two months and were overbrimming with nervous energy. Righties justify leaving the house by claiming the virus isn't real, lefties justify it by saying the cause is worth it. People across the spectrum are retarded.

>> No.20354301

are you serious? Lol. Republicans have been playing that game for ages. It's time to cry now that Dems seem to be playing by the same rules? Get fucked.

>> No.20354330

>People across the spectrum are retarded
No argument there, but the rest of your statement is moronic. You remember all of the protests and riots right before the last election? Yeah, that isn't a coincidence, it it because lefties are mentally deficient and can't think for themselves, so if someone tells them to be outraged, they will be.

>> No.20354400

>but muh libtards!!!!!
i honestly can’t tell if this is bait or if you’re actually retarded but here i’ll bite for you.


don’t like that article?


nobody is trying to paint trump as the bad guy when he’s literally doing it himself. you have to be a special kind of stupid to think this will even be over by the time elections come around, the repercussions will still be felt from his incompetence. nobody’s going to forget this whether you pretend it didn’t happen or what.

>> No.20354464

Nobody can think for themselves. That's why we have leaders in the first place. Righties are kneejerk contrarians who slurp up whatever shit Fox and Breitbart and (here) pol lay in front of them. Lefties are virtue warriors who hoover up whatever CNN and NPR dish up for them. If you think bias and needless polarization don't run thick on both sides of the aisle then you're truly just another cognitive bias sheepperson.

>> No.20354476
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but this is fine cuz [insert individualistic bootstraps nonsense here]

>> No.20354492

This is why you can't think for yourself, you listen to the kike media to tell you what your opinions are

>> No.20354504

how about that Obama era playbook on how to handle/prevent pandemics? Nigger just threw the thing out.

>> No.20354560

>Tell me 1 conservative group that is out rioting, looting and assaulting people of a different color in the last 100 years?

>> No.20354581

>Republicans have been playing that game for ages
name one thing the trump admin did that ended up being a false accusation on the left

>> No.20354592

oh no!! how dare we do our job and function as a government to help support the people through a global crisis !!! good thing we can spend trillions of dollars in bailing out failing businesses, but how dare we help our own

>> No.20354676

you must be young. why are you limiting it to trump presidency? do you now remember past ones? probably not, you were still in your daddy's nuts.

>> No.20354678

Fuck you leech I've been working this whole time.

>> No.20354681

Please think about what you said, it makes no sense. The liberals want it to be handled badly, but it will stop being handled badly after the election? Liberals are not the ones making decisions or crying about precautions. What the fuck are you talking about lol grandpa flushed his meds again

>> No.20354757

They should start giving stimulus checks to workers and let government neets reap regular unemployment

>> No.20354758

are you retarded? do you not see what’s happening? or are you too narrow minded to see that what’s going on right now shouldn’t have happened in the first place, literally all of this could have been avoided, i don’t know what world you live in but it clearly isn’t earth

nobody is talking about obama? jesus christ somebody attacks your arguments with legitimate logic and reasoning and you retards bring up something that wasn’t even on topic of discussion. Okay fine i’ll entertain it, it was a dumbass decision. see? it’s not hard to say that especially when i never said it was a good idea in the first place but sure go ahead and keep trying to straw man because you’re wrong and don’t want to admit it

>> No.20354838

and i’ve been working this whole time as well too, but you can’t deny what’s going on is fair to the people who have been bent over and fucked by this crisis and for the government to just pretend the problem doesn’t exist, doesn’t make it go away.

>> No.20354931

imagine republicunts taking away the extra $600 a month and then expecting people to vote for them

>> No.20354940

>literally all of this could have been avoided
How? He could have stopped travel in and out of the country but the left would scream 'racism because reasons' and then it would have been ruled unconstitutional and we would still end up in the same position

>> No.20354992

Imagine being so short sighted you can’t see that pulling trillions out of your ass will have long term economic repercussions. So what government program will be cut to fund this?

>> No.20355015

Quit my job in November to be NEET pot grower, can I still get unemployment if I pretend I can’t find a job lads?

>> No.20355023

what does that have to do with the liberal's up trumps ass

>> No.20355042

Anyone mad at those on unemployment is ignorant and doesn't know about the kike central banks and corporations being bailed out.

Classic low IQ divide and conquer.

>> No.20355077

it's funny that you use the word shortsighted when this whole fucking thing would probably be behind us if we had just listened to MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS and shut shit down for the appropriate amount of time.

>> No.20355172

>lets give bilions to companies and airlines
>lay off people
>end unemployment benefits anyway


>> No.20355175

What government program did they cut to fund the bailouts in 2008/2009? Do you remember voting for that?

>> No.20355207

Exactly. It’s actually kind of surprising considering all the support behind decentralization on this board. I guess I forgot about all the pol boomers on /smg/

>> No.20355216

>he could have
the CDC literally laid out the roadmap saying how to handle reopening the country and what’d he do? the exact opposite. All he had to do is follow that and we wouldn’t even be having this conversation right now
> but the left would scream 'racism because reasons'
i don’t know what’s with you guys and false narratives but it’s getting really annoying. Conservatives were literally the
main people who were protesting the lockdowns, this whole pandemic somehow became a political issue because why? he tried to be a hero to his own accord and ignored the CDC

>> No.20355263

by august the latest, and by then we'll be in complete shutdown so people will expect it.

anyone debating politics at this point is blind. there isn't going to be a real election this november, biden is barely campaigning. fed will decide who lives and dies, looks like Google and Huwai are about to have a war

>> No.20355271

But anon, the thousands of scientists and doctors around the world are conspiring liberals. Don’t you know? The bodies are fake silly :)

>> No.20355291

>pulling trillions out our ass
oh buddy just wait til i tell you what the US has been doing with those trillions of dollars

>> No.20355331

I don't even know why i bother. probably a paid russian shill sent to divide.

>> No.20355430
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Cant believe none of u idiots see this is unrestricted warfare with China. we are WW3 right this moment

>> No.20355659

are you retard?

>> No.20355692

please debate >>20355042

the US government is sucking every drop of blood out of its civilians and giving it all directly to big banks, their friends, and corporations. we are effectively slaves.

>> No.20355735
File: 541 KB, 1080x939, D6B29764-86D2-4BD3-A796-99A50D66BB07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you fags I stayed inside, not my fault armchair libertarians protested lockdown and dead nig enthusiasts ran rampant outside, but if were giving out money then something needs cut.

>> No.20355764

That isn't an argument.

>> No.20355818

If it happens I will go to a nursing home and start kissing every old person i see...i making ~40% less than what people on UI are getting and im busting serious ass

>> No.20355996

Yeah that shit is fucking retarded. The whole world is laughing at our incompetence.

>> No.20356109

Ok retard

>> No.20356205

it's not a real government, it's just corporate talking heads. absolute disgrace, can't wait to move if this continues

>> No.20356283


>> No.20356290

It's not fair, anon. Clown world economics.

Our only consolation is that we still have jobs. It will get progressively harder for long term unemployed to find jobs.

>> No.20356296

Fuck the lazy normies that don't want to settle because they're shitty communication degrees don't net them upper level pay anymore.
Many people have been working their asses off at risk of the virus and have nothing to show for it while lazy neets make more money and are able to invest it with less impact on their lives.
The kikes at the top get the last laugh though so why should any of us care.

>> No.20356312

wanna elaborate on this? just curious

>> No.20356379

Wage cuck cope

>> No.20356387

kek, best luck to you anon

>> No.20356468

You're damn right. I've been busting my ass as an essential worker, never shut down a single day, risking exposure to the virus. Fucking baristas who were working 2 days a week are now making more than me while they go out protesting and spread the virus to continue the shutdown.

>> No.20356522
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>> No.20356579

Aw, poor little nigger. Get back to work, wagie.

>> No.20356681


I'm sorry your job won't pay you more than unemployed people make on welfare.

>> No.20356716

>i’m so sick of it all
me too anons hopefully something changes

>> No.20356731

is sucking dick at a truck stop nefarious?