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20343940 No.20343940 [Reply] [Original]

Linkpool staking rewards will likely be 20-50x that of coinbase.

It’s simply supply and demand. Linkpool will have more revenue because they’re already the biggest node operator and have been in it since the beginning. And linkpool will have less LINK staked due to restricting supply. Coinbase will have more LINK than is necessary.

>> No.20343951

why are you fags shilling this

>> No.20343952

>Completely baseless conjecture

LP is just a money grab to prevent people from accumulating more LINK. I will stick to accumulating more LINK and earning 6% annual ROI paid in LINK on crypto.com

Not buying your bags, ranjeet

>> No.20343958

No. Stinkpool will have a spike when steaks go live and then he t goes slowly to 0

>> No.20344040

absolutely the way link staking works favours LP dare I say it's undervalued ICO buyer here

>> No.20344078

Because we are done accumulating you absolute newfag, get fucked

>> No.20344088


>> No.20344105


>> No.20344115


>> No.20344144

Linkpool is a scheme to separate you from your LINKS. You will be able to delegate to hundreds of other stake pools without a thousand dollar token. They will pay you for the privilege of staking your links.

>> No.20344229

>everyone has a username and an Avatar picture

>> No.20344231

> Super Secret Discords
Muh Delphi...

>> No.20344236

you're poseur psychopath zoomers with one move that you abuse over and over. you exist on the same plane as jannies, kys

>> No.20344494

Nobody is paying 6% to borrow link. That’s pretty shady. Not your keys, not your crypto.

>> No.20344506

Their returns will be lower than LP.
Much lower.

Total revenue divided by total link staked.

>> No.20344520

No they're the wolves of Wall Street! They use a chat room and have "online identities" and control the markets.

>> No.20344804

20-50x! I agree LP will be the highest but maybe 1.2-1.5x

>> No.20344862

You cannot deal with valueable data sources without a lot of LINK. The market will always move toward equilibrium. Link pool will not be significantly more gains than any other pool due to free market economics.

>> No.20344889
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Holy fuck guys delphi street shitters became horse rimming linkpool shitter lmao

>> No.20344895

yeah so secret, go do some more pathetic larping in Delphi

>> No.20345095

>Linkpool staking rewards will likely be 20-50x that of coinbase.
Perhaps, but LP tokens cost 33x cost of Link tokens, with no guarantee of matching Link's inevitable price increase. Even if your argument is true, holding Link is a better bet than holding LP

>> No.20345106

>The market will always move toward equilibrium.
>Link pool will not be significantly more gains than any other pool due to free market economics.
The revenue model of Chainlink nodes is based on

1) The frequency of jobs they get.
2) The payment of such jobs.

Additionally the probabilities of being chosen for high value jobs are based on:

A) Your on-chain parametric performance score (aka "on-chain reputation")
B) Your off-chain parametric performance score (aka "off-chain reputation" being provided by reputation.link and others in the future).
C) Amount of LINK staked.
D) The nature of the data sources you use (high quality, high availability, paid APIs)
E) Support of additional features (Chainlink VRF, SGX & Town Crier, additional chains...)

A) will record EVERY single parameter of your node (how old is your node, your average time response, the average deviation of your answers compared with the consensus, availability of your node...)

B) will be able to keep track of other things (are you a company? Have you passed a KYC process? Are you insured? Do you use AWS / Azure multiregion backup infrastructure?)

C) will be determined by your penalty liquidity & solvency. If you have 1k LINK staked and you accept a job that requires 100 LINK as a penalty, these 100 LINK are instantly "locked" so other jobs won't be able to use these 100 LINK, so you keep accepting < 900 LINK penalty jobs.

D) & E) will directly impact the amount of jobs you have access too

Staking pools are node operators that can shine in B), C), D) & E) but they face an enormous disadvantage in A) vs LinkPool. Every time there is a new contract Linkpool and Fiews are chosen to test it on mainnet they have accumulated such a high number of jobs and good reputation that it's likely they will be chosen in almost every high value jobs. Trying to borrow LINK from stakers won't necessarily increase your ROI if you are not a highly qualified company capable of achieving all the above

>> No.20345159

So another problem with the "excess of liquidity" of a node is that staking more won't increase your revenue if there is not demand for your node. Most staking pools will use Linkpool contracts instead of creating their own trustless architecture they will leverage one that has been audited for a small fee to Linkpool (as per this article https://medium.com/linkpool/creating-trustless-pools-and-staking-for-all-266451277e3f ). I don't think you understand the scope of market.link and what they are trying to achieve. They are going to become the Marketplace of the whole ecosystem and the best thing is honeycomb.market and reputation.link are likely going to collaborate through APIs.

>> No.20345210

Yes, and if Chainlink is going to be as big as we envision it can be there will be a multitude of highly trusted, professional pools to choose from due to the nature of the free market economic principles I’ve referred too. LINK pool will have an early edge, thats all eventually the market will reach equilibrium and a tokenized share pool won’t be able to compete with free pools that offer the same service to the same high degree.

If your response to this is “nobody else will be as good as Linkpool” thats just where we disagree.

>> No.20345229

Make that 1273x

>> No.20345293

>If your response to this is “nobody else will be as good as Linkpool” thats just where we disagree.
My response to this is that after reading this article ( https://medium.com/linkpool/creating-trustless-pools-and-staking-for-all-266451277e3f ) I understood that Linkpool does not intend to stand out in the market, but to become the market. They are going to become the infrastructure of every staking pool. Every staking pool & node operator will have to register with them. They are not a main actor in the market, they ARE the market and every single LINK they earn, is going to the Distribution Ownership Contract for LP holders. How much money does Google Play Store earn a year?

- NaaS monthly subscriptions (reputation provider API?)
- Market.link listing fees
- Market.link premium services
- Staking pool fees
- Fees of node operators that became staking pools using their contracts

>> No.20345300

That makes 0 sense

>> No.20345320
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Link pool shills are getting desperate lol. Think about this: the lp tokens provide rights to the revenue generate by lp. there's no reason for them to shill except if they want to sell their lp token higher. If they're shilling it means they want to sell. Don't fall for this, keep accumulating link

>> No.20345358

It's not gonna go to 0 you dumbass, it's still the biggest node. But it's just gonna be one of many big nodes who will all be staking a shitload of link. Being a burger/missing the boat on LP isn't the end of the world especially if you've got a bunch of Link anyway.

>> No.20345369

I personally don't give a fuck if people buy or not, I'm not selling anyways, for me this is similar to how I spoonfed a lot of people in October & November 2017 Chainlink threads. It's pure autism in order to fight information assimetry. These threads have a lot of LP shills, but it has a lot of fudders too (kudos to rimhorser anon)

>> No.20345400

Imagine thinking LP won't have competition almost immediately when staking is launched. Do you retards ITT even know what the market cap of LP is right now?

>> No.20345414
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Oh, your just a kind philanthropic anon! Sorry my bad

>> No.20345430

You dont understand fagget, even the competiton will have to pay fees to linkpool because they are using linkpools staking contract. Get dabbed on poorfag

>> No.20345436

Utterly delusional

>> No.20345443

Believe it or not, I only intervene in these threads when missinformation & fud runs wild (idk if you noticed it, but I'm not op)

>> No.20345461

Now youre just proving that you know nothing about it. There have been blogposts from linkpool explaining it. They wrote the staking contract and they will be paid fees from every staking pool.

>> No.20345468

how much link will you be able to stake per share?

>> No.20345501
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>> No.20345514

>They wrote the staking contract and they will be paid fees from every staking pool
What they write is a trustless distribution contract, not the staking contracts. Penalty & deposit contracts are still in development by the Chainlink core dev team

>> No.20345548

ah i remember the shitstorm back when they published that
now 10k seem reasonable

>> No.20345551

>chainlink values at 8 billion
>linkpool, who will run the largest chainlink node, provide staking architecture to most other nodes and run ethereum nodes, only valued at 50 million

Honestly if LINK succeeds we’re going to see a billion dollar valuation for LP

>> No.20345560

You misunderstood what they wrote.

>> No.20345575

Its definitely a safer bet, but it could be the case the LP is just that undervalued relative to LINK.

>> No.20345600

No i didnt. Every staking pool will pay fees to linkpool.

>> No.20345869

You mean how people who were shilling Chainlink here years ago were just desperate to get rid of their bags?

Pretty much this. It's peculiar how people holding Chainlink take pride in having the vision to predict CL's potential, yet turn a completely blind eye to the potential of Linkpool. All because they don't own it. I guess it's rather obvious which side of Bell curve they're on.

>> No.20346521

>It's peculiar how people holding Chainlink take pride in having the vision to predict CL's potential, yet turn a completely blind eye to the potential of Linkpool
I noticed that too, although to be honest, the team has not shown interest in promoting themselves yet. Maybe they are waiting for staking to start it

>> No.20346599

That is their whole business proposition. I’m sure they want to make sure it works before marketing themselves in any larger way.

>> No.20346702

considering picking up a third linkpool. seems a little greedy, but let's say link is $7 by the time staking is rolling. I'll be able to hold $210,000 with of collateral earning 1% a month. Keeping numbers very conservative, obviously. 2100/mo isn't life changing, but it's easy money and it's better than 1400/mo only staking 20k link versus 30k...

>> No.20346719

There is a reason that LP was the first community project to get fully adopted by the Chainlink team. I still wonder why the FUD on Linkpool is able to confuse even OG LINK holders. It will be the ideal way to initiate your passive income from Chainlink when the time comes.

>> No.20346984

>I still wonder why the FUD on Linkpool is able to confuse even OG LINK holders
I think there are too many misconceptions in the overall understanding of how staking with Chainlink will works.

That incentivizes all kind of statements

- "Other staking pools will emerge without paying a shit token"
- "Coinbase will be free to stake"
- "25% fee, pff greedy bastards"
- And so on

They don't seem to understand a few basic facts of Chainlink staking:

- The revenue doesn't increase when you stake more LINK if there is no demand for your specific node and the data you provide.
- Penalty requirements could not be that high, limiting the staking requirements of the pool node operators. Therefore either stakers get in really fast in a node or they will be left behind. Another solution is an allowance token like LP.

>> No.20347014

1% a month is ambitious

>> No.20347047

Reminder that crypto.com is centralized system where you do not own your own crypto after depositing and they don't use chainlink oracles for security they manually input the data. This is where you retards are trusting your link to lmfao.

I have 0 respect for people who use crypto.com

>> No.20347053

you're either too late or too poor, in either case your statement is invalid.

>> No.20347100

That's 12.7% APY. Seems pie in the sky to me.

>> No.20347277

If linkpool gave me 5% per second I'd be a trillionaire.

>> No.20347279

Nah you’re the one who is wrong. If you think chainlink is going to return 1% a month you don’t understand basic finance. That would be like an 8 PE ratio.

>> No.20347367
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bro I made more LINK today from link3D staking than most of you link pool cucks

>> No.20347400

Any idea when staking will go live.
I bought 0.44 LP tokens two year ago because of the fomo and havent paid any intress after that.

>> No.20347473

Late this year or 2021 imo

>> No.20347541

ITT: coping linkpool fags

>> No.20347575


either you don't want newfriends in the pool, or you're priced out linklet discord trannies - either way it's not a good look, boys. now shoo!

>> No.20347622

I earned ~5 ETH worth of LINK in the last 14 months because I wasn't a retard and I didn't ignore the crowdsale

>> No.20347672

I am a 6500 linklet, thinking of trading 1.5k on the next pump to get .5 LP to stake my remaining 5k. Good idea?

>> No.20347708

this is what I did when we breached 8.

Now I have enough LP to stake my small 6k stack.

>> No.20347741

I'd go for 0.24 LP in your place and try to keep as many linkies as possible.

>> No.20347783

Hypotheticals below:

Link Pool allows 100 people to stake with 100 link each. This means 100 people will get 1% of the oracle payments.

Coin base allows unlimited number to stake, of unlimited link. Lets say 1000 people stake with 100 link each. Now each person gets .1% of oracle payments.

Who do you really think is going to get more oracle payments?

>> No.20347802

Why don't you just put your link on AAVE and take a loan and use that loan to buy Linkpool shares? Of course it is not risk free, but atleast it is worth of considering.

>> No.20347855

Dont do this, I know people that lost their entire stack this way on the March dump. Never use your linkies as collateral. Leverage is only for poor people

>> No.20348151

>Who do you really think is going to get more oracle payments?
Exactly, the coinbase fud makes no sense at all.

>> No.20348176

why bother? just buy LINK. or better yet LOKI.

>> No.20348228

As long as it is >4% a year.
Anything under 12% is a joke really.

>> No.20348442

Thanks for your posts. I am an ico holder as well. Good to see your view, I agree with it. A bright future, all depends on the network as a whole

>> No.20348582


I nearly got smoked because of it. Was brutal. ETH was so congested, so was hard to even try to sell LP (at a loss) for eth, then eth to DAI, then deposit. Was a fucking shitshow. That's the only reason I won't leverage.

Its all fine and dandy, but jesus when shit hits the fan and the ethereum network is overlaoded, you're a fish in a barell, and all you can do is hop you're close enough to the bottom.

>> No.20348651

Thanks to you fren

>> No.20348656


>> No.20349167
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He said "in the coming months" in late May so my guess is by september