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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 1080x720, Ampleforth-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20332239 No.20332239 [Reply] [Original]

What happened?

>> No.20332289

its up about 80x since march u stupid fucking nigger go buy it and lose your money

march 19 mcap was 1.592 million usd

today it is 115.7 million usd

7267% gain you missed


you brainlets deserve to lose all the money

it was up about 150x, it will only have to halve about 3-4 more times to not be overvalued

>> No.20332316

not selling

>> No.20332343

Yeah but what happened?

>> No.20332354

Are you unironically only looking at the price? Hahahah

>> No.20332420

what do you mean what happened? there are people that bought 500 USD worth of AMPL in march and had 75k all of the sudden, and that's the small people

you bought into a Ponzi when the early people got rich and they made their profit, so you transfer your money to them

>> No.20332453

also keep buying so they can multiply their insane share by 10-20-30% daily and literally suck all of you dry

>> No.20332458

no support from last rebase, road to $1 is imminent right now, and everyone who buys right now are going to be at loss every fucking rebase (20% gain - 40+% from sellls and no support for past and current gains from rebase)

>> No.20332496

You just sound upset that you missed out.

>> No.20332500

Thanks for the fud, will buy more

>> No.20332546

i bought at 1.2 and sold at 2.6, was spamming biz with threads for days

>> No.20332556

capped when the 27% rebase happens today and it drops another 40%

>> No.20332631

So what exactly is rebasing and how does it make money by holding ampl?

>> No.20332641

So you sold and afraid it'll go back up.

>> No.20332656

yes everything that others do is a conspiracy against you

>> No.20332683
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>itt: 3rd wave feminism tier seething

>> No.20332716

was 1$ in march fucker

>> No.20332750

coin always is going to adjust between 0.95 and 1.05, if it is above 1.05 you gain a % calculated by oracle, and the supply goes up with this same %, you don't earn money unless the coin price goes up or stays the same, that's why it proved unsustainable when it reached 4 usd

>> No.20332751

bro dont be so upset that you sold. Maybe if you're lucky ill let you look at my lambo in a couple months when this thing explodes. Thats if you''re lucky though

>> No.20332859

do you understand the concept of marketcap?

>> No.20332860
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>price goes down 44% in 1 day

oh wait

>> No.20332896

so right now at $2 is not worth buying at all right?

>> No.20332934

exactly, people think that oooooooh the dump is over we are back to normal levels now kek

>> No.20332963

just look at charts, best position to buy is right after rebase when it starts recovering, and short asap before people start selling the rebase

>> No.20332979

It was a cool experiment, shame it didn't work

>> No.20332997

>t.window licker

>> No.20333072


anybody looking at the price graph and not the marketcap graph doesn't know what the fuck they're doing with this token

>> No.20333102

fuck it really is going back to $1 isnt it? :(

>> No.20333113
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>> No.20333135

160M to 100M already kek

>> No.20333195

How so? If it crashes below $0.95 you will start losing your fucking tokens. So you absorb the loss AND LOSE ADDITIONAL

Why are you "muh price doesn't matter" tards so ignorant?

>> No.20333216

I look at both and both are dumping lmao
I warned you all, but you think you're sooo smart.

>> No.20333235

That's true for a worst case scenario. But isn't that the same with all coins? Except this coin is designed to handle just that. Right?

>> No.20333244

The only thing anyone has to do is hold 1000 ampls for two years and exit with $250,000 (worst case).

>> No.20333262

What's your source? Crystal ball or time machine

>> No.20333314
File: 7 KB, 150x150, l04he.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a loophole that will prevent negative rebases & I'm not telling you faggots.

>> No.20333352

sell before $1? wow ur really a genius for this

>> No.20333388



look at what happens at negative rebases

your comment is as stupid as go buy (insert random shitcoin) coz hacked its blockchain and it cant dump

>> No.20333416

it is risky selling AMPL
it is like the new BTC
only better....

>> No.20333437

Nope, not even close. Still hold ampls unaffected by rebase
your dunning kruger is showing

>> No.20333546

>t.cleft lip mongoloid
nice deets though
you faggots have no idea ty for confirming

>> No.20333555


LOL FUDFAGS out in force

pls show those WHALE WALLETS 75K ampl totally cashing out my dude




>> No.20333593



>> No.20333612

checked & based

>> No.20333613

Most of biz don't know when to cut their losses. 0 risk control

>> No.20333619

Holder/smoothbrain here. What's to stop this crashing to zero once the price falls below 1 dollar and rebase is negative? Why would anyone hokd rather than exiting immediately and waiting for another pump (if it happened)?

>> No.20333624

Nice bait

>> No.20333625

Think I get it. Is it optimal to be 100% in and exit immediately after?

>> No.20333643

10mins to move full geyser?

>> No.20333701
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>> No.20333730

i will always hold .003 percent of the ampl supply. whale games may trash my dollar amount but when this project gets out of this phase ill still have the same percentage and be laughing remembering all this cope and fud

>> No.20333788

nope, because everyone who got their share in past rebases are going to dump for sure before it drops bellow 0.95 when things get really ugly

>> No.20333888

Send it to yourself in a slow transaction

>> No.20333969

Checked. Nice beehives. Is the rebase credited at 10 or is there lag?

>> No.20334104
File: 90 KB, 356x602, 20200704_163513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

creative, very nice thinking
not my strategy
beautiful deets

>> No.20334125

contract has a built in "slippage" to cover this, not happening

>> No.20334312
File: 1.30 MB, 1277x4352, Ampl and crypto history.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill just leave this here
>Ill just leave this here
Ill just leave this here
>Ill just leave this here
Ill just leave this here
>Ill just leave this here
Ill just leave this here
>Ill just leave this here

If you believe the fudfags you dont deserve to make it.

>> No.20334346
File: 186 KB, 861x877, 1558665850869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting your own tweet

>> No.20334416

see u when the rebase happens and people start selling another 20% for the sweet -40% price

>> No.20334435

ample fart

>> No.20334454

My autism lvl is way to high to be this person.

>> No.20334468

That thread reeks of autism though?

>> No.20334490

Share yours since I shared mine and cuz my digits.

>> No.20334492
File: 28 KB, 640x509, ampl fudder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you OP from some days ago by any chance? The one I destroyed like a wet little asian snatch? I know you will never stop fudding coz the lvl of madness is too stronk in you. Imagine selling like 14 days ago.

The best on the whole story is: I will ALWAYS be ahead of you.

>> No.20334519

nice 20% rebase you got there after the 60% price drop lmfao, cope more faggot

>> No.20334566

what happens if your ampl is in the exchange when it rebases

>> No.20334590

>doesn't understand the token at even a basic level
Why do you do this?

>> No.20334622

anyone who buys right now are just getting rebase bags, price is going at least -40% today, cap this

>> No.20334633
File: 37 KB, 601x508, Fudder wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh he does...

>> No.20334649

Does this work?
Or not?

>> No.20334696

Give us a hint at least?

>> No.20334697

oh wow the price? couldnt care less unless it stays under $1 for a substantial time. Do a little more research and come back before you make yourself look even more retarded

>> No.20334719

Yes. On a couple for sure. Only a couple were audited.

>> No.20334745
File: 23 KB, 472x425, 393640dbcf4692c1efbfe62269fc4a1d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it takes 2 days to reach 0.95 at this point, but thanks for your amazing response

>> No.20334753

hey dummy what do you think is going to happen when a coin designed to hit a dollar goes under a dollar

>> No.20334779

supply goes down, exactly like this >>20333388
its where you and other bagholders are going to turn into pinkies

>> No.20335343

how's it going holders? is the rebase going to save you today?
>muh I hold .000001 percent of the marketcap
Yeah that went into the shitter today too
>muh price doesn't matter
So you don't wish the price was still $4, yeah fucking right....

You are all morons.

>> No.20335410

you're not thinking about buy pressure, why would a whale want to shrink their stack. Do you REALLY think that this project first of its kind is a pump and dump that's already done? Reminder the lead dev is speaking at the smart contract summit end of next month

>> No.20335444

but idk why i supply free info for retard such as yourself. I guess it just feels good to tell you what;s going to happen and watch you miss out on gains

>> No.20335481

That is amazing info, thank you anon.

>> No.20335498

everyone who bought yesterday is at a 30% loss, nice gains right there, and if is there no support for the rebase today, another 10%, really smart contract here boys, everyone jump in, free gains

>> No.20335512
File: 903 KB, 633x664, 1587035407496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't been keeping track of his rebases for tax purposes
Enjoy explaining all those mysterious coins that just appeared in your wallet out of nowhere to the IRS

>> No.20335549

just hold through negative rebase and it'll balance out

>> No.20335581

you ignored what I said, watch what happens when this hits anywhere near 1 dollar

>> No.20335611

? I told you exactly what happens, supply goes down, so as your wallet, making things even worse, a total collapse if there's no support

>> No.20335621

I can report it as an airdrop right? I’m financially ruined and now I need to track all of this now. I wish I never bought this shitcoin.

>> No.20335629
File: 140 KB, 1009x592, 1594433905559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't read, not selling. My USD value of my initial buy-in has matched how many ampies I have, so unless it drops to under 1.09 IM NOT FUCKING SELLING. Even shit rebases are making me money.

>> No.20335631

stop it. i am smart.

>> No.20335649

you fucking idiot put it in the geyser

>> No.20335661
File: 196 KB, 1440x1433, 1594209308712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When and how often does the Oracle rate update? Anyone know?

>> No.20335697

Tell me why there would be no support

>> No.20335729

It will update again at around 9:00 est. I think it updates twice a day, I could be wrong

>> No.20335741

Um, It's buying right? Buying happens?

>> No.20335830

because people will get tired of getting burned, or just learn what the coin does when it is above $1.05

>> No.20335859

>the lead dev is speaking at the smart contract summit end of next month
Can you drop any more knowledge on us?

>> No.20335878

10 pm est
People will get tired of accumulating more and more tokens every day? I don't think we see eye to eye on this project. Even in your most severe scenario where there's a total collapse the opportunity to profit will be insane

>> No.20336506
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>> No.20336662



>> No.20336753
File: 72 KB, 620x400, ideas-for-surprise-birthday-party-for-best-friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

15% rebase, how can one coin be so comfy?

>> No.20337038

>15% rebase
>50% drop


>> No.20337246

Compounding rebase will make up the difference, as long as we stay above $1.05

>> No.20337271


>> No.20337321

no rebase here wtf

>> No.20337351

where's my rebase lads

>> No.20337387


got mine, ~15%

>> No.20337389

time to buy? time to sell?

>> No.20337413

Apparently they will buy it back to $1 with beehive or something.

>> No.20337444

just got it

>> No.20337519

so what does a 15% rebase mean exactly?

>> No.20337607
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>> No.20337617


It means the supply of coins has been inflated by 15%, so all wallet addresses now have a flat 15% more AMPL than they did before 10PM EST

The algo is trying to achieve 1 AMPL = 1.0009 USD, so it does do by increasing/decreasing the total number of tokens.

>> No.20337628

Gets satsganged hoe

>> No.20337630

biz is fudding this? kek. better to just not say a damn thing, fellas. that way we all get what we want. no summerfags, no pajeets, no reddit, only gains. how about just don't say peep?

>> No.20337646


Anyone know where that smug fucking retard from the other day is now?
"Let's play a game /biz/'
That faggot, saying hed post his AMPL gains every day

Where are you, huh faggot?

>> No.20337654



>> No.20337657

Fucking based anon keep it up. Fuck the rest of these haters.

>> No.20337713

So I guess you would keep it until rebase, rebase and then sell off?

>> No.20337743

lel he's just like that statera guy that kept rating how comfy he was every single day as the price continued to tank. After the hack I never saw him again.

>> No.20337780


That's one way of doing it, the protocol also offers like 10,000% staking rewards to avoid people doing that

Right now the price seems to have dipped 10% and then stayed stable, which is nice

>> No.20337808

bots and autists will beat you to it every time

and they play whale mind games around the time of the daily rebase anyway.

not much to do here as a standard /biz/let after its market cap is up 20x in 3 weeks, just enjoy the pink wojaks, this thing is virtually designed to give us the best wojaks since january 2018. beautiful, really

>> No.20337993
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>> No.20338058

It’s going lower and it’s going to keep going lower

>> No.20338128

lies lies and..............more lies

>> No.20338142
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>> No.20338154

1.69. Going sub 1.5.

>> No.20338217

this can def go well below 60 mill mc... where i bought - but that will be the best opportunity. i hope it goes to neg rebase, ill buy that shit so hard

>> No.20338647