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File: 25 KB, 378x499, RB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20332901 No.20332901 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20332987

is it even readable?

>> No.20333025
File: 631 KB, 700x2504, Trump_Jung_How_to_Get_Rich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like almost everything jung wrote, if you've experienced what he's talking about then it reads very plainly. if you haven't experienced it then it's more difficult and maybe impossible to really understand.

>> No.20333044

Based and soviet-collapse-capitalism pilled. Just finished listening to the audible of this last week.

>> No.20333139

ahh, welcome fellow based and individuated anons. though not really correlated, what I was referring to was this:


>> No.20333432

what the fuck? Trump likes Jung? I didn't see that coming in a million years.

>> No.20333607

same. Perhaps I am underestimating Trump after all.

>> No.20333638
File: 250 KB, 1000x1315, HTB1ajA0bizxK1RjSspjq6AS.pXa0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only red book I read

>> No.20333641

idiots can not read and understand jung, so maybe I was too

>> No.20333659

As a comedy, right?

>> No.20333670

he writes decent poetry actually.
not amazing but at least it's better than his politics

>> No.20333673

fuck sparrows

>> No.20333770
File: 221 KB, 979x979, B7780DC8-1852-40D4-9A77-B431D53737E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20333814

I don't have any problem with Trump but I highly suspect with was ghost-written.

>> No.20333901

Maybe the words, but why would somebody let another person decide their philosophy on life? The writer must have been at least told to write about jung, theres a chapter on it

>> No.20333958

because the conspiracy is trump's entire life is a planned narrative

>> No.20334473

alright, I've got 26 minutes.

>> No.20334531

It's not that good, it just the antithesis to what qoomers believe

>> No.20334533

he's the most succesful meme magician of our day and allegedly used to keep mein kampf on his bedside table. of course he knows jung

>> No.20334758

okay first off, who is david goldberg and why should I care

>> No.20334828

I don't care what you think
I'm not shilling that narrative >>20334531

>> No.20334847

Let me rephrase, why should anyone care who david goldberg is

>> No.20334902

no one should. the ideas can be evaluated independent of who is saying them.
Or maybe you're a retard that can only entertain ideas approved by authorities?

>> No.20334984

i was actually really interested in picking this book up. where’d you buy yours? i was going to get it on amazon but it was like $230 and i didn’t have that money to spend on a book, so i bought B.G.E and and Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche to get back into reading. By the looks of it this book seems really powerful

>> No.20335057

Hes a hypnotist. Of course he knows jung.

>> No.20335176


Bought it online, dished our big. A week after the symbolism in it started popping up everywhere in both my dreams and waking life. Started seeing an analyst not long after.

>> No.20335223

what the fuck
is he right about the jung book to start with

>> No.20335328

Oh he hundo p read Jung bud. He placed his symbols everywhere for decades while planning to become president. Watch his interviews from the 80's and you'll see what I mean. Guys been planning this for a long time.

>> No.20335388
File: 106 KB, 267x210, made it face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the first edition in 2009 for $117 on Amazon. The material is pretty raw. If you've never experienced anything like a spiritual awakening, religious experience, psychotic break or heavy psychedelic experience then some of it may seem strange or be difficult to understand. I started out with The Portable Jung by Joseph Campbell. That book is intended to provide a foundation which will allow the reader to range at will through the Collected Works. I bought that one when I was 18 but I didn't really understand it and it didn't really hook me until I was about 30. If you want to pirate the Red Book you can get a PDF on libgen.is.

>> No.20335483
File: 110 KB, 851x843, 1594157883779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions vary but I see these recommended a lot:
Man and his Symbols
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
The Portable Jung

There's a book by Jolande Jacobi—one of Jung's associates—called 'The Way of Individuation' which is really good but it's out of print. You can find a PDF though. Another good one is 'The Quotable Jung' which has various quotes from Jung arranged by topic.

>> No.20335510

i’m only 19 but i’ve had a few mental breakdowns in my adolescence and a pretty intense but insightful psychedelic experience that on the surface seems bad, but after thinking about it, i realized that i had to hit rock bottom at some point before i would begin to see the light once again, thankfully i’m still here to speak on it, sounds like a really good read that i’ll be able to connect with, thanks anon