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File: 57 KB, 358x362, Rage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20335018 No.20335018 [Reply] [Original]

and the chinks at Binance wiped my fucking trade history. what do I do?

>> No.20335031

Suck your dads cock

>> No.20335074

Lol who does taxes

>> No.20335092

What are you complaining about? Sounds like you have no capital gains to report on your taxes. Weird thread OP.

>> No.20335104

Nothing to report then?

>> No.20335113

fun that means you get to make it up :) write yourself in some great trades OP!

>> No.20335121
File: 112 KB, 634x822, 22197894-7789101-image-m-313_1576237927639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go directly to jail

>> No.20335127

how do i explain where i got my link from?

>> No.20335139


>> No.20335158

They didnt wipe shit retard. You have to search by dates. You can only search a 3 month span at one time. Have fun

>> No.20335174


>> No.20335179

They wiped mine as well

>> No.20335190

they actually did wipe trade history for (at least many) US users

>> No.20335192

It’s only showing for this month. I already pulled the startdate back and it’s all July.

>> No.20335195

amortize that bitch into a single trade where your cost basis is your sell price and call it a motherfucking day zero taxes

>> No.20335203

Have fun being butt fucked by the IRS you stupid faggots lmao

>> No.20335218

Did they explain why?

>> No.20335221

okay nevermind I found it when I tried to export

>> No.20335224

I'm in the US and was able to go back and look at trades I made in 2018 today. Sorry frens

>> No.20335253

I’m not a swing trader so Ihave less than 300 transactions. I know for the most part the net gain. Which may or may not be negative.

>> No.20335321

Can i just claim $0 cost basis and pay full tax on whatever i sell? And report no trades? Might as well if i paid $0.30 a coin and sell for $1k right?

>> No.20335385

You bought it for pennies years ago, remember anon??

>> No.20335521


>> No.20335534
File: 120 KB, 405x400, 400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taxfag here what's your cuntree of origin

>> No.20335643

it came on a used hard drive you bought a couple years back. you weren't sure what to do with it so you just held onto it.

>> No.20335725

because fuck you.

good news is, they're Chinese so if they wiped your trade history it's very unlikely they shed it with the IRS. you're on your own to report because it's unlikely anyone at the government will be able to prove you wrong.

if you bought at coinbase, and you actually plan to cash out, just report based on what you had in coinbase and be as favorable as you possibly can be in your reporting (minimize trades, maximize losses, claim as little profit as you can reasonably get away with).

also, talk to a tax attorney if it's more than your standard deduction; if this is significant income for you right now, you don't want to look like you deserve an audit; sometimes the best way to avoid that is to just hire a professional to do it for you.

>> No.20335893

Trade history not safu

>> No.20335903

>bought $1000 on coinbase
>trades on anywhere
>cashes out $25,000
Hello IRS I would like to claim gains of $24,000!
This is 1000x the best case scenario, do not listen to this Anon, because unlike what Reddit etc want to tell you the burden IS ON YOU.
So, if, let's say, if, they decide to come after you (this is their whole model) you can either,
/a/ attempt to cook ethereum books by lying about what you did on each masked exchange (they're actually learning about this by the way, blockchain is being observed by traditional finance)
/b/ just claim the fucking max cap gains and sleep comfy.
to be honest, ive been doing /b/ because it's a million times less of a headache and the amount that im cashing out would cost me way more for a lawyer

>> No.20335934

How do they know you have LINK?

>> No.20336782

I have no clue what the fuck to put for taxes. I was using a VPN to swing trade on bitfinex for a while in 2017 before they got wise and threatened to liquidate and close my account. I have dozens of shapeshift transactions, dozens of changelly transactions, and more than a few atomic swaps and coinbase swaps. I have no fucking clue how to even begin to trace all of that. I am not going to avoid taxes when I sell, but how in the fuck can crypto to crypto be taxable when a large majority of those transactions took place before US tax law even mentioned crypto.

>> No.20336804


>> No.20336830


>> No.20336839
File: 23 KB, 363x550, ede2b35ab00e4365be8e199112a17567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so plebs to pay taxes

>> No.20336880

If you have a high net worth, and use the federal tax code and every loophole to your advantage its almost guaranteed that you will be audited at some point. Some of us cant just blend into the background.

>> No.20336883

How do I do this

>> No.20336907

This. Binance wants US customers and they’ll comply with the IRS to keep them. You’ll be accruing interest and penalties everyday you don’t pay, you’re taking the risk that they can’t audit a public ledger with extremely transparent transactions and values because you didn’t take the time to track your tax burden.

>> No.20336912

What link?

>> No.20337002
File: 116 KB, 1280x654, auditnigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys come look at this

>> No.20337090
File: 128 KB, 507x266, phemex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop using unreliable exchanges. Use Phemex next time.

>> No.20337130

if you dont get a 1099 dont report it.

>> No.20337147

Taxes? What is that sir?

>> No.20337169

the glowniggers know my fucking address by now i've withdrawn to the same ETH address from cuckbase

>> No.20338329

They don't wipe the trade history, the thing is that you can only view 3 months at the same time. so you cant view trade history from today to 2017, but you can do so in many small increments

>> No.20338453

boating accident

>> No.20338537

Yeah pretty sure you can do that. As long as you started with under 3-4K it won’t be that much of a difference in the long run when you’re up to a million