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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 182 KB, 1080x1349, aca4e7ea8112afaa80913c5a2061e5c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20329580 No.20329580 [Reply] [Original]

What's preventing you from buying $20 watches off Chinese custom watches producer, shilling them to instathots to wear and selling them to western normies for $200 a pop?

>> No.20329605

sweet vishnu

>> No.20329607

All four of them look like their mothers drank during pregnancy

>> No.20329616
File: 205 KB, 626x1054, IMG_20200708_193323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shilling them to instathots to wear
That will cost you much more than $200. Beside that fact - you can try.

>> No.20329774

Strong competition

>> No.20329900

You just have to prey on those who don't have millions of followers already and offer them a watch with a $200 pricetag for free.

Like who? You just need to have a cool design (so pay a designer to come up with something that appeals to trendy, urban, hipster, "intellectual", classy, instathot audience, which is a one time expense), send some of them out for free to chicks that want to wear it with a good following or heck even spend some money on marketing on some of the more expensive instathots and then cash in that sweet x5-x10 per watch profit.

>> No.20330111

Kek. Still wondering how DW managed to tap into the idiocy of the instathots.

>> No.20330527
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Here we go again...

>> No.20330563

mama mia

>> No.20330581

Revenue and customs

>> No.20330584

Name of far right?

>> No.20330683


>> No.20330714

Because Filip tysander is pretty smart.
I was his personal trainer for a while, really autistic guy, but smart. probably a bizlet

>> No.20330753
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>> No.20330949

I need to know their Instagram accounts. 1 LINK to whoever shares.

>> No.20330987


>> No.20331053

i dont get it. why do thots get VI and VII tattooed on their asses? do they really think roman numerals are like some kind of hidden covert code? like nigga holy shit lmao

>> No.20331085

why aren't you more intersted in making money so you can actually fuck them instead of fapping to their instagram accounts?

>> No.20331147

Imagine the smell of the ass of the man on the left

>> No.20331178


Sauce on the right? Dream booty there

>> No.20331238

jue puta pinches cagaderos

>> No.20331286
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Time to open another tab on my Brave Nightly browser...

>> No.20331301
File: 162 KB, 425x301, 6GZro8Uq-2HcjgfUWqDYcT14WiAxVhe2AUXdu_U2dxE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 of them have nice ass
>2 of them have nice bodies
>Neither have a nice face they all look like goblins

I would hate having a child with any of this hideous cunts not to mention 2 of them have resting bitch face and the other 2 have crazy eyes

Jesus fuck

>> No.20331418

Kill, kill, marry, fuck

>> No.20331441

I kind of want to grab 1's ass though. Can't we just rape her instead of killing?

>> No.20331545

i dont get it, who actually visits these thots ig pages? do they really forgo porn sites in favor of sfw material? like nigga holy shit lmao.

>> No.20331741
File: 261 KB, 1080x1349, doggo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you fap to desperate average looking chicks who do porn? there's maybe like 5 good looking pornstars at any given time and you have to deal with the fact that they do porn. with IG thots you can imagine the whole lifestyle after you make it, having all these thots on your yacht cruising between greek islands eating like a god and shit and then finally banging them, it's a whole aesthetic rather than just "hurrr penis go in". also the same reason why people buy shit if these chicks shill it.

>> No.20331746

Yeah no prob bro do what you will, just make sure she's dead at the end.

>> No.20331767


They complain about being objectified but look at this shit

>> No.20331782

>why arent you like every other consumer drone whos idea of making it is a tacky dan blizerian contrived photo op.
get fucked nigger

>> No.20331810
File: 207 KB, 1080x1346, brb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the trick is you have to use several of these chicks that all the COOMERS and other wannabe chicks follow and build a brand for your product that autmotically associates it mentally with a certain kind of lifestyle, so SIMPS end up spending in order to impress this kind of woman and women end up spending because they want to be that kind of woman. That's the whole trick.

>> No.20331887

WRONG. dan blizerian is tacky, he is the clear example of pornification. His thing is vulgar and ridiculous. I am talking about an AESTHETIC, something that your middle class and higher, slightly intellectual, urban, indie, eco-friendly etc. etc. chick who doesn't want to seem like an onlyfans thot would CONSOOM and the social circle around that, so men who are professionals or wannabes with enough disposable income to try to impress these women with lifestyle choices (but not chanel/gucci luxury brand either, that's for wall street coke-fiends and their equally vulgar gold diggers). That's the kind of brand I'd want to build for my product. Dan Blizerian's audience has a significant overlap with onlyfans simps and vulgarity. Exactly what I am against.

>> No.20331974

Not sure why but these hoes ain’t attractive at all

>> No.20332134
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I agree I posted a random picture of chicks in OP hoping it wouldn't derail the thread too much as I didn't think they were too good looking.

>> No.20332272
File: 150 KB, 1500x949, 35E2D93B-B5F6-4C75-A401-E8B87EA7D760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god dammit how are white girls getting these asses? I would motorboat girl on right ass until I have pink eye.

>> No.20332301

Or I could buy DPZ and be rich

>> No.20332593
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>> No.20333541


>> No.20333574

girl on the right has weak legs, no way she does squats
has to be genetics

>> No.20333655

Thousand cock stare

>> No.20333699

>god dammit how are white girls getting these asses?

>> No.20333754


>> No.20333846


Literally the business model of DW watches minus the thots

>> No.20333871

No chance I will read your main post with that image next to it

>> No.20333950

OK boys pop quiz how many different business ideas were you able to draft while COOMING to models featured on THROATED.com
I checked out at 6

>> No.20334223


>> No.20334488

why wouldn't it work again? doesn't need to even be watches, it's just:

cheap chinese product with cool design->social media hype/hot chick approval->selling it at x10 margin to western followers