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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20319549 No.20319549 [Reply] [Original]

I am a fucking idiot and just made more money in a month then most of u did in a year by longing tesla. How does this make u feel?

>> No.20319576

most TSLA shorters are cringe reddit fags so it's cool i guess

>> No.20319582

I'm genuinely happy for you, congratulations.

>> No.20319590

Doubt that. I’m up 12x this year

>> No.20319605

how can you be up 12x YTD

>> No.20319628

How much? I made 100k yesterday just by having link. Doubt you're up on me, kid.

>> No.20319640

How ? Crypto that’s how. Unibright, ewt, then chainlink took me from 3k to 36k

>> No.20319737

in one month:
>tsla up 78%
>link up 90%
yep you're an idiot

>> No.20319873
File: 61 KB, 1280x720, 32E23D10-CC75-40AF-AAC1-D34D673EAB9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesnt know what a call is
yikes looks like im not the dumbest one here after all

>> No.20320131

so you'd be ok with losing your money if tesla didn't pump?
you also don't know about longing link futures x75? using link as collateral on aave to get loans to buy more link? I mean if you want to be a degenerate gambler you can do that with link as well.
So yep, it looks like you're the dumbest one here after all

>> No.20320185
File: 27 KB, 600x400, 343C9A41-AA13-4BBA-A19C-081F249F1E28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i made six figures in a couple weeks nitpick all u want u poor coping faggot lmao i can buy 10x your link stack now

>> No.20320236

>Attempting to shill boomer ponzis on a millenial/gen z board

>> No.20320259

You are also an idiot. Cope.

>> No.20320292

I bought link at .20 usd

>> No.20320306

You're a dick

>> No.20320345

stinky linkies are literally retarded

>> No.20320414

>bet $1000 last Monday (max loss)
>make $16000 by Friday

>> No.20320458

You better have sold or ur gonna neck. Crash imminent

>> No.20320713

cool, see you in 10 years

>> No.20320728

Post your position or shut the fuck up larp.

>> No.20321057
File: 27 KB, 352x373, Screenshot (11).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20321114


What the fuck you're from the future?

>> No.20321125

my link stack is 7 figures lol stock fag

>> No.20321167

You stupid burger munching fuck, you're never going to make it.

>> No.20321870
