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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20314119 No.20314119 [Reply] [Original]

even if link hit $1000 eoy i would not make it

>600 piss poor stack
> i had 3 years
>3 fucking years

>> No.20314230

Buy pnk

>> No.20314254

600 000 is still nice my man.

>> No.20314278

Same here
Only 4000 LINK
It's nothing

>> No.20314317

Isn’t 4000 really good? If it hits 500 you’ve got a cool 2 mil, 1 after tax!

>> No.20314346

600k is a lot of money, enough to start a successful business, engaging a manager to handle it and live off the profits

>> No.20314353

Only sensible response

>> No.20314413

I have 1000, but hopefully, we will get a another opportunity...

>> No.20314414
File: 58 KB, 1024x536, 1592836547407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 1000 LINK and don't worry I don't have any more. You always could have it better.

>oh why did I only buy 20k LINK I coulda afford 100k at that time oh nooo
>oh noo why did I buy only 1000 LINK I could have 5k LINK oh noooo

etc. Man up nigger retard the fact you have LINK makes you a winner because it tells about your mentality. If you could buy LINK early then you must be on to something probably later in life as well. Fucking whiny ass bitches.

>> No.20314474

I don't have to pay tax where I live
It will be $4 million one day
But still feels like it is not enough

>> No.20314519
File: 2.89 MB, 1280x1607, 1594159467438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a 1500 stack under $1. Do I regret I didn't buy more? Sure, but to be fair I didn't have much money to through around. This will still be the best investment I, or anyone I know, has ever done.

I will just be taking my poorfag stack and move to some 3rd world shithole and live like a king.

>> No.20314542

There is no point stressing over pass mistakes, just learn from them and move on.

>> No.20314575
File: 24 KB, 432x316, DCE5C212-8EDF-4A3D-B879-77DB5C678686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a grip. I have 150 but at one point I had over 10,000. I spent all of 2017 shilling hard (pic related) and hopefully made a lot of anons rich. I ended up putting it all in btc after burning out and having a bad breakup. Half proof as I had 5k in this account (https://etherscan.io/address/0x59A492D5Af6C992229647b55d024e3b1D93dFeab)) at one point and now there is only 150. Shit happens man, just be happy for other anons :)

>> No.20314597

Please don’t laugh at my REQ and QSP holdings...

>> No.20314599

Based post

>> No.20314616

Nigga you stupid. If it’s going to $1000 you are afraid to buy it under $10?

>> No.20314725
