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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 41 KB, 272x268, doglobe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
202141 No.202141[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>200882

>> No.202143

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 122 Satoshi:

Buy DOGE with fiat:

Mining guide:


Useful sites:

Free doge:


Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

Donate to the original doge owner:

Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.202149

THIS POST IS ABOUT PANDACOIN (PND). WHAT IS PANDACOIN (PND)? IT'S AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD MINE IT NOW. (http://bamboohouse.info/index.php?page=gettingstarted))

UPDATE YOUR WALLET TO THE NEWEST VERSION(1.5.3): http://bamboohouse.info/bin/pandacoin-qt-win32_1.5.3.zip

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/

Want to help PND?
Send a mail for its inclusion on bter to: admin@mail.bter.com
Coinedup subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/CoinedUp/comments/1ylq9d/please_add_pandacoin_pnd_to_coinedup_0_premine_3
Coinwarz contact: http://www.coinwarz.com/contact <- Contact to list PND

Services that accept PND:

Website: http://thepandacoin.net/

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

Pools can be found in the bitcointalk thread.



Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)
Forum: http://forum.bamboohouse.info

Also test my tipbot script for 4chan:

>> No.202154

the retarded "1 doge = 1 doge" meme created by the founders ruined the thrust of whales in doge and will ruin doge.

prove me wrong

>> No.202161
File: 782 KB, 267x186, lol (π).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.202163

they are technically right, 1 cannot become greater than or less than 1

>> No.202167
File: 598 KB, 1920x1200, youarealreadydead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.202168
File: 478 KB, 270x186, 3 (lol).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. I think it's more of a belief.
2. The NSA is going to kill DOGE, prove me wrong. You can't, because I'm going to rabidly rave that "That doesn't prove me wrong" despite your best arguments. Unless it proves that there is absolutely no plans for the NSA to kill DOGE, specifically or not specifically, I'd always be right. And who has time to do that.

I think we should pester amDOGE to include this in the op when amDOGE is awake.

>> No.202170


>> No.202175

Aren't we all asking that Anon? Aren't we all.

>> No.202182

doge finances a robotics company

google and boston dynamics better step the fuck back we got robots now too

>> No.202183

>tfw just got out of doge
Should had got at 270 and bought back at 180
But I stood believien doge would clear 300

Well, let's hope doge gets back on its paws to get confident again

>> No.202188


why do you get out when it's low as fuck?

>> No.202194

Bcuz panic and I could trade shitcoins
And doge will go lower

>> No.202195
File: 18 KB, 350x350, 7ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting out now

>> No.202197

> tfw when got out at 270 and bought back at 135

>> No.202205

guys this shit is fucking killing dogecoin:


just read the article we gotta fix this shit

>> No.202211

People really should stop using Cryptsy
There's Bter, Vault of Satoshi, Swisscex, Mintpal, Vircurex, etc.

And Bter has a decent volume, and you can trade for fiat

It's just the retardation of everyone using Cryptsy, there's no reason to use it to trade, and much less to buy

>> No.202213

we should start shilling swisscex

>> No.202218

People keep saying the pump tomorrow is going to have 20 BTC thrown in, but are there going to be any DOGE pumps? I want DOGE over BTC, I think it has more staying power.

>> No.202220


>> No.202225

There was a DOGE pump this weekend that failed because one whale dumped at the same time, and the pump team will be without BTC until tomorrow.

>> No.202227

yeah, I actually think they would be awesome if they just had more users.

>> No.202232

So I should sell PND for BTC and then BTC for DOGE?

>> No.202240


>> No.202246

Is there any news on monacoin or is it basically just trapped in suspended animation after the mt. gox apocalypse?

>> No.202248

new wallet version
at block 80k KGW will be implemented

>> No.202259

holy fuck, we're still not off the fucking PNDOGE shit?


can't we just go back to regular DOGE.

be back until this shit blows over.. fuck..

>> No.202266
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>> No.202270

the maker of these threads invended PND

>> No.202272

Why is cryptorush listing PND @ 300 satoshis? Is it glitched?

>> No.202273

We all kinda made PND

It's magic

>> No.202280

idk what the fuck your talking about i never ditched my doge like you guys did doge would never ditch you

>> No.202284

We didn't ditch Doge.
PND was as a sidecoin.

>> No.202288

I never left doge, I let doge run around in the desert for a spirit quest. It'll come out better, stronger, euphoricer.

In the meantime I picked up Credits and PND

>> No.202289
File: 32 KB, 1135x84, pndwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dafuq is going on? Did I miss something? Pic related.

>> No.202296

Some dude bought like 1 PND at 300 satoshi and fucked up Cryptorush price reports.

>> No.202301

Holy crap, 17 billion already mined? For some reason this seems faster than DOGE to me.

>> No.202305


I hope it's the chinese finally going for pro~

>> No.202308


And this one purchase throws the whole farkin market off? Odd.

>> No.202316

There's probably noone selling, or little sell volume
Someone did this with doge too back in december, on Cryptsy, twice

>> No.202320

/biz/ probably owns 1 billion of that.
seriously, someone out there probably owns 10 billion PND.

>> No.202337

hey you, yes YOU.

*slap*, wake up, I hope you realize Dogecoin is dead, cut your loses while you can, you can watch what happen with PND as an example of what waits for you.

>> No.202340

What's everyone's thoughts on Mintcoin?

>> No.202342
File: 289 KB, 601x601, shibey dogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting off the ride

>> No.202349

I may invest in mintcoin

>> No.202353

>implying doge will ever die
It will come back up, or maybe we were just massively overpriced
Also, remember how Mt. Gox has fucked everyone and continues to fuck everyone

>> No.202359

tell that to the mazacoin idiots

>> No.202373

*grabs you by the throat*

>> No.202371

fuck looks like doge is ded

should i just sell?

>> No.202379

Do you think it will go lower?
Do you think it will rise?
Don't sell.

I would suggest you hold but if I'm wrong you will blame 4chan for it.
Do what you want.

>> No.202383


I'm holding my doge until at least $.10

>> No.202385

I've mined 55 million PND in the last two days.

I don't know why I'm mining it. Probably just because the diff is so low and I make tens of millions per day.

Here's to hoping to gets back to a satoshi or something.

>> No.202388

miles has abandoned doge


>> No.202402

just give me your doge. i've got one coin

>> No.202417
File: 3 KB, 321x129, ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw, too bad. w/e, bye forever~~

>> No.202418
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WWYD /bizeddit/?

>> No.202419

I'd send some to the first guy to reply to my post!

>> No.202424
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>> No.202425


>> No.202427

o well

>> No.202428

Shit, that's me!

>> No.202429


>people giving out massive amounts of the coin

yep, dead

>> No.202430


I gave that guy who shit and came on his laptop 250,000 DOGE. :^)

>> No.202431


oh you lol

>> No.202433
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>> No.202437

wew thanks!

>> No.202438
File: 12 KB, 628x277, 2014-03-10 22_19_48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you seem to have misunderstood, so

>> No.202444


>> No.202445
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>> No.202447

ohhh i see. i didd misunderstand that i thought you were offering
i geddit now :^)
thanks for being a sport

>> No.202449
File: 31 KB, 1148x606, dogeprice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you Batman?

>> No.202450

The whales left from 290 to 220 now Doge is just returning to a more realistic value. With multipools smashing it out and popularity waning doge will find it's new place as what the creators intended, it will be worthless but a nice gesture to give out.

>> No.202454
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>> No.202456
File: 152 KB, 1468x772, 1394515818676.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss rounds like this.

>> No.202458

what coin should i buy with some of my dogecoins /biz/?

>> No.202463
File: 182 KB, 500x460, 1382384206963.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you just sold your position in the top 0% of an economy

>> No.202464

Octocoins, then sell them in 6 days.

Thank me later goyim.

>> No.202471
File: 61 KB, 400x400, wooow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have your autograph?

>> No.202476
File: 676 KB, 676x480, han solo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what they told me about Topcoin

>> No.202479

We said mine topcoin, not buy it.

>> No.202501

I did mine it, on a potato and made .02 BTC at 3 sato on the way down the first week.

I've still got 100k, 1 TOP = $1 when?

>> No.202509
File: 102 KB, 500x374, 2012-02-08 03.45.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I have 1 million PND?


>> No.202531
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daily reminder that jackson palmer is currently cumming hard to the current value decline



>> No.202537

current version of the wallets of doge and ond?

>> No.202540


I dont really believe there is going to be a pump by a whale using 20 BTC but i can see it leading people to buy PND with just rumors of pump

has to cancel all my orders just to be safe

>> No.202549




fucking faggot

>> No.202550

1.5.2 and 1.5.3 respectively

>> No.202554


gib doge pls

>> No.202557


Ok, thanks.

>> No.202559



>> No.202558



>> No.202562

>still holding dead coins

>> No.202569
File: 501 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2014-03-11-03-13-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp spring is here and it's already an oven in my house. Time to sell off my mining rig.

Anything I should do before?

I'm going to miss my free money and mining shitcoins on release.

>> No.202572


why dont you get a cooling system

>> No.202574

Because I'd need to rewire my house if I wanted to run the ac and the mining rig at the same time.

It just isn't worth it.

>> No.202578

i see

cant you get some liquid cooling for the rig or it your rig too out there

>> No.202582


>Not living under water

>> No.202586

Nah not gonna mess around with that.

Might mine again when Nvidia releases their new Maxwell flagships, but by then scrypt asics will probably be widely available.

>> No.202587

liquid cooling doesn't solve the thermal output to a room, in fact it would probably speed it up

>> No.202597

It doesn't solve the power consumption either, but one can run the radiator out the window and get rid of the heat entirely.

>> No.202605
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>> No.202609


if you are not gonna use your mining rig any more, sell it and use that money to rent rigs

>> No.202608


>> No.202611

its gonna go below 100 sats this week isnt it

>> No.202613


what are you worrying aboyt

1 doge = 1 doge

>> No.202615

The market always screws me and goes in the opposite direction, so i'm going to sell a few hundred K of DOGE to do you guys a favor.

>> No.202616

>Implying DOGE doesnt have a very limited lifespan that is slowly coming to an end.

>> No.202618
File: 21 KB, 346x259, its-dead-jim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you guys still holding?

man you got some balls. or no brains

>> No.202619

What's the point of pushing the price of a dying coin down with sell walls?

>> No.202620

people getting the fuck out and big sellers just readjusting their positions

>> No.202622
File: 14 KB, 916x60, guys WTF WTF WTF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys what is happening?

>> No.202625

where is the price this high guys what

>> No.202624
File: 9 KB, 151x141, 4747045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6.2m rabbitcoins mined and it's over for now

tiny little pumps here and there but still, way too weak activity...

now with prices at 4 litoshi it's not even worth to sell them. would get me like 6.5k doges IF i can sell them.

I wish there wasn't such a fuckload of new coins every day.
back in january there was still a chance that people pump a "dead" coin but I don't think people are doing this still.

>> No.202627

Means it isn't all that dead

>> No.202631

Swisscex is gonna be the deal, right?

I need to cut the loses just for paid the electricity bill.

>> No.202636

wew lad

>> No.202637

5PM EST tuesday.

All 1 satoshi sell walls will be eaten and then up to 20BTC pump.

>> No.202641

Mainstream media successfully killing bitcoin with FUD and taking all other coins with it.
New world order

>> No.202640


>> No.202645

Dogecoin just smashing 120

>> No.202662
File: 166 KB, 1872x525, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have a 750 ti?

i am new to cudaminer, i think i can get more than ~300kh/s out of it. so far it's playing nice with the 280x in the system, not sure yet if this setup will cause games to freak out.

currently using
-H 1 -i 0 -m 1 -l T5x24

>> No.202664

that much with an nvidia?

>> No.202670

Maxwell blows everything out of the water

>> No.202672

The 750ti is a good card: cheap (even the good models like the MSI TF 2GB can be found for 105€ in Yeurop), power sipper (less than 40W/card) and decent hashrate (270-300). Nearly as power/price efficient as scrypt ASIC...

>> No.202675

750 ti is the new maxwell gpu, it's very efficient. the 750 ti's put out up to 320kh/s that i've seen at around 60 watts, so later this year when the high end maxwell cards come out those will be pretty sweet. at least 1mh/s per card if it scales.

coin mining has got to be selling more cards than gaming... i'm sure at some point amd/nvidia will start releasing actual mining cards and fuck over the chinese asics.

>> No.202679
File: 242 KB, 681x332, it is all ogre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just want to share this pic., it has no relevance.

>> No.202680


Yeah I'm getting pretty irritated at Jackson Palmer's enormous faggotry. He's the fucktard who decided to keep inflation in, which was the beginning of the end, and he keeps doing retarded fucking shit.

He just turned down $500,000 in venture capital money to move to San Francisco and work more on Doge, EVEN THOUGH HE'S ALREADY FUCKING DOING THAT.

The guy's a total retard and he wants to take all the money out of the coin.

>> No.202684

this is great

>> No.202698

Jackson is a massive faggot. No wonder DOGE is crashing with a retard like that as its public face.

>> No.202705


That can't be right, something is off

There's only been like, .02 btc trading on mintpal in the last 24hours. And I don't even see any large orders

>> No.202707

now after 30 minutes it is on place 94 again. I hope someone saw this. :D

>> No.202714
File: 66 KB, 620x349, art-jacksonpalmer1-620x349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish this gigantic faggot would die so that doge could get publicity from his death and the price could be allowed to rise. Just look at his pathetic face. The face of a whiney liberal manchild.

>> No.202720

is it just me or is DOGE no longer on cryptsy?

>> No.202722

if that is so, they may be doing maintenance on it. sometimes a coin goes down for a while while they work on some aspect of it.

>> No.202727

his tits are uneven

>> No.202730

well they could at least say "DOGE IS CURRENTLY DISABLED WOW SUCH MAINTENANCE" or something, instead of saying nothing and having it completely disappear from the site.

>> No.202733

It's Cryptsy, you shouldn't expect anything sensible from them.

>> No.202734

it has disappeared a few times already and never came any notice. twitter always screams up when that happens, it will return in a few hours.
i think craptsy cant just handle the traffic on doge which it is the most fluent market there with the greatest volume.

>> No.202738

and again market cap of 1 mill $, wtf is happening

>> No.202740


Why he put that fucking face?

It is like he is constipated or something.

>> No.202742

also there has probably been exploits to push the price down. seems some whale is trying to buy cheap into the market and dump off buckets of dollars soon.
in the actual depression it is easy to do this, just bring down the market, make the weak hands panic sell and collect all the cheap doges. oppa wolong stlye

>> No.202746
File: 16 KB, 405x119, 2014-03-11_095847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In what kind of miraculous fairy-tale do palmer and friends the fuck live?

do they really think their currency will survive when finally down to 1 satoshi?

even most "shibes" are slowly realizing that the stupid 1doge = 1doge does not work at all in the real world.

I can't believe they're still trying this unwarranted optimism talk instead of actually doing things. it also seemst that the foundation isn't doing anything anymore. seems like they found other things to do than taking care of their beloved currency.

... oh wait, I forgot they actually want it to be that low.

>> No.202750
File: 84 KB, 720x960, 1394528767358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello anon, i know you're basically jaded by now (even though you should have been prepared for this) but i want to remind you to look at coinmarketcap, and see ALL the coins on that list, and take a breather ;)))))))))

>> No.202751



Also the fact that they want to do community fundraising and charity shit.

Hey dumbfucks.

If doge goes up, you get more publicity, more people joining in to the community, and more PURCHASING POWER per doge to fund your little giveaways. Never thought of that, did you retards.

>hurr let's fund science, 1 doge = 1 doge even if the price collapses

You still have to convert it to real money to fund your nonsense.

Also, how is this faggot "in charge" anyway? Isn't the point of the currency to be decentralized? Let's just get rid of him. Tell him to shut his mouth and appoint new developers to lead doge.

>> No.202753

Is this you santa? Spread love, you are the one who is making shibes so nice.

>> No.202754


even when things go to shit, you and amdoge are actually what brightens up my crypto day.

>> No.202755

Shit, auroracoin is higher than DOGE now.
Only 25% less market cap than Litecoin too.
How did this happen? Also Mastercoin is going to pass DOGE as well even though it's a total crapcoin.

>> No.202756
File: 35 KB, 177x278, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could it be?

>> No.202757

I know we will rise again Santa. I truly believe.

>> No.202759

if you cannot see past your own nose, don't play the game of predicting the future, anon ;)))).

>> No.202760


IMO the damage is done, they are too retarded and arrogant to go back and add a hard cap in the coin. Not like they weren't warned about the effects but the dur hur 1 doge = 1 doge goes deeeeeeeep

>> No.202761


This is true, too. Don't get me wrong, I may be raging at Jackoff Palmer and the overly optimistic redditors right now, but I still believe Dogecoin absolutely has the brightest future out of all altcoins. There are just too many projects being developed around it for it to fall by the wayside, including

>rumors of Bitstamp picking it up.

So cheer up and buy some more but you're still allowed to rage in the short term future.

>> No.202766
File: 63 KB, 520x638, mfw_38457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you know what?

I think palmer and the other dude will step down.

I really have a feeling that both will leave their doge developer jobs with a giant bitter sweet reddit sticky saying that there will be new devs because they don't have the time anymore to help doge to blossom or some shit ... all of this WHEN IT IS ALREADY TOO LATE and no one cares about it anymore.

seriously, I bet this will happen.

>> No.202765
File: 104 KB, 500x669, dogs_hugging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit thank you Santa, you truly are my greatest ally.

>> No.202767


>too many projects

its all backed by btc that is backed by fiat mostly
doge value is down and so it has as much value as dirt when low

>> No.202768


Nah, the guy quit his job to work on doge full time. Apparently he's in San Fran right now working on big new projects but he's so smart that he decided to turn down $500k in VC funding.

They won't step down though.

>> No.202769


That's why I mentioned Bitstamp picking up doge to be able to be bought by dollars.

That would be HUGE.

>> No.202771
File: 241 KB, 530x526, evertim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.202772

Santa do you use amDoge's script for tipping, i heard it is good. Also thanks for tipping. You are really an enrichment for our community

>> No.202773
File: 144 KB, 480x600, 1393087940896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Santa, you are awesome, as far as posting on doge thread goes you are better than me, always tipping the shit out of people and when things are down and doge is low you appear to say these sweet words.

>> No.202774

yes. it is good!

well, rage on, it's good for your the health. that being said the current sentiment in these threads remind me too much of the slump we had prior to the bobsled, i see the eternal recurrence of the same posts, the same worries, the same doubts and in the end i have to say the same thing: you're looking at it the wrong way. i mean, i own quite a bit of dogecoin as most of you know and i expected this period, which by the way i have always expected to happen several times over, to be way rougher than it currently is.

>> No.202779

well i personaly dont fucking care a penny for jackoff palmer as i was never into person cults. if he needs that, well maybe even some people need it.

>> No.202782

>new wallet version

where can i find the announcement? bct doesn't mention anything about a hard fork

>> No.202786
File: 25 KB, 640x480, 1393477242168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you're supposed to put your address in the mail field now?

things are surely quite different to when I was here in december and january

>> No.202788

it's to hide it from the mods, because mods are too lazy to hover over your name

>> No.202789
File: 543 KB, 2937x2203, h3ekwzv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoever threw the doges over here.. I want you to know that you saved my whole week.. seriously! holy shit.
I was quite angry about the whole situation, I admit it... but it feels much better now. thank you, again.

ah, I see. well I think it's a good idea. makes the tipping way less intrusive.

>> No.202795
File: 1.89 MB, 172x172, 1373952549545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>600 LTC worth sold once DOGE came back up on cryptsy
>150 LTC left at 4709
>600 LTC wall at 4750

>> No.202794


i'm a patient shibe santa!

>> No.202803

It's a very good

>> No.202805
File: 67 KB, 207x207, 1374363788396.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

57 now

>> No.202807
File: 1.96 MB, 500x494, 1377166778556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.202817
File: 553 KB, 300x168, it aint gonna shrek itself.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.202823

>mfw myself and others warned you guys to fucking sell but you STILL WON'T LISTEN

Honestly guys, does it have to get back under 7 satoshi before you realise the mistake you've made? Even if you think it's eventually going to go back up it makes sense to sell now and buy at the bottom - because we're definitely no where near the bottom.

>> No.202824
File: 7 KB, 1136x78, 1394533870169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PND #29 on coinmarketcap ....

>> No.202826

>"toooo the moooooooooooooooooooon"
>"1$ is possible"
>"Doge has the community"
>"somebody missed the train"
>"they said the same about btc"

hahahahahahahahahahhaha 115 you dumb niggers, your shitcoin isnt worth anything

>> No.202825

same here, don't know what is happening

>> No.202829

is it still profitable to mine PND?

>> No.202832

> still

>> No.202836

depends on what is happening in the future

>> No.202839

IF you're gonna pump PND at least put in an order above 1 sat santa....

>> No.202841

what what what? Is the 1mill on coinmarketcap santa? Wtf?

>> No.202842
File: 109 KB, 599x539, Put a tip on it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Santa, look at this gif I just made:


(I can't post it here because its bigger than 3MB)

>> No.202843


If i remember from last week, there was a plan to pump PND today

>> No.202845

oops. Forgot my e-mail: http://pastebin.com/3n9iRBKE

>> No.202846

And where did he pumped? I can't see any rise in price.

>> No.202850

Just look on mintpal

Although, mintpal seems to be messing up, sometimes it disappears for some reason

>> No.202852

would bamboohouse explode if we chucked a few hundred mh/s at it? fucking FAILpool (the only pool there was for fail) died last night 'cause of /biz/

>> No.202856

both bamboohouse and pandapool have really strong servers that could handle 5GH/s easily. They upgraded when both were over 1GH/s.

>> No.202859

No. I think it can handle the load. amDOGE has upgraded the server hardware. The Bamboohouse credits pool was 300Mh/s at one point.

>> No.202858
File: 456 KB, 656x732, praise-the-santa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PND pump? Please let it be so, please let it be so.

>> No.202861

>could handle 5GH/s easily
we'll see

>> No.202866

I can't vouch for bamboohouse because amdoge isn't really a capable sysadmin but pandapool could definitely handle that.

>> No.202869

thanks bro

>> No.202875

The only point where it could choke is when stratum is stuck with importing shares which often happens when the database is too slow to import them when big hashers enter the pool. It's not about organizing the server but rather about the hardware at that point.

>> No.202876


baboohouse can does it aswell, how many mhash are ''a few hundred''?

>> No.202878

So the pump is really happening?

>> No.202879

*That said, the pandapool.info admin is certainly more capable than I am.

>> No.202880

depends how this supposed pump goes tonight and how drunk i am by that time.

>> No.202882


Haha, I like that. Cheers.

>> No.202883

happening on swisscex am i right?

>> No.202887

Honestly I'm not sure

All I know is it's happening later today

>> No.202888
File: 18 KB, 278x309, 87555875785_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to all people who're currently exploding with schadenfreude ("lolololo, stupid bagholders, we told u to sell xDD"

dogecoin might be technically similar to other alts but it has a strong community and quite some publicity. that's a huge difference to all these pump'n'dumps.

currently I'd say doge is like a car with an engine stall while rolling. it still has a big momentum (community) but it's getting slower without the engine (increasing monetary value).

apparently some devs woke up and they're doing something but we'll see if they succeed.

--so far you it just ISN'T POSSIBLE to tell fhe future of dogecoin. it just isn't.--

I'd say:
all you people who invested real money and are panicking hard right now: pull the fuck out and go home. but don't return crying later if we go to 270 again.

all people who didn't invest money they can't afford to lose - hold. hodl or just continue your daily shibe life as usual.

I for one will keep my shit because I already lost some mined coins of now dead coins and I didn't give a fuck.
with doge it's been a pleasant ride and that alone makes it worth it for me to hold

>> No.202892


Even if you think it's going to return to 270 one day it still doesn't make sense to hold it at the moment. You should sell, because it's going down right now and will be for the next week at least.

>> No.202898
File: 1.11 MB, 231x310, lul_.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even if you think it's going to return to 270
>You should sell, because it's going down right now
>and will be for the next week at least.

I'm sorry but what you said does not make any sense, either.
even though I stated that I believe it will go up again after a while you're suggesting me to sell my shit because it will go even lower and stay there for "the next week at least"?

what you're suggesting here is to sell low and buy high.

nice try.

>> No.202899

goddamn you are retarded

>> No.202904

it might be possible to sell now at 120 and buy back at 60 but who tells me that this will happen?

>> No.202907


>this is how fucking dumb the doge holders are now

>> No.202908

anon does. listen to anon and sell xDDD

>> No.202914


What tells you that doge will keep going down? Oh I don't know... the fact that doge has proven its self to be so heavy that everything that was meant to get it rising again (the olympics, the halving, the return of bitcoin's price) has done nothing and it continues to drop.

Granted all of these occurrences that have done NOTHING to stop the fall, what do you propose is going to occur to change things?

>> No.202913

>not knowing how to reply
>lul u dum xDDD

no one is keeping you from panic selling, topguy

>> No.202915

they've always been retarded. shit coin, shit holders

>> No.202916

Since PND mining has become doable on toasters again due to the difficulty, maybe /b/ wants to join in again since they are pretty much toaster nation.

>> No.202917
File: 133 KB, 640x426, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad they ban everything that begins with crypto.

>> No.202920

and moot claimed to be good guy of the internet but he banns just everything that violates him. Thanks dictator moot.

>> No.202919

Get ready for the pump today at 5PM EST.

Last I heard there was 25BTC to be invested in clearing out all the 1-4 satoshi sell walls.

>> No.202921

I'm so glad when I don't see this doge and all those shitty doge memes ever again.

>> No.202922


That's ehm, that'd be pretty amazing on Swisscex.


That's strange, we were doing really good the first couple of days after the birth of PND

>> No.202925

Look at this way. What happens when the investors clear out a very large percentage of PND on the market and hold it?

What happens when news of this spreads?

>> No.202924
File: 8 KB, 200x212, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And then they started banning it. Maybe mods are asleep now, who knows.

>> No.202931

is someone trying to post on be, just remind them that the difficulty is low and potato miners are welcome

>> No.202930
File: 158 KB, 711x713, THE MINING NEVER ENDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.202937

Probably started banning them after watching you solicit exchange votes so you could dump several hundred million pnd at 35 satoshi.

>> No.202938

also i dont get coinmarketcap, why is our market cap by 1mill?

>> No.202939


>> No.202942
File: 98 KB, 605x947, worst-book-covers-titles-52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about supporting doge again?

>> No.202944

First we need to dump PND.

>> No.202948

amDOGE can you explain why you only have 180M PND and you have been mining since day 1?

When did you dump? 10 satoshi?

>> No.202949


>> No.202954

Sorry I meant 280M.

Is this your wallet?


Yes it is.

>> No.202957
File: 68 KB, 791x313, 1394539083887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.202960


They won't buy in because they know when the price rises those holders will dump for dem profits. Right?

>> No.202964

why would you hodl all this time
you are crazy

>> No.202968

If they buy that much coin they won't be able to sell it if the volume isn't there.

I'm sorry amDOGE you are an angel I should have never questioned you.

>> No.202969
File: 102 KB, 640x425, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because that's what I do.

>> No.202970


>> No.202971


>> No.202974


>> No.202975

Reminder that doge is only 3 months old.

>> No.202977

Reminder that doge is the second most used coin.

>> No.202981
File: 13 KB, 500x375, b7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The shills are just pissed they have no PND

>inb4 100 wolong shills start shitting over PND

>> No.202985

amDOGE is a good developer that is why.

In this cluster fuck of scam coins, amDOGE is one of the few trustworthy people in the crypto scene.

>> No.202988


>> No.202999
File: 93 KB, 966x982, 1337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like someone is having fun

>> No.203003

>Last I heard there was 25BTC

stop increasing the BTC like every hour you faggots. its only 10 btc

>> No.203012


Last I heard it was at 50btc

>> No.203011

you don't know what is happening, so maybe its even more as 25

>> No.203015


the only one announced to pump said its 10 btc. I wont put up any hopes for other anons chucking more than 1-2 btc in. Most probably everything the other anons will contribute is pnd sell walls.

but whatever, I think even the 10 btc was a hoax but it doesnt really matter

>> No.203018
File: 84 KB, 640x425, 1393763818375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 btc
You can't even pump it to 2 satoshi with these money.

>> No.203019

I pumped your mom to 2 satoshi last night

>> No.203022
File: 104 KB, 758x982, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat habben?

>> No.203021
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>> No.203023
File: 45 KB, 426x528, 1378153786512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i heard it will be 100btc

>> No.203024

Doge is Kill

>> No.203026
File: 6 KB, 759x133, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.203027

Major supports at 115 and 114 gone in seconds.

>> No.203028

i heard it will be 1000btc

>> No.203030
File: 457 KB, 1400x1050, 13334242344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Santa, how are you today?

>> No.203031

hi santa, missed you

>> No.203032

Apparently Mark Karpeles will use all his 900kBTC stolen from Mt. Gox to pump PND. Better be ready.

>> No.203033

- multipool hammering (difficulty and random rewards exploitation). devs and rapidshare op are already working on the next hardfork to fix this problem for good.
- One or more whale faggot is clearly driving the price down for weeks now, he is moving that 20-50 bitcoin orders up and down. And doesnt let it rise.
- Depressed posts about btc/doge values all over reddit/4chan
- Panic selling when people are waking up and see the low values after the crash or see the depressed posts.
- All these combined.

>> No.203036


YLYL? I won.

>> No.203039

iherd it's 21,000,001 btc.

>> No.203040
File: 1.99 MB, 334x205, vwandaway.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it just feels good to have doge

>> No.203047

and then some!

>> No.203049

the more services accept doge the more doge will be dumped for btc , in the long run that will only help doge though, so just be happy for the opportunity to load up

>> No.203055
File: 35 KB, 450x572, PNDOGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 4.5m PND and 610k Dogecoins. Do I have potential?

>> No.203058

Ultimate question...
>why buy???

>> No.203062

10m PND
500k DOGE
20k CR
10 KDC
1,5m FLAP

I'm fucking dead... nice that you havent lost hope yet, gl

>> No.203066



>> No.203067

that's nothing.
I'm sitting on 6.2m rabbits. I know pain

>> No.203069
File: 411 KB, 250x250, 1394544409909.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.203070


all the panic people

>> No.203072

PND and RBBT share pretty much the same fate

>> No.203076


>> No.203078

damn should i buy back now?
maybe at 105?

>> No.203079


RBBT is way more fucked. PND has at least some kind of small community here on /biz/ while rabbit got massively raped in the beginning and left to bleed out now

>> No.203083
File: 11 KB, 334x323, 2014-03-11_142849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.203084
File: 280 KB, 1600x1067, _MG_6627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember that there are people that are making money of this decline ;)))))

>> No.203087

i feel like dumping right now
to buy drk or vert or something

>> No.203088

Indeed, i was a long time holder but now with all the panic sellings, i figured its the best to realized my losses at 125, about 30-35% on 5mill doge (well not a technical loss, but a profit cut, since i've mined them all or traded from other shitcoins). And wait this clusterfuck out. I probably should have sold at 210 when i started to see the downhill, but tried to be optimistic all this time and hoped that it will at least stabilize at some reasonable level. Oh well, life goes on, i don't give too much fuck about it anymore but focus on my next steps. It actually feels better that i could finally stop stressing about this fact all day every day for several weeks. We all learned a valuable lesson from this: Don't be an analytic investor, but move with the market.

>> No.203092

is it you santa, are you making money out of panicking people? is this the dirty truth behind the joyous santa money?

>> No.203094
File: 830 KB, 500x289, cristiano-ronaldo-jews.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed, santa.

>> No.203097

>move with the market

you will never make a reasonable amount of money like that

>> No.203100

it is totally stupid to dump now at this price. like 80% of doge holder have bought higher than 100 and would make loss.

>> No.203101
File: 126 KB, 600x600, mining doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Santa, I'll be posting some OC I made through the week. Take a look.

>> No.203103

Please use your email field to post your address.
When possible you can even paste it in either pastebin or http://tipbot.bamboohouse.info..

>> No.203107

following market trends= bad
acknowledging market trends= good
you can get more doge for your doge if youre doge

>> No.203110

wise choice sir.

>> No.203113

any of (my) analysis is worth jackshit with manipulated market. Whale can bump the prices up to 200 at any time, or crash down to 100. We're basically at those fucker's mercy.
Unless we grow significantly larger like ltc or btc did, there is no point over-analyzing it imho. Its all gamble at this point. And i dont gamble.
As my fellow anon mentioned above me, acknowledging market trends is a need. I've acknowledged that doge is cashing, and i decided to get the fuck out and buy (significantly) lower when the clusterfuck is over.

>> No.203117

what are you guys mining right now?

>> No.203119
File: 50 KB, 1170x462, dogefail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy mother of fucking shit. We all need to sell right fucking now.

We're well into preboom territory now, those who were riding this solely for the bubble are disembarking, the only people who are left will be tippers and miners. It's over. You sunk years of savings into this and now it is has devalued 50%+, just get out now then sit upon the floor and deeply consider the gravity of your error.

Luckily I did not follow the advice in this thread and sold weeks ago, I feel sorry for all the fanboys still here acting as though dogecoin will exponentially increase to infinity.

>> No.203123
File: 844 KB, 200x150, 2d2al8l.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw some shibes still dreaming of TAH MOON

i dare you to say HOLD right now with honesty

no sane being is holding now

>> No.203125


LTC and a bit of PND on the side

>> No.203128
File: 143 KB, 640x480, a0126590_23294933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.203133

no sell
good goy
gimme mh sheckels

>> No.203136

why are all these fine gentlemen so concerned about me holding my assets?

>> No.203138
File: 119 KB, 768x1222, is it kill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOGE is nose diving

>> No.203140
File: 43 KB, 437x304, ohyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.203143
File: 50 KB, 400x400, guard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOLD right there scientologist scum!

>> No.203148
File: 28 KB, 460x300, 2342342344234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm gonna contribute 14000btc, so you can suck shit nigga

>> No.203154

not sure, i mean if i cashed out, i wouldnt be looking back
they sure got some passion for doge

>> No.203158

goodbye shitcoin.

>> No.203159
File: 592 KB, 598x500, sYHNrw3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's what makes me wonder, too.
I could just delete my dogewallet. it isn't anyone's business what I do with my coins and the aggressive "SELL NOW RETARDS" posts do not come from well-intentioned people.

>> No.203160
File: 441 KB, 1205x422, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 104
lel. the next pndoge thread is gonna see some shit.

>> No.203161

you're mom is an asset

>> No.203165

tell me how much you are holding. tell me and i shall laugh

>> No.203169

you do know that we have IDs?

you too, how dumb are you

>> No.203172

2 mil, with .2 btc sold
all mined in the first two days with a 6790

>> No.203173
File: 39 KB, 1155x487, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah guys, it's totally not going down, remember

1D = 1D

>> No.203177


>> No.203179

what makes you think that i don't know about ID? are YOU dumb?

let me have fun in this thread you shmock, that's what this coin is about

>> No.203180

new thread?

>> No.203182

its going to 80 whale removing 100 buy orders
brace for impact! HOOOODLLLLL

>> No.203185
File: 26 KB, 600x450, implied_facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.203190
File: 129 KB, 766x1392, last hope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will the wall hold or is it ogre? ;_;

>> No.203188
File: 146 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mq7i7n3w0m1rn7bzro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.203198

I hope it doesn't.
I need to buy more cheap DOGE.

>> No.203199

doge will probably fall under a certain point where it isn't profitable for multipools anymore.

the whole downfall got propelled by panic sellers

>> No.203201

have you been sleeping the last months? dozens of walls that were bigger have crumbled in seconds

>> No.203204

doge nigga

>> No.203207

any guesses how high doge will rise in the upcoming pump?

>> No.203208

like this weekend 100+ btc wall on 150satoshi got smashed with 1 hit by a whale dump.

Im sorry anon.

>> No.203209

PND at 7 liteoshi, How long until 1? then none?

>> No.203215

hahahhahaha people stil think this SHITCOIN will recover.. its a shitcoin and you made a shit investment and in addition your life is shit too. get over it.

>> No.203219


>> No.204022

They're fake walls, dummys