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>> No.20304383
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1591052115259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are going to make a movie about me called the big short 2

im calling out ur bullshit jerome

>> No.20304384
File: 51 KB, 584x894, 1588992320358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oil stocks (instead of wti futures)
>shorting tesla
>buying boomer stocks
>failing to out perform SPY ytd or yearly

>> No.20304393
File: 23 KB, 146x311, 1593551996287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't you buy TSLA $1500 calls last week?

>> No.20304408


>> No.20304417
File: 174 KB, 1080x1513, D0B08479-B0DD-4C89-A971-3CD2B8CC581A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for SOLO

>> No.20304420
File: 123 KB, 689x409, BE3EAD57-A9E9-4DCB-9B52-F68DE19C306B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green Day for U.S tomorrow

Long MSFT and TSM
short term long, EVRI. Who got in EVRI sub 5.9? LETS GOOOO

>> No.20304425
File: 1.06 MB, 540x304, comfy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

indexes, gold and silver all up at same time. Also recommend keeping sharp eye on palladium. The bulls are making their way to the starting line.

>> No.20304430
File: 95 KB, 331x306, TQQQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never forget to put your entire paycheck into TQQQ

>> No.20304434

Many institutions and broader american society had already completely fallen to marxism.

Its really in complete control of large swathes of society right now in america.

A single election cycle can pretty much be the end. Im not bullish on america the country over 40 years. The companies are good still and mostly multinational

But yeah marxism has violent exclusivity in many institutions with outright hostility to any discent.

Id rec everyone here look to shift out of living in usa as a contingency because it can swing very rapidly to full marxist control.

>> No.20304447
File: 87 KB, 1024x958, 4183634A-DD28-41E4-B1F7-4899B12521D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who’s ready for the EVRI moon mission?

>> No.20304449

What plays are you guys going to keep your eye on tomorrow? I'm looking out for SOLO and CLSK. Holding NIO but not really planning on moving those around. Holding hoping for good things in the future.

>> No.20304454

Very nice reddit post. It has nothing to do with the stock market though.

>> No.20304458
File: 145 KB, 899x907, questions15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how many people yoloed in to shorts like fly in to fire because of that movie.

>> No.20304472

ok look guys im kinda retarded, but for real, we can't let biden leave the basement.

>> No.20304476

because I am not a gambler and have a risk tolerance, you are playing the lottery. Might as well cash out while you are still up.

>> No.20304485

So you think America will seize Google, Amazon etc. and make them communist institutions?
Sure lmao

>> No.20304487

It does though. Everyone is here for same.reason of making it. You cant make it in a commie french revolution civil war country taking your property and stock

>> No.20304489
File: 774 KB, 2336x648, TSLAmemes420.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the play this week as the past 3 weeks is to watch this week's (7/17) and next week's (7/24) deep OTM call activity and hop in on some insane gains from following the TSLA options chain manipulator

>> No.20304496

it was 5.79 when i first read about it Friday. I couldn't sell shit though because I was out of day trades. I'll try to pick up a stack during opening if it doesn't get too high during pre-market.

>> No.20304500
File: 7 KB, 225x225, downlo231ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Nvidia stock is on the rise and they're about to come out with their next line of graphics cards.

Is this a good time to buy? Or is too high atm?

>> No.20304507
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>> No.20304514

Debating buying some put credit spreads on tsla right at the money immediately at open. Just not sure

>> No.20304515

Futures to the moon, and so will open. TSLA 2000 by EOM also.

>> No.20304519

nice blogpost, also most Americans would never accept communism, and unlike most commie shitholes, Americans have access to firearms.

>> No.20304524
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>> No.20304531
File: 126 KB, 700x512, 1594597824302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xth for why the FUCK are these threads moving so fast today?
Also I'm buying WCLD and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

It's it finally gone to buy PALL? I've been watching it crab forever and last week was a pretty solid gain.

>> No.20304535

If qqq was dependant on usa society and economy id never invest in it

>> No.20304550

Are the cards catering towards gamers or machine learning?

Also with the upcoming LINK run to $100 the demand for GPU for mining BTC will fall to 0

>> No.20304552

Give me a quick rundown on options? A link to some educational reading is fine, too.

>> No.20304568

I feel like I just bought this stock but when I did it wasn't even at 300.

>> No.20304571

Jesus christ let's not be retarded. I want it to moon as much as the rest of us but shits sake

>> No.20304580

>Or is too high atm?
honestly with this fucking question what are you expecting? some random ass dump back to march levels, just for nvidia out of nowhere?
yes just buy fucking now you faggot and if a tiny dip comes later, buy that dip you faggot

>> No.20304583

Looking to see what EVRI does, might buy some more in the morning since I got in at $5.85 and expect it to go to at least $10.

What are the predictions for SOLO? Anyone think it will meme up this week?

How do I into calls and what's looking good?

>> No.20304584

I think its largely a cultural war and 95% of media.is pretty much full marxist.

>> No.20304586
File: 102 KB, 700x831, 1594539037183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's it finally gone to buy PALL?
Not quite yet. I want to see a confirmation move first. Is still in crabby range.

>> No.20304599


>> No.20304611

solid advice

>> No.20304615

Good.time.to buy still simply.cuz.it.has a very high chance.of.keeping that high.multiple

>> No.20304624

It’s been shilled to hell on Stocktwits along with EVRI. /smg/ shills were on it all weekend.

>> No.20304640

Closet thing America will get to full on socialism is National Socialism

>> No.20304648

I want to see TSLA have their biggest earnings loss yet and see the price beartrap then keep pumping even faster, I want to see the clown world climax, I want TSLA as the largest company in the world and then Elon yolos and does a market sell of the entire company's holding's immediately dropping the shareprice to 0 but then skyrocketing back up knowing that they just increases their revenue by a 100billion

>> No.20304653

So that's probably a go for the meme moon mission, I'm guessing. Maybe I'll throw a couple hundred at it and set a limit sell

>> No.20304657

What are some good stocks to buy so that I can sell covered calls?

>> No.20304662

SPAQ is up on a rumor of a merger with Fisker Automotive, could go either way

>> No.20304666
File: 186 KB, 1270x1280, 8B2993ED-94B0-4582-A548-87584714AFF4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of fake hype was built for SOLO over the weekend and EVRI has genuine momentum

>> No.20304685

> not quite yet
Very well, I'll continue waiting. What is the signal you're waiting for?

>> No.20304686

It is already a corporate socialist state
It is composed of the best of the best that aren't dependent on corporate socialist benefits.

>> No.20304691

Usa has a billion times higher chance of left authoritarianism

>> No.20304693

Not even joking

>> No.20304718

move above $2050 on above average volume.

>> No.20304736

Does anyone know what the fuck https://www.optionsprofitcalculator.com/ uses for the IV of its underlying on the days it shows profits?

It seems like it calculates profits under the assumption that underlying prices change but IV doesn't. Am I understanding it correctly that I need to manually enter IV values for it to tell me what could actually be a possible price?

>> No.20304746

Son I do not have enough money to buy 100x TSLA. Stock price needs to be around $100/share or less.

>> No.20304752

SOLO has a price target of $4 and is already a good bit above that - you think normie meme magic will pump it this week? I set a limit sell for my EVRI at $12 but might shift that a bit higher

>> No.20304755

Thanks for the tip lad.

>> No.20304756

having a conundrum that im shorting natural gas but longing NRGU

>> No.20304760


The old series is expected to increase in price

>> No.20304836
File: 607 KB, 800x792, 78C642FE-9CFD-48F8-867D-7B1F4D1EFC68.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That CNN price isn’t right. It’s more like 6 or 7. They had their shareholder meeting Friday. Things are shipping out their first preorders August. Going to ride the wave.

>> No.20304839

Don't long NRGU. I believe in based leveraged ETFs but commodity or commodity tied ETFs never do what people think they will.
Look at USO, for example.

>> No.20304882

Nvda had a 1st gen attempt ai enhanced graphics. This came out as cryptomining bubble popped and interest rate rising

This led to a massive drop in nvda price

Now that ai tech for graphics is magical, you have 2nd gen version of it that is mature and insanely valuable

Then you have actual node shrink and 7nm on at least some of the products

Nvda is just super well positioned and will have no demand problems. Its like a return to form year for nvda and they have a lot of pent up demand to satisfy.

anecdotally i am waiting for 3080 after skipping rtx.gen 1

>> No.20304899

I'd love for it to go to 6 or 7 but what makes you think that? I could see it running up that high on pure magic but it could be risky without setting a limit

>> No.20304901

>>>oil futures


>> No.20304906

Last time we hit 320 SPY there was a huge bounce back to 300. What puts the market in a better position to stay above 320 this time around?

>> No.20304911

what about calls on XLE

>> No.20304917

One day, as the crowds were pressing close to him to hear the word of God, Jesus was standing by the lake of Gennesaret.

He saw two boats moored by the land; the fishermen had gone ashore and were washing their nets.

He got into one of the boats – it was Simon’s – and asked him to put out a little way from the land. Then he sat down in the boat and began to teach the crowd.

When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, ‘Put out into the deeper part, and let down your nets for a catch.’

‘Master,’ replied Simon, ‘we were working hard all night and caught nothing at all. But if you say so, I’ll let down the nets.’

When they did so, they caught such a huge number of fish that their nets began to break.

They signalled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them.

So they came, and filled both the boats, and they began to sink.

When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees.

‘Go away,’ he said. ‘Leave me, Lord! I’m a sinner!’

He and all his companions were gripped with amazement at the catch of fish they had taken;
this included James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon.

‘Don’t be afraid,’ said Jesus to Simon. ‘From now on you’ll be catching people.’

They brought the boats in to land.

Then they abandoned everything and followed him.

>> No.20304920

Go look at the retarded hype we generated for it on stocktwits lmao it’s hilarious

>> No.20304936

In short nvda is in high secular growth areas of the economy and has killer product leads or near monopoly

>> No.20304957
File: 9 KB, 256x292, Cc_kane_shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forex trader here. I came to hang out with you stock frens tonight and get drunk.

>> No.20304967

>don't like the deal? Deal doesn't happen? Money back plus interest
>deal is good? Easy 200-1000%
>warrants for pennytard gamblers
>rights so you get 50%+ returns even if the deal sucks ass

>> No.20304969
File: 431 KB, 750x859, 9665D39E-622A-42A8-BC4A-D61AFF38FA47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.20304989

holy fuck, /smg/ really does not need multiple tripfags/avatarfags

>> No.20304996

Nice just bought 100

>> No.20305006

lol alright I can see it going higher than 6 or 7 now, at least for a day. I'll gamble that.

What about NIO? Seen it shilled a ton but haven't actually bought yet. Same thing?

>> No.20305020
File: 187 KB, 850x850, 9c8fb20866bd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hullo fren! tell the USD to go down. Don't care which pair. Preferably all pairs. Go down.

>> No.20305023
File: 211 KB, 933x1316, 1566321131639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20305050

We're going to be seeing +3% or more index days very soon

What's it like putting in a ridiculous amount of effort and time just to be losing or barely beating s&p?

>> No.20305064
File: 16 KB, 390x413, Based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me a more based ETF basket than this one.

>> No.20305082

$10,000 into TQQQ 10 years ago would net you $1,000,000.

>> No.20305087


>> No.20305088
File: 105 KB, 595x1000, 1566325882474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do u want USD to go down...

>We're going to be seeing +3% or more index days very soon
I doubt it

>> No.20305096

NIO is a solid stock to go in long honestly.

>> No.20305101
File: 134 KB, 545x927, 1593802626066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol alright I can see it going higher than 6 or 7 now, at least for a day
two retard anons here shilled it on stocktwits over the weekend and I'm pretty sure they made the viewers go from like 100 to 7000

>> No.20305120

Lets ignore

That politics set up one of best trades.of.past 30 days in social.media scare drop
That its a massive overpowering effect on market and investment decisions.

Soo yeah ignore.politics and dont have the capacity to make 10% on a few weeks.safe.trade because what does blm.have to do with fb prices

>> No.20305123

Ones that you plan to hold up until expiration at least. That will mean you won’t be as liquid.

>> No.20305126
File: 225 KB, 640x853, 8cf60f5rrt951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$10,000 into TSLA calls 1 year ago would net you $12,000,000.

>> No.20305141

this aint about tesla

>> No.20305148

but it is about money

>> No.20305157
File: 229 KB, 1080x1350, A427314E-D274-47B7-A68F-CEBF5FC2A608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s gonna happen next week?

>> No.20305168

Your guy's thoughts on docusign?

>> No.20305172

God I love freckles so much

>> No.20305177

What's the point of this post. You can do this for literally anything

>> No.20305179

USD goes down stocks go up dummy

>> No.20305190

its nice

>> No.20305195

Why do you think so? Chinese Tesla?

I swear if I finally get some gains off of one of these meme pumps I'll be happier than I have been in months. So much dumb crabbing

>> No.20305200

/smg/ doesn't need you either, this will exist with or with out you, like it or not.

Thanks be to our lord Jesus Christ. As your son I accept you and your father into my life. Through your light I fear no evil, and in the kingdom of heaven now and forever i say thanks be to you, and in the light given to us by your son our lord almighty christ we will all find ever lasting life.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory is ours now and forever. Amen.

>> No.20305205

I was looking at some tech ETF but they are either a) too pricey to get 100x, e.g. QQQ or b) selling their OTM calls are worth next to nothing

>> No.20305214

switch from robinhood to fidelity y/n

>> No.20305224

4chan x has an anonymize everyone function

>> No.20305225

Same thing everyone else has been saying: China won’t let it fail.

>> No.20305229

Serious question because most of the board right now is chainlink threads and you guys seem smarter

I've recently got my shit together and a decent job and want to start investing into stocks and cryptos. I should be able to throw in $1000-1500 usd per month. Should I start right now or are you expecting some legit economic crash since corona is apparently far from over and I've read here numerous time that we're in a bubble?

>> No.20305230

If you followed the options chain manipulator on TSLA the past 3 weeks >>20304489
you could have turned $1000 into about $500,000,000

>> No.20305234
File: 443 KB, 850x900, 1591163879688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do u want USD to go down...
Because I have positions in precious metals and equities that benefit directly from weak burger buck.

>> No.20305238

td ameritrade

>> No.20305247

This. Some retard was shilling this stock, saying it will reach $300 by the EOW.

>> No.20305251
File: 1.59 MB, 1100x1347, illust_72507143_20200712_111958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck whenever futures are green like this i get excited for my stocks on monday morning and have trouble falling asleep because i want premarket to open. Anyone else like this ?

>> No.20305304
File: 245 KB, 546x1080, 1538621839582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invest in 3x leveraged ETF
>invest in 3x inverse leveraged ETF of the same category
>always winning whether the market goes up or down

>> No.20305308

Will WKHS go up tomorrow in anticipation of USPS deal?

>> No.20305312

Traditional thought is pretty simple... You literally just buy up or down and keep buying forever... it's dollor cost averaging... even in bear markets its ok. You really need to explain your goals, if you want a crap shoot we do that, if you're trying to steadily build up net worth, well you can do that too.. I honestly don't know what your goals are so I can't really help more, but there's always something for everybody in the markets.

>> No.20305317

But do you think it's going to be a 500x pump like Tesla?

>> No.20305318

im always excited for line go up

>> No.20305324


>> No.20305327

If dubs, my stocks go up Monday morning

>> No.20305328

When the fuck is the tanker super cycle going to come. I want 5x and i want it now!

>> No.20305332


>> No.20305335

I wish I had the balls to follow shit like that. Hindsight is 20/20 but there is no doubt the TSLA option chain is borked by the BIG hands.

>> No.20305341
File: 408 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20200710-161930_Finance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so. I bought in 216 at 9 and it's more gain already than anything else I hold.

>> No.20305348
File: 56 KB, 1000x621, bfda7f5e0408c4519618a63fb27ea5c733590346r1-1000-621v2_uhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess it'll be Tuesday then

>> No.20305350

Probably not but it will make you money

>> No.20305352

tempted to go into weekly 10% OTM calls. You can thank me for killing the bullrun

>> No.20305353

OSTK is hopping as well

>> No.20305356


>> No.20305357

are those bags heavy fren

>> No.20305373

I wish I could just hold 2 or 3 stocks.

But I guess this is alright.

I dont see any of this failing hard except mark and bioc

>> No.20305402
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the tripfag is right. You can dollar-cost-average in and you should be ok.

I recommend the following:

1) Read as many links on Investopedia as you can
2) Buy QQQ and hold it until you plan to retire

>> No.20305410

>he isn't shitting on PM and PM miners
I'm fucking shocked.

>> No.20305421

The difference between investing and bag building is if you went in knowing it'd take time for a return. Is only down 20%, which isn't that much with my gambling money, but it doesn't mean i don't want a kicking vacation before summer ends.

>> No.20305426

I'm just looking forward to steadily grow my net worth so I can perhaps buy a house cash within the next 5-10 years, implying I do my homeworks

>> No.20305431

Im going all in tomorrow

47% TQQQ
47% FNGU

>> No.20305446

That's not really "going all in"
If you really want to "all in" get some TSLA calls 7/24

>> No.20305460

I want to say one thing now that I'm a follower of the one true god. Praise be to Jesus, thank you for your sacrifice, and through you I too get eternal life. Thank you for you've done more for me than I could have ever hoped for... All of my prayers have been answered through your sacrifice. I give you my entire heart <3

>> No.20305463

>If you really want to "all in" get some TSLA calls 7/24

Very few people here have that kind of dough

>> No.20305471

The crash is coming, buy in around S&P 1200, hold for 10 years.

>> No.20305474

I am watching for any movement on the 2500+ c options for this and next week. The pattern is always the same.
They buy a few 0.5 cent contracts earlier (days or hours). Then wait for the volume to die down then slam the rest of them. You can flip for 8x but these things spike for about a minute for many times more than that as algos rush in.
What has changed is that before it was done in pre-market and the beginning of the day. Last week they moved to near EoD. Which really means you have to watch the chain like a hawk.
And if you are nervous about this, like just buy 2 contracts if it looks like its happening again. Literally $500 bet for 10 of them that might get you $4000+
It is pure options market manipulation and dependent on them continuing to do it. But those are some sick nasty gains.

>> No.20305478
File: 41 KB, 1849x187, doombull theory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doombull theory

>> No.20305502 [DELETED] 

Can't, I'm have a cash account

>> No.20305529

thanks, was wondering what else to add

>> No.20305531

how can i reach out to the community and teach niggers to become better fathers? Is there a company that actively profits off of this kind of practice?

>> No.20305532

shut up namefag

>> No.20305536

There's no option trading in premarket. OCC doesn't operate outside normal hours.

>> No.20305538
File: 4 KB, 125x126, 1333598142233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the crash is coming
y'all have literally been saying this shit for 4 months now

>> No.20305567
File: 986 KB, 1094x1663, 1570312658555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure you are always insufferable. I think you are among one of my least favorite posters in a given thread.

>> No.20305578

Do it pussy

>> No.20305583
File: 32 KB, 600x450, wow_kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20305584

stay poor
or buy tqqq and soxl

>> No.20305592

Commodity Status
>oilkeks crabbing
>gold consolidating
>silver mooning
>lean hogs dead cat bouncing
>corn and wheat AAAAAAAAA

Thanks for tuning in

>> No.20305595 [DELETED] 

well we did get the first leg down in march, next is a big red dildo.

>> No.20305647
File: 33 KB, 443x418, 1576658048388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for a real investment strategy, especially for someone who is looking to average in over months (in times of economic uncertainty) he's right to advise caution. Personally I would be averaging in slowly with less than the max amount into an account and then only half or less of it into mega caps and reexpansion plays.

>stay poor
>ur mad u don't have gains
>post ur positions
>show account
God I hate your posts.
>inb4 it's cause you're mad
no it's because there is no substance to your posts ever. EEEVVVVEEEERRRRR.

>> No.20305648

I just mean that every single day since we bounced off of the March lows, people have said "the big one is still coming" and it's been literally 4 months of upward growth since then. I don't know what the people saying that are going off of aside from emotions

>> No.20305650

Legitimately good product and a near monopoly on being able to get tech-illiterate boomers to sign digital documents, which is a truly impressive achievement. Easy buy.

>> No.20305652
File: 1.05 MB, 850x1201, 56667587b14e59b1683b77f80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it's apparently unstoppable at the moment

>> No.20305657

God bless the anons that shilled it all weekend too I hope we open at 7.50 and moon to 10 wednesday

>> No.20305659

swap out FNGU for TLT or TMF

>> No.20305676

>What's it like putting in a ridiculous amount of effort and time just to be losing or barely beating s&p?
Sorry, I can't hear you over this $6 trillion daily trading volume and 1000:1 leverage I get.

>> No.20305685
File: 246 KB, 2241x541, 1593062707497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its called a bull trap for a reason fren.

>> No.20305684

Just go to the south side of Chicago and start lecturing young angry looking black men, baggie

>> No.20305688

Let me tell you something. The way you treat strangers is the way you treat yourself. If you want to continue to live your life the way you choose, I won't stop you. If you want to lead me to the temptation of sin I will not follow you. For may I have been delivered from evil, I no longer choose to seek sin and separate my self from God and his son Jesus.

>> No.20305699
File: 71 KB, 806x786, 1571097272454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corona? We saw the same thing happen with BR corona and Iron.

>> No.20305701

Will EVRI dip in the morning

>> No.20305724

>post ur positions
>show account
>ur mad u don't have gains
i've never ever posted anything like this so you got me mixed up with someone else ok
i just shit on shitters under performing s&p while being tryhards

>> No.20305751
File: 85 KB, 824x579, 1583724335900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, i got you. You had a spat with me about "literal who ETFs on the decline"
>ur a schizo
fuck you faggot.

>> No.20305766

Riddle me this, the talmud states marry was a whore, you are an antisemite if you deny this christfag.

>> No.20305783
File: 376 KB, 1600x1509, 1566331540983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truly blessed

>> No.20305789

Where are you watching options volume? I use Webull and don't think we have that..

>> No.20305797

>You had a spat with me about "literal who ETFs on the decline"
not me sorry

>> No.20305805
File: 92 KB, 707x999, sample-1a29d766f842ad57e80179f2388d5c9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love cunny I don't respect these posters bros

>> No.20305806

Feels like Silver is mooning "too early". But then again the Silver market is the most manipulated thing since Diamonds.

>> No.20305833

Look in the beginning the universe was as small as my testicle, but weighed as much as your mother. All women are whores, and all whores should be treated like any other property.

>> No.20305835
File: 105 KB, 900x900, 658411238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. cute. redpilled. goldpilled.

>> No.20305838

I hope it doesn't get to 7.50 until I buy some but we'll see. Should I try a pre-market order? That always seems useless with meme stocks

>> No.20305871


>> No.20305893
File: 38 KB, 657x527, 1583142753010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deny all you want. I know I can't prove it and I know you're going to play it, but you're the only fucker that fixates on "beating le S&P." you're eternally a faggot and I'm going to play a faggot because it makes me feel good to know I'm right, just like how I am at least 80% on commodities, tankers, and precious metals. You don't fool me. You're a cancer on these threads and a cancer to the board.

>> No.20305902

Just set a limit sell and get caught in the buying wave

Sure you won't get the top but it's worth not having to watch the chart every second to try and catch it

>> No.20305916

Might not be a bad idea. What price you thinkin bro?

>> No.20305920
File: 58 KB, 1024x817, conan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts on FEAC SPACfag?

>> No.20305980

>just like how I am at least 80% on commodities, tankers, and precious metals. You don't fool me. You're a cancer on these threads and a cancer to the board.
>be a loser
>try to shill others to become losers on market
who is the cancer

>> No.20306008

If we're talking SOLO I'm hoping it stays under $5 for regular market opening and I hope it gets to $10, if we're talking EVRI I bought some at $5.85 and I'll probably buy more either way, hoping it gets to at least $12 where I have a limit sell

>> No.20306040

This would have to the be the biggest bull trap of all time. I'm not saying it is or is not (it probably isn't) but if it is, I'm making money on the way up AND on the way down.

>> No.20306057

Idk I'm a retail chump. Personally I say no. These stocks tend to have a dip that's actionable and this ain't nearly the size of what wkhs and shit was generating. Set a smart price and limit buy and hope it hits within the first 4 hours

>> No.20306062
File: 897 KB, 1200x1669, 4117a7a8e4e07cae1fa937cb24436082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should've been buying more gold! At least bought some NEM or more GOLD! But I did add SLV for some reason.

>> No.20306069

I hope SOLO and NKLA crash. It's time for a reality check on companies with no real good product.

>> No.20306115
File: 17 KB, 340x340, 1590647050261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We inverse futures. RED MONDAY.

>> No.20306119

What will EVRI be EOD

>> No.20306133

I don't really care if they make it in the long run if I can ride the meme magic train and get some green lines out of it

Yeah I've seen them do dumb shit in the first couple hours. Maybe I'll wait until market open and keep an eye on it then. That is, keep an eye on /smg/

>> No.20306143

NKLA yes but why the fuck SOLO? it's fucking $4 with a product.

>> No.20306161
File: 210 KB, 1920x309, Monday Incoming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's at least $8 some anon is getting banned

>> No.20306181

>product is a fagmobile
I think NKLA wins this one by not having a product at all

>> No.20306193
File: 407 KB, 498x474, 9CC38DE1-459B-40A9-AE5D-4378EF1767A6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t have shares

>> No.20306205

Kek, they're wanting to get schools back open and shit soon as possible. Talk about prefect breeding grounds.. Getting kids to behave during normal times is hard enough. Getting them to social distance and wear masks, utterly impossible in close confines as a school. Especially since you know they cram kids in schools like its nothing due to the whole fed dollar per kid thing. Yeah this will end up perfectly fine...

>> No.20306212

wins what? also they do have other cars

>> No.20306213

I wouldnt be surprised to see it open 7.50 and trickle down under 7 again. Peoples hands are paper. I need it to touch 9 before I will sell comfortable but some folks were in way before as investors and seeing 35% will be more than enough

>> No.20306237

For me, it's Cheez-It® Hot & Spicy.

>> No.20306243

>1 post by this ID
get the fuck out please
and get a new job instead of this pathetic shit

>> No.20306260

I have NKLA puts. SOLO I just think looks fucking ugly as fuck (hence the "no real good product" part).

>> No.20306267

Normally I'd agree and I might do that with one stack but these spikes are literally nuts. Like 200x
I am willing to watch the chain like a degenerate for a week for that.

>> No.20306269

EVRI 7/17 7.5c. Don't sleep on it. They are going to print tmrw.

>> No.20306292

I like those, but for me it's gotta be the baked ones man
you can always throw some hot sauce on them anyway (IMO)

get fucked on

>> No.20306294

Florida's icu healthcare is collapsing as we speak. Cash out now for prep at least a little you dumb cunts. No shill, fuck off, I'm leaving before seeing responses, last chance before it actually gets bad

>> No.20306313
File: 285 KB, 467x525, 1584232349456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLV might be taking off, I'd keep an eye on EOM contracts. You might have bought because because there have been decent dips recently. The miner stocks and ETFs have been swinging a good amount intraday.

My mother's a retired teacher and it's fascinating the things she's reading about. The best strategy that some educators were able to come up with for younger kids was a rope with knots. The kids are instructed that they have to keep it taut. It's not perfect because younger ones will do as they please, but it's the only solution that has been presented at all. I can't even begin to imagine...

>> No.20306326


>> No.20306335
File: 257 KB, 738x400, 1594515004809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fuck us over PEP. Just keep us green until Tuesday please.

>> No.20306336
File: 11 KB, 454x520, 1565007946642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Florida's icu healthcare is collapsing as we speak. Cash out now for prep at least a little you dumb cunts. No shill, fuck off, I'm leaving before seeing responses, last chance before it actually gets bad

>> No.20306338
File: 30 KB, 439x363, 4025583E-80DA-4A90-8E7E-9311377D3C6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he invest in stock based on products appearance
You have to think outside the box. Women, liberals, and fags will buy this stateside, but then you have to take into account all the Asians and euros who might buy as well. I don’t care about the product as long as I can make money on it even in the short run. Make some money off fags bro.

>> No.20306345

DEAC worked out well so why not. But that could be a one-off. FEAC warrants are already over $4 on no information, clearly a huge markup due to the recent DEAC success. Would wait until it's back under a dollar. Stock may be OK since it's less than $12, but probably could be cheaper too. Not sufficiently proven to go balls deep but not a far-shot either.

>> No.20306348

How high are you thinking it might go? Do you have a limit sell set?

>> No.20306361
File: 2.05 MB, 640x272, BULLS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I short the state of Florida and long the state of New York?


>New York City Without Coronavirus Deaths Four Months After First Report

>> No.20306368

>1 post by this ID
who is paying these people and why do you spam non stock shit in stock market general

>> No.20306385

If I was a doctor dealing with all of these faggots I would probably be considering suicide., or eve quit to put more strain on other doctors. Wear a damn mask retards.

>> No.20306388

buy puts on Disney

>> No.20306396
File: 304 KB, 770x775, 1588028212473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texas too!
Ignore documented patterns at your own peril. Whether this is going to end up being deflationary... that's a different question altogether.

>> No.20306405

I'm interested in the banks and airlines to see how bad Q2 was for them, and TSMC because I hold it

Should I buy more TSMC before earnings?

>> No.20306426

I do not wish to bet against the mouse, he has connections to the Hollywood elite

>> No.20306432

/pol/ is just background noise here. They are background noise everywhere on this site. If there isn't anything really exciting going on in a general thread they start talking to themselves.
PEP should be fine. KO is more likely to be disappointing.

>> No.20306433

Buy $W puts tomorrow or no?

>> No.20306442

Who else here is shorting WKHS since they're about to lose the USPS contract and all the hype buyers get fucked for bagholding?

Also tomorrow is green but trending downward. Everyone's really just waiting for Tuesday for the financial sector to make or break sentiment.

>> No.20306451

No, and stop thinking reddit conspiracies have control over the movement of stocks of major multibillion dollar companies.

>> No.20306459

Nah I dont set a limit sell before i take a look at the pump volume and shit. 10 this week is a reasonable prediction for the pumps we have seen

>> No.20306473

>Should I buy more TSMC before earnings?

Seconding this question. Not sure if it'll tank or moon, but I feel it will do one or the other.

>> No.20306489

>since they're about to lose the USPS contract
you know something nobody else does?

>> No.20306492

>KO is more likely to be disappointing.
why though, I don't see how bad it could be besides things that are already priced in? restaurants and movies?
I think that their earnings will be fine for their current share value. I'd be very surprised to see KO continue it's downward-detour from the rest of the market

>> No.20306495

NVDA gonna be 500 in like the next few months, maybe weeks

>> No.20306507

Short TSLA instead

>> No.20306514
File: 8 KB, 298x270, 1368412842368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about to lose the USPS contract
What's up Hindenburg? Here to jew out a few more weak hands so you can buy even lower?

>> No.20306517

What really confuses me about this is that some of the big boys should be operating on insider information about bank earnings.
I feel like we would've seen more sell pressure if they knew earnings were shit and I feel like we would've had a 3230 retest if there were whispers of big beats.

>> No.20306521

Nobody is going to buy a 3 wheel 1 person electric car for 20k.

Fuck off solo is a pump and dump that's not a penny stock.

>> No.20306524
File: 295 KB, 620x634, 1593163219272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really need to depoliticize this virus shit as much as you can. To all anons worth a damn, although you probably are already aware, the hoaxvirus is going to turn many areas into shitaly pt. redux. I would strongly advise that you read up or get prepared. China flooding might also be a serious issue for our supply chain, they are our manufacturing base. Take all of your notes for prep back in January - March and go through the list again. We may be a long winter and spring.

>> No.20306527
File: 317 KB, 1884x858, futures prediction 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making another prediction.

>> No.20306528

KO will gain but not gain as much as expected is my hunch. But KO's overall movement is pinned to USD and I'd rather play USDEUR than that.

>> No.20306547

Everyone has been saying this about financials for a while though. Any dip that would come from worse than expected financials likely won't be severe.

>> No.20306549

if you assholes are so retarded that you think gold won't keep running, and hit 2500 an ounce before december, maybe you just aren't pulling your head out of your own ass.

>> No.20306550

Zoom out

>> No.20306565

baggie, please don't bog me.

>> No.20306574



>> No.20306575

workhorse is fucked like mary before she met joseph with or with out the contract, hope you sold twice already

>> No.20306577

So I buy pmg eventually. I still have time right?

>> No.20306601

But baggie, I've hedged against this with my TSX gold mining penny stocks

>> No.20306616


>> No.20306620

Does buying gold ETFs such as GDX make sense?

>> No.20306624

uhh, yeah shit's got room to run, it's going to hit 2500 an ounce before december, nothing is going to keep it down this time... this is a fucking boom on the damn metal, you can bet against it, but if you want a swing play for 3 months, just lock it in and let it go.

>> No.20306631

I believed this logic until WBA and LEVI tanked 10% after bad earnings.

>> No.20306633
File: 66 KB, 743x736, 1580521475188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the damage is done. You can't "depoliticize." the masses have been told that masks are for sheep. We're actually so incredibly fucked it's not even funny. Reaching 1 Wuhan PER DAY. We're past our peak in march/april without even shutting down the states that are affected.

>> No.20306636
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>> No.20306648
File: 278 KB, 1946x1339, big_book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep whispering these beautiful words in my ear

>> No.20306657

look junior canadian miners are going to win biigly.... low fuel costs and gold this high, it's seriously a good investment. I'm proud of you.

>> No.20306669
File: 36 KB, 238x177, 1590443674827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20306688

Considering equal thirds ARKK, PGM, and HQU as my technodoombull portfolio. Talk me out of it.

>> No.20306694

If it were normal times I’d agree with you but look around. Shits crazy rn. It’s not impossible

>> No.20306703

GDX is miners, yes it's good, but you're not buying gold, your just trading miners... GLD is closer to spot, but you should just trade a fucking 1000 ounce futures contract, and be the buyer first.

>> No.20306706

its literslly fesr mongering because in the end my friend .01-.004% mortality
you have a higher chance of fapping while choking yourself to waifu porn nerd.
>inb4 italy
>inb4 #everylife
>inb4 whatever reddit TP you are going to type

>> No.20306707

might pick up some EVRI. The price history is a bit ugly, but I'm hoping it has some meme momentum

>> No.20306717

I'm still up 200% on WKHS because I bought at a decent price cuz I'm not retarded

>> No.20306731




>> No.20306737

man 2.5 million for 1000 ounces... we're goiing to even go higher than that... it's truly a proverbial fucking golden bull run.

>> No.20306762

it barely reacted to kikeberg tweet and then went back up by $1

>> No.20306764

you are retarded, you didn't fucking sell yet... stop pretending you're not retarded, fucking retard.

>> No.20306784

>PGM bad
It's a hedge against gold rising on inflation expectations because brrrrr

>> No.20306807

seething, my cost basis is effectively negative after I rode calls up and I'm not selling faggot

>> No.20306808


>> No.20306814
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>> No.20306820
File: 250 KB, 697x704, 1573647001877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't "depoliticize."
It's a shame... Anons need to look at the data for themselves and depoliticize it for themselves. They're on an anonymous shadow puppeteering forum, so they should be more likely to get it. You can still get PPE, anons. you still have time to prep and get ready. FARMERS NEED YOU TO BUY THEIR SHIT. CONSIDER LEARNING TO CAN. IT'S WHOLESOME AND REWARDING IN ITSELF. ADDITIONAL HOT TIPS:
>1. Don't tell anyone about your stash, just like your accounts
>2. Don't listen to the media unless you are monitoring the enemy by proxy
>3. Don't rely on FDIC insurance - claims take time to process and you could get fucked
>4. Do hoard cash both in paper and in accounts
>5. Do be weary of payments processors, banking institutions, and your ability to move money

fool. especially foolish on a board titled Business and Finance.

>> No.20306826

well here's to tuesday's decision. Cheers! some one will get the contract, but if you think this workhorse gets it clean, you're fucked either way.... General Service Administration takes lowest bid, and workhorse will have to lose money to manufacture if they're the winner. It's literally a trap, they're going to sell to the government for less than cost. You're deck is already stacked...

>> No.20306835


>> No.20306843

>What i do care about are the second order effects of having 70,000 people getting an untreatable virus daily.
>you really think everything's all good and dandy in the economy right now? fucking kek the wool is being pulled over your eyes

>> No.20306857

A decision isn't being made Tuesday. I take it from your ignorance on the subject to invalidate any other post you have here

>> No.20306858

You’ll never pass

>> No.20306861

ok, make no money and marry the fucking horse. you had opportunity to make more and got caught leaving too much on the table. be as ignorant as that guy who couldn't breathe. george floyd.

>> No.20306864
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>> No.20306877

nothing is happening on tuesday genius. nobody cares about them making money or not, stock will moon regardless if good news

>> No.20306888
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>> No.20306904
File: 49 KB, 696x696, 20180917721396f619c56c8d1_th_1024x0-696x696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have sex with a girl I like. Why does that seem like asking too much? I know there is a literal epidemic going on but I was getting all my shit together after 20 years of autism and then it happened. It's like the world didn't want me to make it.

>> No.20306917

Who’s going to be up at 1AM getting ready to jew it up?

>> No.20306927

you and me and like 99% of us on here

>> No.20306929

It's nowhere near its price target and the dip last week was one jew bastard shaking people out. This is correct >>20306857

Post pics of your goblin gf so we can keep laughing at you

>> No.20306941

ok don't sell, hold your horses kiddo. just put the record player on and let it go on and on and on.


>> No.20306942


What's at 1am?

>> No.20306943
File: 236 KB, 953x953, yess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20306949


>> No.20306951

you missed your shot, the thot market was desperate for cash back around the start of the mandated shutdowns, but then CARES came up in your business and now every simp has more money than they could ever dream of.

>> No.20306955

The list of stocks to invest in if you want a painful life for the next year:

If you are a masochist who enjoys never having a weekend of peace and always wondering if things can possibly dip lower please consider the above!

>> No.20306967

Tried day trading with some fun money made $500 in a little over a month. Getting a little discouraged over the last couple weeks.

Should I just fuckin sell it all and put 2k three way split into AMZN, MSFT, and APPL?

>> No.20306966
File: 15 KB, 226x212, 1346890985284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20306971

Get an onahole and crank one out loser. Women are awful nowadays.
No empathy, no compassion, no love.

>> No.20306977

do you... you know, talk to her? "hey, grab a drink some time haha?"

>> No.20306982
File: 136 KB, 644x632, 1570033121438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked and based.

>> No.20307004
File: 42 KB, 149x223, 1577854534427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's my $6 WATT shares

>> No.20307010

you mean list of stocks you discord fags would like to buy but are not low enough for you retarded little pussys

>> No.20307019
File: 65 KB, 535x709, usa_yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20307029


I was about to take a full-time position and stick with it until I saved around 200K and then move away. I was one month from being able to when my company started having everyone work from home and had to fire all of their contractors, including me. Shit happens.

>> No.20307038
File: 359 KB, 1251x1218, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. I ain't worried.

>> No.20307040
File: 5 KB, 200x177, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if I should be offended or if I should appreciate this. Close to the Edge is my favorite album of all time.

t. boomer

>> No.20307045

>no airlines, cruise lines, or GNUS

>> No.20307046
File: 43 KB, 640x715, z0s4zoo2oaa51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RTX is a great buy you fucking faggots

>> No.20307058
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>> No.20307070

States not shutdown. Tens of thousands of cases per day. Imagine what august will be just 2-4 weeks from now. 75kcases a day is 0.5% of our workforce affected DAILY.

>> No.20307080
File: 330 KB, 658x750, __rumia_touhou_drawn_by_akizuki_haruhi__bfdab0ef9db96f73f7fd09726002da8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't want a pep dip
where should I set my limit buys in case there's a stop-loss raid or impulse-selling when the numbers are released before the actual call?

I also wanted to bet on copper honestly, because China is huge on copper and they really seemed to pull off the V. Also possible Brazil problems.

>> No.20307087

i have a serious difficulty with understanding why people are buying and shilling this absolute garbage in this thread.

>> No.20307096


>> No.20307097

Remember to buy MYT tomorrow, last day it will be under a dollar

>> No.20307104
File: 543 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20200712-202930_My Stocks Portfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is my portfolio as of my deposit clearing Monday. How much cash should I hold?

Yes is based

>> No.20307106

>75kcases a day is 0.5% of our workforce affected DAILY.
.... and they recover in a few days and are now back to work and immune.

your point?

>> No.20307139

I was more into King Crimson though

>> No.20307149

Economy is permanently altered during all that time. Is that really hard to understand?

>> No.20307169
File: 36 KB, 800x450, boomerMonster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yeah they are. this is the first song I ever remember hearing, ever. I must have been 4 years old or some shit.


80's Yes ain't that bad..

>> No.20307176
File: 112 KB, 1200x800, BoJack_Horseman_S06E01_0m19s463f.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the kicker I don't truly like anyone and that's probably the worst thing about it. The thought of a partner for me feels more and more like a fantasy as time goes by. So many girls are either ugly on the outside or ugly in the inside, often both. Besides I'm only 21 so "the girl I like" that is also realistically attainable probably cant go out for drinks in public. I should probably move in with my family across the country.

yeah sounds about right

>> No.20307187
File: 69 KB, 936x736, Seethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will run the wheel on WKHS as long as it's volatile and buy back my covered calls whenever there's a new dip, already made back the original cost through premiums alone so I am fine with letting this thing sit until it's $30.

>> No.20307213

Daily reminder it was just the flu and you should have bought the dip

>> No.20307220
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>> No.20307239
File: 97 KB, 640x853, 6u8bybno6ba51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks comfortable as fuck.

>> No.20307244
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>> No.20307269

Will the VIX go back under 20 for the love of god so I can go back to getting 8 hours of sleep

>> No.20307286

How long do you plan on holding to get to that point??

>> No.20307307

lol not in 2020, and if it does the market will instantly crash and hit breakers

>> No.20307316

>cant go out for drinks in public
uhh.. how old? anywho, what's up with all the logistical issues? Got a park? Festivals? city events? "I'm going here. you should come", it'll either be "sure", or "no i'm busy but thanks."

>> No.20307327

Chill. You got plenty of time for a serious girlfriend. Honestly you should take the next several years getting your financial house in order then get the girl. Trying to do both, well the odds are against you winning. Girls cost money. You don't want to wind up hearing the dreaded "I'm pregnant" do you? Say goodbye to whatever wad of green you got.

>> No.20307353

Threadly reminder to do the exact opposite of whatever Baggie is shilling

>> No.20307354


You need to get a grip on your oneitis. Make peace with things and move on. Grow up and move on. You can't torture yourself over not being able to fuck a girl you like. That's such a stupid thing to waste time over.

>> No.20307360

losers are losers for a reason. your DD consists of googling the stock chart for the past year and are hoping for shit to just magically rebound.
why bother risking into the uncertainty just to get back to pre-March levels in 2 years (or even longer) when you can put the money into shit that continues to grow despite corona crisis

things won't magically recover just because shit reopens completety. There will be lingering effects of all that unemployment and debt. Do you bet on slow recovery or just bet directly on the winners?

>> No.20307361

Don't know, I can literally hold forever since my entry point was so low. I'm hoping to sell calls on it for as long as possible.

>> No.20307367

do you actually not have anything better to do

>> No.20307377

Lol trying to sneak that crabber in there I see

>> No.20307383

man 15 hundred to run wheel ain't bad... fuck ima do some trading tomorrow.

>> No.20307388


Not really. I'm going to bed in an hour.

>> No.20307416

>good dividends
>on a reversal back to 70s

have fun missing out, bet you don't have chainlink either

>> No.20307438

What is this app?

>> No.20307439

>tuesday's decision
kill yourself retard tripfag

>> No.20307442

don't bother he and everyone else who spams rtx here for some bizarre reason are some sort of braindamaged retards

>> No.20307467

dividends are for loser morons

>> No.20307469
File: 14 KB, 304x300, folder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everybody just,




>> No.20307470
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you guys are not fooling anyone

>> No.20307475

MyStocksPortfolio, it isn't a broker, just a portfolio tracker app. I use it because WealthSimple has fuck all visualization.

>> No.20307494

good night fren

>> No.20307504


Thanks, buddy. Same to you.

>> No.20307507

i still can't fucking figure out or find a source for what's bringing in these morons asking about RTX. like what the fuck is it. some youtube video? i can't fucking find it

>> No.20307516



>> No.20307526

rockets go fwoosh

>> No.20307529

I want to thank you all... Goodnight everybody, and remember all lives do truly matter. Take care and God Bless you all.
This symbol represents how God gave up his own life to die for our sins... Living a life with out sin will always be easy, since it is through that path that you are always moving closer to God.

>> No.20307531
File: 1.07 MB, 1620x1424, leaf3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the true leaf feel you must not actually like Rush and The Tragically Hip but you keep those posters up because it's your patriotic duty.

>> No.20307543

die in a ditch faggot

>> No.20307567

>I want to thank you all... Goodnight everybody, and remember all lives do truly matter. Take care and God Bless you all.
> |
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baggie returns to thread and plays this as encore:

>> No.20307572

I've got a lot of stocks that have been so called termed "shit, losers, etc" Yet over the past year I'm up 22% v.s the S&P's puny 5.6%.. So I dunno, either I'm doing something wrong or I'm doing something right.. either way I'm making green so that's all that maters. Patience pays off. I'm not doing nothing for the next few years other than the same work grind,etc. So really it won't hurt me to wait. I've got money stuffed in the bank, no debt other than the house so why should I give a shit anyway.

>> No.20307597

any good meme stocks for me to buy? i missed out of the horse meme and don't trust the chinese memes

>> No.20307615


>> No.20307623

Post portfolio

>> No.20307627

EVRI seems to be the latest PnD meme. Looking to get in at open tomorrow if it doesn't spike

>> No.20307652
File: 3.66 MB, 2894x4093, _original drawn by harris_hero - 83ad2a8731eb59cc0df7a1f0322d0f3a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shills triggered as fuck by baggie
... kek ....

they bought, simple as

They did a lot of shilling, and people fomoed in at the top. Either the original shills are deluded enough to think they moved the stock,or the bagholders have started doing the shilling.

>> No.20307664

that song reminds me of that part of forest gump, when jenny was about to do it.... please don't do that to me... i don't want to wear heels... im a fucking man, and nobodies whore.

>> No.20307686


>> No.20307690

>simple as
faggot spotted

>> No.20307702


>> No.20307729

what was it that stopped jenny from killing her self... she had love, and yeah love is kinda fucking retarded.... that's why we all experience it in a miracle.

>> No.20307749

Get cancer and die

>> No.20307754

Cut your dick off, baggie

>> No.20307763

22% is decent YTD but still garbage compared to something safe like QQQ, if you were just buying that multiple times especially the dip you would have been up way more. meanwhile, "risky" TQQQ has completely crushed you despite the massive march dip.
so yeah you've lost with your garbage handpicked shit stocks.

>> No.20307771

People shat on PINS. But if they'd bought in march for a bit over 10 they'd be sitting on over double the green wad now..

>> No.20307786

inb4 2 threads

>> No.20307788

did you get bullied as a child? 22% is great.

>> No.20307796

not before i drain my balls in some snatch a few more times... i want at least 5 kids. 5 happa children... i'm kinda excited just thinking about them shitting them selves and diapers.

>> No.20307810

>makes 22%
> you lost

spoken like a true poorfag zoomer with a couple of 100 bucks in his account

>> No.20307816

22% with handpicked shit that was most likely luck and could have gone into the shitter, compared to a safe ETF? yeah it's great

>> No.20307817

Just do it, dude. What do you have to lose?

>> No.20307826

all of my children will learn to respect jesus as their god, for it is only though him you will ever experience eternal life.

>> No.20307833

He's basing it off of a "research firm" called Hindenberg, which is really just one dude. He's got no basis for the claim, and if you consider precisely what WKHS has to offer which nobody else on the market does... Full EV that satisfies federal safety standards, and all the tax benefits that that includes, alongside a demonstrated drone delivery system (which I don't believe in, immediately) which is also compliant with the FAA standards, and all the green subsidies that accompany such a deal. If they can push their narrative of $.40/mi vs. their current $1/mi there's a very high chance they'll score a deal with some substance to it. As it stands their market cap is reasonably representative of their current value just judging by their underlying assets.

>> No.20307835

answer the fucking question.. what did they do to you?

>> No.20307841

a zoomer is what would buy stocks instead of a fund because "lmao fund is boring"

>> No.20307852

Holding some puts on nio

>> No.20307868

yeah shit or get off the pot is fucking what's right in front of you

>> No.20307894

New for the night watch






>> No.20307904

you should really drink more at least then you are funny

>> No.20307918

Exactly right, man. So just grab that knife and do it

>> No.20307919

fugggg this some good shit

>> No.20307937
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i look at investing and trading differently... they're separate deals... investing is more mutual, while trading is just providing liquidity... you can trade pretty much anything, but to truly invest, you give more than your shekels, you give yourself, and thats why I want everybody to know i'm 100% invested in Jesus Christ.

>> No.20307960

>serious girlfriend
Okay but what if I have no romantic experience what's so ever. That shit is like a cloud that's always floating over my head and eats away at me. Not a kiss, not even a hand to hold, nothing. It's so bad it makes me feel like I'm not worthy of doing completely unrelated things because I always go like "How do you expect to manage this if a girl never even liked you? Go back to high school and have sex you loser, oh wait, you fucking can't it's over". Really does feel like I'm never going to escape this.

>> No.20308084

everyone leads their own life, and there's nothing morally/spiritually/socially wrong with where you are in life. shit I'm assuming there are just as many women out there thinking the same thing about themselves. the boomer in me has this to say: having confidence is and will always be the most successful method to when it comes to women. Be confident and humble. Do not be too prideful. You'll do fine. You simply HAVE to ask women out and be OK with getting rejected. Otherwise you will never ask anyone out, no one may ever ask (You) out, and then you're left where you're at now.

ok here's some more 80s Yes and now I'm done.
