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File: 605 KB, 960x540, cucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20290907 No.20290907[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>We are seeing the result of unchecked capitalism combined with a decades long anti intellectual movement. Our society has a seriously large population of utterly dumb people who were bred to buy things they didn’t need and have been nurtured to believe their ignorance is just as valid as objective truth. These people are a malignant tumor that will not go away even if Trump and the corrupt republicans party are removed from power. We are firmly in the slippery slope to full blown ideocracy where government is kakistocracy.

How can I short the US?

>> No.20291004


Source for the quote? It’s 100% true. Conservatives bitching about big corporations today is poetic justice for 4 decades of trickle down. Literally the future they chose.

>> No.20291053

Pat Buchanan was Americas last shot, Trump was too little too late

>> No.20291128

Lol leftists don't even believe in objective truth

>> No.20291168


>> No.20291179

the solution is simple and obvious (even though Americans are blind to the obvious truth)
China is on top of the new world order

Now, if chinese economy was a straightforward capitalism, you'd just invest in chinese stocks and go to bed.
But because they're communists (de jure at least), the stocks of their companies arent accurate representation of the actual power of the companies. Meaning that even though the power of chinese companies is undeniable, the power of their stocks is not

>> No.20291187


You retards aren't even making a point. Make a point.

>> No.20291191
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im an outsider, form the UK.
But although i Think Trump is actually the less corrupt of them all, and although he has a huge ego and gets it wrong, he's overall been good for the country as a wildcard.

thats just why the establishment has made things so bonkers, to get him out.
However, the democrat party, corrupt as fuck, no intelectual at all, and warmongers, and just use left wing ideals to get votes and nothing more, in terms of pandering.

The republican party are fucking hicks, empower the uneducated retards that fill mid american fly over states.

Country has a population of dumb fucking hicks, immigrants, and blind consumers. the USA of 1920s-1950s which was a respectable country is gone, the emperor really has no clothes.

The world doesn't look at USA as somewhere to move to, somewhere to aspire to anymore, or even marvel at and respect. the world now sees it as a country full of retards that drives itself into the ground, with a big military.

>> No.20291220

Speak for yourself. I’d rather live in the states than here in the UK

>> No.20291252
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t. /r/politics redditor

>> No.20291264


why are you such a sensitive baby?
the UK is shit, i'm leaving it soon.
It's not relevant to the conversation though is it. little baby got his feelings hurt

>> No.20291271

>Link moons to 81k
>RWDs paid by mixicle obscured trusts begin reclaiming territory and data generating assets from nog golem defended kike territories
>eventually all of north america annexed by /biz/
>a new Kekistocracy rules the land with iron hands but apustaja hearts

>> No.20291281

There is nothing capitalistic about the United States any longer.

>> No.20291293
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81k Link shill. your a late buying faggot with a pathetic stack.
Link isn't going to 81k no matter what autistic hopium calculations you make to convince yourself your 400 Link stack is enough

>> No.20291309

>The world doesn't look at USA as somewhere to move to, somewhere to aspire to anymore, or even marvel at and respect
the west abused it's beauty in its young age like a modern jock or slut. people will be leaving for more responsible governments that care about science and growth instead of concussionball and makeup

>> No.20291371
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>> No.20291372

Whose feelings look more hurt given your reply? Stay mad I guess.

>> No.20291375

>and just use left wing ideals

But this is what left-wing ideals are. You're seeing the results of decades of welfare and left-wing culture.

>> No.20291400

it was a setup for the kekistocracy line. go elsewhere to flex your affected oldfaggotry from buying in 2019

>> No.20291430

>Trump wears the mask
>WEAR THE MASK poster vanishes into thin air
Rly makes you think.

>> No.20291451

>REEEE why wont the people just do what WE want them to do and listen to what WE tell them is true

t. jews

>> No.20291458

I wish

>> No.20291476
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I bought most of my stack alte 2018, but early 2018 for first buys.

Pic related, have almost 100k Links

stay made delusional late buyer. the 1000$ meme is still questionable but thats the goal

>> No.20291485

you think the people bred to consume are the trumpers? yikes

>> No.20291506
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this. if america (and the rest of the west) actually had free market capitalism we wouldn't be in this mess

>> No.20291576

yeah nobody cares autismo

>> No.20291610

Sounds red/blue tribalism mindkiked and lacking in self-awareness.

Did MovieBob write this?

>> No.20291710

chinks, brainwashed useful idiot commies, niggers & leftist local governments are trying to destroy this country
No amount of twisting contortions will fool anyone but yourselves
you're going to end up rotting in a ditch

>> No.20292041

Uhh so true my fellow zoomers, let's hold hands and watch another ben shapiro compilation

>> No.20292075

betting against america never works out in the long term... if you look at the 1000 ounces of gold thomas jefferson gave to france for the louisianna purchase, an look at the 100's of thousands of ounces we took out of that land... go ahead and bet against America. you'll be broke before you know it.

>> No.20292111

America is socially left-wing but economically right-wing. Taxes are the lowest they've been in years and it's the only developed country without nationwide healthcare.

>> No.20292119

if you want to see america burn, it's the super volcano in yellowstone. uhh, but if that thing goes, the whole world will feel it, maybe the deserts in austrailia will see rain for the first time in 100 years.

>> No.20292150

we already have natiionwide healthcare... if your in a car accident, and you're liifeless body is cut out of the fucking thing, do you think they check yourr id to see if you can pay before you get brought to the fucking emergency rroom... just be happy you've never had to be a part of any of that.

>> No.20292171
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>it's another chinese demoralization thread

>> No.20292223

>implying lefties have done anything different
Your Kang Obama ran bailouts 24/7 during his financial crises. Lefties are dishonest scum.

Trump 2020

>> No.20292229
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>> No.20292252

no they bring you to a hospital, fix you up, and now you're broke

>> No.20292323

The civilized world doesn't bankrupt you when you get sick. Healthcare is paid for with taxes in every developed country except for america.

>> No.20292430

Google "critical theory" you stupid nigger

>> No.20292458

that's irrelevant. social liberalism has put USA in its current position just like it has the rest of the western world. demographics is destiny, you can't sustain a world leading economy with diversity politics and a multicultural society, because that's when you begin to see atomization of culture and the break down of social discourse, which inevitably leads to the destruction of the economy and loss of society.

liberalization of social norms led to thae destruction of every great society if the past, and it is destroying the west right now in much the same manner. economics aside, the west as a whole suffers from the mind virus of diversity worship as a religion, and it is eating our culture alive.

China will win out economically over the west in the 21st century, because they are least affected by the multi-culti diversity virus, and of the alternative cultures in modern society they have the largest number of intelligent people. they're not as smart as European whites on average, but they're smarter than the mongoloid third world and on average smarter than the average resident of the western world, after the adoption of "refugee" migrants.

>> No.20292488

Yeah can't even tell you how many people I know that this happened to

Oh wait, it's zero

>> No.20292527


As a leafbro whose uncle died waiting for cancer surgery, after having waited a month to see an oncologist after having been misdiagnosed by his doctor twice, after having to wait more than two weeks each time to see this doctor about the weird looking mole on his back, I strongly suspect he would've preferred to have gone bankrupt and been alive, rather than slowly dying solvent and passing a hundred grand or so to his children (post funeral costs)

You guys don't know how good you have it.

>> No.20292543

>your economic policies don't matter
>the only thing that matters is the ethnic makeup your country
oh ok my bad

>> No.20292551

>yuros talking about "uneducated retards that fill mid american fly over states", as if they know

You're mentally owned by the American elite media, same as any blue-state dem basedcuck. Literally no difference.

>> No.20292603

But how is this any different from any other country now, or for that matter, any other country any time throughout history?

>> No.20292729

right, it is paid for by taxes in every civilized country

>> No.20292754

are you implying every country is anti-intellectual?

>> No.20292926


It's kind of true 2bh

A country full of people with a median 75 IQ will be a hellscape compared to one with a median IQ of 100+

That's why, for example, Vietnam could basically get burned to the ground by the USAF, and 45 years later its economy is roaring so much that South Korea, itself an advanced economy, is having to tariff Vietnamese goods.

Compare with most of Sub-Saharan Africa, in which there was a peaceful handover of power complete with modern working infrastructure, railroads, highways, ports, cities etc, and despite a massive and constant inflow of foreign money, is just a fucking disaster in every way. Except now for Chinese-built-and-operated ports, roads, rail etc that only allow the locals on as practical slave labor.

>> No.20292942
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Leftism is a cancer on society. If America was capitalist none of this would have happened. Instead we have left equality bullshit servicing the needs of an economically worthless demographic at the expense of the whole. And on the opposite end of the spectrum we have rampant asset inflation due to fed money supply dilution, rewarding the rich at the expense of the whole.

None of that is capitalism. That is socialism. And you think MORE socialism is gonna fix this?

Just wanted to let you know, before the Democrats released their dogs, blm and antifa on the US, I had only voted once, and for obama. Thanks to these chimpouts and the chaos unleashed on Americans by the Democrats, I will never vote blue for the rest of my life. Lefties, commies, socialists, they're a blight on our society and I will stand in the way of them every chance I get.

>> No.20293038

Go to Venezuela, nazi.

Trump 2020
Bolsonaro 2022
Israel forever.

>> No.20293058

this but unironically. Shapiro could be the next Alex Jones if he works hgard enough and lkeftards will seethe

>> No.20293071


are you saying those retard hicks are substantially lower number of people than the media suggests or is commonly believed? because that is a reasonable statement.

Or are you saying that there isn't a shit ton of retard hicks in flyover states who all hate jews and only wear wide bottom denim pants and wont dress like a "fag" kek

>> No.20293074

economic policy only means something when considering functional societies and potential peer alternatives.

society is merely a function of the people in it - which is why functional societies continually crop up in the same geographic areas with caucasian or oriental leadership, and why Africans have a really hard time operating functional societies.

>> No.20293076

we're not seeing unchecked capitalism. USA has higher fucking taxes and more regulations than fucking china.

We're seeing socialism leaking into our capitalist society at a high rate and ruining shit

>> No.20293109

I unironically read the first few posts without registering any of it, being so focused on Link. It's like my brain doesn't see info not related to Link anymore. Weird

>> No.20293150

The irony. It burns.

>> No.20293160

you can buy iinsurance or sue the fucking party that created thhe mess and go after their coverage, do you fucking understand you're still covered. whhat's fucking retarded is that my insurance premiums go up, to cover niggers who went out and had unprotected sex with other niggers, now they caught the hiv, and need regular check ups, become high risk, and no longer need to disclose their situation to the other faggots they'rre fucking. in america thhe easiest way to avoiid bankruptcy is to not be a single parent, not rely on the government for assistence and not be a homosexual. also don't have kiids before you're 18 or older and obey the law.

>> No.20293181

>But although i Think Trump is actually the less corrupt of them all
Look up Trump University. He's been conning people out of money for decades and getting away with it. He's not the least corrupt of them all, he's the most blatantly corrupt of them all. He just does it in broad daylight.

>> No.20293213

Trump is not a conservative. Nationalizing the stock market is not conservative. Printing money to get digits up and get re-elected is not conservative. $1200 checks and countless empty promises of more gibs is not conservative. Trump is a populist pandering to a base of retards who eats up his class warfare bullshit and hoping enough other people just vote for him to get gibs or see digits keep going up. None of these people are "conservative" just small minded and easily manipulated. People easily controlled by fear mongering and having their prejudice and jealousy extorted.

>> No.20293244

Unironically the only good part about them. Unfortunetly they take all the worst parts of Nietzsche's philosophies, instead of his good ideas
Go back to reading the bible Fuentes, you fuckin faggot

>> No.20293320

Ben is a neo con ie leftists that likes low taxes.

>> No.20293329

If Trump is not conservative then there is no conservative nominee. And if the other option is communist acceleration, then there is no other option.

>> No.20293437
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>Yeah bro, nothing matters and there is no outside truth being imposed on me!
Okay Steven, have you decided to develop the will to power and make the outside world subservient to your indomitable spirit?
>Man, that sounds hard. Can't I just complain about how phony everyone is?
No Steven, the only reason to tear everything down is to build it up in your image.
>Nah, I think I'm going to go chant some slogans and burn a trash can. Nihilism is so cool. By the way I'm really into cinema; my favorite films are The Boondock Saints and Pulp Fiction.

>> No.20293549


But fiscally and economically, Biden is more actually more conservative than Trump.

Socially Trump isn't really conservative, he just extorts the culture wars and identity politics. But what victories have social conservatives gotten under Trump? I can't think of a single thing. Besides maybe more gibs for private / home schoolers. And I don't Trump or GOP would ever want to actually "win" on something like abortion, because that is literally the only reason a huge chunk of their base, religious single issue voters who would be dems otherwise, even vote for the GOP.

>> No.20293559


>> No.20293573

>the long term
The country hasn’t been around for the long term. By all historical measures it’s an toddler at best. And at this rate, it won’t ever make it to adulthood.

>> No.20293581
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that is only if you actively choose to disagree with academia for a personal reason. This doesn't mean that you are suddenly not anti intellectual
So when a bunch of professors do some research and have a finding like let say "Gender is a social construct" and they actually reach this conclusions through scientific method then that becomes ''objective truth''. Bascially it is true until you and your buddies can proof it is not.
TL:DR: You smooth brain dum dum, me smart ivory tower scholar

>> No.20293612


This angle never ceases to amaze me

>what has drumpf even done for us, fellow Nazis?

The soundtrack of his Presidency has been one unending scream of rage and terror from commies from literally every single thing he's done.

>> No.20293634

>if my economic system was implemented then all of our cultural problems would magically disappear!
Why do both commies and ancaps say this?

Literally the opposite, taxes used to be way higher until reagan.

>> No.20293643

>scientific method
>effective peer review
>gender studies
>dealing with reality as it is

One of these things is not like the other! One of these things just doesn't belong!

>> No.20293670

>We are seeing the result of unchecked capitalism

He misspelled unchecked Judaism. Capitalism is fine if there isn't a central banking Jew committee on top rigging everything in their favor.

>> No.20293671

quoted wrong post, meant for

>> No.20293703

>it's all capitalism's fault!
We're gonna hang the globalist technocrats, just so you know.

>> No.20293704

Focusing one's efforts almost exclusively on antagonism to another is childish and unproductive.

>> No.20293706

you people seriously think you're going to convince a business and finance board to vote against their interests? jesus christ, stick to /pol/

go play with your fellow shills, we don't need this shit

>> No.20293709


The name might be new, but the US is actually one of the longest lasting government without a revolution or major political change. The US government is older then pretty much every European nation which where mostly monarchs when the US was founded. In fact the US might be the oldest system of government that exists today.

>> No.20293750

>he's overall been good for the country as a wildcard.
On what axis? When people say this what do they mean? Are they just butthurt about women in videogames?

Literally every power structure established has literally been strengthen in the past 4 years, almost 10 fold. S&P 500 is literally being carried by 5 stocks, all of which are megacap tech. """Index Investors""" have created a shadow bank so powerful, Blackrock, that competition has been pretty much erased among public companies. China, thanks to Russia's buttfucking of our current admin, is now poised to overtake America in not only economic dominance but in political dominance given that Trump sees it necessary to shaft the third largest world power, the EU, in favor of Russia, which has a GDP barely larger than Florida.

The current establishment is a joke, and I struggle to imagine how Hillary could have been worse at this point

>> No.20293773
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I like when "anti-intellectual" is interpreted by intellectuals to mean "anti-intellect" and not what it is, "anti-intellectual" -- ie, opposing intellectuals, people who as a class operate entirely in a made-up theoretical universe, and who never ever suffer consequences for being wrong.

These worthless assholes confuse their being insulated from any consequences for being wrong with actually never having BEEN wrong, and if, when they deign to descend from their ivory tower to make their smug pontifications, people tell them to fuck off, they then furiously retreat to make even smugger pontifications about how everyone's dumb and just hates smart people cuz they're soooo dumb.

It's fucking wild. An owner of a small business who fucks up can cost themselves their store, plus the jobs of their employees -- real consequences. And yet they get dictated to by some think tank PhD who's never had any skin in ANY game since their doctoral defense in the 1980s, who somehow gets to dictate policy that affect millions. And if (when) that guy turns out to be wrong and five million people lose their jobs, nothing happens to him. He keeps collecting his generous paycheck and spouting off more of whatever popped into his head that day, for decades, until he dies.

But if you have a problem with that you're just a dumb meathead who's jealous of your intellectual betters. If you're so smart, how come you're not getting paid mid-6-figures to spout bullshit too?

>> No.20293847
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I completely agree with everything except the last paragraph. China's explosive economic success has been completely at the expense of the American taxpayer. They siphoned out the wealth of the US for decades, through terrible trade policies, transfer of the US manufacturing base due to bad economic policy and of course mass theft of US intellectual property.

China became rich ONLY because they were allowed to fleece America.

>Director Christopher Wray: The people of the United States are the victims of what amounts to Chinese theft on a scale so massive that it represents one of the largest transfers of wealth in human history.


>> No.20293892


Yeah, the shortsighted greed of corporate America gutted the industrial base of the country and exported it to an enemy, helpfully vaulting them 40 years into the future in the process. Rich guys sure made a lot of money though!

>> No.20293914
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>Chinese political clout
>Chinese economic clout
>Russia projecting power outside of breadcrumb borderwars

Both nations have terminal demographies, and Russia knows that they had to go on military adventures now, before they run out of military aged men in 10 years. China is staring down the barrel of the worst famine in human history to the point where they are having orchards plant rice on barren hillsides, in the wake of mass farm culls, biblical locust storms, and freak early flooding that not only wiped out their recent planting, but is depositing a layer of silt laden with salt and heavy metals, turning their best farmland into a deadzone. They also are doing this in the wake of (at minimum) knowingly letting an experimental disease spread outside of the country to make sure everyone else got fucked. They are also dealing with the first of several threads getting pulled in their make believe banking sector with the fake gold being discovered.

Stop watching TV and start paying attention to geopolitics anon.

>> No.20293927
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Did you forget you aren't on reddit faggot?

>> No.20294046


That is why Trump and the GOP will make sure they never actually achieve any socially conservative objectives. Because opposition to liberal progression is what drives a huge chunk of the GOP base. These are people who would otherwise be democrats economically, but are one issue voters on things like abortion or guns. If the GOP couldn't fear monger them, scaring them into believing their guns will be confiscated, or that hundreds of millions of babies are being murdered, or that the liberals will turn their kids gay, these people wouldn't continually vote against their own economic interests. They wouldn't be manipulated into supporting giving up public goods/services like healthcare / education so national resources can be redirected to increase private profits for political cronies. So Trump and the GOP will guarantee abortion is never banned, etc. because their opposition to what liberals want is a tool to remain in power and not actually an objective for them when they are in power.

>> No.20294055
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The left hates science when it disproves any of their sacred cows.

>> No.20294083


Lel you forgot the devastation of the One Child Policy, which is starting now and will demolish that country for decades going forward.

They went decades limiting each couple (with some exceptions) to 1 child. Over here, we're freaking out about pensions with a projected worker-to-retiree ratio of about 2.3:1. Over in glolious China, that ratio is going to be 1:4. And as the old Chinese die, with no replacements, it's going to contract the Chinese population by hundreds of millions, worse demographic damage than a medium-sized nuclear war.

FURTHER, that one-child policy combined with retarded Chinese peasant thinking lead to massive infanticide of "worthless" female babies, leaving them with a horrendous imbalance of males to females. So for millions upon millions of Chinese men there simply is no woman to have kids with, because she was drowned in a river in 1995 when she was born.

This with their economic system that's largely based on the lie means the long-term outlook for China is outright apocalyptic. They realized their horrific mistake and loosened the One Child Policy a few years back, but it was far too late.

>> No.20294096


lmao imagine consuming and then regurgitating DNC propaganda and thinking it's your own opinion

>> No.20294206


Go ahead name one social victory for Trump, like I said before the only thing I can think of is allowing for more gibs for people who send their kids to private school.

>> No.20294217
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t. didn't see the Supreme Court just struck down laws passed by Republicans in Louisiana and Texas that were intended to restrict abortions
I'd love to hear just one lib explain how it's in the working white man's best economic interest to pay for Democrat-supported infinite welfare for the hordes of third worlders Democrats want to import to America. If you're white and gainfully employed you pay far more into the system than you will ever get out of it.

>> No.20294283

Based but you will always be arab

>> No.20294285
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They really are the gift that keeps on giving. The CCP is definitely getting desperate for cashflow (in foreign currency, natch) to the point where they are demanding Chinese living abroad send them remittances, even if they won't call it that. I wonder if we'll see fewer Wumao 'CHINA NAMBA WAN' shills once the motherland starts hitting them up like a crackhead asking for a dollar?

And just so you know its bullshit when you see it, the One Belt One Road project is an absolute boondoggle. Its an overland trade route that runs from China, through a bunch of shithole -stan countries and terminates in Germany after passing through Turkey. Its a project that exists to give the Chinese somewhere to put all the steel and concrete they don't manage to sell. No one is going to pay an order of magnitude more for overland shipping to get Chinese made garbage exports, and the Chinese and Russians know this, but its a good make work project.

>> No.20294302


The multi-trillion dollar welfare doled out to coronations this year dwarfs welfare for actual individual people a hundred times over.

>> No.20294313
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They don't even know what bigotry is.

>> No.20294316

I mean corporations

>> No.20294351


Every single decision by Betsy DeVos, and the shrieking and kvetching that has followed

Two Supreme Court justices who are not clones of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, actually three because RBG would've retired

The Mexico City Policy reinstated

Allowed states to set Planned Parenthood funding

Massive expansion of school choice, from the ESSA Act

Killed the individual mandate of Obamacare

EO 1389

Undid the mind-boggling Obama federal prosecutor rule that basically forced prosecutors to charge for the least-bad offense, rather than the highest that they were confident of getting a conviction for

Illegal immigration at all-time lows

all off the top of my head

I guess making trannies seethe is in there too

>> No.20294377

I do believe those fuckers should be rooted out by military, Bc it’s true we’re not just going to get back to normal. Those trump fuckers should be taken out by military purge

>> No.20294388

>ITT: tards closing their eyes very hard thinking if they spam enough garbage they can pretend they didn't see this post

>> No.20294449
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>a global disaster caused economic devastation so it cancels out the fact Democrats support policies that cause minorities to be generationally-dependent on welfare and are paid for almost entirely by the white taxpayer they claim doesn't know how to vote for their best economic interests
Not how it works. Also, you don't get to have it both ways. You can't demand a shutdown of the country's economy over the China Flu then bitch about government spending caused directly by the shutdown you wanted. It's the political equivalent of hitting somebody with their own hand while saying "Stop hitting yourself."

>> No.20294462
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right? The existence of Asians BTFOs every leftist delusion on race so they just keep pretending they don't exist

>we live in a white supremacist fascist state! "aptitude" tests are biased toward nazi white culture! that's why negroes fail!
>asians outscore whites on "biased" tests, out-earn whites
>cops are white supremacist nazis! that's why negroes APPEAR to be massively more criminal, because nazi cops only arrest minorities!
>asians commit crime at a fraction of the rate that whites do


>> No.20294528
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How would you even measure that? One of his greatest accomplishments that is hard to measure is the radical shift in the overton window. Antisemtism has become mainstream. Nobody trusts the media anymore. Everyone knows DNC is in bed with China and are funded by foreign interests to destroy the US.

People's opinions have shifted radically right under Trump's presidency, but at the same time the leftist controlled institutions have doubled their efforts in trying to control the narrative by increase in censorship, shadowbanning, deplatform and other subversive behavior. This has only caused a further radicalization of the right.

By Trump allowing the left to expose themselves completely, he has actually laid the ground work for a fascist state to become acceptable. As the communist threat increases, more regular people will beg him to destroy them once and for all. The public will practically be begging for a Hitler 2.0 before the year is over.

>> No.20294539

Based and linkobsessionpilled

>> No.20294562


oo oo and I'd like to add just today:

Denying Minnesota billions in federal taxpayer aid after the mayor and governor ordered police to stand down, refused Trump's offer of National Guard troops, and let rioters burn Minneapolis to the ground. Pay for your own mess

>> No.20294577

the only purge that needs to happen is the destruction of leftism in America. I would be okay with each of them being dragged into the street and executed as traitors.

>> No.20294642
File: 897 KB, 1099x993, health experts doctors say riots are ok but protests against lockdowns are not.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nurtured to believe their ignorance is just as valid as objective truth

Fuck neomarxist leftie scum.

>> No.20294663

You can think what you want but it will happen to your people. Actually they’re all catching covid so doesn’t matter they did it to themselves which is great news

>> No.20294684
File: 67 KB, 378x905, gift_of_vision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see more and more normies who are starting to think like this.

There is a satanic enemy within. They were hidden all along, like a parallel civilization, doing their dirty work. Trump made them come out of the shadows to FIGHT so the entire world could see.

Now the lights are we can all see. Trump gave us The Gift of Vision. Read pic related carefully. There is a purpose for all the [controlled] chaos.

Action comes next. November is the month where three branches become one...

>> No.20294719

Hahahaha oh god. This is a place of making money not reading childish cults

>> No.20294722


>> No.20294777

>big corporations


>> No.20294805
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x3741, 2016 was peak global babies, but not for certain white populations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big think: Many states have high school scholar programs that take the most academically talented rising seniors and put them on a college campus over the summer, and admission into the program grants heavy scholarship support for instate universities. This is the first time these students are surrounded by people at or above their level, the first time their peers really are. This is essentially an intensive networking program for the state's brightest and best where they form relationships that continue into college and beyond.

The ultimate goal: encourage your best students to intermingle, then intermarry, and have children. I wonder if you could track a noticeable difference in the IQ in states with these programs versus states without it. These sub-populations would have a greater impact than you might think, given that even 3rd world births are trending down. There are already subsections of American Catholics with average fertility rates of 5.5-6, and you better believe that this is going to play itself out in American demographics soon.

>> No.20294808
File: 55 KB, 639x690, 1576631405553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people will be leaving for more responsible governments that care about science

>> No.20294841
File: 424 KB, 674x1172, take_the_oath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting you say this when Michael Flynn, 3 star general, Trump former national security advisor and former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the most powerful military branch in the world, just took the Q oath.


But I am sure he is just a cultist, and Q isn't actually a White House communications backchannel that was set up 2½ years ago to circumvent the corrupt MSM....

>> No.20294858

Hahahahaha dude go back to the children’s corner while we make money. You guys can have your bonfire in November hahaha!

>> No.20294904
File: 24 KB, 659x478, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can think what you want
that's surprising coming out of a leftist. normally you just attack, ban, or silence dissenting opinions that don't toe the party line.

>Actually they’re all catching covid
and the protests aren't spreading them at all, right? not only have the democrats turned their major cities into warzones, they've completely failed to control their pandemics as well. Truly the pinnacle of modern governance.

>> No.20294975

we'll just stand around your burning book piles, fren

>> No.20294995
File: 75 KB, 1024x768, 1593553130907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound nervous, shill.

Considering Q is 100% confirmed US milint operation now (it has been confirmed for a long time, recent proofs are just totally overt confirmations), and the over 4500 drops exposing the corruption and satanism in government, I'd be nervous too.

>> No.20295023

One side likes chinese dick the other loves jewish dick. Seriously I'm gonna vote for the nigger kanye cause he's not pozzed like the other cucks. Well at least not as cucked

>> No.20295025
File: 59 KB, 960x882, comeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unchecked capitalism

>> No.20295027

Blah blah blah dude your boy can hardly get 6k supporters to his rallies hahha. Just go sit in the children’s corner while we make money

>> No.20295054

Hahahahah!!! Again dude take Q to your children’s corner. We’re making money on link while you guys will be acting like a fake cult. We’ll fuck all your girls too, at least not the ones missing teeth

>> No.20295101
File: 178 KB, 800x800, 1589164641966.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We’re making money on link while you guys will be acting like a fake cult. We’ll fuck all your girls too, at least not the ones missing teeth

>> No.20295116

Hahaha again child’s corner or back to pol. Rednecks not wanted here

>> No.20295149

>i think trump is actually the less corrupt out of all.
Holy fuck its literally incredible that people like this live among us and survive.

>> No.20295212
File: 29 KB, 1175x248, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep seething tranny, the red waves coming to drown all you lefty faggots.

and when i say red, I don't mean communist.

>> No.20295222

Believe it. 30% of the country sincerely with all of their hearts beliece trump "loves the bible" or "loves the 2nd ammendment " or "loves the flag and the military "
They also think he 'reads words' and 'consults experts' and 'collects information'

>> No.20295306
File: 243 KB, 220x162, M6nWyOK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20295376
File: 2.98 MB, 1880x1466, flatten_the_curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20295473

Hahahahah 6K supporters at the rally, cancelled yesterday!! Literally nothing is coming except a covid wave to kill all repubs hahah

>> No.20295530

For my own edification, how many supporters are attending your man's rallies?

>> No.20295539

It's amazing. He's empowered the conspiracy retards to come out of the woodwork feeling like they're the norm and safe and should have their nonsense entertained instead of actually being ridiculed like they should be.

I wonder how many of them will screech when he blows the election because of how badly he fucked up with the virus.

>> No.20295603

The difference is the majority of the blm crowd wore masks. NYC had large protests and our numbers are still low. Literally all the red states and swing states are getting blown up because the left actually believes in science over right-wing conspiracy theories.

>> No.20295605
File: 229 KB, 1233x1248, 4693131125624e7d083148b391171d475f69f0ff9a3c42d3538b0e8850af08df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump takes just $1 in Presidential salary every month (legal requirement), the rest he gives away to various causes.

The reason all the most corrupt slime in the world are attacking him non stop, the treasonous rats who sold out the US for 6 decades, is exactly because he is NOT corrupt and can't be bought or controlled by them.

Trump is a good boy and dindu nuffin. Totally CLEAN which is why you seethe.

Now cope commie scum.

>> No.20295632

Hahahha I have only one man and his name is sergay I own 75k link. Literally they thought 1M people were coming to Tulsa and then they cancelled yesterday. So what like do your Q child cult have answers about that hahha

>> No.20295659

similar thing happened to me in Sweden. had to wait months. luckily it wasn't anything too serious.

>> No.20295688
File: 1.63 MB, 1807x602, incumbent_voting2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm... I wonder how many shows up to Biden rallies. Can you give me a number? Surely if Trump is going to lose to Biden, I expect to see some serious ground support for him. Where is it?

>> No.20295724

Its going to be a serious problem.
trump will lose badly, but will say it was rigged.
His retard cult will believe him and theres gonna be some little rioting.
We'll see what trump himself does.

Jesus dude you can not afford to live your life in such a state of utter self delusion and stupidity.
Literally try reading things.
Are you so fucking dumb you think trump isnt making millions right now via the presidency?
The world is passing you by and youre the laughing stock of the planet. Dont be such a willing pussy your whole life.
Jesus MIGA defenders are the biggest cucks i have ever ever seen. And i hate progressives.

>> No.20295755
File: 451 KB, 1440x1067, dallas_rally_2019-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you crying while you were typing that?

>> No.20295775

I just went into Walmart in a southern state that requires masks. Everyone I saw without them was fat white trash with 5+ mixed race children. It says a lot about the type of people turning the US into a third world country.

>> No.20295793

Hahaha everyone knows this is fake hahaha 6k and that’s it but even if this was it what happened to the overflow stage?? Did all the Q people have to attend a children’s cult zoom call? Hahah

>> No.20295823
File: 1.67 MB, 640x480, come here faggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you're poor and illiterate.The image you're sperging over is labeled 2019.

>> No.20295824
File: 568 KB, 717x720, 1593061459259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any facts or are you just seething like the trannycuck you are?

Inb4 you link me a Salon or Vox article written by Shlomo Bergstein about how Trump is orange and bad.

>> No.20295839
File: 348 KB, 592x760, masks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were the BLM mobs socially distancing and STAYING THE FUCK AT HOME and keeping roads clear for healthcare workers? Libfags bitched incessantly about the importance of all those things when people were protesting stay at home orders, yet if you're going to chimp out over a nog felon who OD'd on fent in police custody none of those measures are required.

>> No.20295848

Also your picture is titled Dallas rally hahhaha!!!!! It’s not even the same place holy shit

>> No.20295861
File: 136 KB, 746x746, 1575164481109.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20295867

Blah blah blah your boy can’t even get 6k supporters to his rally. He is intentionally tanking the election not sure why you guy can’t see that

>> No.20295899

Hahaha nobody cares; your boy thought he would have 1M people show up in Tulsa. Literally created an overflow stage Hahahah. You guys got fucking blown out by Tulsa. Talk to your children’s cult Q friends to figure out a good come back hahah

>> No.20295912
File: 361 KB, 673x1227, 1594542020836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is 0% chance that Trump will lose. You better prepare mentally already. .

>> No.20295931
File: 276 KB, 1145x877, 1592862306207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek this NPC is malfunctioning.

>> No.20296006
File: 270 KB, 589x402, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep an eye on this tranny, because there is a good chance he is going to KYS in November when Trump is in control of all 3 branches of government.

>> No.20296047

Hahahha!!! Y’all got 6k and cancelled yesterday it’s pretty sad. He’s thrown in the towe already. And you have to get ready for a children’s Q zoom call

>> No.20296082

Hahaha or literally none amd is in jail. All his supporters will die of covid before that so ain’t happening. I mean behind by 20 pts in the pollls it’s pretty for an incumbent hahahahah.

>> No.20296172

We live in fascism actually. I’m not mad about your statement, but it’s not true that this is capitalism.

>> No.20296174
File: 90 KB, 960x716, 5DFB5488960D428E859B376048C8C376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man, keep smiling when while everyone laughs at you for how dumb you are.
But sure. Look up whether or not trump has Gilead stock.
And who is rewarded a decade of rights to make remdesivir.
And whether or not he divested in trump hotels and how often the tax payers pay for his trips for himself and secret service and etc (at an increased price since inauguration) and hiw foreign diplomats pay for expensive rooms.
And whether trump has stock in bayer/monsato.
Or stock in Altria.
Or why Betsy devos was hired.

The bottom line is there has always been a mountain of evidence that trump is easily the most outwardly corrupt president in history and has the most outwardly corrupt cabinet. Just like there has always been a mountain of proof that trump is retarded and incompetent as confirmed by everyone in his own fucking cabinet.

The problem is you.
You're a coward. An anti patriot pussy.
Someone too scared to look in the mirror and admit you were duped by a fucking retard thay everyone warned you about.

>> No.20296193
File: 62 KB, 600x385, 1541360659958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but the polls! I believe the polls!

LMFAO, it really is babbys first election AHAHAHA

>> No.20296268
File: 74 KB, 738x792, obama_scandals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mountains of evidence!!
>Not a single fact provided

KEK this tranny is ultra butthurt

>> No.20296277

Fucking kek, Trumptards are already preparing to bitch about fraud if he loses. Nobody gives a shit about Biden because leftists know better than to attend fucking rallies during a pandemic.

I thought you guys were all about the "silent majority", so it's only valid when it applies to your candidate?

>> No.20296303

Ouch. Man it must suck being a jew cum drinking maga defender.

>> No.20296467

>anti-semetic nut
>probably racist too

Good job checking all the boxes for redneck that only felt like he could come out of the woodwork because of the current president.

The world is against you and you're going to die bitter and alone on 4chan sinking further and further into schizophrenia. Have fun.

>> No.20296499
File: 70 KB, 750x601, EXiJC5CXgAICGxF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody gives a shit about Biden

And that is why you will lose this election in the biggest landslide in modern political history. Everyone knows it, and the ONLY counter-indicator is faked polls fabricated in order to make the reality of Biden's abysmal support look much better than it is.

And we haven't even gotten to the debates yet. Imagine, just imagine what Trump is going to do to that senile old pedophile on a nationally televised live stage....

I can't fucking wait. Democrats will do whatever they can to prevent the debates from happening, I guarantee that. They will use covid as an excuse. Same excuse they use to shield Biden from the humiliating of holding rallies where NOBODY shows up.

This will be the last election for the Democratic Party. They chose the worst possible candidate and are completely self destructing.

There will be NOTHING left of that criminal organization after November. We will have to build thousands of mental institutions to contain the lib psychotic break when Trump wins again.

>> No.20296739

Bold words from a supporter of a candidate whose base is literally dying right now thanks to his retarded decisions. The landslide will go to Biden because by the time November rolls around, there won't be enough Trump supporters left alive to counter the wave of people voting for Biden just to get the idiot out.

In fact, I regret not going with my gut and putting a few thousand in a bet on a Trump victory in 2016, which seemed obvious. I'm trusting it this time and putting actual money down on Biden for the exact reasons I just gave.

>> No.20296763

Hahahaha still livin the past. Nobody came to the rally Bc nobody cares about the message except some children that read about Q which is for children. Y’all are blown out of the water and dying from covid hahah

>> No.20296789

Exactly this. They can’t even come out to support for a rally. Literally Portsmouth weather yesterday was perfect. They cancelled Bc nobody was going to show up hahah!!!

>> No.20296838
File: 401 KB, 1136x640, 1594330326892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man, lefties literally can't cope with statistics. all their rebuttals are name calling and lying.

I can't wait to see the river of tears when Trump takes office again

>> No.20297034

do you really think any of that has changed? China will take over and rule with brutality because American innovation is dying.

eventually, we will be eclipsed; it's just a matter of when.

>> No.20297133

>trump supporters destroyed and embarassed just like every other thread.
>lol we won
Man i guess you guys really are pussies

>> No.20297151

The statistics show his base of support getting devastated by COVID while Biden continues to poll better as a result. Mind directing me to where you're seeing your stats?

>> No.20297174

you're in no way refuting my point.

I'm saying tax policy is irrelevant if you don't have a functional tax base made up of people fundamentally wired to contribute to society (hint: whites and asians).

you're countering with "well taxes were way higher 40 years ago", as if that in any way refutes my point.

>> No.20297203
File: 184 KB, 946x930, EcZWNRkWkAARdpY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whose base is literally dying right now
kek leftoids live in some kind of weird alternate reality.

Up is down, left is right, crime is virtue, good is evil, lies are truth.

I will enjoy immensely when you satanists get fucking crushed. And you will. There is no escape for what is coming your way.

>> No.20297209

USA is the least dirty shirt in the laundry basket.
It's still the best country in the world w/ the reserve country.
PS all global central banks are printing at the same damn time.