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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20295120 No.20295120 [Reply] [Original]

Cut some grass today and grilled some skewers, now I'm sitting and waiting for US futures to open for another week of stable gains

With interests rates of 2-3% , free money has never been cheaper for the landed elite like us. I feel like all this millenialls will never make it is created by poor rentcucks in hustle and bustle cities like SF or NY

How's your boomer sunday playing out, fellow boomers?

>> No.20295284


I unironically dealt with piles of recycling and swept my back patio and shit was great.

>> No.20295312

Watered all my plants, washed my Corvette and mowed the yard.

Don’t owe a car payment or a mortgage on anything.

Comfy AF.

>> No.20295371

30 y/o here. Cut the grass too, and walked around the neighborhood with my wife. It sure was a hot one today. We're going to make pizza for dinner tonight. Feels good when this life costs me like 1/3 of the money I make after tax while liberal basedboys can't seem to keep up with rent and student loans.

>> No.20295499

is it a nice hood or a lot of nignogs?

>> No.20295622

24 yo boomer checking in. Just had a intensive 1h30 workout, followed by a cold shower. Now i'm drinking a beer and shitposting. Might cook up a steak and homemade poutine tonight.
Financially comfy but still no gf.

>> No.20295754
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I'm taking the dog on a 5 mile walk and then I'll probably take a nap. I can only fap once a day now so I have to save that for tonight when I'm going to sleep, tomorrow's a work day. More waging from my 'home office'. Thankfully theres a guy coming in next week to quote me on fixing the A/C. I really didn't budget for that I have to get the fence fixed too. We'll see. I hope it rains later, we could use some rain

>> No.20295987

Haha this is great

>> No.20296135




>> No.20296178
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tell another uneducated anon, what is a poutine?

>> No.20296219
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Have you heard of this thing the zoomers call Google?

>> No.20296223
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I live in a housing area without much nature, do you think a dog would be happy here? I have dreamt of one a while now since I turned 34

>> No.20296250

Fries with gravy and cheese curds. There was a food cart in Portland called potato champion that used demi glace instead of gravy and it was heaven. Then they made their recipe vegan and it became shit.

>> No.20296272

It's probably going to be infested with rapefugees in 20 to 60 years because the Jews love to ruin any place that's nice.

>> No.20296308

just remember to give him his Frontline pill every month. Heartworms are no joke and dogs need toys to chew or else they'll gnaw up the furniture. that grass needs to be mowed

>> No.20296311
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>not understanding small talk and social gatherings is how to build a solid boomer network instead of tiktok thots and SIMPing on twitch

next, get out now

>> No.20296433

Wife watched the kids and did wash
I planned two trips and watched my portfolio go up over 100k today
Beers then early bed to wage tomorrow
If our net worth goes up another million I'm done working forever

39yo boomer life is best life

>> No.20296447

nice, don't forget to take some profits or downpay your house

>> No.20296476

Watered my garden. Drove to wal-mart in my mini van to pick up diapers for the baby. Yelled at a zoomer for not wearing a mask. Went to check out my elderly parents.

>> No.20296518

Baked some chicken thighs earlier.
Gotta eye appointment tomorrow, then will mow if it's not raining.
Hopefully the liquor store is open by the time I get out of the dr. So I don't have to make two trips into town.

I'm expecting a shipment of silver tomorrow so that is something to look forward too.

It gets lonely on this property, nobody in miles , nobody to grill with

>> No.20296522

House paid off
529's paid off
I earn for me now

>> No.20296579

26 yeat old boomer here. This is my 2nd year as a boomer, do I put another 25k into the house (3.125%@300k) or into ETFs this year?

>> No.20296627

ETFs, interest rates will go down or be around this level, so keep borrowing the cheapest money ever. Then you can rebalance some ETF gains into it later

>> No.20296784

Recently became a 30 year old boomer. Was afraid of it for so long, but it's actually kinda nice. I just feel more confident and sure of myself. Way less insecurities. Sucks to see good friends go on a downtrend though.

>> No.20296906

yep, 25-29 was the worst years from me. Right after uni, most girls had some boyfriend left from then, people wanted to focus on their first job

at 30+ you have career and finances in order and women like men who are stable and educated. The "cool guy with guitar" role isn't popular anymore, now you can focus on family and select a female in the range of 20-30 yo

>> No.20296958


>not being able to recognize and communicate in the correct tone of the thread
The poutine picture fucking triggered me though fuck I miss it
t. canadian in burgerland

>> No.20297002
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yeah imagine being so big of a zoomer usnig a 10s attention span using tiktok lingo in our boomer thread

keep going frens

>> No.20297011


Unbelievably based

>> No.20297433

Got home from work, wife served dinner.
I napped for an hour.
Gonna read a book now.

Buying tech ETFs. Life's good.

>> No.20297638

Agree, for people who are:
Not naturally extroverted
Life basically starts tough and gets better until you die unless you fuck it up big time (heroin addiction etc.)
And now my portfolio is up 200k thanks to link
I like today

>> No.20297656

Having some drinks with friends and watching my link stack soar. Was going to get in the pool but it's too cold.

>> No.20297685
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>went to italian restaurant for the good old sunday pasta lunch with asian GF
> Watched some videos with her
> comfy tea with some videogames later (Boomer witcher 3, taking my time, competitive zoomer games are pathetic

The only thing i can get rid of is the sunday night bad feeling of wage slaving, anybody have tips about it?

>> No.20297697

I wasn't a "nerd" in that sense at college either, and had 1 gf back then. But I was just more focused in my studies and knowledge and sports, not into partying and thots. But the interests align more at 30+ when those things are acquired

>> No.20297731


Sorry i meant to say "cant get rid of.

>> No.20297760

oops mean't to reply to >>20297638

>> No.20297779

I don’t understand why people don’t understand what a boomer means. It’s a demographic of The baby boom 50 years ago. God I fucking hate the retards here

>> No.20297807

>being this new

>> No.20297973
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Shut up zoomer, fucking stupid dense piece of shit

>> No.20298217

I agree with you anon. "Boomer" 30 year olds? wtf are they on about?

>> No.20298352
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>> No.20298610

Oldest millennials are 40

Or are boomers now a state of mind , a way of life..

What have we created /biz/

>> No.20298649
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forgot my bangs on the mower. *angry sips*

>> No.20298855
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A 30 year old boomer is someone who made safe, boring investments primarily in blue chips, doesn't spend $20 a day on almond mocachinos and avacado toast, and now owns their own home.
It's pretty comfy here. But you know what they say, that lawn ain't gonna mow itself.

>> No.20299193

Stuck in the Philippines with my filipina wife due to covid.
Drove around yesterday on the motorbike avoiding police as backriding is banned. Checked out a lot for sale, thinking of getting a house built here.
Wish I was back in rainy England

>> No.20299717

southeast asia is the tits, why the hell would you want to be back in londonistan?

>> No.20299757


39 here, needed to mow my yard today (or at least the section I keep up, rest of the property is nothing but open field). Going to the gym tonight before having to wage again for the week.

>> No.20299993

Too hot, and I miss the English countryside.

>> No.20300046

30 with house, very comfy investment portfolio and retirement accounts. No girlfriend or wife. I actually am happy right now but parents and society wants to punish me for not being a cuck and simping for a roastie

>> No.20300227

Went to see my two brothers (I'm the middle brother). My younger brother is in town to visit and is staying at my older brothers place. Finally after a long day realized/accepted that my younger brother has a drug addiction problem, that really has been going on for years but somehow I didn't understand the gravity of the problem. Until today, and I guess somehow I'll have to deal with it. Not the greatest boomer day I'm afraid.

>> No.20300414

Imagine feeling confident enough in your retardation to make a post like this about something you don't understand and making a fool out of yourself in the process.

>> No.20300428

Tell us more about your life I'm interested. You don't want anyone?

>> No.20300597
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Went fly fishing all morning then came home and ate chinese food with my girlfriend. After she goes to work I’ll tie some flys while I watch a movie and then turn in early. Don’t want to miss the early morning bite tomorrow.

>> No.20300747
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Yesterday was mowing and kayaking. Today I took the ol jalop for some Sunday driving. Been thinking a lot about mower attachments lately. I got a dump trailer for the mower and moved some dirt and rocks around the compound. Gonna crack my nightly beer in about an hour.

>Not understanding pic related

>> No.20300796

>tfw single 32 yo boomer

This is not a good feel guys

>> No.20300850

I love how all these LARPers say the exact same shit that is posted on 4chan millions of times like it is brand new thoughts like they are fresh off the boat from reddit

>> No.20300971

They are though. Reddit and twitter. The board is flooded with them

>> No.20301063

33. Sunday blues before having to wake up at 4 tomorrow to wage

>> No.20301121

I cleaned out my cutlery drawer and gave my kitchen knives a good sharpen then watched YouTube all day

>> No.20301153

Why are you not a neet at 30+?