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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20292290 No.20292290 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.20292311

You had 3 years and instead you wasted your time in med school

>> No.20292339

Medfren youre a fucking faggot

>> No.20292374

Yes, Don Sergleone.

>> No.20292382

you had 3 years to buy before normies, sorry OP but i stopped fudding in 2019

>> No.20292454
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The only people still fudding reddit are other redditors. fucking cringe.
Even the mods are supposedly in on this now.

reddit FUD operation was to deny them make it stacks of 10k Link and the opportunity of buying sub 2$ linkies.
Once it pased it, OGs stopped doing it because we never gave a fuck if they could spend their lunch money for a 400 Link stack, or if 1 out of every 1000 of them coudl afford a suicide stack of 1000.

Only late buyers from reddit stil FUD reddit to try convince themselves they aren't late buyers

>> No.20292540

Nice try redditor/fudster. Link is going to be $1000 and every redditor we talk out of buying even today is still a victory for humanity,

>> No.20292575

I will soon have 50K link. Suck my cock

>> No.20292585

10,000 Link was always the suicide stack you fucking reddit fag

>> No.20292615

he is right tho you n*wfag

>> No.20292630

Been here since 2018 bitch and guarantee I have a bigger bag than you do.

>> No.20292644


well as you can see, i bought in 2018. I have 70k Link and i really couldn't give a fuck if some random poorfags get a puny stack of 400. they aren't making it from that anyway.

They got priced out of a 10k stack after 2$. no redditor is buying 10k Link since then. maybe one in every 1000 of them or less. which, for all purposes, is the same.

only late buyers still fud reddit because they feel like reddit are buying it at the same prices as them still, and are desperate not to feel like they got priced out too.

You obviously were not here then, but after 2$ there were A LOT of discussion and debates about if the FUD redditor operation should continue. The overall opinion was that they were priced out, so it irrelevant what happens anymore to them.
Then hordes of late buying faggots came and started le fudding reddit

>> No.20292648

Cringe. You had 3 years.

>> No.20292650

Spoken like a true poor faggot living in his mother's basement. I can still afford 2000 link per month even at these "high" prices. You may have missed your busying opportunity once it breached $2, but some of us actually make shit loads of money from our careers .

>> No.20292667

It will be done, my Don

>> No.20292674

The dumping shall commence

>> No.20292690


>> No.20292707

People argued both sides, I've been in link threads since early 2018. Your imagined history is irrelevant, redditors are evil and stopping them from making it is based, regardless of the scale.

>> No.20292725

there was also supposed to be a redacted campaign but retards managed to fuck that up aswell

>> No.20292726
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Yeah but frankly most sensible people wont invest that much into LINK even at this point. thats probably most your wages with a decent salary if its your take home pay.

Most normies A cant afford that with bills and rent, and still wont risk that much.
They are priced out. only a few strange retards would invest that much into LINK still, and the time has almost gone for them to afford a 10k make it stack like that either.

back when i bought this 70k stack it cost me almost $40,000 and even I felt like i was taking too much risk, but i was delusionally convinced.

>> No.20292776

2017 is newfag cutoff sweaty

>> No.20292831

I literally proved Im the owner of the 160k wallet

stay poor

>> No.20292833

Somebody make a CL version of "I believe in America" monologue.

>> No.20292897

>If you didn't buy in during the first 100 days of the project you're a newfag
Whatever you say man, still fuck redditors.

>> No.20292975
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>> No.20293001

No thanks, hope they all go buy, you had 3 years.

>> No.20293003

i have 14k LINK, 1 LP and 5k DMG

I also have $45k in the bank which i was going to use for a mortgage

what would you do in my position

>> No.20293035

I will make $500K annually through my day job. If LINK moons, I'll be a multimillionaire. If it goes to zero, I will still be a multimillionaire. Society pays for my expertise, unlike you , you worthless sack of shit. LINK is all you have, and it's kind of pathetic

>> No.20293050

thanks for buying my dmg for two dollars med

>> No.20293067

>T. 500 LINK, living in his mother's basement, waiting for his real life to begin

>> No.20293088
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Kek, And I wondered the whole day why a worthless unneeded token for a badly written JsonParser is pumping

>> No.20293089

>go fud link
I dont need to, because there is no use to doing it.
Link already won.

>> No.20293101

Give it up already. It's been three years. I'm tired of waiting.

>> No.20293105

I doubled my LINK stack from 15K to 30K with shitcoin flips recently . Seethe . I will hit 50K link by EOY

>> No.20293115

I too want to do that.

>> No.20293119


Jeez someones salty
why do you feel like you have to prove yourself to some random anon online?

>> No.20293165

What’s your strategy looking like? Do you have sell targets?

>> No.20293180

What shitcoins did you play?

>> No.20293193

what am i seething about exactly?

>> No.20293221

It’s called larping, passes the time while link moons

>> No.20293284
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Am I doin it rite?

>> No.20293298

not with an username like Kekistan

>> No.20293382

go back to /b/

>> No.20293391
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You can. DEC token sale tomorrow

I hate "you had 3 years" posters. I am one of the "few strange retards" you mentioned who bought late (average price >$3), yet I still managed to scrape together 30K LINK, and I don't plan on stopping until I hit 50K minimum. Demoralize reddit. Don't demoralize and fud amongst our fellow bizraelis

Averaged down on DMG and flipped it for profit. Also got in early on SWAP, SLP, and CAP and managed to sell near the top. I'm holding 100% link right now. I am good at sniffing out the gems before they pop.

>> No.20293455

>only redditors say cringe
>says cringe
You can do better.

>> No.20293469

What are you looking at right now?

>> No.20293472

I would go back to Africa like the smelly she baboon I am.

>> No.20293496

Nope you're just a fag. Fudding has been irrelevant since the Coinbase listing last summer. Irrelevant, unnecessary and ineffective. OG Linkies are all just chilling knowing we have made it. Who cares about the petty squabbles and lives of priced out Redditors besides (you)?

>t. Pre SIBOS bagholder

>> No.20293503


>> No.20293508



Token sale tomorrow

>> No.20293523

Is reddit full of niggers and pajeets?

>> No.20293621

you greentext it but that is unironically the truth

>> No.20293653

Maybe for uniswap scams but not big boy projects

>> No.20293656


well done, but the point is that you could have had 250K link

but to switch to your own logic and rhetoric now,...literal neets in a basement have the same or more than you, which they bought with neetbux or profits form shitcoins in 2017. you'll both end up the same while you had to work hard for link and go to college etc. yet the end point in wealth will be the same as yours if not more

thats the point.

>> No.20293677

Nooo, you suck MY COCK

>> No.20293777

cope, if you weren't here to experience the sibos dump, the toilet fud and most importantly reqtards making it and then getting fucked to shit, you missed out and are therefore an honorary newfriend.

>> No.20293843


>> No.20293850
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we did it reddit!

>> No.20293872

Post trade history of your shitcoin trades faggot. You wont.

>> No.20293873
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>> No.20294039
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From the shill comments, looks like some of the shilling comes from within our ranks. I'm highly disapointed in you marines, how could you sergay betray us like that? I understand you are all getting impatient and want to get rich quick but believe me this is not the right way to do it. All you're going to do is create an army of weak handed holders who will dump at the first bump on the road. Look at the chart between $4 and $5. Look at how many times (((they))) tried to dump it. And what happened? Nothing. Why? Because no one sold. Why? Because we are fucking fanatics, we have unconditional faith in the project and we would rather die with our linkies or see them go to zero than press the sell button. Many pushed that button during those 3 years and there tales of sorrow and dispair still haunts our memory. We know the cost of holding, we know the pain that comes with it and we've learnt to love it. Do not let all we've built go to waste.

>> No.20294111

I'd sell all your other crypto for link

Personally I put all the fiat I had in link a while ago, but I also don't plan on buying a house anytime soon. I can't tell you what to do with your mortgage money, if you have a family i'd recommend not using it to buy link.

Cringe. I make over 200k as a software engineer, and unlilke you this isn't some fairly tale hypothetical, this is money i'm already making and have been making. You'll literally never have a higher net worth than me, kys.

>> No.20294118

You didn't build anything, pal. You just sat indoors smoking weed and letting your imagination get the better of you.
Shut the fuck up and stop pretending you're some sort of gatekeeper for Chainlink.
It's pathetic.
Anyone can buy it, and that's good for the rest of us. Now, sober up.

>> No.20294191

>You'll literally never have a higher net worth than me, kys.
Spoken like a true retard

>> No.20294211
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It's crazy sitting in threads with you whales while only holding 1k LINK.

>> No.20294221

I'm a medfag too and I hate your kind. You believe medschool puts you above the rest and are just salty that some neets escaped the rat race without actually having entered it . I'm actually proud of those anons . I do think society needs doctors and we do an essential job . I will continue my practice even after I make it because l like it and my patients need me .
Be humble or life will make you humble. As a medfag you should know that. But Im betting you are below 40 and still got a lot to learn.

>> No.20294256
File: 642 KB, 617x766, 5794F182-984F-404D-A001-FA1A7A27C156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even the mods are supposedly in on this now.
What a disgrace
Eye see them

>> No.20294303

Do you think you'll make it though?

>> No.20294336

>But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today


>> No.20294403

Hey guys. Please add a username so we know who everyone. I’m Aaron.

I’m from Reddit. I’m here cause I heard that the Chainlink cryptocurrency network has recently gone above 70,000 Satoshi Units of Measurement (SATS). This is pretty “based” if you ask me, kek!

Let me know your thoughts guys.

Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,

>> No.20294406

Yes there is zero doubt in my mind. Not only is the project is solid but the reception by the press and institutions basically guarantees it.

>> No.20294413

you've got nothing substantial to say because you know its true, lol.
By the time you get 50k link (which I bet will never happen), my stack will be worth over $2mm

>> No.20294471
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>> No.20294551
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>I can still afford 2000 link per month
had a real laugh here
>t. ChemE, 2018 buyer

>> No.20294634

how much u stacking, faggot?

>> No.20294724


Dump the DMG. Or keep half. I'd pick BNT over DMG if you're gonna hold a defi boomer. LP I'm unsure of. I too hold 1 LP token; its the dividends and the priority staking that gets me. There's literally only 660 of us tho.

>> No.20295028

based af.

i got 56k myself. taking it real easy as a zog worker. you gotta be humble man good job on the flip