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File: 995 KB, 2048x1639, merlin_168487785_3de7a8c0-f213-4969-bc95-3c095639adb6-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20288925 No.20288925 [Reply] [Original]

Kanye West heavily inspired me in a beautiful way. I want to own a huge land and build sutff there and get money off of it. I want a farm. I want to build cool cottage villages there with dope futuristic but humane design. I want to own a land bros. My family already owns small place far away from city and im not a new for that stuff. Im just inspired now. I hope that ill get rich and do that. Start owning a land lads. Like our fathers did. Like their fathers did.

>> No.20289171

Kanye west couldn't survive 2 seconds on his own. The guy is a crybaby bitch. He bought a place in the desert to get away from the media. He should have stayed in the city where he belongs and not corrupt the pristine rural land. Fuck that nigger cunt.

>> No.20289323

Would you like to try that again and really focus on avoiding an autistic freakout this time?

Between the survivability ramblings and fragile masculinity you seem like an /out/ faggot

>> No.20289328

seek help, kanye is as based as they come.

>> No.20289421
File: 38 KB, 485x443, 1590000213684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me see black person
>me get angry

>> No.20289444

this, guy probably cant even cook or get his own groceries

>> No.20289459


Seething from spending a lifetime without getting pussy

>> No.20289469


>> No.20289513


It would appear that we need to stone this guy:

>> No.20289585

>kanye west
>inspired me
>futuristic, humane design
just stay in california whatever you do dude.

>> No.20289710
File: 89 KB, 655x596, dumbass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me see nigger who buy rural land
>Me now think nigger is based
>Me make thread on how to be like Kanye west nigger rapper
>Me very inspired by a nigger who sang degenerate rap for years and now wants to get out of nigger infested cities.
>Me so edgy and cool for being a white guy and being down with niggers

Kill Yourselves

>> No.20289843
File: 82 KB, 680x680, 1570749121202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did the man ever do to you? Where's all this vitriol coming from?

>> No.20289896

how did you get inspiration from Kanye to do that specifically?

>> No.20289930

because he did that. watch his video "closed on sunday".

>> No.20289955

i agree, his whore of a wife makes a living on attaching herself on whats relevant to stay in the spot light. Everything hes doing is to stay in the spotlight. If he was serious he would fuck off.Same thing goes for elon. His brother is the big brains and uses elon for cover

>> No.20290030

>I want to own a huge land
Stopped right there, ownership is a meme. You're probably a brainwashed burger & don't realise that ownership died in the '30s

>> No.20290217

that was.. weird

>> No.20290244

made me want to try out church

>> No.20290330

skip to the end since your time is so valuable. if you dont see why thats based than there is no helping you.
checked and same

>> No.20290402

>tfw your dads dead

>> No.20290724
File: 13 KB, 644x800, d90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ownership is a meme bro. Live in a tiny house like me and drink S oylent all day