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20288647 No.20288647 [Reply] [Original]

I would not be the least bit suprised if LINK ends up in the top 5 by the end of July.

Link is currently ranked 12.

1. BTC - Dinosaur Tech, trusted name though
2. ETH - Trusted name, still needs upgrades
3. USDT - USDT, most likely insolvent
4. XRP - Scam coin, token not needed, pays people to pilot the coin, claims "partnership"
5. BCH - Scam, fork of a coin with dinotech, but it's tech still sucks
6. BSV - Scam, fork of a coin with dinotech, but it's tech still sucks, has a clown as its frontman
7. ADA - Vaporware. Team has trannies on it. Charles is a soiiboy, notorious back stabber and scammer.
8. LTC - Shitcoin, like BTC without the following and hashpower. In fact most of these coins cept for ETH and BTC lack hash power. Absolutely no plans to upgrade in the future in any meaningful way.
9. BNB - Chink exchange coin, honestly probably better than most the shit above it
10.CRO - shit coin
11. EOS - Vaporware scam
12. LINK

Why the fuck shouldn't it be #3? Jesus christ.

>> No.20288672

Don't forget that CRO is a literal ponzi scheme.

>> No.20288733

My bags are heavy with CRO, enjoying my free £95 a day. Already made back my initial investment, thanks cucks

>> No.20288798

Sums things up pretty well

>> No.20288828

All the shitcoins above it are only there as a product of age and luck, LINK will dethrone them all in time

>> No.20288867

because youre a glorified JSON parser? Why shouldnt you be ranked #30 exactly?

>> No.20288884

>useless JSON parser that only acts as a webscraper for vaporware shit companies like synthetix
>"a product of its time"
the delusion is unreal

>> No.20288885

Stop shitting on the street, ranjeet.

>> No.20288958

You are literally just a JSON parser and being pumped by twitter simps. And you act like youre better than any other shitcoin in the top 10? Lmaoo.

LINK is better than BSV, ill give you that

>> No.20288979

It really do be like this

>> No.20289030
File: 40 KB, 615x409, Doc-Brown-from-Back-to-the-Future.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unironic json parser fud in 2020

>> No.20289065

>fb/instagram is just a meme sql database where normans upload family pics
>netflix/yt are meme websites using cdns for cat videos

>> No.20289082

How is it fud if its true?
>no collateral system
its a fucking JSON parser. If its not a json parser, what is it exactly then?

Oh, so LINK is a stock now? Guess that confirms its an unregistered security. Lets call SEC

>> No.20289098

>USDT - USDT, most likely insolvent
this meme again

>> No.20289139

#3 by EOY next year

>> No.20289146

it’s the network

>> No.20289194

i had a long post typed out about network effect, first mover advantage, mixicles, scaling solutions like arbitrum, zkrollups, TEEs, baseline protocol, oracle integration, bsn, and 50 other things

but you know, its just not worth it anymore responding to bait isn't worth the 5 minutes it takes me. godspeed, troll anon.

>> No.20289278
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What network? Shitty vaporwave tech like Synthetix and Kava. Oh thank heavens, we need those!

Mixicles and TEEs do nothing to solve the fundamental problem of it being a centralized piece of shit. There will always be KYC and will never be removed.
>first mover advantage
first mover in what? Being a centralized oracle? Lmaooo
Oh yes, the great BSN. The company no one ever heard until they started shilling their LINK bags. Not scummy at all.
And remember, always trust the chinks with Crypto, they have a great track record

>people who fud my json parser is b8
whatever helps you cope.

No matter what bullshit you throw, everything you say has been debunked. pic related

>> No.20289342

whatever brings you joy mate. i have made over $200,000 dollars.

>> No.20289343

>5 posts by this id
Rent free, sorry you missed link anon, I’m sure there’s going to be another opportunity in this board for you to build generational wealth. Good luck!

>> No.20289383
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Well i have more than you. Sooo
i bet you dont even have $100,000 yet

You linkies acted especially faggy ITT. Heres some fud to keep in the back of your mind as link collapse in the future

>> No.20289404

>7. ADA - Vaporware.
You are not going to make it.

>> No.20289483



You seem to have more dicks in your ass too fagposter.

>> No.20289500

>6 posts by this ID
>I’ll post some debunked FUD to really get in their heads, I’m playing 4D chess
I truly am sorry for you anon. I wish we could go back to a time when a make it stack didn’t cost you $67,000, or you could actually afford to spend $6,700 to avoid the rope, I really do. But some people just aren’t meant to make it. Have fun waging XD

>> No.20289534

>debunked fud
it was never debunked. Also, make that 7 posts by this ID

Ill make it 8 or 9 or 10 too.

>hes bragging about his make it staff
loool, even after all your gains, you still have nowhere near close to what i have in crypto. And thats after i payed taxes too

>> No.20289555
File: 11 KB, 210x267, no news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even your fellow link fags are selling this obvious top too, btw

>> No.20289744
File: 35 KB, 640x480, 0ED47AFF-50AF-4D01-B795-2CE5B79A493E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 posts by this ID
> I have more money in crypto than you and I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills
>I’ll start a thread saying I sold at $6.70 calling it a top even though lank has run up to $6.80
I’m v. sorry for you anon truly I am. I wish you could have a better life instead of larping from your mom’s basement about having massive crypto bags. Pic related

>> No.20289826

why do you project so much?

>> No.20289872

I think you need to relook number 3 on that list. If that is true everything in crypto collapses, forget $7 you'll see 70 cents

>> No.20290600

I agree, and while I'd say EOM is too early I wouldn't be surprised if we saw $25-30 LINK EOY, which is what it would need to be in TOP 3 as of right now.

>> No.20290730

sorry fagboy, but cardano is going to be there end of month, not link.

>> No.20290749
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