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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20288546 No.20288546 [Reply] [Original]

is STA dead? or is this price floor a good time to accumulate? i’ve been holding my measly 12k stack this whole time and have felt no reason to ditch it.

>> No.20288591

If it's a bag that's not weighing you down just hold onto it. Most of biz gets the sense that there's big things in the works for STA, everyone is just waiting for the Balancer refund.

If you're making gains in other things, I would just be quietly accumulating STA right now.

>> No.20288600

it's not dead

>> No.20288606
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>is sta dead
no, not even 2 months old yet.

>> No.20288629

well guys i know it’s new but suddenly not seeing the generals anymore is demoralizing. how can the price pump if no one is talking about it?

>> No.20288757

I highly suggest you don't buy. Hype is gone, people lost a lot of money after the hack, and there's nothing special about it anymore really

>> No.20288784

the pool with more than 500k in it got exploited so a lot of people are feeling demoralized, no reason to make generals when they are gonna be shit and or dead.

>> No.20288788
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There's life outside of /biz/, you know.
Don't lose hope anon. The funds needed for the refund won't appear out of thin air. Now isn't the time to be greedy. Be sure to ride the wave of other shitcoins and make sure to accumulate before the good news come.

$1 still stands.

>> No.20288800

its gonna crab/bleed until balancer refund pretty much

>> No.20288871


2 new pages of content

and link to 5 pools with statera delta token

>> No.20288883

it will, definitely go up in the future, whether from the refund or from something else, but it might be a long hold

>> No.20288891
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it will pump
just give it time

>> No.20289068

The pools are gaining speed so it might start going up in price even without the refund.

>> No.20289200


new article just released minutes ago analyzing returns with statera delta token. as pools get bigger so will the fees and price go up

>> No.20289747
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You know what else stands. Feet. Belonging to a particular detective, who is very cute.

>> No.20290621

Id say that we are in a accumulative phase atm. Right now would be a good time to buy some, but with caution!

>> No.20290763

no one is making generals because everyone is on the telegram, come join it, the price channel is basically just the sta generals

>> No.20290780

Fucking hell. I was bullish on Sta before I read this - it's just gone up another few notches.
I'd urge everyone to read this - whether you're invested in Sta or not.

The gains off the pool alone could be unironically mind-blowing, let alone the price of Sta itself.

>> No.20290810

Holy hell the refund is definitely not even needed after this and will come only as a bonus

>> No.20290877

Statera is far from dead, already 5 pools with Delta in it, the more i understand the project the more i love it, but its high IQ stuff, took me weeks to grasp it honestly..

>> No.20291015

It's one hell of a bonus!
If even half of it goes back in to the pool (and that may be a conservative estimate) that's a sudden quarter of a mill worth into the ecosystem. Crazy times ahead!

>> No.20291152

>its high IQ stuff
>bro we took your broken ass burn token and put it in uniswap so we could take the liquidity token from uniswap which is not a broken worthless token and put it into a balancer pool, so now STA is totally worth money
>bro, what do you mean the delta tokens price will be hamstrung by the price of STA because it is backed by a shitcoin, we made another pool with mostly eth.
>bro, the delta token is backed by a shitcoin and eth and you can use it to invest in a pool that's mostly eth
so why not just hold eth instead?
>bro this is high IQ stuff you don't get it

>> No.20291222

It just attracts fudders, so it does more harm than good until we gain some upwards momentum

>> No.20291273

>so why not just hold eth instead?
Are returns on eth 900%?

>> No.20291318
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>checks roi of the average STA holder
almost feels bad to fud someone who holds a coin like this, surely you are ill or handicapped or something

>> No.20291330

You seem like the type of pajeet who can read, go ahead, try it, you can make it work my stinky curry buddy.

>> No.20291357

Plenty of people sold at a loss, but plenty are still in profits. We are talking about the pool though, and you didn't answer my question

>> No.20291360

You can't be this stupid in real life. Surely.
I hope?

>> No.20291386

I think we should keep /stag/ going though, do we have bread bakers still lurking? I'll post a pastebin with a generalised thread so anyone can make one in future

>> No.20291412

so first they told you it would hit 1$ and you should sell 1% every day for passive income. then they tell you that Thanos prevents whales from dumping the price. then they tell you the pool was safe and they stripped balancer rewards for no reason. now, they tell you there will be 900% returns in the THE FUTURE and you believe them???? like seriously, what the fuck do they need to do to break your confidence? strip you naked and stick their hand in your ass?

>> No.20291434

>there will be 900% returns in the THE FUTURE
No, this is an analysis of the past month

>> No.20291438

>plenty are still in profits
if you look at when people bought, no, almost no wallets are in the green as of now
bro you bought held STA lmao at your life

>> No.20291462

>This means, if returns continue as they have been
>he didn't read the article he sent
wow you are really winning me over with your big brain IQ coin

>> No.20291488

>why not hold eth instead?
you absolute retard

>> No.20291507
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>ground floor
>working product
>pool rising faster than ever

>> No.20291511

It is still up 14x from day 1. You just proved that you are retarded

>> No.20291549

STA is backed by 50% eth, Delta is backed 75% eth, pool is 30% eth, every major source of liquidity is backed by a majority eth. still waiting on you high IQ coiners to actually learn about what you bought

>> No.20291569

do you think most wallets bought on day one? have you looked at the numbers at all anon?

>> No.20291602
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Patience frens. Great things await.

>> No.20291616

The value of ETH is not where the returns come from

There have been at least 4 opportunities to buy lower than this price, and we did gain 200+ wallets when the price was below 1c after the hack. Most whales are still in profit and have not sold

>> No.20291625

It will never be adopted. Having to use three pools to make Statera work is a joke. Someone will make a better Statera with a functioning pool and it’ll be the nail in the coffin.

Keep holding while it goes down meanwhile insane gains are to be hand in ampl. If you were truly a believer you’d sell now. Put in ampl and rebuy later.

>> No.20291651

Listen closely Ranjeet, i am NEVER SELLING, neither my Linkies, nor my rights to Reserve and especially not my money printing deflationary index fond, now fuck off with your 3rd world dyslexie you fucking Untermensch.
T. 100% bavarian phenotype Stahnos.

>> No.20291667

Based Chad

>> No.20291686

>so first they told you it would hit 1$
Not much different from any other coin’s shills

>you should sell
Pool actually and it’s still a smart plan if the price increases

>Thanos prevents whales from dumping
Once it’s big enough it should yes

>then they tell you the pool was safe
It is now?

>they stripped balancer rewards for no reason
They didn’t?

>there will be 900% returns in the THE FUTURE
Assumptions based on actual data that could very well become reality

>> No.20291718

it should be, if this were a legit coin, but instead they are suggesting future value will come from people pooling, which means atm their value proposition is closer to a ponzi
>There have been at least 4 opportunities to buy lower than this price
yeah, think you just proved my point. any purchases outside of 4 specific points result in a loss. literally the 4th worst outcome possible. you remind me of that other anon who said being down 90% was good.... because it gave room for growth LOL fuck these threads are funny

>> No.20291783

I'm not trying to make you sell, I'm trying to redicule you for your cult like investment strategy
>Pool actually
no that came later, it was originally sell. listen, you are coping rn. if you want to play that game go buy tesla, based on past performance stocks should be several million each by next year. this cope is embarrassing

>> No.20291854

>it should be, if this were a legit coin
Please do some research before you try to fud, you make yourself look more and more idiotic with every post. You clearly don't understand where the balance pool and LP rewards come from

>> No.20291885

Alright you do you, we will see in a couple of months. I’m still in the green anyway and cryptos for me is a substitute for gambling. I believe this project will become very big in the future and that’s why I will hold

>> No.20291910

He actually thinks he will get 900% returns.

>> No.20291943

>Having to use three pools to make Statera work is a joke
you dont need to use every pool

>> No.20291951

Yes I do, there are 3 liquidity pools, uniswap Sta/Eth 50/50, Delta pool, balancer delta 25%, Eth 75%, and the pheonix pool, balancer, with 30% weth and 20% Delta. Every single pool is dominated by eth. what exactly is your argument against that? all the article says is as long as people pool the value of the pool will go up, nothing about strong diversification or anything

>> No.20291976

All 3 pools are needed to fix the token, what are you on about

>> No.20292091

You are implying that you need the Eth to increase in price to make money from the pool, which is not true, that is only one of several ways the pool can generate returns.

I'm sorry you panic-sold 40 eth worth of STA, but being an obtuse cunt on /biz/ is not going to bring you money. Either buy back in or move on to a different project

>> No.20292134


>> No.20292172

>I'm sorry you panic-sold 40 eth worth of STA
If you must know, I owned a bit of Sta but I sold around 11c because I had no faith in the model and the price was crashing. Made probably 30% on my stack. And I am talking about what backs the token value. there are less than 17% of the pools diversified outside of Sta, Delta, and Eth. This makes it a shitty index fund before you even get into the realities of the broken token and the fact that the only proposition of value they have now is "people might put their bailout funds in our pool"

>> No.20292221

i owned 2,5k in the old pool before it got drained, and it is all going into the new pool when i get the refund. 900% gains guaranteed is nothing to scoff at.

>> No.20292352

delusional. doge is unironically more likely to hit a dollar than STA's franken-pool is to give 900% roi
>muh inference
not how finance works

>> No.20292386
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>> No.20292428

>what backs the token value
Speculation and the pool back the token value, which is way more than most coins, which are 100% speculation. No one would hang around to fud a coin at every opportunity if they didn't have a vested interest in seeing the price go down.

I wouldn't expect it to remain at 900%, but even 1/3rd of that would still be a 3x, not even taking into account compounding.

>> No.20292607 [DELETED] 

>Speculation and the pool back the token value
okay but I just went over how the pooling system is basically holding ETH and a small collection of other coins, the way the expanding pooling model works basically makes it no longer an index fund. it's mainly just a eth liquidity pools, with a tiny % put towards speculative positions. do you know why I fund projects like this? because I am one of those retards who buys crypto for the tech. I millions burned over some shitcoin, lose all their money, actually get a refund, and want to put it BACK into the shitcoin???? what the actual fuck. there are legit projects out there, you know. look at buidl. do you know how much the team could have done with that influx of capital? how high of a market cap a real legit product can hold? instead, it gets dumped into Sta, or H3X4D, or $CAMO, or Bitconnect 2.0

>> No.20292664

>Speculation and the pool back the token value
okay but I just went over how the pooling system is basically holding ETH and a small collection of other coins. the way the expanding pooling model works basically makes STA no longer an index fund. it's mainly just a collection of eth liquidity pools, with a small % of one of the pools put towards speculative positions. do you know why I fud projects like this? because I am one of those retards who buys crypto for the tech. I have seen millions burned over a real shitcoin, seen people lose all their money, actually get a refund, and want to put it BACK into the same shitcoin???? what the actual fuck. there are legit projects out there, you know. look at buidl. do you know how much the team could have done with that influx of capital? how high of a market cap a real legit product can hold? instead, it gets dumped into Sta, or H3X4D, or $CAMO, or Bitconnect 2.0

>> No.20292779

yeap its dead, could be a 100m mc coin if the lazy fuck devs made their own balancer

>> No.20292856
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Here incase people want to make /stag/ threads in future, can add to this.

https:// pastebin.com/sGA8mWF5

>> No.20292872

>who buys crypto for the tech
You already said you used to own STA, so you have outed yourself as disingenuous. If you want people to buy BUIDL, then start a thread and shill it. Fudding other projects doesn't make anyone want to buy yours. There are several literal scams in the catalog right now, and you are not in those threads calling them out, so clearly you are not concerned about those coins stealing from other projects.

>> No.20292888

Thanks, fella, saved for future use

>> No.20293023

>You already said you used to own STA, so you have outed yourself as disingenuous
You realize I have been complaining about the tech they are using now, right? If the coin worked properly with balancer pool and they didn't have to make this abomination of a workaround I wouldn't be complaining about the abomination of a workaround, would I? you faggots don't even have an argument, all you can do is refer to the next meme they are selling you "900%!". add it to the list
>sell 1% a day at a dollar
>Thanos is a whale killer
>origin pool is safe

>> No.20293129

The pool is not as simple as before, but it accomplishes the same thing and still has ridiculous returns, so your argument about the tech is retarded.

>> No.20293347

>it accomplishes the same thing
no, it very specifically doesn't. it doesn't burn the same rate, it isn't backed the same way, it isn't even IN the balancer pool anymore, and returns have been good because link has been mooning, and we haven't even seen those returns translated into STA price.

>> No.20293360
File: 226 KB, 720x552, OOOOOOO.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody in the pool with DMG? how it´s going?
t.DMG and STA hodler

>> No.20293885

>16 posts by this id
All his arguments are invalid, not honest in spirit and ment for brainlet consumption only.

>> No.20294705

Fucking Helen Keller over here

>> No.20294720

Yes. It's dead. Abu-Bakr is in SIMP.

>> No.20294882

stiill in profit and still holding but i'm going to be honest i was planning to sell near the top but i got too greedy