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File: 99 KB, 769x1285, monero-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20284756 No.20284756 [Reply] [Original]

One of the best , still truly decentralized assets. starting an uprend right now, scarcity is not a meme. XMR is extremely scarce and has a very low inflaion rate. one of the best assets to actually store value in. abetter payment crypto also, most popular exchanges have low xmr withdraw fees. the transaction fees are also considerably low, the transactions are faster than bitcoin transactions. Not to mention monero-chan is the hottest animoo girl ive ever seen.

I'm holding an unknown amount.

>> No.20284767

I'm thinking we are going to breach $70 today.

>> No.20284770
File: 73 KB, 864x504, supply_inflation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, supply and inflation charted against bitcoins'. as you can see there are LESS XMR right now than BTC and there will be less for decades to come.

>> No.20284780
File: 171 KB, 1843x607, xmr_transacties.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


continually increasing transactions on the xmr blockchain. anon came in here and told us the darknet is switching to XMR. The darknet is how BTC initually got big.

>> No.20284809
File: 57 KB, 710x408, Screenshot_2020-07-12-06-39-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else think this is odd?

>> No.20284838

they probably count every single smalles unit of every single shitcoin out there.

>> No.20284997

So the more they print the more shitcoins they count to keep the ratio where they want?

>> No.20285099

I can't think of an easier way to balance the equation. Add to the balance sheet and create a few shitcoins.

>> No.20285149

yes, don't trust the dollar printers.

>> No.20285779
File: 142 KB, 2068x566, Screen Shot 2020-07-12 at 14.18.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really believe too much in TA and meme lines, however I've heard a lot of people talking recently about Monero needing to break $70 in order to pull out of this sideways trend.. It's actually about to happen

>> No.20286376

F it im done with dcaing, the last chunk just went into XMR
500eoy lets go
Not selling any until 900

>> No.20286474

Some of us have been talking for weeks on here about feeling a sudden and violent upwards move was on the horizon. I'm thinking that this is it.. It's actually happening

>> No.20287074 [DELETED] 

Why does the hash rate fluctulate so bad latelly?

>> No.20287103

Why does the hash rate fluctuate so bad latelly?

>> No.20287554

$zano is coming for you bitches.

>> No.20287755
File: 478 KB, 828x1352, 2FB7F902-C194-4D5A-AE6D-4309BF8BE3D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The person who created cryptonote is now the lead dev of zano. Checkem.

>> No.20287774
File: 22 KB, 500x500, LOKI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody cares about XMR anon. It went insane during a bubble off spec and first-mover status.

Buy and stake LOKI.

>> No.20287788
File: 71 KB, 534x657, 1575770459610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one cares about the only true anonymous crypto

This fud will never get old, lol

>> No.20288500

Lol zano fag is back? I thought he finally necked himself.
Anyways, charts looking good for once. Btc ratio slowly climbing.

>> No.20289246

>tech improvements (bulletproofs etc)
>uptrending tx-count
>uptrending volume
>increasing bitcoin surveillance - coinbase offers chainanalysis to the secret service
yep, i'm all in. don't sell before the next ATH.

>> No.20289368

>hired as lead developer for a project is the same thing as creating it!
kill yourself faggot

>> No.20289393

do not cast pearls before swine

>> No.20289632

>>20289368 https://thedailychain.com/andrey-sabelnikov-from-cryptonote-to-zano/

>> No.20290100

cryptonote literally started out as a scam. this doesn't mean anything.
plus zano is a fork of monero that doesn't even have all the privacy features of monero. to argue that it is better is no different that your daily ritual of shitting in the street.
but the best part is you can't show me a single vendor that accepts zano. your shitcoin is completely worthless.

>> No.20290204

My shit coin is worth 50 cents now. Roger Ver is shilling it. It’s early in the project faggot. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YCQX-8a3Bcc&t=2043 Here roger Ver shills zano after the 34:00 minute mark.

>> No.20290228
File: 37 KB, 460x416, Brainletcheap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roger Ver

>> No.20290292

you really need to kill yourself. when it comes to privacy, your shitcoin doesn't hold up to monero, which is all anybody who wants privacy cares about. kill yourself.
oh, and please, I am still waiting for you to find me a single vendor that accepts your shitcoin. come on raj, i'm waiting.

>> No.20290364

White American here faggot. Zero accept it bc it’s still early. If it had been around as xmr, Ltc or btc I’m sure plenty would be accepting it.

>> No.20290458

How often does a trade ogre coin get shilled by Forbes? And how often does one have an iOS mobile wallet? https://www.forbes.com/sites/lukefitzpatrick/2020/05/20/defi-is-reinventing-global-finance-faster-than-the-fed-can-print-money/

>> No.20290511

>he still can't name me a single vendor that accepts zano
I'm just asking for one raj. Just one. you can even use google to help you. Just one person who will accept that shit coin as a currency. ONE.

>> No.20290548


>> No.20290591
File: 307 KB, 828x623, C09BA0DC-BF15-4116-A8E2-DBF403F06F6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s none yet but as soon as the mobile wallet launches I’m sure there will be some.

>> No.20290647

They are developing swaps to make it fully compliant with any vendor who accepts btc, ltc and xmr. As I said it’s early on in the project faggot. They will be accepted plenty of places pretty soon.

>> No.20290782

lmfao you can't even find one. how worthless. a cryptocurrency that only you hold. go on, keep telling me about the swaps that are developing (Monero is already doing this, and they actually have a competent dev team) or the vaporware mobile wallet that will be of use to only you, BECAUSE NOBODY ACTUALLY USES THIS SHITCOIN.

>> No.20290789
File: 1.62 MB, 828x1792, 442F2866-C33E-4BC5-8C27-A3D55E900199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey you larping faggot. Check this the fuck out the mobile wallet is already in the iOS App Store. Vendors coming soon.

>> No.20290801

>literally one five star rating

>> No.20290829

If you insect tier brain can’t grasp the concept that this project is 4 years younger than xmr you shouldn’t be playing with the big boys.

>> No.20290870


One dimensional

no defi

no smart contracts

old tech

>> No.20290887

Seems like it's almost as shit as Ghost.

>> No.20290965

>>20289246 xmr is the only coin I can hold comfortably; walk away for years and know it will still have value and will appreciate against Bitcoin; the same can't be said for 99pct of erc20s

>> No.20290976


>> No.20291961

just search for xmr too. you have 4 fucking thrreads