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20287686 No.20287686 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20287943

Possible hidden fates restock in the eu and Asia and the amount of the new rainbow charizard max just doubled now there are 1200.

>> No.20287971

Hahahhaa this is so gay

>> No.20288021

i remember trading my 2 charizards for 40 common cards. i got tricked completely, fuck that kid that tricked me, piece of shit, CHARIZARD WHEN I MAKE IT ILL HAVE YOU BACK

>> No.20288068

After wotc stopped Terese Nielsen from making artwork for being an ebil white woman I instantly sold my entire mtg collection and decided to never touch that game again. Got around a grand from selling it, maybe I can invest it on cryptos kek

>> No.20288100

can you just print them at home using card stock

>> No.20288113
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>> No.20288166

>Imagine being this jealous of my Charizard.

>> No.20288224

nothing is more expensive than nostalgia. how can I profit off the current generation in 10 years? it seems their valuables are all digital collectables...

>> No.20288225

uh those things have no actual value, no one will actually pay more than 20 bucks for a card
it's all collectors blowing each other in saying their collection is soooo valuable

>> No.20288232


Kids growing up now are still into Pokemon.

>> No.20288289

If that were true none of the shops selling singles would stay in business. Never underestimate the disposable income of neckbeards

>> No.20288327

Try god unchained no genesis cards will ever be reprinted

>> No.20288345

i've never seen one staying open more than a couple years, tops
once they've burned up their initial investment they are done for
maybe they do some money laundering to stay afloat, anyone investing in cards should be disposed of

>> No.20288363

Cool stuff anon. I made a lot of money holding magic the gathering cards. Used to collect duallands when they are around $15 dollar each. Sold a whole bunch of them at $100 - $250.

Collecting and holding is fun. Good luck!

>> No.20288400

Yeah basically. People are fucking retarded. It's easier to print your own shit moreso now than ever before. He'll probably get scammed buying knockoffs on ebay

>> No.20288439
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>> No.20288493

>anyone investing in cards should be disposed of

Time to buckle up, get in on the action and stop hating the gains people are making .

>> No.20288498


>> No.20288518
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>> No.20288556

>being this clueless
will never make it
no, i won't explain your naive self

>> No.20288567

wow fuck them, her shits amazing

>> No.20288584

Retard. It's worth like 12 bucks because ut's not shadowless or 1st edition

>> No.20288589

fuck I hate that cunt actually most poke tubers are absolute cunts the only one I can stand is max

>> No.20288605

funko pops or lego

>> No.20288617

is this valuable, I had one 25 years ago

>> No.20288657


I would still recommend stacking them up in this condition. If you got a supply of base unlimited charizards in presentable condition I would buy a 1000 of them.. Though for a good looking one you are paying $50-$150 these days. In a lot of cases people will just want to buy one loose zard without much concern for the condition.

>> No.20288760

I have no idea. Just have what I played with as a kid.

>> No.20289037


>> No.20289081

This isn't AAVE.

>> No.20289358

This guy is such a manchild that I cant help but feel a bit bad for him. He seems to enjoy things and life though more than me currently so cant be a hypocrite I guess. Still absolutely pathetic. You can tell he never actually played the TCG

>> No.20289697

These unopened packs good for so much, even editions that are only 10 years old can rack up to 50$ unopened

>> No.20289764

what happens in 10 to 20 years when 3d printing is so good that you could probably replicate a card like this easily?

>> No.20289768
File: 460 KB, 1280x958, 35CDCDBF-EFA1-4FDB-A1B6-34EC0D7FAFA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these still valuable? I bought them in 2012 when everyone was poor. I wanted them from my childhood but have never used them after buying them.

>> No.20289827
File: 378 KB, 1280x958, 69FA50B1-20A5-4C5B-8522-BB0E3000821C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also bought some random cards that I liked the art on from childhood.

>> No.20289829

Anyone have some sleeper baseball cards to invest in

>> No.20289933
File: 285 KB, 1280x958, BD528C8E-E800-4F8A-ADC5-ED40DC0E5AF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some have signatures on them but I don’t know if that makes them more or less valuable.

>> No.20290003
File: 1.48 MB, 3024x2500, 9F262E23-2D71-48D5-8A6E-5437F1F0BAF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also have some of the original boxes, I’m not sure if that increases or decreases the value?

>> No.20290036

Are u fucking trolling? That’s a black lotus in ur pic isn’t that like 10k or somthing

>> No.20290159


>black lotus

nigger that's the most valuable card ever p put a card protector around that

>> No.20290163

Put whatever price tag you want. Who the fucks gonna buy it?

>> No.20290184

some autistic kid on 4chan

>> No.20290305


plenty of rich nerds that will shell out thousands for a black lotus. They are traded at those prices regularly.

>> No.20290384
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>> No.20290450


I would buy a scuffed up alpha black lotus for 20k

>> No.20290495
File: 347 KB, 380x530, WTR.width-380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Flesh and Blood TCG.

>> No.20290547

TCGs anymore are just worse speculation than BTC. No one even plays these fucking games anymore. They just hoard shiny cards until they get bored.

>> No.20290712

>black lotus
>signed mana drain
oh fuck off, youre clearly trolling. nobody "randomly got" signed shit like that.

>> No.20291075

This was true up until a few months ago. Any version of wotc charizard is going for a lot more now. Even base unlimited (in good condition)

>> No.20291139
File: 495 KB, 1280x958, 691AC1F0-A3C0-4F79-B19C-C319B2BA06A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy the dip Nigger. It’s 2012 all over again.

>> No.20291210
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>> No.20291211

This doesn't mean you aren't trolling you turbofaggot, you know exactly what every card you have is worth. I just don't understand why they're unsleeved, but you do you, fucko.

>> No.20291300
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>black lotus on top
>pretending he doesn't know how much it's worth

>> No.20291777

I’m going to go lick them all.

>> No.20292098

prob fakes.