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File: 25 KB, 1672x420, ETHEREUM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2027904 No.2027904 [Reply] [Original]

So whats the play with ethereum. I feel like a dump may be coming soon. I was thinking of selling at $100 and buying when it dips afterwards, but it doesnt look like this train has any fucking breaks and I don't want to miss on those gains.

Whats your plan /biz/?

>> No.2027907

Go all in on ETC right fucking now

>> No.2027908

Sell fast.

>> No.2027910

Learn to read candlesticks. Don't sell.

This rocket is leaving for the moon soon.

>> No.2027927

Keep a stop-loss behind the train (4$ behind market value)

As long as you see the 24h flow rising, it won't drop.

>> No.2027947

This. It's so fucking easy it's painful to see newfags not doing this.

>> No.2027959

All discussed here

>> No.2028106
File: 1.13 MB, 1786x1362, Screen Shot 2017-05-04 at 9.33.29 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ETHEREAL is scheduled for May 19th. The rest of EEA is going to be announced. I mean selling out now is really dumb.

>> No.2028112


forgot the link

>> No.2028129
File: 144 KB, 620x412, steve_brule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say let the dingus sell it for $100 if he wants to.

>> No.2028266

I really don't know, I've got 3.34 ether right now which all in all cost me £200

Bought 1.05 at $60 and the rest at $73

If I cash out at a hundred I make £60 profit

I need to take about £200 back out to survive the month but at the same time I see it going further than $100 and I don't want to miss out on the gainz

Then again if it crashes tomorrow I'm fucked

Just quit my job I got 1 month to find a new one also and I'm a fuckin 21y/o tenant so now isn't the time to be taking big risks

I just can't see it going down

>> No.2028303
File: 94 KB, 570x796, negro boiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some retard on reddit thought he could read the market and sold his entire stash at 49.89$ just before the massive moon pump to 70$+, because he thought it would dip back down to 44-46$ like the last couple weeks

he had to buy back in 61,25$ or something, basically lost 20% of his stash which was equaled to what he gained through day trading the previous weeks

day trading is basically gambling, no one can read the market, if you have to do it, do it with altcoins, not ethereum or bitcoin

you might win some, but you might lose it all just as fast

if you really want more eth, pump fresh cash into it

>> No.2028341

I have basically zero expenses right now and a couple thousand to fuck around with. Is it still possible to get on this rocket? I only have 10 eth right now but it shows no signs of slowing down. Would it be wise to just go all the way in with like 75% of my savings? I'm only 23 and would like to make a nice investment that I can make now and enjoy in 6 years when I'm done with medical school. Should I just buy eth and ltc or am I retarded for even asking this?

>> No.2028379

I just don't wanna be a poorfag forever. I wish I had a job when I first learned about this shite

>> No.2028394

how often do you update the stop-loss?

>> No.2028407

buy LTC

>> No.2028436

300 by end of year
After that all bets are off.
Ethereum is going straight into the stratosphere

>> No.2028437


If you don't have at least 1k to invest from the start, you can't really make good gains with this. If you wanted to really make it with that much money you should have invested when it was 12 dollars or less. Heck, I would say it's actually too late to become a millionaire at this point unless you have at least 500 ETH already.

>> No.2028442

If you're worried about missing a dip, just sell some and buy back if it dips. If not, at least you still have a foot in the door to gains.

>> No.2028445

I'm in dental school now and in the same situation. Literally have only 10 Eth but my dream is to pay off my student loans with crypto in 5 or 6 years.

Sitting on about 7K of expendable savings but I'd rather save it for enjoyment during school and/or residency years.

>> No.2028455

As much as you can. Why not? We're in a bull market, so your stop loss is just there to lock in profits.

When the bull market ends, you still get huge gains while some unfortunate newfag loses his money and vows never to return to crypto again.

You don't sell at the peak with this method, sure, but that's the price you pay for crash insurance. The alternative is to sell it right now and hope it doesn't go up further. If you're willing to bet that it does, then you have to risk that maybe it doesn't and your stop loss triggers.
The rewards here far outweigh the risks so it just makes sense to use your stop losses.

>> No.2028479

I'm considering joining the military to help me pay for school and other expenses so I can just go all in on stocks and cryptos, then graduate with a good investment and not have to worry about paying off any loans. I'm trying to plan for my future as much as possible while I'm still very young. It would be a real nice feeling to never worry about debt after I graduate.

>> No.2028482

>Have 7k in savings after school
>have 70k savings after school by investing in crypto now and riding the rocket to the moon

your choice anon

>> No.2028491

I figure'd I'd just make an extra hundred maybe 2 hundred quid to help get myself out of minor debt and maybe invest in something else but it's hard to see the goodcoins through the memecoin pumpndumps

>> No.2028494

That's my exact train of thought, since I'm not spending this money anyways it only makes perfect sense to put aside into crypto. Plus who knows where we'll be in 6 or 7 years and judging from my experience with Bitcoin I don't want to be having regrets when I'm 30 and slaving myself away

>> No.2028513

>become a millionaire
what are you smoking f a m? People on here are happy to pay for their tuition and not be debt slaves for the rest of their lives

>> No.2028713

Dunno about you, but I am trying to drop like 100$ every month into this crypto shit. I guess peak for cryptos will hit in like 10years, so just relax and masturbate on daily 1% gains

>> No.2028725


Unless I can make enough money to retire on, it's not enough. Going to need at the very least 1 million for that since I'm still pretty young. I absolutely hate working and none of my hobbies make me any money, so crypto is the last thing I have to let me retire in peace. I pretty much know at this point my 401k isn't going to cut it and social security won't be there when I'm older, I just don't want to die in a street gutter.

>> No.2028760

As often as you need to keep the distance.
Im leaving 8$ difference now because I feel like It'l shake soon.

>> No.2028802

>Do it with altcoins, not ethereum

Eth is an altcoin you fucking retard

It's also a scamcoin in a huge fucking bubble that's going to pop real soon

>> No.2028807

I know this can be bait, but faithful bastards like these make me emotional about ETH. Godspeed anon.

>> No.2028843
File: 39 KB, 1505x550, niggererr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BTC Dominance: 58.8% and dropping rapidly even though its reaching a new ATH every hour

besides, bitcoin's value is entirely dependent on altcoin, no one uses it for anything but to trade altcoins, if altcoins died, bitcoin would instantly drop down to its true value, a few cents

Ethereum is not an altcoin, but bitcoin will soon be, my man

>> No.2028858

Kraken or Coinbase for yurofags?

>> No.2028882

The biggest issue is when it hits your SL and jumps right back up. Those stalactites can mess up your gains.

>> No.2028883


maybe its bait. maybe its also exactly how i feel.

im 30 now. if i dont retire by 40 i lose hope for happiness

>> No.2028907

Yeah but I'd rather take a hit than fall to the abyss