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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20278368 No.20278368 [Reply] [Original]

What will you do when you become a millionaire?

I don't see my life changing if I became successful at trading. The only possible change is unlocking the possibility of having a family in some third world country (because the divorce laws in 1st world ones are shit). Literally nothing else would change, might as well be on neetbux because I have 0 ambitions

What about you anons, what would you do if you strike the goldmine?

>> No.20278422

Buy 4chan and delete it

>> No.20278442

This guy fucks!

>> No.20278459

the same shit im doing now. ask again at 3 or 4 million

>> No.20279483

go back to plebbit

>> No.20279521

>become a millionaire

You won't have to worry about this problem

>> No.20279530

buy cocaine and coom for days

>> No.20279536

Let my parents retire and do whatever they want.

>> No.20279553

>letting boomers do whatever they want


>> No.20279587

Literally spat on my screen

>> No.20279721

i would quit my job and devote myself to my hobbies (some of those could make money with enough time if things take off) and studying languages

>> No.20280214

Travel to a few places, read more, learn a few languages, directly change some people's lives for the better via money, listen to people more and help them just by being compassionate. This last one especially because I'm so fucking busy that when I have people blatantly cry out for my help I have to really hurry them along or dismiss them. I have to be that uncaring stone cold individual not because that's who I am or who I want to be, but because if I helped everyone I could, I'd starve to death under a bridge.

>> No.20280390

nice anon, i wish i even had hobbies outside of trading... and overtime it is becoming less of a "hobby" as i become more successful at it.

you are too kind

>> No.20280424

Create a family. Preferably with numerous women. If I'm not intelligent enough to get out of this rat race then maybe I don't deserve offspring

>> No.20280431

same as i'm doing now. buying large chunks of staking shit early (DMG) and watching my wealth grow.

>> No.20280693
File: 241 KB, 420x420, fries9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell are you talking about? Just another shitty larp demoralization thread? I'm on my way to millionaire and when I get there I won't have to wagecuck and can run my own thing

>> No.20281132

I would lurk on biz and occasionally post funny me-mes in between cooming

>> No.20281153

you must have never held a minimum wage job

>> No.20281874

and what is your "own thing", kind of the whole point of this thread kike.
only for 2 months