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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20277632 No.20277632 [Reply] [Original]

Most of us know LINK is a sure thing at this point but that begs the question

Will there be other opportunities that come even close to LINK in the next decade? If or when will you niggers be using LINK profits to re-invest into other coins? No this isn't a thread to advertise your pajeet scams and to any newfags that come here looking for "the next big thing" it's still LINK.

I am a latefag and didn't have much money so I got in at $1 and could only manage to get my hands on 9K LINK. Wondering what the odds of another revolutionary tech like LINK popping up is going to be. If nothing else good long term holds that net over 100% annually.

>> No.20277671

>Will there be other opportunities that come even close to LINK in the next decade?
>If or when will you niggers be using LINK profits to re-invest into other coins?
Ideally most of us won't have to, because by that point we'll have enough to live comfy
>I am a latefag and didn't have much money so I got in at $1 and could only manage to get my hands on 9K LINK
You are not a latefag, not at all.

>> No.20277713

PNK is the next best shot

>> No.20277723

it hurts knowing about LINK at $20 cents but not doing research and instead doing political shitposting in HWNDU threads

I could be one of the anons with a 50K stack if I wasn't such a fucking idiot and just worked. In any case hope you're right anon but I'm not going to stop at making it personally.

I'll be shitposting on /biz/ decades from now assuming this site even still exists by then

>> No.20277791

One time I found a screenshot from an old coin tracking app when LINK was 20 fucking cents and I was preoccupied with other stupid fucking crypto and school to research LINK for 5 goddamn minutes. It hurts, but I'm over it. I've learned my lesson after completely fucking up just holding BTC in the early days and fucking up just buying ETH in the early days. Nobody gets to lay their filthy claws on my cubes now.

>> No.20277807


>> No.20277817


>> No.20277829
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>I am a latefag and didn't have much money so I got in at $1 and could only manage to get my hands on 9K LINK
18 decimals...

>> No.20278193

Imagine buying only 400 linkies at ICO.

>> No.20278262
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Of course, all day everyday. Objectively speaking link hasn't delivered shit, it's success is based solely on massive hype and news. No real world application. Don't get me wrong link marines I'm not hating on the project.

I think Enjin will easily pull a 20x just like that with the difference that real companies like Microsoft and Samsung are using their products.

>> No.20278297
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>> No.20278402

It isn't late. Do you consider buying Ethereum at $6 as late buy?

>> No.20278411
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>Objectively speaking link hasn't delivered shit

>> No.20278461

SNX next stinky linky
biz has been eerily quiet on SNX...
i'm done accumulating so i don't care

>> No.20278464

I think it's a better comparison to ETH at $50 myself, but I also believe LINK is going to be significantly larger than ETH could ever hope to be. I mean in general I was late because it was sitting on the market for two years before I bought in where all the same research that led me to come to the conclusion of it being a good long term investment had already been out there.

Also, I was here when ETH was $20 and didn't buy any because I was too busy being a NEET

>> No.20278519

Unironically Statera if you are talking 5 years time

>> No.20278539
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>Will there be other opportunities that come even close to LINK in the next decade?

>> No.20278544
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>> No.20278557

You've already missed the presale for it.


>> No.20278565

OP Ocean and DMG are the ONLY next Link opportunities for cheap. Accumulate now. Both about to explode this upcoming week.

>> No.20278619

>not knowing about geeq
>not knowing about the geeq team
>thinking your shitcoins will ever beat geeq

>> No.20278636


Jesus fucking christ I'm not going to buy your shit covered coins. Did any of you even read what I said or did you assume I was asking you what was going to be the next big thing?

Take a good look for any newfags that are lurking in this thread. These are all examples of PND discord trannies that are out to take your money.

I mean look at this shit.

>> No.20278655

LOL just look at the team retard geeq.io

>> No.20278676

yooo is LINK going to dip again?
I want to buy more
Whats a good price to buy back in?

>> No.20278715

say geeq a few more times you tedious cunt

>> No.20278716
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>Jesus fucking christ I'm not going to buy your shit covered coins

>> No.20278726

No but seriously anon, PNK is your next best bet. You asked will anything else come close to LINK tier opportunity, at least one anon delivered a simple answer. What do you want, people to just discuss hypotheticals with no substance?

>> No.20278758

because I'm trying to give you faggots an opportunity
Can only drill it into your heads so many times.
Filled to the brim with high profile academics and the tokenomics are god tier

>> No.20278767

Very abstract, can i borrow this?

>> No.20278776

>What do you want, people to just discuss hypotheticals with no substance?
yes actually but that doesn't really matter now.

Although I admit the PNK chart looks a lot better than the other shitcoins constantly shilled here but the recent pump makes me suspicious. I'll probably keep an eye on it and do some research later. I'm pretty good at detecting scams. Either way I won't be selling my LINK anytime soon

>> No.20278784

Probably not. Have you noticed that the hot tokens now are all super complicated defi shit? There is not much that you can just buy on binance and hold for x years. The market is being crowded out by crypto rich semi-pro full time investors

>> No.20278795

biz is a gold mine, you just need to spend time and pay attention

>> No.20278797
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by all means, I have more

>> No.20278801


>> No.20278829

absolutely fucking fake name fag fuck you. 42 wouldnt shill some shitcoin twice in a row

>> No.20278864


Okay you fucking retard. What price did you buy Link at? I loaded up at 20 cents and now have been loading up on Ocean since last year and now DMG. Just because you are too fucking stupid to identify these world changing projects early on, don't shit all over them.

>> No.20278893

Good man. I wouldn’t advise selling your LINK by any stretch. Just be warned, it’s unwise to write PNK off as another pajeet scam.

>> No.20278907

Private rounds on startups. Increase your cash income, i used to scrape together 600 a month this year I’m making 4-7k a week.
Look at valuations and project into the billions. Dont be dumb, pick a niche and know your shit. I was a poorfag, complete neet still live like one. Two years of nothing but reading about finance, taxes and some specific niches for future industries. Start making money then put it into your niche interest.

>> No.20278913

i like your style so im going to tell you even though you didn't ask. if you have 9k link and can't finish your 10k stack the next bext option is just put the rest of your portfolio into fund (unification). within 3 months you will be able to get a lot more than link than 10k

>> No.20278941

REN is hiding under everyone's nose right now because they think it mooned already. Hint: It hasn't even started. Interoperability between any blockchain is one of the holy grails of value add to the crypto economy.

>> No.20279015

Please tell me more anon. Where can I do this?

>> No.20279026

and the indian shilling pnk is correct. its basically link 2.0 but its going to take a while like link and for the same reasons so most will miss it again. now i have to sage because you've been told too much and i dont want these idiots pumping pnk before i can get back in

>> No.20279041
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I'm accumulating both REN and SNX right now, feels comfy

>> No.20279153

Nice LARP. Even if you did but LINK at 20 cents it doesn't change the fact that you're pajeeting for coins that were literally created within the last two months.

It's so incredibly obvious to anyone with a brain you're trying to dump your bags. If they were so world changing you would be talking about what problems it actually solves rather than how much supposed money it will be worth next week like a scuffed gypsy reading a brown crystal ball. This time next week the catalog will be filled with pink wojaks and people (yet again) yelling about getting scammed.

If the coin survives more than a month on /biz/ like some other projects without tanking 50% I'll look into it. But it seems my simple thread trying to discuss the future of crypto post LINK has been met with the shitcoin shill armada so I'll gladly let it die now. See you when LINK is $10

>> No.20279218

link doesn't even come close to bitcoin and eth

>> No.20279233

to clarify, i ended up making more money on my own by building my knawledge base ala tai lopez. Two digit chads make money doing something they think is revolutionary, so they bust their ass.
My income stream is too niche to share it, but the second part I can elaborate. I got obsessed with obsessed with one boring boomer niche and a totally different niche opened up because I made a costly mistake.
look up vc holdings, look at crunchbase, read whatever is relevant to the field, medical, banking, w/e.

>> No.20279243

most of you have 3 digit stacks
you're still poor

>> No.20279275
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you cant fathom that i have a 6 digit USD stack of LINK

>> No.20279317

post stack
can you fathom that I have a seven digit link stack?

>> No.20279363

Thanks for the tip anon. I wasn't expecting you to reveal any secrets, I'm just looking for where to start. Much appreciated

>> No.20279629

market big. market provide opportunity everyday.

>> No.20279652

Nobody gives a fuck about interoperability

>> No.20279895

I think after LINK starts to mature and the network is seeing absurd amounts of use the following concepts will be the next moon shot although some could happen before it takes off

-Decentralized cloud data storage with the right tokenomics

-Automated liquidity pools with the right incentives or seamless interface

-An exchange token that gives dividends from performing arbitrage through smart contracts between DEXes with flashloans potentially.

>> No.20280299

i think 2. and 3. will happen concurrently with LINK

>> No.20280317

Everything DeFi except for COMP because of the fucking whales

>> No.20280508


>> No.20281330

PegNet is a sure bet. DeFi. Barely 2 million capitalization. Not in a big exchange yet. One could say it has some potential.

>> No.20281367

Factom is dead, it's time to let it go anon

>> No.20281416
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Anon 9k is a very comfy stack and if you sell at the right times this bullrun you will make it.
Swift are still integrating link oracles btw, it didn't end at the proof of concept in 2016

>> No.20281589

Ethereum = Microsoft
Chainlink = HTTP/Internet
DMG = whatever big bank
BTC = Gold

you gotta find the MacOS and you'll be good, AVAX seems to be a good choice on paper.

>> No.20281616


>> No.20281684


Itll inevitably go down to under 2.50. Save your pennies for that moment