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File: 128 KB, 1200x800, 423AAA68-2498-4744-8DFB-9342B7F80DA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20276699 No.20276699 [Reply] [Original]

I’m 23 and live at home. Last month I have taken out 20k on new credit cards under my parents name.

I have no prospects or network connections; Don’t tell me I’m an idiot. I’m desperate. I know crypto has bottomed out and I need to go all in on a few investments.

I read about how one guy on Reddit bought calls on Tesla and made millions. I’d rather invest in crypto.

25% XSN , 35% LINK , 40% ETH. Xsn is the moonshot, link is the sure 3 or 4x in a year and Eth is surely going to 2 or 3x . I have 18 months of No interest.

Make me feel I did the right thing. I really need to make it. I’m tired of everything.

>> No.20276728

Let me get this straight. You want us to tell you it’s okay that you stole money to buy crypto?

>> No.20276731

checked, good luck anon, get some AMPL as well, it's literally giving you 20% daily

>> No.20276732
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Kek wills it. You'll make it

>> No.20276753

Yes anon. in 10 years you'll be a trillionaire.

>> No.20276756

The only thing that is sure is that you could easily lose 99%

>> No.20276775

Wow, you're a piece of shit

>> No.20276783
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you will lose all your money and your parents will continue to hate you
the only thing you can do to improve your situation is to unlearn your wh*teness

>> No.20276787


I have 18 months to repay it. I get electronic statements my parents won’t find out.

>> No.20276789
File: 47 KB, 500x461, 1496662411587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Xsn is the moonshot
It definitely is the hottest crypto right now if you care about fundamentals. Got a masternode?

>> No.20276791

You stole your parents credit and bought 4chan scamcoins.

You are a fucking idiot dude, you aren’t going to make it on 20K no matter what, this is definitely going to go poorly. Pay it back and close the credit line, you absolute moron. Your parents do not deserve this.

>> No.20276797

You still have to make payments every month

>> No.20276809

I've heard he can just file for bankruptcy and clear all the debt

>> No.20276815

If you guys knew only knew my situation . I have NOTHING going for me.

>> No.20276832

No his parents would have to file for bankruptcy or pursue criminal charges agains their son to get it off the record.


>> No.20276844

Why don’t you have anything going for you?

>> No.20276847


Nope I don’t.

>> No.20276856
File: 70 KB, 1168x599, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>telegrammers in Satsgang/Spectre group link this thread to tell OP that he's correct to buy XSN
>For the past couple days they make threads with mention LINK (the best project in crypto) and XSN (their stinky dogshit project)

Stop spamming this board Spectre, you aren't going to convince the high IQ biznessmen here. Stick to telegram.

>> No.20276864

Interest free doesn't mean payment free

>> No.20276892

No job no life no friends What the FUCK do I have to lose. I’m fucking tearing up just thinking about it But I don’t care. This is better than the lottery and it’s happened to a fuck ton of you. I have a better chance at this than anything else.

>> No.20276908

>No job no life no friends
let me guess, you go on /pol/?

>> No.20276919


Yes but there’s no late fee on the payment and there no interest I did my research first.

>> No.20276935

Your parents faith in you? Potential criminal record?

You aren’ going to make it with 20K even if miraculously this goes well. Your parents are going to see this on their credit report within a month.

>> No.20276950

This thread is a complete LARP, only written to shill XSN.

>> No.20276976


I live at home and I get the mail. Why assume the worst?? I honestly believe that ETH will double if not more and this is the bottom.

Is 20k isn’t enough then what is?

>> No.20276985

What you did wasn't right, but if your parents are as cool as mine they'll prob forgive you. Especially if you make millions off it. Good luck man.

>> No.20276993
File: 2.38 MB, 4448x5904, XSN Fud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh just shut the fuck up will you, pajeet faggot.

>> No.20276999

This is some uncut gems shit I’ve ever seen it. Anon, there’s no talking you out of what you’ve done. Be prepared to face the consequences, but then again bro it might end up working out you could repay them and the companies in full. Only time will tell, but you shouldn’t of done that. You should of taken the loans in your name not theirs, if their credit is ruined off of this you’re going to feel extremely bad and you might fuck their lives over.

>> No.20277001


Not any more than any other. What’s that supposed to mean?

>> No.20277010

You'll make it just because you have the balls to betray your family because of your strong desire. I'd skip the XSN for something like EPIC though. Tech is better.

>> No.20277015


THANK YOU! Honestly I don’t plan to tell them . But I do plan to pay every cent back.

>> No.20277020

Anon, I really understand you and your situation. And I can see why you did what you did.
However, it is a terrible thing to destroy your parents faith in you. I am sure they love you.
Imagine being in their position and your son betrays you.
You would be dissapointed for life.
And Crypto could collapse tomorrow or in half a year.
While longterm (5+ years) you will be up, there is no promise, that it will be up within a year.
However, good luck. Also go All In LINK
They might also get post from the IRS for buying Crypto

>> No.20277021

>You aren’ going to make it with 20K even if miraculously this goes well
wrong. ppl have made alot of money with much less.

>> No.20277026

why didnt you just take out credit in your own name dumbfuck? it might not have been as big a play but it wouldn't fuck your parents over if you ended up an heroing

>> No.20277034

dump that shit. go all in RSR. thank me next year

>> No.20277039

uhh bro you better hook them up if your shitcoins work out. since you didnt go all in on link im not sure youll make it. good luck

>> No.20277042

how the hell do you buy crypto with credit cards anyway

>> No.20277043

Go fuck yourself retards, you put so much effort to shill to people who won't buy your scam. Go shill to reddit.

>> No.20277057


Thank you anon. I would do it under my name if possible but I can’t get that high of a line of credit.

>> No.20277063

>buying crypto with credit cards
>18 months of No interest.

how are you making the monthly payments?

>> No.20277095

that is more than 3000 LINK
Neck yourself Nolinker

>> No.20277115
File: 222 KB, 1200x1694, 36621d08a6a0335c1f23409fe4a96a2e(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spectre, please fuck off and stop ruining this board.
OP, you're fucking retarded for eating up the XSN shill posts.

>> No.20277125

Seconding. Look into RSR. Link eth and xsn are not the coins you want to be holding. You’ll make way more with RSR. DYOR on it

>> No.20277129

all in RSR if not larp. its your last chance.

>> No.20277132

>I’m fucking tearing up just thinking about it

>> No.20277167

i have 18 months 0% APR on my credit card. it's real. but buying crypto with credit cards is where it gets fuzzy. it's possible but kinda hard you cant just buy crypto straight.

>> No.20277169


You believe because you want to believe, objectively crypto is incredibly risky and any coin could go to zero at any moment.

>> No.20277181

you get emails about new cards opened under your name. you better hope they never check their emails

>> No.20277203

you fucked up. my bank, credit karma, and other sites emailed me when i open up a new credit card to alert me incase there was any fraud. you are so stupid if you think you won't get caught

>> No.20277285

This better go up to 8-100$ ASAP so he can flip what’s he’s got in right now and halfway make it right. They might let it ride though so long as there’s no loss. Literally uncut gems shit

>> No.20277296

Life is not a movie and even then He got shot in the fucking head at the end of that movie.

>> No.20277313


The upside is worth the risk of going to 0.

>> No.20277341

sounds like you need a therapist or life guidance instead of some internet coins u dumb dumb

>> No.20277345

it has to moon within 48 hours for him to make it. it took a day or 2 to start getting random emails about a new line opened up and a change in my credit score cause of it

>> No.20277347

Submit screeenshots or larp

>> No.20277364


>> No.20277365

Do they not check their credit reports or get any notifications when their rating drops because their debt to credit ratio is all fucked up?

>> No.20277368

also, you just probably caused your parents credit scores to take a big hit

>> No.20277383

bro that's cringe, you invested in cringe

>> No.20277384

are you retarded? google 18 months 0% apr

>> No.20277411


>> No.20277428

market caps were lower then, more room to grow
five figures is not enough now

>> No.20277433

I hope they don't use something like Credit Karma, because if they do you're fucked.

>> No.20277442

He definitely did
The hard inquiry's alone dropped it some, and unless they're rich and have huge credit lines using up 20k will seriously tank them

>> No.20277471

i lost 20 points on my credit score for opening a fucking $500 kohls charge card. 20k would shred me and my score was around 700

>> No.20277501

no joke credit karma has emailed me like 15 times in 2 weeks for opening a new card with a $500 limit. chase bank too.

>> No.20277558

Pretty sure once you miss payments that will change and those terms are out the window. You are a fucking asshole for doing this to your parents.

>> No.20277619

Wow. This dude's complete gutter filth.

>> No.20277642

Lol dude you think your parents won't see their credit score tank and number of credit lines increased? You're fucked.

>> No.20277668

And that will continue as long as you carry this mindset

>> No.20277710

Not only did he open up new tradelines for 20k, he immediately maxed them. Lol rekt

>> No.20277771
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This is the statement before the purchases

>> No.20277805 [DELETED] 

Lol you dumb nigger, if they have any form of online banking or any use any credit reporting system they found out the moment you hit submit.

>> No.20277853

you can tell a lot about an asset class by who's invested in it

suicidal losers, committing credit card fraud, thinking they're "investing" by participating in pump n dump schemes...yep, crypto is really about fundamentals, lol

>> No.20277858


*meant after*

Also there’s another card for 5k . Combined total 20k

>> No.20277883


I’m up on everything.

>> No.20277892

So you were able to use the credit card but it's treated as cash so you actually only have 3000 to use and looks like you've spent a little led than 2700. Far cry from 20k you square.

>> No.20277930

Not much different from stock or pm. Only a lot more sophisticated

>> No.20278808

you're gonna ruin your parents credit score you imbecile. You gotta at least pay the monthly minimum.

>> No.20278934

If you've already got the money ready to go, use it to pay off the card and cancel it immediately. Then tell your parents and see if they will forgive you. Faggot.

>> No.20279008

lol imagine being a thief.

>> No.20279040

3K on chainlink turned into $84k

20K couldve been $560k

this guys a genius.

>> No.20279500

This reminds me of when someone stole my mother in law’s debit card information and wiped her out with Binance purchases

>> No.20279555

Was it you?

>> No.20279569

No, but I was the only one in the family who knew what those charges were and that it was fraud

>> No.20280120

Why not just do options trading instead of fucking crypto? So you’re not at the mercy of pump and dumps and people shilling fucking coins so they can sell their bags to you?

>> No.20280630

You're a pathetic WORM of a human, using your endless self-pity and narcissism as an excuse to risk the livelihoods of those who raised you, and continue to shelter you. Even so, you still come crawling to 4chan for validation, thinking that surely this den of scum will make you feel better about your poor choices.

Pay the money back now and work on yourself as a human being, it's not too late to get some skills, get a job, and invest your own damn money.

>> No.20280637

>At anytime during 2019, did you receive, sell, send, exchange, or otherwise acquire any financial interest in any virtual currency?
Starting this year, you will have to disclose to the IRS on your tax return your financial interests in cryptocurrency. I hope you thought through the implications of that and what would happen if the IRS performs an audit on you.

>> No.20280655

You retards sure love your confirmation bias. You know if you perfectly traded Amazon last week using options your 3K could’ve become 80M USD, 20K would be 540M?

>> No.20281071
File: 418 KB, 1343x1062, onemasternode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK rank 1
Linkpool for staking (0.04lp for every 400link)
XSN rank 2
Try to get at least 1 masternode.

$10 Eth only for gas

>> No.20281465

You're a terrible person and you don't deserve to make it. You're desperate and unwilling to work for anything. You're a garbage human being, and your parents are better off without you.