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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 258x245, 354deaa3770912621bb816da070346ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2027398 No.2027398 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw all these bagholders actually think they can cash out their crypto and become millionaires

Holy shit you NEETS are going to be in such a shock when you try to cash out your hundreds or thousands of worthless coins.

Unless you're actually a criminal and are in on it with corrupt brokers, you'll quickly realize most exchanges do not allow allow large withdrawals into fiat. Why? Because they're all heavily engaged in leveraged trading meaning large cash withdrawals would effectively make them go bankrupt.

I tried to withdraw $25,000 from coinbase some months ago and they basically locked my account and I still haven't heard back from their support team. Good thing I never paid for my crypto as I got it for free years ago. Also I have a good well paying job which motivates me not to kill myself on silly imaginary shit like this, unlike many of you shitcoin bagholders who will.

>> No.2027402

you know you can sue them, right?

>> No.2027410

>Withdraw all at once
>Go over withdraw limit
>Upset that account is frozen

>> No.2027413


Why does crypto make dumb frogposterd so assblasted?

>> No.2027414
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>he thinks he can sue a broker located in China

>> No.2027416

He never did this. He doesn't have 25k locked up that he doesn't care about

>> No.2027418


Coinbase shows you your weekly withdraw limit right fucking there. You have only yourself to blame fo losing that ez $25k.

>> No.2027431
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>try to withdraw all your cash when bitcoin is $1500
>can't because you went over the limit
>wait for a week
>bitcoin is now $500

You bagholders are so delusional its hilarious.

>> No.2027440
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So much cope ITT. Get help op.

>> No.2027451

the can't cash out meme seems to be the hottest form of cope around nocoiners?

>> No.2027452


Buy gold.. Shipped to your house, they accept bitcoin payments... Now.. What's the problem here you dick?

>> No.2027459
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>try to withdraw all your cash when bitcoin is $1500
>can't because you went over the limit
>wait for a week
>bitcoin is now $5000

>> No.2027460
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>> No.2027461

im sad and have no balls to invest in crypto so i cry about all the other people who have balls and are successful at it.
>but i wagecuck successfully
wp op, wp. nice try shilling the wagecuck lifestyle

>> No.2027464

Don't tell me you tried to withdrawal 25k at once.

>> No.2027465

p.s check out https://www.bitpremier.com/

>> No.2027471
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By the way, it's time to take this to the normie world.
Start mentioning it on kikebook and youtube. Each view literaly turns into an eth buy order.
Even if eth is a scam, we can keep making money off a ponzi.

>> No.2027472

I just turned 18 4 months ago and want to invest in cryptocurreny but I don't know much about it, but OP sounds like he's really mad about missing out on profit so I want to confirm whether or not it's true you can't cash out your earnings

This might be a dumb question but I seriously have 0 experience with it so sorry for my ignorance

>> No.2027486

you can cash out, i cashed a portion of my stack worth 5 figures last month without a problem, i'm not from america though

>> No.2027496

Kraken has the most linear cashing out, you just wire it or SEPA transfer if in europe.
Worst case scenario, trade it for BTC. Then you can either trade BTC for fake money, drugs, cp, weapons, credit cards, basically everything you need to make worthy money.

>tfw KEK has it all figured out for it's followers

>> No.2027500
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Nocoinism (if you are an altcoiner, that includes you) is so 2014. It's been kicked to the curb by everyone.

Nocoiners just can't get over the fact that they lost the crypto war.

Let me take you under 18s back to the year of 2014:
>nocoiners on the rise on the internet with their voices getting more heard everyday
>nocoiner leaders like Hearn, Ver, and (worse) Hitchens are respected voices in the community
>r/passiveinvesting is one of the top boards on bleddit
>Liberal journo atheist hacks trying to push things like "Chinese central bankers" and "Mark Karpeles"

Cut to today:
>Hearn, Ver, and (worse) Hitchen (may he RIP) viewed as complete psychos for their insane political/crypto views
>r/passiveinvesting moved to the basement of bleddit because it was embarrassing euphoric garbage
>things like "Snapchat IPOs" draw less millenial investors than a Hitler impersonator at a bar mitvah
>nocoiner communities tear themselves apart over things like BU gate (giving rise to Dash, and Eth, which are less successful than just regular Litecoins)
>constant rape and sexual assault allegations at nocoiner conventions (even nocoiner (BU) leaders like Jihan Wu are accused...by other nocoiner leaders)
>"Chinese central bankers" and "Mark Karpeles" are a distant memory
>liberal atheist journos in Britain crushed by Brexit

And quite frankly all this bad stuff wasn't even needed. All it would have took was one euphoric moon quote and a couple of lunar images. Bitcoin is still kicking 2 years later, and nocoinerism is at it knees because of a jpeg of an astronomical body orbiting Earth. Sad

>> No.2027509
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I don't want fishy illegal shit, I just want money

>> No.2027512
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The only one who is going to be butthurt and suicidal is YOU when you find out one day you simply can't withdraw all your millions of shitcoin to fiat or your broker gets "hacked" and runs off with your money.

>> No.2027519

So FUD aside, how does one withdraw higher levels of FIAT? I've never heard of this issue before.

>> No.2027525
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>don't want fishy illegal shit
>I just want money

Is this really how normies think?

>> No.2027530
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>I just want money

Unless you have a drug cartel warlord or cp ring leader on speed dial who'd be willing to exchange his embezzled fiat for your bitcoin, yeah good luck with that.

>> No.2027539

It isn't an issue and never has been. I personally withdrew 60k the other day to pay for my new BMW.

>> No.2027540

It's sad to see this coping mechanism when it's simply not true

>> No.2027543
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>found the low life criminal scumbag whos into cp.

No need to brag about it, anon. We already know all shitcoin holders have that one thing in common.

>> No.2027555

The only low life criminals are the ones who get caught. Write this down somewhere.

Made 5k this week alone reselling coke (only cut with half levamisole, so it's still pretty pure)

>> No.2027561

do you use kraken or coinbase? which one would you recommend?

>> No.2027564

Is this true? My dad introduced me to BTC

>> No.2027569
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>anon calls his corrupt pump and dump broker
>"Coinbase customer support speaking. How may I help you?"
>I want to speak to kek
>"Whats the password?"
>"AWWW SHEEIT NIGGA. How much you wanna withdraw today senpai?"
>"Done. Its way over the limit, but we'll artificially dump the price so some normies sell their holdings and we make up that loss in the next pump"

>> No.2027570

And I forgot to mention, drugs are the least profitable criminal activity. The only worse risk/reward comes from stealing, but niggers aren't very good at risk management anyway.


>> No.2027665

anon, let me ask you, why do you go to these lengths to cuck yourself out of gains?

>> No.2027698

If it was easy to cash out and withdraw your shitcoin gains, I would not be complaining. But the fact is, most exchanges are just fucking crooks. Easy to deposit fiat and buy a shitcoin but nearly impossible to withdraw large gains.

>> No.2027717

you're legit just dumb mate
most exchanges allow you to expand your withdraw limit
you sound like someone who doesn't really know what he's talking about
keep on waging friend ill be making my bux off real estate and crypto ;')

>> No.2027770

> drugs are the least profitable criminal activity

How's the weather on your planet?

>> No.2027775

Best way to invest in crypto?

>> No.2027783

>tfw have 1000 in kraken
>not tier 3 verified so cant even withdraw

Oh well maybe by the time im 25-30 itll be a million

>> No.2027802

You're talking like 25k is worth shit. For me that's a fortune ,even couple grand could change my life.

>> No.2027829
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>tfw Coinbase has permanently banned you from all deposits/buys

>> No.2027850

Where can I see my withdrawal limit? My Buy/Sell tab just says that I need to add a new payment option although I already added one which is verified.

>> No.2027980

Thanks man

>> No.2028008


BTC-E allows wire transfers of up to half a mil at a time, and outlived both cryptsy, mtgox and countless other memes.

>> No.2028271

Is this true

>> No.2028357

Most exchanges clearly state what their daily withdrawal limits are. What's the problem?

>> No.2028384

>Because they're all heavily engaged in leveraged trading meaning large cash withdrawals would effectively make them go bankrupt.
Aren't they supposed to provide leverage out of their OWN budget?

>I tried to withdraw $25,000 from coinbase some months ago and they basically locked my account and I still haven't heard back from their support team.
For some reason I don't believe you. It's not like one wouldn't find a way to communicate with their representatives if he really had that much at stake

>> No.2028408

Also, if the Coinbase code wasn't written by a dirt-cheap pajeet, they should block withdrawals exceeding the daily limit AUTOMATICALLY, without locking your acc

>> No.2028417

The problem is he got no coins and his life is shit so he has to cope

>> No.2028427

Who said I will fucking cash out all at once?

Who said I can't do it in small portions?

Who said I can't do it over multiple exchanges?

>> No.2028429

wait what goys.... you want to say that I can transfere my BTC to coinbase and just easily withdraw euros to my paypal bank account??? And no sell them dirty cheap to my local buyers like a pajeet?
How big are the fees there?

>> No.2028450
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theres your problem retard

>tfw you can liquidate 250k euro a month / 20k euro a day on kraken, and can increase it to 500k / 50k if you have a big stash of crypto

>> No.2028498

The ease of withdrawal depends on your country. Also, there exist country-specific crypto currency exchanges with local methods.

>> No.2028535

>he doesn't know about Trezor and Ledger nano

mag coping wagie detected

your wife will probably leave you for me, seeing how easy my life is while you slave away for pennies

>> No.2028539

Is this a good site for Americans?

>> No.2028546
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Enjoy your v&

>> No.2028559

I'm actually glad OP tried to spread FUD because I'd never checked exchanges limits. Apparently I can only withdraw a few k per day with a processing time of up to a month. I guess that'd be pretty significant in the event of a major happening like an economic crash.

>> No.2028573

Right. This is not even a good lie. I can see right through your bullshit.

>> No.2028678
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.2028707
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b-but I was trolling you

>> No.2028734

>Even if eth is a scam

It is.

Bitcoin is now over $1600 yet all you see on this board is eth shills

They'll disappear after the crash just like last time though

>> No.2028902

>He says that not realizing bitcoin prices are inflated atm because of certain exchanges having problems with banks.

>> No.2028933

>tfw btc can be easily converted to up to $10k per order in silver, gold, or platinum bullion at a small premium to spot
>free shipping

I don't see the problem

>> No.2028938
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>He says that not realizing much of bitcoins recent pump is from people buying BTC to buy ETH.

>> No.2029101



>> No.2029108

>coinbase sell limit is 30k per week
>try to sell 30k worth of btc
>it goes through immediately
>money arrives in my bank account 3-4 days later

I've literally never had a problem cashing out. OP is a fudmonkey.

>> No.2029133

1. don't keep coins on exchange.
2. live in a civilized country(not US) that have a mobile payment service to your fiat account
3. change your altcoins to btc
4. move btc to localbitcoins, talk to that vendor with over 20k 100% positive reviews
5. You move the btc into escrow, 10-20 seconds later have the fiat on your bank account. You release the escrow.


>> No.2029142

i'd use gemini or poloniex if you are american

i heard kraken is only available in a few states

>> No.2029149

cash out on kraken or polo so they dont get the fee gain

teach those kikes

>> No.2029169

You can't cash out on Polo. That doesn't exist.

Kraken makes you pay huge wire transfer fees.

I fucking hate Coinbase but it's the cheapest way to cash out except for Localbitcoins but that's risky and I still have to deal with BTC price volatility in that case.

Tether.to used to be a great option to cash out but now you have to wait for that.

Tether.to was another cheap way to cash out

>> No.2029182


On Coinbase I cashed out over 100,000 bitcoins at $1300 just a few weeks ago. 130 million payout came through in just under a day. OP is lying.

>> No.2029185


>> No.2029186 [DELETED] 

I think amerifags can cash out from this Canadian exchange


They apparently do bank transfers to US as well

>> No.2029215

Are you Roger Ver

>> No.2029240

---> polo ---> tether --->cash out on tether.io

kraken also have sepa transfers unless you live in a third world country

>> No.2029241

Gemini is pretty choice. Bank transfers are faster and their fees are low, I paid 1.25 on a 500 dollar BTC buy yesterday.

>> No.2029259

Bitcoin is the future, you shortsighted idiot
Each day that passes, more stores are accepting crypto
Trump's obamacare replacement was considering adding bitcoin as a payment method, how long until all stores accept bitcoin as a legitimate form of currency?

Stay poor

>> No.2030015

what is the best site to cash out my BTC? I don't want to get fucked by transactions fees
live in Canada btw

>> No.2030343

if i deposited via debit card on coinbase can I cash out the same way? it says it would deposit to usd wallet, can i go from there to the card?

>> No.2030400

quadrigacx worked for me, but other people on /biz had a shitty experience with it somehow (just a heads up)

Otherwise just do localbitcoins.com

>> No.2030546
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>using online/wallets like coinbase,btc-e,blockchain

it's almost as if you want to be robbed

>> No.2030945


Sometimes anon i like to send ma coins to a wallet.

Then i like to withdraw slowly on lbc.

But thats just me. Kys.

>> No.2031092

What should I use Anon?

>> No.2031115


>ACH for $500 insta deposits no waiting needed

>$10,000 a Day withdrawl limit.

>$0.00 transfer fees

>about to have their own bitcoin ETF

Tell me again coinlets, why would anyone use cuckbase?

>> No.2031118

oh and NYS Bitlicense approved, can't forget

>> No.2031140

How to do this? Mine doesn't give any options when I click to increase limit

>> No.2031249


For BTC you should use Electrum
For ETH: Mist/Eth wallet

you dont need anything else, unless you're an autistic cunt that downloads everything you see online and get virus'd you dont need to have special hardware or use online wallets.

Do make sure you have a backup of your seed/walletfile/password on an external storage hidden somewhere only you can access incase something does happen. 100% foolproof

>> No.2031261

salty nocoiner wew lad you must have a shit life.

>> No.2031379

This is what we're all finding out. You have to drip out like a faggot with chlamydia. A good thing - as it can't be easily manipulated. Until someone finds a way...

>> No.2031744


Take your BTC onto your private wallet client from the exchange

Go to JM Bullion, buy some or a lot of gold/silver with BTC

Take some of that to a local pawn shop or a local jewelry shop and sell for desired fiat amount.

tip: buy minted coins like American Eagles, will cost you a premium but usually means you will be able to get back a little over spot, so you are losing like ~$25 on 1 ounce gold/ ~$1 on 1 ounce silver

protip: having some physical gold/silver is never a bad thing, and if everything takes a massive shit, usually the price of precious metals goes up so not a bad hedge on fiat

>> No.2031751


>Still using Coinbase

Well you truely deserved it

>> No.2031755

Wouldn't it take years to sync

>> No.2031771

>Aren't they supposed to provide leverage out of their OWN budget?
their budget is just leverage

>> No.2032821
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this is a FUD concern thread. clearly alinsky at work

>> No.2033101

Are you pretending to be retarded

>> No.2033637

I came to the conclusion that coins attract autism.

>> No.2034780

Trying to put this thread on some kind of rails. What should I be using to buy and sell crypto if I'm Australian?

>> No.2034848

>1. don't keep coins on exchange.
>2. live in a civilized country(not US) that have a mobile payment service to your fiat account
>3. change your altcoins to btc
>4. move btc to localbitcoins, talk to that vendor with over 20k 100% positive reviews
>5. You move the btc into escrow, 10-20 seconds later have the fiat on your bank account. You release the escrow.

>> No.2035877

Where is the best place to buy BTC for australians? coinbase is a ripoff
bump for this

>> No.2035905

It really is a house of cards, where this is only one of the issues and things that can go horribly wrong.

and how much tax are you paying on that? Or are you simply lying through your teeth.

I'd like to see some real numbers of how much of these crypto riches are actually useable.

>> No.2035910
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>> No.2035918

>100 replies
ah yes. why is /biz/ so full of ignorant nocoiners? basically the whole purpose of this board was crypto currency

>> No.2035921

if you sell your bitcoin at $1500 then the cash will sit in your account and you can just withdraw in a few instalments

>> No.2035978
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Please tell me that you were not stupid enough to buy this scam

>> No.2036157

I don't want to be a millionaire, I just want to have a secure 1k yuros per month so I can live comfortably in this shithole of a country until I die.

>> No.2036444
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>Holy shit you NEETS are going to be in such a shock when you try to cash out your hundreds or thousands of worthless coins.

What do you get when you cash out worthless coins? Nothing?

You're half right in that 42 billion will be impossible to convert to liquidity overnight. Its a small exit door in the theater. As long as no one panics nobody will get trampled.

But the reality is that only 2% on the low end and maybe 10% on the high end is actively traded every day. So panics are self-limiting because all the crypto is not in play. Dumpers, be warned. The resulting stability is an emergent mass effect.

>> No.2036968


>> No.2037037

what is USDT?

>> No.2037233

>kill myself
OP, these people are going to start shooting up malls, schools, etc. instead of themselves

>> No.2038266

anyone else investing in greek government bonds?

>> No.2038315

Alpha bots sad attempt to say "please don't go young boy".

Sad really.
