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File: 205 KB, 659x525, 848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2027126 No.2027126 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw bitcoin and ethereum are launching to the moon right now because of France's Presidential Elections this weekend under the assumption that if Marine Le Pen wins, it would cause French and Euro Bond yields to rise, crashing bond prices, causing loads of boomers and old pensioners to panic as they mostly have Equity/Bond allocations in the ratio of 40/60 in their retirement accounts and pension funds, which would initiate a mass sell off as everyone tries to cash out at once, and then Brokers close down their funds and suspend trading, causing further panic and contagion, causing stock prices worldwide to fall dramatically, causing bankruns which causes a shitstorm in the Banking sector, all the while bitcoin and ethereum reach prices of $2000 per BTC and $500 per ETH respectively within the course of a week

You guys do realize Bitcoin and Ethereum will crash hard if Le Pen doesn't win, right?

>> No.2027138

whatever helps you cope m8

>> No.2027142
File: 34 KB, 655x527, 02f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm waiting to buy the dip. It should dip down to $1200 after Le Pen loses.

>> No.2027145
File: 68 KB, 654x526, 1493816471885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must suck not having any ETH.

>> No.2027151


>> No.2027153
File: 42 KB, 481x406, uniapu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you brainlets assuming I am a nocoiner?

I'm just warning ya'll not to buy now. Wait for the dip after the French elections.

Buy high at your own risk.

>> No.2027156

i've been holding bitcoin since 2015 and ether since 2016, i doubt i can lose at this point unless the whole market vanishes

>> No.2027167

This sounds like some shareblue fear mongering to me.

>> No.2027173

1. Le Pen won't win
2. BTC and ETH don't give a shit
3. Markets don't give a fuck either
4. 2017 n'aura pas lieu

>> No.2027174
File: 51 KB, 785x644, 1493880809011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to buy high? Go ahead. I'm not going to stop you.

>> No.2027189
File: 77 KB, 784x643, 4354365365436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2. BTC and ETH don't give a shit

They're only rising because of perceived political instability in Europe and America. If bond/treasury yields rise, a lot of foreign investors (especially China and Japan) would make huge losses.

>> No.2027194


Source: http://ticdata.treasury.gov/Publish/mfh.txt

>> No.2027197

OP makes some good points but I believe he overestimates the impact of the french elections

>> No.2027205

by far

>> No.2027210
File: 28 KB, 574x473, euro interest rates1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

France is not a sovereign currency issuer. It can't devalue its currency to pay off its debts. Its fate is tied down to the Euro and whatever the European Central bank decides. Its highly likely if Le Pen wins we'll see something similar to the 2011 European Debt crisis with French yields rising. France has a very generous welfare system. A rise in bond yields would mean implementing austerity. Now imagine that happening when the current unemployment is already over 10% in France.

>> No.2027575


>> No.2027823
File: 19 KB, 549x380, YellencoinLifeExpectancy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USD will collapse within our lifetimes. BTC will go to millions of inflation adjusted USD a coin.

What we ar seeing is just minor ups an downs. EUR going down is just a bonus.

Hold 21 BTC and you are a young mogul in the New Paradigm.

>> No.2027902

this is not possible

>> No.2027921

>le pen wont win
Le pen was choosen as one of keks knights anon the pieces r moving

>> No.2027925
File: 41 KB, 755x492, 1493816404144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>USD will collapse within our lifetimes.


>> No.2028052
File: 34 KB, 395x600, 0x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin and ethereum reach prices of $2000 per BTC and $500 per ETH respectively within the course of a week

16,310,212 BTC * $500 = $8.15b

91,307,064 ETH * $420 = $38.5b

So... you're saying that within 72 hours the total crypto market cap will double and then some

I'm all in

lets make it happen

Viva le France

>> No.2028070

marie has 5% win chance according to preiction markets, no idea why shitcoins would respond so heavily
>unregulated market with a bunch of conspiracy theory retards who dont look at fundamentals
on the second thought....

>> No.2028084

>marie has 5% win chance according to preiction markets

Which ones, augur beta?

>> No.2028095


>> No.2028195

Demand in relation to the value at the exchange will rise. Think of it like a controlled makret like Diamonds.