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20270359 No.20270359 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, newfag from /v/ that wants to improve his financial situation, physical condition and life in general.

Vidya/youtube on my PS4 while browsing 4chan on my cell phone is sadly my main (and only I guess) past time.

Has anyone here managed to completely quit playing video games forever? Any tips? I mean implying I would have saved my money and browsed /biz/ anf invested in chainlink, I could be a fucking millionaire but no, instead I was too busy being a coomer consoomer

>> No.20270461

No, but I've gone long periods without it and more or less keep it to a social activity with friends. If you want to change your life pick something important to add like weightlifting and keep at it. If you're consistent for a month it'll be habit. Its rare but if you think you can overhaul your whole life give it a try, but if you fail retry in increments.

>> No.20270463

I'm just 20, but I mostly play multiplayer games with my friends whenever they can. Games like League Of Legends and now Warzone. I can't really play singleplayer games since I feel like it's such a waste of time however playing with your friends is always a good time especially when you are no longer in highschool where you see them every day. Although you still need to manage your time. Nothing wrong with playing 1-2 hours everyday imo.

>> No.20270492
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Video games are entertainment and no different than watching netflix or movies. The problem is when it becomes your life and you never venture out into the real world and have real experiences.

>> No.20270499

Are you eighteen? I quit playing video games because:
1. They kept getting worse
2. Everyone's "solution" was to keep on preordering everything, but be angry about it

>> No.20270658

I personally don’t understand what is wrong with playing video games. I enjoy tons of games with a group of about 4-6 people that always play together (or just sit in parties and talk while playing different games). That being said, we all have lives outside of video games. Also no one every just skips an opportunity to hang out irl with people. so I don’t see why everyone here thinks they are bad. Most of us don’t have anything but Netflix, and “game share” with Xbox so we basically never buy games anymore. So I guess its a matter of are video games causing you to miss out on some part of life that you want.

>> No.20270697

I like that setup. TV could be bigger.

>> No.20270728

Well desu I don't have your self-control. I play 4-6 hours every single day, as an employed person, I basically come back home, turn on my ps4 and crash on my couch until it's bed time

>> No.20270806

yeah i played 20k+ hours of mmorpg

you can only stop once you realize that its pointless coz real life is a game too and its stupid too achieve shit in a game that could get lost, while real life progress only gets lost if u die

>> No.20270876

I quit vidya after I realized that I grew out of it but was still emotionally connected to it. I would buy a new game and be really excited to get invested into it only to find myself burnt out after a couple days. I wish I could still enjoy it the way I did as a kid but it’s gone. I find though that through playing video games I have learned to love being productive in my actual life and see it almost as a game now, which helps with productivity and finance.

>> No.20271083

Used to play games a lot. Found shit that was more important to do. Now I play rocket league twice a month.

>> No.20271175

Mostly. Thing is I got a job and gf. When I have time for myself vidya isn't a top priority. I did try the new borderlands though

>> No.20271277

Why do you want to give up vidya?
Real life sucks, at least you can have bros and adventures in video games.

>> No.20271293

Trading crypto is like a game but you can make money

>> No.20271327

You don't have to completely quit forever, you just have to prioritize achieving meaningful things over playing games all day.

>> No.20271331

I don't play video games.
Sometimes I endulge in a few wuick games of online chess.

>> No.20271380

Come to biz and replace your vidya addiction with a stonks/crypto addiction

>> No.20271448

>Has anyone here managed to completely quit playing video games forever?
No, I just toned down my gaming. I picked a handful of games I like and I just play them over and over, and if I get bored with them I just don't game for a while. I tried not playing any games for about two years but I got bored not having a hobby so moderation gave me the best of both worlds.

I also pulled the wifi card out of my xbox so microsoft can't spy on me when I do game.

>> No.20271455

I’m literally a millionaire 30yo boomer with a wife and all I do is shitpost, play games and work out.

>> No.20271551

I haven't quit vidya but I've become so autistic that I find more entertainment and value in learning new skills over games
Vidya feels meaningless when they release a new game in the series semi-annually and your progress just gets nuked, not to mention you stay stagnant in life with games unless you do shit like esports

Now I buy high-end systems for the computing power, not the gaming ability

>> No.20271605

based wageslave boomer
are you me?

>> No.20271741

What do you do with the computing power?

>> No.20271908

ML/AI or business stuff that requires neural networks
Often I'm wanting to run two+ things at the same time so I'm considering either packing a few GPUs into a system and dedicating them to specific tasks or getting another system which can run in parallel to my current computer
I'm researching whether it's possible to explicitly task GPUs to different tasks and it seems possible, although with some makeshift solutions

>> No.20271958



>> No.20272087

>Why do you want to give up vidya?

Well let's see
>always decline non-mandatory overtime at work because I'd rather chill home and play vidya
>last time I had sex wad 17 months ago and it was a prostitute
>last time I had a gf was 6 years ago
>last time I saw a RL friend was 3 years ago

I need a drastic change in my life right now. Stupidest thing is I don't even think I enjoy videogames anymore

>> No.20272125

I use to play 10-12 hours a day, then I started playing 6-8 hours a day. After some time it dropped to to 3-4 hours a day, but now I can't play any longer than 30 minutes. I get so bored and tired. I just think games have gotten boring and most games have very similar concepts now. So if you played one, you play most.

>> No.20272166
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Also like the setup but TV and sound system are severely lacking imo.

>> No.20272325

I used to play competitively. Then I figured out: what if I put the same amount of energy/focus on more useful things? I could basically master anything....So I mastered several other things. Common pattern in all this: staying most on my time alone and being an avid learner being able to put 10k+ hours in different fields.
Btw I should add that I was never interested in the non competitive aspects of vidya. Just playing a game seems like a waste of time to me. The pure enjoyment was about trying to beat my fellow intelligent humans and constantly improving using your brain.

t. big brain schizoid

>> No.20272359

I applaud your decision to give up gaming. I really think its had a deleterious effect on so many people. That type of burn out reminds me of my friends who live to just smoke pot every day. What do you find difficult about quitting?

>> No.20272383

>real life is a game too
except all the rules are designed to fuck over your build specifically, that you didn't get to choose at all, and if you have shitty parents you never get a tutorial on anything. fuck this game, i want the fuck out

been playing vidya too much all my life, i have zero regrets playing them going forward because of how fucked up shit is

>> No.20272441

Try your best not to complete Fallout New Vegas

>> No.20272444

Don't listen to this loser, OP. Anyone with a disciplined mind can make it if they live in a western country. Video games dull your edge, make you fat, lazy and complacent.

>> No.20272447

literally no one of value "plays vidya".
you think anyone over say $250m spends their time doing that?
it literal bread & circuses for the loser class

>> No.20272468

Just learn to trade and go in to stocks and crypto

similar style of community and memes and everything, with the difference that you earn money

>> No.20272472

This what I did. More exciting and when I achieve things it means I’ve made money. I’ve turned 10k into 45K ina few months.

>> No.20272488

How’s you make your money?

>> No.20272558

>They kept getting worse

I believe this is not only due to the game quality itself, but part of simply getting older. Not ashamed to admit some of the best years of my life were on a surf rpg server on CS:S even though if I were to play it now I'd probably get bored of it quickly after so many hours spent surfing. My main game now is Hunt: Showdown which if you don't mind a huge learning curve and odds stacked against you, I recommend.

>> No.20272645

For the most part I have quit vidya. The industry is too different than what it was for me to enjoy it. Monetization takes too much precedence over development.

>> No.20272674

>What do you find difficult about quitting?

The social aspect and online competetive aspect basically. I don't really enjoy single-player games anymore unless they are short/simple or must-play (ie: REmake 2)

>> No.20273334

Yes. I was a NEET for like 1-2 years after HS just playing vidya, was depressed n shit they even gave me electroshock therapy. Anyways some time into university I just gradually played less and less, I guess because I just had less time for it. Used to play a shitton of DoTA, LoL CS:GO etc., but now if I play it's usually something like single-player Cities Skylines or Age of Empires, and that's maybe once every 6 months. I studied a bunch towards the end of my degree (math), and also did open-source programming. I graduated in December at age 25 and got $80k usd starting.

also this. I now feel guilty about much gaming because it's just a waste of time, when I could *actually* be "leveling" myself.

>> No.20273464

I quit vidya after my grandmother died.

After she died at the nursing home, I suddenly felt so bad about not having had enough money to give her a good life in her old age that I decided to devote my life to helping my other close family members.

I quit distractions like vidya and started looking at different ways of investing.
I eventually found out about Chainlink in 2017 and went all in at ICO.

>> No.20273504

That setup is shit since no fat launch ps3

>> No.20273550

I quit vidya when I stopped playing multiplayer games/Weaboo shit/Single player shit and started playing almost exclusively boomer tier mainstream games like NBA 2k, Fifa and Call of Duty.

I hop on for a quick game while a bitch sucks my dick or if I’ve got friends over.

>> No.20273558

I'm not going past 360 era. Games today are horrible. To much politics and women catering. I fired my PS2 last week and have been playing that. About halfway through vice city and got some stuff from a retro game store.

>> No.20273582

>I also pulled the wifi card out of my xbox so microsoft can't spy on me when I do game.

Lol you fucking schizo

>> No.20273598

>Games today are horrible. To much politics and women catering
Yeah. Same with literally everything.
Can't buy a fucking razor without getting shamed for being a white dude.

>> No.20273649


>> No.20273689

I listen to audiobooks while I play so that I learn things while I'm playing and yes I know its autistic.

>> No.20273701
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We need more people to stop giving companies money that promote that shit. I will never buy another sony product because of the cuck shit they pulled this gen. I skipped this gen completely and I might never be back. If we had a big enough protest these companies will go back to how things were back in the 2000's

>> No.20273729

They don't care.
Nobody likes what they're doing, but it's about ideology not money.

>> No.20273736

you sound so fucking spoiled.

>> No.20273774

Yeah I quit a while ago and my dopamine receptors at some point reset themselves and now I don’t have any urge to play them.

>> No.20273782

I could play smash at a pro-level, but the characters I like aren't good enough, so I'm not heavily involved anymore

>> No.20273809

it's exactly the opposite

>> No.20273950
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This has made me get hugely into DIY. I've not only cut out Vidya, but nearly all purchases from corporate entities (still use Amazon and eBay for parts). Cook at home, use generic brands, buy used vehicles and restore, get free broken lawn tractors to fix and flip, build guns for self protection, etc. I'm in the middle of my third duplex restoration. I've begun the process of self banking with using gold (no counter party risk). I'm extracting my self from this vampire system as much as possible, because it only sees white men as slave labor to be drugged into compliance at this point, without even a phony pretext of police protection or just weak half-appreciation.

>> No.20274017
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Fucking based. Sounds like you're ready to get this party started.

>> No.20274019

stop wasting your time faggots. video games are a jewish trick to keep you locked in the simulation. free yourself, become wealthy and spread your seed.

start eating red meat and exercising. raise your natural testosterone and improve your physical fitness. you can be your "video game" character. improve your stats in real life and stop being a man child.

>> No.20274046

Ik this faggot didn’t have a two year period where he smoked weed because he wanted to kill himself, and have a decade long video game addiction?

He’s not wrong about the negative effects toward it but when you’re indoctrinated since a child and molded into a blue pilled beta cuck from puberty onward, how do you not develop a video addiction?

I am not proud of my youth I ruined my dopamine receptors and created bad habits that were/are much harder to break now in my 20s. But when this dude is saying the things he’s saying, it makes it sound like he’s never been through a struggle.

>> No.20274118
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Take up making music. Download ableton and start making beats. Satisfies all the same parts of the brain Vidya does and is way healthier. I still own every system since NES because they’re nice to have for nostalgias sake. But I literally never play them other than the occasional 2 week stint to play zombies when a COD comes out. Making music is so much more fun and rewarding, though. Pic related is my happy place

>> No.20274212
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>> No.20274216
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I was addicted for nearly two decades, didn't quit until I was 29. Luckily, the few times I started to relapse, I found the current games so filled with retarded leftist moralizing that it was easy turn 360 and nope the fuck out. I am now easily 10 times as productive as when I was allowing my soul to be sucked out of my eyeballs, consider myself decently successful and have full confidence in my upward trajectory. Way better than anything I ever got out of videogames. You can do it anon, just gotta hit your limit on this shit. Get angry and funnel that energy into real world stuff.

>> No.20274223

agreed. being ignored in real life is what pushes you towards wanting to be the main character for once in your life, which is what video games do best. when somebody's parents loved them and gave them real affection it shows because most of their solutions are "just stop bro".

for the first 16 years of my life the only time i felt like i could do anything right i was holding a controller. it's really hard to break that, especially that now im part of an ever growing overabundance of unwanted and generally ignored white males.

>> No.20274501

OP here, thanks for the kind words and wisdom everyone, I'm well aware I need to quit this shit asap

So I was wondering, I'll basically replace 5+ hours of daily vidya by the gym and general self improvement. Would you mind if I did a blog thread once a month with basically a bodypic with weight as well as general financial updates, basically my goal at the moment is to lower my stupid spending habits to frugal-tier, try to work some overtime or get more money somehow, while I get educated on finance and investing
I feel it would help to keep going, but hey I guess I could do that on /fit/ instead

>> No.20274559

every now and then I decide to quit vidya cold turkey for 1 month just to see if I'm still in control

the uncomfortable urge to play and feel good will be there but the trick is to acknowledge it and tell the brain to fuck off

did quit league for almost two years but my xerath accuracy has gone to shit so it definitely wasnt worth it

>> No.20275199

>Lol you fucking schizo
Do you not know that it is current year?
>Cybulski argued in a recent article that, far from being a new development, surveillance and video games have gone together since at least 2005 with the release of the Xbox 360.


>> No.20275362

When you read things like this, always take it with a grain of salt. Liars love pushing the massive gain in a short period of time meme. Ask for proof and you'll hear either excuses or crickets from said bragger.

>> No.20275526

VRA deserves a shill here but if you go in you might just be trading the video game addiction for a gambling addiction desu

>> No.20275611

video games just make me angry
they are fun at first but then i get upset with other players because they don't intuitively do exactly what i want them to do. its irrational but there it is
i start a gaming session, rage quit, and then spend the next hour fuming about nothing. its worse than a waste of time so i stopped

>> No.20275645

>wants to replace being the main character in video games with being the main character on /biz/

>> No.20275651

Happy for you anon. Good luck :)

>> No.20275710

What if I have no musical education at age 28 don't I need to know chords and shit
Cool setup Anon

>> No.20275727
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>mfw I have lots of money but I pirate all of my games

>> No.20275833

Buy a couple music books for whatever instrument you're trying to learn. If you're trying to learn some music production using a DAW then learn the piano/keys before any other instrument. There are plenty of resources to help you learn without paying for a tutor. A couple hours of practice per day will take you far.

>> No.20275868
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my best friend has his life more together than me (wife, kids, good job, house) but his video game obsession is still strong. Like we're both 35 and he's rambling about JRPGs he's playing like I give a shit. Those games have no respect for your time

>> No.20275896

no don't give anecdotal evidence against the scripted motivation thread, they'll get pissy

>> No.20275947

Just think of crypto as a game that you're trying to win. I played massive amounts of video games when I was younger and eventually the main game I was playing was Cookie Clicker, lol. I realized that all the focus I was putting into collecting cookies could be redirected into collecting irl wealth via crypto.

>> No.20276008

he's also fat as fuck and will never be motivated to lose weight so I'll probably outlive him

>> No.20276051

I haven't quit but lost interest. Play a little each day (30-40min) with a matter who is making a game. Games have gone to shit over the past two decades.

>> No.20276097

Video games, anime and toys etc is part of my childhood. Itll never go away from me. But as time passes i was interested in other things, like earning loads of money and buy the toys etc. That i couldnt when i was a child. This is probably my validation of being rich. I still play some games like tcg yugioh with friends. One of my blue pill goals is to complete my backlog of videogames.

I am red pilled but sometimes i accept the blue pill and play video games etc. To calm my mind and let my sub conscious mind do the work. Also you need to find the goal(s) you want to reach. And find out what your purpose of this life is, since your death is coming closer.a

>> No.20276218
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>Force yourself to do some form of physical activity for 30 min a day, even if it's just walking and stretching
>If you believe you are addicted to something, stop doing it (wean yourself off of it if you are REALLY addicted) and fill it with something else that is more productive (learn a new language, garden, build something, etc.)
>Read more books
>Stop masturbating, ESPECIALLY to porn. If you must bust a nut to prevent you from raping the next female you see then rub one out using your imagination, otherwise stick to cooming only during sex
>Practice meditation and breathing techniques; I highly recommend the Wim Hof Method
>Cook everything you eat and make sure the ingredients you buy are as little processed as possible. It's fine to go out once in a while and spend some money (especially with friends), but keep it to once a week at most, ideally only once a month if at all (this helps save an enormous amount of money to put into more LINKies)
>Once you are not fat and don't have the joints of a 60 year-old, join a gym and lift weights (harder now due to COVID), or just invest in a home gym
>Take your newfound confidence and apply it to the romantic aspects of your life: you can choose to bang sluts for more confidence, or try and look for a more traditional conservative girl (good luck kek) and settle down, either way you will have fun and instantly go up the social ladder without even trying or caring about social gymnastics; all you did was improve yourself

Congrats, you have just improved your life immeasurably and are now happier than 90% of the population.

>> No.20276308

Outstandingly based and phenomenally redpilled

>> No.20276329

And let me just add to clean your room and living space too.

>> No.20276378

I still keep up with the latest news/releases in gaming, but I only actually buy a select few games per year now, mainly games with a great single player experience. And I don't completely devour as soon as I buy them, I take I slow, maybe 1-2 hours every few days.
It's not that I have a great social life now or new hobbies, sometimes it's just too tiring to play a game after working all day and it's easier to just mindlessly browse youtube/biz/reddit than actively play a game.

>> No.20276436

I completely quit video games. The only tip I can offer is to make playing them as inconvenient as possible. Pack up all your games and put them in the attic.

>> No.20276459

Take up fishing or another real world hobby. Watch YouTube videos about it until you get addicted to that instead and buy some line and hooks to practice as you watch. Get into camping and the outdoors and buy all that equipment. Then just sit there staring at it because you never go outdoors. You will have quit gaming at this point and might as well go outdoors and use your new stuff, you probably won’t though but you won’t be gaming so job done.

>> No.20276577

How about you not be a retard and learn to do shit in moderation. Problem solved

>> No.20276672

I'm convinced games are getting worse with each gen, but I'm still finding shit to have fun with. People who collect games like the OP pic are wasting a lot of money and probably don't even play half of that shit.

>> No.20276715

the problem is big developers are trying to make games for people who don't play games which is why most of the big selling games pf the past 20 years have been indie games.

>> No.20276788

>nooooo I know you're an alcoholic but don't quit drinking altogether!! just have a beer or 2 on the weekends

>> No.20276803

This is correct, most movies take 40-infinity hours to complete and require multiple sittings to enjoy. They are just like movies and you are just like your parents, it is the world that has fucked toy over and not yourself and your infinity hour hobby.

The world fucked you over, go burn something!

>> No.20276860

was only playing like 2hours of video games per week, then corona came, and now play like 6 hours a day.

>> No.20277025

I can't quit and I don't want to quit. I'm literally holding VRA and gaming every night, just hoping for a better future.

>> No.20277036
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I quit video games when I realized life was better without them and they were just cheap fun. I got better taste in things and was able to find greater value in those things. It helped me a lot to surround myself with interesting people that showed me there was more to the world. There's so many things out there that will make you feel so much better than just playing vidya. It won't be hard habit to kick when you occupy your time properly and rewire your brain a little bit

>> No.20277056

god that setup is so awful

>> No.20277230

>infinity hour hobby.
Most hobbies are like this though. Movies are in so far as you can just keep watching. I agree with the gist of your post but.. most hobbies are capable of being endless time sinks. I'm not even sure if you could classify watching TV as a hobby?

>> No.20277231
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Not quit outright, but I really don't play the vidya that much these days

Part of it is most likely to do with being burned-out.
I used to game quite often when I was younger, but now I just can't find the motivation to play for longer than half an hour at a time.

Another reason is choice-paralysis.
My Steam backlog has grown enormous from past sales and is now a graveyard of games that I haven't even touched. I'm often quite bored with nothing to do and I could pick up any of the games in my backlog, but as soon as I scroll down the long list I simply get overwhelmed with the number of options that I just default back to wasting my day browsing 4chan while a youtube video fills in for background noise.

Another is something more personal, which is the feeling I have started to get whenever I pick up the controller that I should be making more constructive use of my time.
This is mostly a habit that I picked up from my university days and work. I always felt soul-crushing guilt and impending doom whenever I procrastinated on an assignment or project, and I ended up associating video games with wasting time that I should be spending on more important things.
Even now, whenever I free with literally nothing to do for the day, instead of being relaxed like a normal person all I feel is restlessness in not having something to work on in front of me.

Also, I hate how monetized most games are now.
As someone who cares about playing efficiently but hates microtransactions, I can't in good faith justify spending extra cash to make an in-game feature more convenient and time-saving.

In general it probably is a good thing I'm not as invested in video games now, but that doesn't mean I'm spending my time on more meaningful tasks.

>> No.20277575

Well desu most hobbies will grant you new knowledge and skills, pretty much everything besides videogames.

Sit in front of a wall and stare at it, pick up your controller and keep hitting random buttons for 4 hours. This what you're doing when playing videogames.
The only positive thing would be if you're a pro gamer that gets paid, or if you use online games to keep in touch with RL friends that moved to another state something

>> No.20277661
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>Take your newfound confidence and apply it to the romantic aspects of your life: you can choose to bang sluts for more confidence

Everything you said is correct except this part. Don't do this. Video games may drain your mind but sex without love and commitment will drain your soul. Find someone to marry and then have sex.

>> No.20277906

>grant you new knowledge and skills, pretty much everything besides
Yeah. Your other post was only concerned about time sink. Idd.

>> No.20277943
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buy chainlink - it's never too late

>> No.20278242

Video games are a COMPLETE waste of time. I realized this when I was around 17 yo and almost entirely quit gaming.
> b-b-but FPS games improve your reaction time
> b-b-but strategy games make you better at thinking strategically
> b-b-but X game makes you slightly better at Y
You could acquire those same skills (and MUCH more) a lot faster by doing something productive with your life irl.
I sometimes game on my phone when I'm on the toilet, on a train etc. but I could never get myself to waste hours on it. Life is way too short for that.

>> No.20278340

My anecdote might not be helpful for you, but I didn't have a hard time quitting vidya. It started to feel boring and escapist especially when I realized a lot of my friends were just smoking weed and gaming all day long. It just seems degen to me now. I'll still play if I'm hanging out at my friend's house but I haven't played any games at home in fucking years. Still wasting a shit ton of time on 4chinz though. not sure if that's any better.

>> No.20278388
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>Shitposter who pretended it was the end of days for casinos and they wouldn't open their doors, so he could scalp an overnight put before a 4% gain

>> No.20278431
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the best video game is life, try it you already have the disc

>> No.20278440

Interesting. I definitely believe one can make and maintain meaningful relationships gaming, but even in real life relationships, we at times need to ask ourselves "Even though this is pleasurable, is this relationship holding me back in other ways." You don't have to stop playing vidya all together or stop talking to your friends, but you should definitely work on developing relationships that can open doors for you in the real world.

>> No.20278501
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I think im just growing out of them? I find myself not being excited at all about any of them. I do often think about creating my own though, been learning some stuff on Unity

>> No.20278549

What the other anon said.

To add to this, you don’t need all that crap I have. It’s just nice to have (literally doesn’t make your music any better if you know what you’re doing with software). Also, learn how scales work and then how to build chords with them (much simpler than it sounds) and you’ll be able to start writing basic music. After that it’s just education on what skills you want to supplement it with. I started learning when I was 15 (far dumber than you are currently I’d bet) and figured it out. So, music isn’t as complicated as it seems, it eventually just comes down to who has taste.

>> No.20278578
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Sounds like an addiction when you put it that way desu

>> No.20278603

Used to think like you... But as you become better at trading it gets to be quite boring

>> No.20278616

oh boy I know I'd love to play that fan made Tiberian Sun thing...

>If Command & Conquer represents a neoliberal dream of the future, Tiberian Sun represents the moment that dream turns into a nightmare. By the start of the game, in 2030, GDI is still struggling to defeat remaining Nod cells spread across national boundaries in the developing world. GDI are also still searching for Nod's leader Kane, who, in another parallel to Saddam, went uncaptured and unexecuted after the First Tiberium War. While the renewed confrontation between GDI and Nod takes centerstage in the game's missions and FMV sequences, there exists a new and disturbing problem in the background: namely, the Tiberium-induced collapse of the Earth's environment.

christ you've sent me down a rabbit hole

>> No.20278675

My friend buys super new cryptos before they hit any of the major exchanges. One of them eventually goes 100x.

I don't like it myself but, to each his own.im working on day trading forex

>> No.20279726

What are good games for this
I hate how much thinking and story new games have

>> No.20279811

I haven't quit it, I've just adjusted the games I play to fit my downtime. I thought when I started making good money I'd just sit around and play MMOs or survival games, but the funny thing is that when you're making good money you don't feel like playing those...but you don't have opportunities all day everyday so you start to appreciate games you can play for an hour here or there. Fighting games, MOBAs, shooters, etc.

>> No.20280943

>Spiral symbol
Can an /x/v/ poster tell me what's up with these jap jew pedos?

>> No.20281159

>for the first 16 years of my life the only time i felt like i could do anything right i was holding a controller
jesus christ this wording. It really makes you feel not alone. I am definitely overcoming gaming slowly but surely, but I still play league and hearthstone occasionally. I go through phases of playing more than usual, but right now I have it under control. Definitely still addicted. But more to the dopamine (which keeps you trapped even after you realize it's a trap).

>> No.20281172

Command and Conquer 3 <3

They just don't make games like this anymore

>> No.20281580

I kind of grew out of it, especially multiplayer, I havent touched a multiplayer mode in years. But there are like maybe 2 game franchises I still like and I blitz through the story modes when a new release comes out, its pretty fun. I might also play through an older game that I like occasionally. Most games, especially multiplayer based games are just so fucking shit these days.

>> No.20281598

>Anyone here quit vidya?
just grew out of it to be honest, occasionally play a little bit but can't play it (and enjoy it) for days and days like I used to

>> No.20281603
File: 36 KB, 690x569, IMG-20200710-WA0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon remind me of myself when i was younger... I stop playing VG when i was 22 and start trading in cryptocurrency and i most tell you... Buy some Xsn and then you will be able to play as much as you like to

>> No.20281624

actually I shouldn't say "grew out of it", I just changed. everybody changes.

>> No.20281743
File: 44 KB, 640x539, 1590655101826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine still playing console games
AAA games are a shell of their former selves in comparison to 10 years ago. I've stopped playing games in general because they don't really make my kind of games anymore and I'm pretty tired of being inundated with sanctimonious faggotry and edginess.
Now I just read and learn other languages for fun.
Learning Arabic was the best decision of my life.

>> No.20281795

>AAA games are a shell of their former selves in comparison to 10 years ago
10 years ago was the cawadoody gunz everywhere and le epic army man phase where evey game's graphics just consisted of various shades of brown, it was slightly shitter than now.

>> No.20281932

>Black Ops
>Uncharted 1-3
>TF2 was still good
The only games that have come out recently that I really like are Doom Eternal and the endless dlc pits that are Paradox games.
>10 years ago was the cawadoody gunz everywhere and le epic army man phase where evey game's graphics just consisted of various shades of brown
>implying that was a bad thing