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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20264776 No.20264776 [Reply] [Original]

They already won a 500K grant from the EU

What's next in line? Getting knighted by the old fuck ugly Queen?

>> No.20265706

finding out Clement is Satoshi

>> No.20265775

I think that the fundamendals are good for the project over all.

>use case
>skilled team

What they are laking is basic marketing and therefore also partnerships.

I could see this jump to 0.50 cents once they present a reliable andnl prestigious partnership .

>> No.20265831

I think the slow approach of marketing they are taking is smart. Think about all the coins that were pumped due to good marketing but ended up absolute shit. It makes sense they are developing a very good foundation before marketing it.
This is one of the most solid teams and projects in general that I have seen--only one that comes close is probably Chainlink.

Question: Would they be able to strike a partnership between Chainlink--would Kleros' arbitration help chainlink at all? Genuinely don't know if the two technologies could work together.

>> No.20265837
File: 110 KB, 960x960, PNKGIRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probability of this? 10%

>> No.20265851

>developing a very good foundation
This 100% desu and based
There's a reason why so many are interested in it. It's quite the refresher to how shit other things are.
t. 100k holder not selling ANYTHING for at least a year

>> No.20265880

Why would link and pnk partner? I dont think there is a value in it for either of them.

I get your point regarding the marketing but have to disagree. Sooner or later you have to make the next step and this can only be successful with partnerships.

>> No.20265901

>Why would link and pnk partner? I dont think there is a value in it for either of them.
I was just wondering, wasn't sure if it could happen.

> Sooner or later you have to make the next step

The sleeping giant is slowly awakening. Look at the partnerships they have recently developed. Went from 1.5 to 3.5 in a few months.

>> No.20265911

> desu and based
I do not know what this means.

>> No.20265945

You must be new around here, that's ok. At least you found Kleros.

>> No.20265984

gonna be honest, I've been around on and off since link marine era. But haven't heard the term desu. I have heard based and fud.

I believe fud is doubt and based is biased.

>> No.20266048

Google is you fren, anon.