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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20263794 No.20263794[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What happens if I don't tell the IRS that I trade crypto?

>> No.20263812

where does /biz/ even get the pictures of all these vixens?

>> No.20263877

damn bros, what's the point of living if you'll never be able to date someone like that

>> No.20263886

just get fit as fuck, drive a fast car, and learn to be a chad

>> No.20263979

She’s already post-wall and her ass is shopped. You could do much better

>> No.20264210

A 3/10 face with a fat ass but zero muscle or tone? Jesus man. Higher your standards above this garbage. I bet she blows black dudes every friday night hoping for a little attention.

>> No.20264226


>> No.20264238

>get money
>get fit
>get interesting
>get over her before you get with her

>> No.20264240

Mutt's Law

>> No.20264423

what's with all this 'date' shit recently? Do you unironically want to have a conversation over coffee with this absolute personality vacuum?

>> No.20265493

Her ass is too big

>> No.20265502


>> No.20265521

Why are they so obsessed with it?

>> No.20265628

with braper obviously are you a female, tranny or something else? shes not that fat and ass is huge on that bitch thats enough for some fellowman to fuck the shit out of her. Obviously not something serious in the long run but destroy her with smash is the option.

>inb4 small penis, sucks niggers etc
just stop

>> No.20266006

As long as you didn’t use an exchange service that records and sends statement info to IRS, like coinbase, and you’re trading somewhat small amounts (<$10k) you should be fine

>> No.20266017
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flame.exchange has no kyc

>> No.20266364

>leg warmers instead of long sock
disgusting. 2/10 would not fuck

>> No.20266433

Bs. They milk small accounts and they are 100% ramping up this year they made the clarion call for private coin auditing and coinbase is selling them the software to cull their user base. Any exchange that wants American money will sell out too. My advise is to use bitcoin.tax to track your major exchange transactions, fill an amended 1040x and overpay by 30% to not get anally raped by the long dick of the gubment. You can recoup any overpayment but every day that passes penalties and interest accrue. The instant they send you a letter the impetus is on you to comply ASAP and by then you’ll be facing even greater fees while under the magnifying glass. The irs is the worst creditor in the world to fuck with you can’t bankruptcy out and they will take you for what you’re worth. Don’t fuck with it if you’re a comfy burger living the good life.

>> No.20266474
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Reminder to post this in all trannie threads:

>> No.20266505

This one

>> No.20266559

Lots of people get away with not paying taxes but in the end IRS always gets them. And when they do, they'll add all kinds of penalties. Also technologies and regulations are improving so it is extremely hard to avoid paying tax.
You want to know why billionaires donate so much money to top law schools like Harvard? They hope to tip the legal system in their favor.

>> No.20266622

only if they have your name you stupid fuck.
its easy:
ever use your name? tell irs
not use your name? dont

>> No.20267429

dem innawebs n shit

>> No.20267531


>> No.20268379

Based department? Get me the CEO, he's going to want to hear this.

>> No.20268427

so only the photoshopped version of this picture exits. when will they learn how to shoop some stuff so it isn't as obvious

>> No.20268447
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Holy fuck shes perfect

>> No.20268625
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>in the end the IRS always gets them
The IRS loves having this big scary reputation. I'm not just saying that; I went to a recruiting event for the IRS when I was in college and they literally said they sometimes audit people, even if the audit costs more than the tax recovery, because word spreads of that persons audit and they think it increases compliance.
That being said, what you have to realize is that there are way too many returns and not enough IRS people to catch all the cheaters. Not to mention the returns that are just done incompetently. In addition, the people that work at the IRS are generally not the cream of the crop. I've seen them audit returns and require minor adjustments while totally missing huge errors that would have been 10X the recovery for them.
Depending on the type of return, the IRS audits between .5%-2.5% of returns. Most of those audits are just a letter in the mail telling you to pay what they think you owe, or asking for more information or evidence on one particular topic. One thing you can't fuck around with though, is if someone else reported to them your income, i.e. 1099, W-2, etc. So if Coinbase reported you (Coinbase should also give you the 1099) then you have to put it on your return.
This is just a LARP, I don't know shit, always pay all your taxes and always comply with tax laws.

>> No.20268962
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Speak for yourself fag I date fat and ugly bitches exclusively and my life is AMAZING

>> No.20268976

So how do you trade crypto without going through an exchange that reports? Binance and coinbase both do, I expect it's the same for all major exchanges.

>> No.20268989

I was audited 6 years ago for a return that was sent 8 years ago. I made less than 20,000 and was told i still owed $200 on that tax year. The business I worked for during that filing year ended up being bought by guys who were later wanted by the FBI for something I'm not sure. But anyway I think that may have something to do with my audit. I didn't have any records to prove otherwise but 95% sure that I didn't owe the IRS anything and they were fucking with me. No joke.

>> No.20269013

This was also during the time that Obama used the IRS to target conservative businesses which being an agricultural job and me not being an immigrant probably flagged me for taking jobs from illegals.

>> No.20269022


Because YOU are the prize. You are the earner, the protector, the source of amusement/entertainment while she is only along for the ride...

>> No.20269120

Which is it? I was super ready to take financial advice from an anime image board right up until that last sentence.

>> No.20269150

>he still thinks a woman will make him happy

>> No.20269202

When you make it.
They will come for the taxes.
They got alcope they'll get you to anon. If your making a fair amount of actual profit and holding you should report it so you don't get hit with a backlog of fines and taxes. The taxman always comin'

>> No.20269221

A glass of orange juice on ice.

>> No.20269333

based perspective desu

>> No.20269400
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I don't know. Don't break the law.
Statute of limitations is 3 years after filing or the due date, whichever is later. There is an exception for fraud, which is generally excluding revenue from your return. If this is true, I'm sorry they got you in some kind of (((loophole))).
I don't need people knocking on my door because I told retards not to pay their taxes. Anything you read here is a work of fiction and anyone who believes otherwise is a fool.

>> No.20269591

would still smash it and you know it

>> No.20270044

It was still within the 3 year window. At the very end of it actually. But anyway, the IRS can suck my balls.

>> No.20270733


>> No.20270787

/biz/ only cares about money and pussy.

>> No.20270901

Would be funny if the ops pic was actually a tranny

>> No.20270942

>Not to mention the returns that are just done incompetently
I know this is a larp but Im certain many are done "incompetently" due to how confusing they make doing your taxes is.

>> No.20271026

t. proud advocate of the public education system

>> No.20271030


>> No.20271033

Does crypto.com app report to IRS?

>> No.20271087

they aren't americans so probably no

>> No.20271105


They do, but she dumped me eventually and was right to do so

>> No.20271618

There's a guy at the mall that sells USB sticks with them

>> No.20271629
File: 19 KB, 213x250, 827FAB63-BB5B-4844-8753-BB3DEFB00A2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they already know

>> No.20272529

federally sanctioned assrape from tyrone ;D

>> No.20272660

i'd give her my sauce if you know what i mean

>> No.20273052

>t. seething roastie